760,971 research outputs found

    Interest Students X Class Of Audio Video Skills Competency SMK N 3 Yogyakarta In Participating Line Follower Robotic Extracurricular

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    The purpose of final project this thesis is: (1) determine the effect of intrinsic factors to the interest students X class of audio video skills competency SMK N 3 Yogyakarta in participating line follower robotic extracurricular, (2) determine the effect of extrinsic factors to the interest students X class of audio video skill competency SMK N 3 Yogyakarta in participating line follower robotic extracurricular, (3) determine the effect of intrinsic and extrinsic factors to the interest students X class of audio video skill competency SMK N 3 Yogyakarta in participating line follower robotic extracurricular. This study used survey research methods, variables in this study is interest students X class of audio video skill competency SMK N 3 Yogyakarta in participating line follower robotic extracurricular divided into intrinsic factors (X1), extrinsic factors (X2), and extracurricular (Y). The population in this study is X class of audio video skills competency force 2012/2013 which amounts to 68 students. Data collection techniques in this study is questionnaire likert scale measuring. The number of questions in the questionnaire is 60 items, and items that fall is 14 items, so that valid and reliable items totaling is 56 items. Techniques of analysis in this study is a multiple regression analysis. The results of this study are : (1) interest students X class of audio video skills competency SMK N 3 Yogyakarta in participating line follower robotic extracurricular that is equal to 0,372 then the value consulted with Rtable intrinsic factors bring low influence to interest students in participating line follower robotic extracurricular and the effective contribution of intrinsic factor is 23,41%, (2) interest students X class of audio video skills competency SMK N 3 Yogyakarta in participating line follower robotic extracurricular that is equal to 0,429 then the value consulted with Rtable extrinsic factors bring moderate influence to interest students in participating line follower robotic extracurricular and the effective contribution of extrinsic factor is 30,88%, (3) there is a significant effect between intrinsic and extrinsic factors on interest students X class of audio video skills competency SMK N 3 Yogyakarta in participating line follower robotic extracurricular, this is indicated with correlation coefficient is 0,737, coefficient of determination is 0,543, effective contribution of intrinsic factor is 23,41%, and effective contribution of extrinsic factor is 30,88%. Keyword : line follower robotics, audio video skill competenc

    Experiences in writting in English for Research Publication Purposes: A proposed framework on the relationships between metacognition and emotional constructs based on a mixed-method study

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    The current dominance of English as an academic language has a hefty impact in the way English as an Additional Language (EAL) academics across disciplines approach and understand Academic Writing for Research Publication Purposes (AWRPP). The impact of linguistic and cultural matters has been widely studied in the literature. However, psychological aspects also play a significant part in the academic writing process that has been traditionally overlooked regarding AWRPP. Similarly, the use of metacognitive writing strategies has been evidenced in numerous existing studies as a great predictor of high writing performance and better written outcomes. Still, little is known about how different emotional constructs and metacognition interact with each other during the AWRPP process in an additional language. The present thesis aims at starting to fill these gaps by creating a framework (the EMOWRI Framework) that encompasses the correlations between eight emotional constructs (i.e. achievement emotions, anxiety, core affect, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, leadership, motivation, and self-efficacy) and the use of metacognitive strategies in the academic writing process, more specifically focusing on AWRPP. A further aim of this thesis is to assess how the years of AWRPP experience influence the levels of these constructs. To do so, quantitative and qualitative data was obtained from 224 EAL scholars researching and publishing in numerous fields of study. These participants filled out the Emotional Constructs and Metacognition Questionnaire (ECMQ; α = 0.857), which was designed based on existing validated scales and widely accepted theoretical models. A selection of six participants completed a journey plot concerning the writing process of one of their research papers in order to triangulate questionnaire results. Findings suggest that all the emotional constructs have, to a greater or lesser extent, an impact in the AWRPP process. Particularly interesting is the discovery of some core affect feelings being more beneficial to AWRPP than others, both in the short and the long run. Furthermore, writing metacognition seems to be more common in the planning and revision stages of the AWRPP process. A wide number of strong and significant correlations were found between the constructs. Some less strong correlations are also addressed. Online journey plots (i.e. completed at the same time their writing process takes place) seem to gather richer and more detailed data regarding the emotional appraisals entailed in the writing process and the reasons behind them than retrospective and prospective journey plots. Finally, potential implications of the findings for the fields of education and artificial intelligence are suggested.<br /

