1,988 research outputs found

    Smart Computing and Sensing Technologies for Animal Welfare: A Systematic Review

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    Animals play a profoundly important and intricate role in our lives today. Dogs have been human companions for thousands of years, but they now work closely with us to assist the disabled, and in combat and search and rescue situations. Farm animals are a critical part of the global food supply chain, and there is increasing consumer interest in organically fed and humanely raised livestock, and how it impacts our health and environmental footprint. Wild animals are threatened with extinction by human induced factors, and shrinking and compromised habitat. This review sets the goal to systematically survey the existing literature in smart computing and sensing technologies for domestic, farm and wild animal welfare. We use the notion of \emph{animal welfare} in broad terms, to review the technologies for assessing whether animals are healthy, free of pain and suffering, and also positively stimulated in their environment. Also the notion of \emph{smart computing and sensing} is used in broad terms, to refer to computing and sensing systems that are not isolated but interconnected with communication networks, and capable of remote data collection, processing, exchange and analysis. We review smart technologies for domestic animals, indoor and outdoor animal farming, as well as animals in the wild and zoos. The findings of this review are expected to motivate future research and contribute to data, information and communication management as well as policy for animal welfare

    Collaborative geographic visualization

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil Gestão e Sistemas AmbientaisThe present document is a revision of essential references to take into account when developing ubiquitous Geographical Information Systems (GIS) with collaborative visualization purposes. Its chapters focus, respectively, on general principles of GIS, its multimedia components and ubiquitous practices; geo-referenced information visualization and its graphical components of virtual and augmented reality; collaborative environments, its technological requirements, architectural specificities, and models for collective information management; and some final considerations about the future and challenges of collaborative visualization of GIS in ubiquitous environment

    Adaptive measurements of urban runoff quality

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    An approach to adaptively measure runoff water quality dynamics is introduced, focusing specifically on characterizing the timing and magnitude of urban pollutographs. Rather than relying on a static schedule or flow‐weighted sampling, which can miss important water quality dynamics if parameterized inadequately, novel Internet‐enabled sensor nodes are used to autonomously adapt their measurement frequency to real‐time weather forecasts and hydrologic conditions. This dynamic approach has the potential to significantly improve the use of constrained experimental resources, such as automated grab samplers, which continue to provide a strong alternative to sampling water quality dynamics when in situ sensors are not available. Compared to conventional flow‐weighted or time‐weighted sampling schemes, which rely on preset thresholds, a major benefit of the approach is the ability to dynamically adapt to features of an underlying hydrologic signal. A 28 km2 urban watershed was studied to characterize concentrations of total suspended solids (TSS) and total phosphorus. Water quality samples were autonomously triggered in response to features in the underlying hydrograph and real‐time weather forecasts. The study watershed did not exhibit a strong first flush and intraevent concentration variability was driven by flow acceleration, wherein the largest loadings of TSS and total phosphorus corresponded with the steepest rising limbs of the storm hydrograph. The scalability of the proposed method is discussed in the context of larger sensor network deployments, as well the potential to improving control of urban water quality.Key PointsAn Internet‐enabled sensor node autonomously adapts to weather forecasts and hydrograph features to collect water quality samplesFirst flush was not observed and peak loadings were primarily driven by erosion and flashinessCompared to present methods, our framework significantly reduces manpower and resource requirements in the study of water quality dynamicsPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135503/1/wrcr22370.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135503/2/wrcr22370_am.pd