    Multi Sensor-Based Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm in Visual Engineering Environment

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    Obstacle avoidance is an essential problem for applications involving multiple wheeled mobile robots. This research proposes a simple obstacle avoidance rule utilizing only one type of sensor, i.e., infrared sensor. In this research, multiple infrared sensors are placed on a mobile robot, arranged 45° radially equidistance. By using a low-cost and easily available infrared sensor, the cost and time consumed to build and repair a wheeled mobile robot are considerably reduced. Avoiding rules, based on simple behavior, such as “turn”, “stop”, “follow”, and “ignore” are developed. By applying these rules, each robot can refer to the motion of other robot or stationary object to avoid collision. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm performs well, at 66.7% chance of avoiding a moving object and at 93% chance of avoiding a stationary object


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    ABSTRAKModifikasi bentonit alam menjadi bentonit terpilar titania dengan metode sol gel telah dilakukan. Bentonit alam (Ca-bentonit) dimodifikasi terlebih dahulu menjadi organobentonit dengan penambahan surfaktan Tween 80, dilanjutkan dengan penambahan titanium isoproksida sebagai agen pemilar untuk menghasilkan bentonit terpilar titania (TiO2-bentonit). Sifat fisik dan kimia dari Ca-bentonit, organobentonit dan TiO2-bentonit diuji menggunakan XRD, SEM-EDX dan uji aktivitas fotokatalitiknya pada degradasi zat warna naphthol blue black (NBB). Uji aktivitas fotokatalitik dilakukan pada berbagai variasi kondisi pH larutan, jumlah fotokatalis, konsentrasi awal larutan zat warna NBB dan waktu radiasi. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa persen degradasi zat warna NBB maksimum (92,58%) terjadi pada pH larutan = 2, massa fotokatalis sebanyak 1000 mg, konsentrasi awal zat warna NBB 5 ppm dan waktu radiasi 180 menit. Persen degradasi zat warna NBB menggunakan sinar matahari dengan kondisi yang sama adalah 86,16%. Persen degradasi NBB menggunakan organobentonit lebih besar daripada menggunakan bentonit alam. Fotokatalis TiO2-bentonit dapat digunakan kembali setelah diregenerasi namun aktivitas fotokatalitiknya mengalami penurunan sebesar 12,14%.Kata Kunci : Ca-bentonit, organobentonit, TiO2-bentonit, surfaktan tween 80, degradasi, naphthol blue blackABSTRACTModification of natural bentonite into titania pillared bentonite by sol gel method has been conducted. Natural bentonite (Ca-bentonite) was modified into organobentonite by adding Tween 80 surfactant followed by adding titanium isopropoxide as pillaring agent convert to titania pillared bentonite (TiO2-bentonite). Physical and chemical characteristics of Ca-bentonite, organobentonite, and TiO2-bentonite were evaluated by using XRD, SEM-EDX and their photocatalytic activities were determined on degradation of naphthol blue black dye (NBB). Photocatalytic activity of titania pillared bentonite was determined under UV irradiation at various of iniatial pH solution, photocatalyst dosage, initial dye concentration and radiation time. The results showed that the highest degradation percentage of naphthol blue black dye was 92.58% which was obtained at pH = 2, photocatalyst dosage 1000 mg, initial dye concentration 5 ppm and radiation time 180 minutes. Degradation percentage of NBB under solar irradiation on the same condition was 86.16%. Degradation percentage of NBB by using organobentonite was higher than that of natural bentonite. TiO2-bentonite can be reused after regeneration but its photocatalytic activity was decreased 12,14%.Keywords: Bentonite, organobentonite, titania pillared bentonite, Tween 80 surfactant, degradation, naphthol blue black