    Synthesis of formation control for an aquatic swarm robotics system

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    Formations are the spatial organization of objects or entities according to some predefined pattern. They can be found in nature, in social animals such as fish schools, and insect colonies, where the spontaneous organization into emergent structures takes place. Formations have a multitude of applications such as in military and law enforcement scenarios, where they are used to increase operational performance. The concept is even present in collective sports modalities such as football, which use formations as a strategy to increase teams efficiency. Swarm robotics is an approach for the study of multi-robot systems composed of a large number of simple units, inspired in self-organization in animal societies. These have the potential to conduct tasks too demanding for a single robot operating alone. When applied to the coordination of such type of systems, formations allow for a coordinated motion and enable SRS to increase their sensing efficiency as a whole. In this dissertation, we present a virtual structure formation control synthesis for a multi-robot system. Control is synthesized through the use of evolutionary robotics, from where the desired collective behavior emerges, while displaying key-features such as fault tolerance and robustness. Initial experiments on formation control synthesis were conducted in simulation environment. We later developed an inexpensive aquatic robotic platform in order to conduct experiments in real world conditions. Our results demonstrated that it is possible to synthesize formation control for a multi-robot system making use of evolutionary robotics. The developed robotic platform was used in several scientific studies.As formações consistem na organização de objetos ou entidades de acordo com um padrão pré-definido. Elas podem ser encontradas na natureza, em animais sociais tais como peixes ou colónias de insetos, onde a organização espontânea em estruturas se verifica. As formações aplicam-se em diversos contextos, tais como cenários militares ou de aplicação da lei, onde são utilizadas para aumentar a performance operacional. O conceito está também presente em desportos coletivos tais como o futebol, onde as formações são utilizadas como estratégia para aumentar a eficiência das equipas. Os enxames de robots são uma abordagem para o estudo de sistemas multi-robô compostos de um grande número de unidades simples, inspirado na organização de sociedades animais. Estes têm um elevado potencial na resolução de tarefas demasiado complexas para um único robot. Quando aplicadas na coordenação deste tipo de sistemas, as formações permitem o movimento coordenado e o aumento da sensibilidade do enxame como um todo. Nesta dissertação apresentamos a síntese de controlo de formação para um sistema multi-robô. O controlo é sintetizado através do uso de robótica evolucionária, de onde o comportamento coletivo emerge, demonstrando ainda funcionalidadeschave tais como tolerância a falhas e robustez. As experiências iniciais na síntese de controlo foram realizadas em simulação. Mais tarde foi desenvolvida uma plataforma robótica para a condução de experiências no mundo real. Os nossos resultados demonstram que é possível sintetizar controlo de formação para um sistema multi-robô, utilizando técnicas de robótica evolucionária. A plataforma desenvolvida foi ainda utilizada em diversos estudos científicos

    Do-it-yourself instruments and data processing methods for developing marine citizen observatories