    Translocality and Afro-Brazilian Imaginaries in Globalised Capoeira

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    Afro-Brazilian capoeira exemplifies how communal practices connect multilocally. This article investigates how the fight-game-art forms a translocal culture, uniting practitioners in diverse localities, and connects them to a transnationally created Black Atlantic heritage. The multi-sited ethnographic approach focuses mostly on Salvador, Northeastern Brazil, where the purity of Afro-Brazilian traditions raises polemic. Through critical observation of capoeira’s dual development in Brazil, transnationality is asserted as a historical continuity in capoeira communities’ imaginaries. To grasp how globalised capoeira maintains its connection to Afro-Brazilian history, the analysis of capoeira’s traditionalism is complemented by a description of the formation of capoeira practice in the faraway location of Eastern Finland, where capoeira’s creativity and categorization-resistant, holistic nature remain central. Through the densely historicized tradition of capoeira, minoritarian views on transnational connections, on the colonial encounter, and on the effects of transatlantic slavery are shared in multiple locations

    The public debate around COVID-19 demonstrates our ongoing and misplaced trust in numbers

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    COVID-19 data and numbers are everywhere. However, these numbers are also a source of debate and subject to vastly different interpretations. Every day we are posed with a question that divides even epidemiologists: what does it really mean that positive cases or mortalities are up or down? Yet the media and the public reads deep meanings into these numbers, as officials are praised or chastised based on them. Far from being self-evident and informative, Ville Aula, argues these statistics leave the public with mere spectacle, and highlights the misplaced trust that we all place in numbers

    Peringatan tradisi Maulid Nabi saw serta pembacaan kitab Al-Barzanji di Desa Pegandon Kecamatan Pegandon Kabupaten Kendal : studi komparatif menurut Nahdlatul Ulama dan Muhammadiyah

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    Manusia dalam kehidupannya tidak dapat terlepas dari persoalan agama, yang selalu menjadikan pro dan kontra dalam memberikan argumen-argumen untuk menanggapi suatu persoalan yang terjadi terhadap budaya atau tradisi pada suatu ajaran-ajaran dan syariat agama. Kajian yang menjadi rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu, Pertama, Bagaimana Peringatan tradisi Maulid Nabi menurut Nahdlatul Ulama dan Muhammadiyah, Kedua, Bagaimana penerimaan Tradisi Pembacaan kitab al-Barzanji dalam pandangan Nahdlatul Ulama dan Muhammadiyah di desa Pegandon kabupaten Kendal, dan Ketiga, Sejauh mana persamaan dan perbedaan Nahdlatul Ulama dan Muhammadiyah di desa Pegandon kabupaten Kendal dalam menyikapi Peringatan Maulid Nabi serta Pembacaan kitab al-Barzanji dalam tinjauan aqidah Islam. Adapun metode penelitian skripsi ini terdiri dari: jenis data, menggunakan data Kualitatif, Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah pelaku pada tradisi Maulid serta pembacaan kitab al-Barzanji di desa Pegandon Kecamatan Pegandon Kabupaten Kendal, dari beberapa informan yaitu dari kalangan Nahdlatul Ulama maupun Muhammadiyah. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode Proporsif sampling, disamping itu juga menggunakan metode survey dengan teknik analisis pengumpulan data, menggunakan instrumen interview, observasi dan dokumentasi. Data penelitian yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis dengan metode Deskriptif Kualitatif, Fenomenologi dan metode Komparasi. Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa: ternyata ada persamaan dan perbedaan dalam menyikapi peringatan tradisi maulid serta pembacaan kitab al-Barzanji. Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh yang positif terhadap aqidah Islam, walaupun banyak kalangan ulama yang mempersoalkan tentang tradisi tersebut. Ternyata dari data di Desa Pegandon, baik dikalangan warga Nahdlatul Ulama maupun Muhammadiyah, sama-sama menjalankan tradisi Maulid dan Pembacaan kitab al-Barzanji hanya saja dalam deskriptifnya terdapat perbedaan yang sangat nyata yaitu dengan lontaran yang dikemukakan Muhammadiyah bahwa persoalan tersebut merupakan suatu produk budaya yang di pertanyakan keabsahanya karena dinilai bid’ah. Akan tetapi dalam hal ini digolongkan sebagai masalah ijtihadiyah, karena tidak ada nash yang menunjukkan atau dapat dijadikan dasar secara langsung dalam penetapan hukumnya. Sedangkan mengenai kitab al-Barzanji dalam pandangan Muhammadiyah dinilai melanggar batas puji-pujian kepada rasulullah, karena melalui syair-syairya yang dianggap ghullu dan ikhtiara serta menggapnya sebagai suatu bentuk pemujaan yang berlebihan, karena itu tidak ada pada zaman rasulullah dan generasi para-tabiat tabiin. Walaupun isi dari kitab tersebut memang ada baiknya, uraiannya yang mengandung pujian–pujian yang baik bagi rasul, tetapi ada yang keterlaluan sehingga mengurangi isi bahkan kalau tidak dapat dikatakan menghilangkan makna penghormatan kepada Nabi. Sehingga peran penting aqidah Islam dalam upaya membentengi diri terhadap perilaku yang menyimpang yang dianggap bid’ah yang tidak sesuai dengan ajaran Islam. Walaupun tak jarang dalam realitasnya ternyata banyak dari kalangan Muhammadiyah terlibat dalam aktifitas ini. Berbeda dengan pemahaman Nahdlatul Ulama bahwa tradisi tersebut dimanfaatkan Nahdlatul Ulama sebagai metode dakwah serta syiar agama dan menganggapnya sebagai Bid’ah hasanah maka dalam perkembangannya pembacaan kitab al-Barzanji dapat di terima oleh masyarakat di kalangan Nahdlatul Ulama