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    La consulta íntegra de la tesi, inclosos els articles no comunicats públicament per drets d'autor, es pot realitzar prèvia petició a l'Arxiu de la UPCWater is the most important resource for living on planet Earth, covering more than 70% of its surface. The oceans represent more than 97% of the planet total water and they are where more than the 99.5% of the living beings are concentrated. A great number of ecosystems depend on the health of these oceans; their study and protection are necessary. Large datasets over long periods of time and over wide geographical areas can be required to assess the health of aquatic ecosystems. The funding needed for data collection is considerable and limited, so it is important to look at new cost-effective ways of obtaining and processing marine environmental data. The feasible solution at present is to develop observational infrastructures that may increase significantly the conventional sampling capabilities. In this study we promote to achieve this solution with the implementation of Citizen Observatories, based on volunteer participation. Citizen observatories are platforms that integrate the latest information technologies to digitally connect citizens, improving observation skills for developing a new type of research known as Citizen Science. Citizen science has the potential to increase the knowledge of the environment, and aquatic ecosystems in particular, through the use of people with no specific scientific training to collect and analyze large data sets. We believe that citizen science based tools -open source software coupled with low-cost do-it-yourself hardware- can help to close the gap between science and citizens in the oceanographic field. As the public is actively engaged in the analysis of data, the research also provides a strong avenue for public education. This is the objective of this thesis, to demonstrate how open source software and low-cost do-it-yourself hardware are effectively applied to oceanographic research and how can it develop into citizen science. We analyze four different scenarios where this idea is demonstrated: an example of using open source software for video analysis where lobsters were monitored; a demonstration of using similar video processing techniques on in-situ low-cost do-it-yourself hardware for submarine fauna monitoring; a study using open source machine learning software as a method to improve biological observations; and last but not least, some preliminar results, as proof of concept, of how manual water sampling could be replaced by low-cost do-it-yourself hardware with optical sensors.L’aigua és el recurs més important per la vida al planeta Terra, cobrint més del 70% de la seva superfície. Els oceans representen més del 70% de tota l'aigua del planeta, i és on estan concentrats més del 99.5% dels éssers vius. Un gran nombre d'ecosistemes depenen de la salut d'aquests oceans; el seu estudi i protecció són necessaris. Grans conjunts de dades durant llargs períodes de temps i al llarg d’amples àrees geogràfiques poden ser necessaris per avaluar la salut dels ecosistemes aquàtics. El finançament necessari per aquesta recol·lecció de dades és considerable però limitat, i per tant és important trobar noves formes més rendibles d’obtenir i processar dades mediambientals marines. La solució factible actualment és la de desenvolupar infraestructures observacionals que puguin incrementar significativament les capacitats de mostreig convencionals. En aquest estudi promovem que es pot assolir aquesta solució amb la implementació d’Observatoris Ciutadans, basats en la participació de voluntaris. Els observatoris ciutadans són plataformes que integren les últimes tecnologies de la informació amb ciutadans digitalment connectats, millorant les capacitats d’observació, per desenvolupar un nou tipus de recerca coneguda com a Ciència Ciutadana. La ciència ciutadana té el potencial d’incrementar el coneixement del medi ambient, i dels ecosistemes aquàtics en particular, mitjançant l'ús de persones sense coneixement científic específic per recollir i analitzar grans conjunts de dades. Creiem que les eines basades en ciència ciutadana -programari lliure juntament amb maquinari de baix cost i del tipus "fes-ho tu mateix" (do-it-yourself en anglès)- poden ajudar a apropar la ciència del camp oceanogràfic als ciutadans. A mesura que el gran públic participa activament en l'anàlisi de dades, la recerca esdevé també una nova via d’educació pública. Aquest és l’objectiu d’aquesta tesis, demostrar com el programari lliure i el maquinari de baix cost "fes-ho tu mateix" s’apliquen de forma efectiva a la recerca oceanogràfica i com pot desenvolupar-se cap a ciència ciutadana. Analitzem quatre escenaris diferents on es demostra aquesta idea: un exemple d’ús de programari lliure per anàlisi de vídeos de monitoratge de llagostes; una demostració utilitzant tècniques similars de processat de vídeo en un dispositiu in-situ de baix cost "fes-ho tu mateix" per monitoratge de fauna submarina; un estudi utilitzant programari lliure d’aprenentatge automàtic (machine learning en anglès) com a mètode per millorar observacions biològiques; i finalment uns resultats preliminars, com a prova de la seva viabilitat, de com un mostreig manual de mostres d’aigua podria ser reemplaçat per maquinari de baix cost "fes-ho tu mateix" amb sensors òptics.Postprint (published version

    Do-it-yourself instruments and data processing methods for developing marine citizen observatories

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    Water is the most important resource for living on planet Earth, covering more than 70% of its surface. The oceans represent more than 97% of the planet total water and they are where more than the 99.5% of the living beings are concentrated. A great number of ecosystems depend on the health of these oceans; their study and protection are necessary. Large datasets over long periods of time and over wide geographical areas can be required to assess the health of aquatic ecosystems. The funding needed for data collection is considerable and limited, so it is important to look at new cost-effective ways of obtaining and processing marine environmental data. The feasible solution at present is to develop observational infrastructures that may increase significantly the conventional sampling capabilities. In this study we promote to achieve this solution with the implementation of Citizen Observatories, based on volunteer participation. Citizen observatories are platforms that integrate the latest information technologies to digitally connect citizens, improving observation skills for developing a new type of research known as Citizen Science. Citizen science has the potential to increase the knowledge of the environment, and aquatic ecosystems in particular, through the use of people with no specific scientific training to collect and analyze large data sets. We believe that citizen science based tools -open source software coupled with low-cost do-it-yourself hardware- can help to close the gap between science and citizens in the oceanographic field. As the public is actively engaged in the analysis of data, the research also provides a strong avenue for public education. This is the objective of this thesis, to demonstrate how open source software and low-cost do-it-yourself hardware are effectively applied to oceanographic research and how can it develop into citizen science. We analyze four different scenarios where this idea is demonstrated: an example of using open source software for video analysis where lobsters were monitored; a demonstration of using similar video processing techniques on in-situ low-cost do-it-yourself hardware for submarine fauna monitoring; a study using open source machine learning software as a method to improve biological observations; and last but not least, some preliminar results, as proof of concept, of how manual water sampling could be replaced by low-cost do-it-yourself hardware with optical sensors.L’aigua és el recurs més important per la vida al planeta Terra, cobrint més del 70% de la seva superfície. Els oceans representen més del 70% de tota l'aigua del planeta, i és on estan concentrats més del 99.5% dels éssers vius. Un gran nombre d'ecosistemes depenen de la salut d'aquests oceans; el seu estudi i protecció són necessaris. Grans conjunts de dades durant llargs períodes de temps i al llarg d’amples àrees geogràfiques poden ser necessaris per avaluar la salut dels ecosistemes aquàtics. El finançament necessari per aquesta recol·lecció de dades és considerable però limitat, i per tant és important trobar noves formes més rendibles d’obtenir i processar dades mediambientals marines. La solució factible actualment és la de desenvolupar infraestructures observacionals que puguin incrementar significativament les capacitats de mostreig convencionals. En aquest estudi promovem que es pot assolir aquesta solució amb la implementació d’Observatoris Ciutadans, basats en la participació de voluntaris. Els observatoris ciutadans són plataformes que integren les últimes tecnologies de la informació amb ciutadans digitalment connectats, millorant les capacitats d’observació, per desenvolupar un nou tipus de recerca coneguda com a Ciència Ciutadana. La ciència ciutadana té el potencial d’incrementar el coneixement del medi ambient, i dels ecosistemes aquàtics en particular, mitjançant l'ús de persones sense coneixement científic específic per recollir i analitzar grans conjunts de dades. Creiem que les eines basades en ciència ciutadana -programari lliure juntament amb maquinari de baix cost i del tipus "fes-ho tu mateix" (do-it-yourself en anglès)- poden ajudar a apropar la ciència del camp oceanogràfic als ciutadans. A mesura que el gran públic participa activament en l'anàlisi de dades, la recerca esdevé també una nova via d’educació pública. Aquest és l’objectiu d’aquesta tesis, demostrar com el programari lliure i el maquinari de baix cost "fes-ho tu mateix" s’apliquen de forma efectiva a la recerca oceanogràfica i com pot desenvolupar-se cap a ciència ciutadana. Analitzem quatre escenaris diferents on es demostra aquesta idea: un exemple d’ús de programari lliure per anàlisi de vídeos de monitoratge de llagostes; una demostració utilitzant tècniques similars de processat de vídeo en un dispositiu in-situ de baix cost "fes-ho tu mateix" per monitoratge de fauna submarina; un estudi utilitzant programari lliure d’aprenentatge automàtic (machine learning en anglès) com a mètode per millorar observacions biològiques; i finalment uns resultats preliminars, com a prova de la seva viabilitat, de com un mostreig manual de mostres d’aigua podria ser reemplaçat per maquinari de baix cost "fes-ho tu mateix" amb sensors òptics

    Internet of Nano-Things, Things and Everything: Future Growth Trends

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    The current statuses and future promises of the Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Everything (IoE) and Internet of Nano-Things (IoNT) are extensively reviewed and a summarized survey is presented. The analysis clearly distinguishes between IoT and IoE, which are wrongly considered to be the same by many commentators. After evaluating the current trends of advancement in the fields of IoT, IoE and IoNT, this paper identifies the 21 most significant current and future challenges as well as scenarios for the possible future expansion of their applications. Despite possible negative aspects of these developments, there are grounds for general optimism about the coming technologies. Certainly, many tedious tasks can be taken over by IoT devices. However, the dangers of criminal and other nefarious activities, plus those of hardware and software errors, pose major challenges that are a priority for further research. Major specific priority issues for research are identified