    Sopeutuminen äärimmäisiin tulviin kaupunkiympäristön maankäytössä : Tapaus Helsinki

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    Tämä tutkielma pyrkii ymmärtämään, miten kaupungit sopeutuvat ympäristölähtöisiin kriiseihin, kuten tulviin. Äärimmäiset tulvat ovat kiinnostavia ensinnäkin, koska ilmastonmuutoksen ennustetaan lisäävän tulvimista useissa paikoissa maailmanlaajuisesti tulevaisuudessa, ja toiseksi, koska pienikin riski voi toteutua oikeissa olosuhteissa. Tutkimuksen metodeita ovat tapaustutkimus Helsingin tulvasopeutumisesta, kvalitatiivinen sisällönanalyysi, haastattelut ja skenaario. Maankäytön suunnittelu on valittu tapaustutkimuksen kontekstiksi, koska tiivistäminen haastaa tulviin varautumista. Materiaali koostuu Helsingin yleiskaavasta, sen tulvariskinhallinta-aiheisista liitteistä sekä kaupungin asiantuntijoiden haastatteluista. Kvalitatiivinen sisällönanalyysi pyrkii vastaamaan ensimmäiseen tutkimuskysymykseen: Miten maankäytön suunnittelu ottaa äärimmäiset tulvat huomioon Helsingissä? Skenaario puolestaan pyrkii vastaamaan toiseen tutkimuskysymykseen: Millä tavoin äärimmäinen tulva saattaa haastaa Helsingin nykyistä maankäytön suunnittelua? Haastatteluja käytetään lähinnä muiden metodien tukena. Tulokset johtavat yhteen pääväitteeseen, jota perustelen usein tavoin. Väite on, että kaupunkirakenteeltaan tiivistyvän Helsingin tulvariskienhallinnassa ja maankäytössä ei ole riittävästi huomioitu äärimmäisen kovien tulvien riskiä, vaikka ilmastonmuutos kasvattaa sellaisten todennäköisyyttä. Lopussa esitän politiikkasuosituksia asian muuttamiseksi.This study aims to understand how cities adapt to environmentally induced hazards, like floods. Extreme floods are interesting firstly, because climate change is predicted to increase flooding in several places globally in the future, and secondly, because even a small risk could be realised in the right conditions. The methods are a case study of flood adaptation in Helsinki, qualitative content analysis, interviews, and a scenario. Land use planning is chosen as the context of the case study, because densification challenges flood preparedness. The material consists of the zoning plan of Helsinki, its flood risk management related appendixes and interviews with city experts. The qualitative content analysis aims to answer the first research question: How does land use planning consider extreme floods in Helsinki? The scenario, in turn, aims to answer the second research question: In what ways might an extreme flood challenge the current land use planning in Helsinki? The interviews are mainly used to support the other methods. The results lead to one main argument, for which I present several justifications. The argument is that the flood risk management and land use planning in Helsinki, the urban structure of which is densifying, do not sufficiently consider the risk related to extreme floods, even though climate change is increasing the likelihood of such. In the end, I present some policy recommendations to change this
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