58 research outputs found

    Expanding tangible tabletop interfaces beyond the display

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    L’augment de popularitat de les taules i superfĂ­cies interactives estĂ  impulsant la recerca i la innovaciĂł en una gran varietat d’àrees, incloent-­‐hi maquinari, programari, disseny de la interacciĂł i noves tĂšcniques d’interacciĂł. Totes, amb l’objectiu de promoure noves interfĂ­cies dotades d’un llenguatge mĂ©s ric, potent i natural. Entre totes aquestes modalitats, la interacciĂł combinada a sobre i per damunt de la superfĂ­cie de la taula mitjançant tangibles i gestos Ă©s actualment una Ă rea molt prometedora. Aquest document tracta d’expandir les taules interactives mĂ©s enllĂ  de la superfĂ­cie per mitjĂ  de l’exploraciĂł i el desenvolupament d’un sistema o dispositiu enfocat des de tres vessants diferents: maquinari, programari i disseny de la interacciĂł. Durant l’inici d’aquest document s’estudien i es resumeixen els diferents trets caracterĂ­stics de les superfĂ­cies interactives tangibles convencionals o 2D i es presenten els treballs previs desenvolupats per l’autor en solucions de programari que acaben resultant en aplicacions que suggereixen l’Ășs de la tercera dimensiĂł a les superfĂ­cies tangibles. Seguidament, es presenta un repĂ s del maquinari existent en aquest tipus d’interfĂ­cies per tal de concebre un dispositiu capaç de detectar gestos i generar visuals per sobre de la superfĂ­cie, per introduir els canvis realitzats a un dispositiu existent, desenvolupat i cedit per Microsoft Reseach Cambridge. Per tal d’explotar tot el potencial d’aquest nou dispositiu, es desenvolupa un nou sistema de visiĂł per ordinador que estĂ©n el seguiment d’objectes i mans en una superfĂ­cie 2D a la detecciĂł de mans, dits i etiquetes amb sis graus de llibertat per sobre la superfĂ­cie incloent-­‐hi la interacciĂł tangible i tĂ ctil convencional a la superfĂ­cie. Finalment, es presenta una eina de programari per a generar aplicacions per al nou sistema i es presenten un seguit d’aplicacions per tal de provar tot el desenvolupament generat al llarg de la tesi que es conclou presentant un seguit de gestos tant a la superfĂ­cie com per sobre d’aquesta i situant-­‐los en una nova classificaciĂł que alhora recull la interacciĂł convencional 2D i la interacciĂł estesa per damunt de la superfĂ­cie desenvolupada.The rising popularity of interactive tabletops and surfaces is spawning research and innovation in a wide variety of areas, including hardware and software technologies, interaction design and novel interaction techniques, all of which seek to promote richer, more powerful and more natural interaction modalities. Among these modalities, combined interaction on and above the surface, both with gestures and with tangible objects, is a very promising area. This dissertation is about expanding tangible and tabletops surfaces beyond the display by exploring and developing a system from the three different perspectives: hardware, software, and interaction design. This dissertation, studies and summarizes the distinctive affordances of conventional 2D tabletop devices, with a vast literature review and some additional use cases developed by the author for supporting these findings, and subsequently explores the novel and not yet unveiled potential affordances of 3D-­‐augmented tabletops. It overviews the existing hardware solutions for conceiving such a device, and applies the needed hardware modifications to an existing prototype developed and rendered to us by Microsoft Research Cambridge. For accomplishing the interaction purposes, it is developed a vision system for 3D interaction that extends conventional 2D tabletop tracking for the tracking of hand gestures, 6DoF markers and on-­‐surface finger interaction. It finishes by conceiving a complete software framework solution, for the development and implementation of such type of applications that can benefit from these novel 3D interaction techniques, and implements and test several software prototypes as proof of concepts, using this framework. With these findings, it concludes presenting continuous tangible interaction gestures and proposing a novel classification for 3D tangible and tabletop gestures

    Digital fabrication of custom interactive objects with rich materials

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    As ubiquitous computing is becoming reality, people interact with an increasing number of computer interfaces embedded in physical objects. Today, interaction with those objects largely relies on integrated touchscreens. In contrast, humans are capable of rich interaction with physical objects and their materials through sensory feedback and dexterous manipulation skills. However, developing physical user interfaces that offer versatile interaction and leverage these capabilities is challenging. It requires novel technologies for prototyping interfaces with custom interactivity that support rich materials of everyday objects. Moreover, such technologies need to be accessible to empower a wide audience of researchers, makers, and users. This thesis investigates digital fabrication as a key technology to address these challenges. It contributes four novel design and fabrication approaches for interactive objects with rich materials. The contributions enable easy, accessible, and versatile design and fabrication of interactive objects with custom stretchability, input and output on complex geometries and diverse materials, tactile output on 3D-object geometries, and capabilities of changing their shape and material properties. Together, the contributions of this thesis advance the fields of digital fabrication, rapid prototyping, and ubiquitous computing towards the bigger goal of exploring interactive objects with rich materials as a new generation of physical interfaces.Computer werden zunehmend in GerĂ€ten integriert, mit welchen Menschen im Alltag interagieren. Heutzutage basiert diese Interaktion weitgehend auf Touchscreens. Im Kontrast dazu steht die reichhaltige Interaktion mit physischen Objekten und Materialien durch sensorisches Feedback und geschickte Manipulation. Interfaces zu entwerfen, die diese FĂ€higkeiten nutzen, ist allerdings problematisch. HierfĂŒr sind Technologien zum Prototyping neuer Interfaces mit benutzerdefinierter InteraktivitĂ€t und KompatibilitĂ€t mit vielfĂ€ltigen Materialien erforderlich. Zudem sollten solche Technologien zugĂ€nglich sein, um ein breites Publikum zu erreichen. Diese Dissertation erforscht die digitale Fabrikation als SchlĂŒsseltechnologie, um diese Probleme zu adressieren. Sie trĂ€gt vier neue Design- und FabrikationsansĂ€tze fĂŒr das Prototyping interaktiver Objekte mit reichhaltigen Materialien bei. Diese ermöglichen einfaches, zugĂ€ngliches und vielseitiges Design und Fabrikation von interaktiven Objekten mit individueller Dehnbarkeit, Ein- und Ausgabe auf komplexen Geometrien und vielfĂ€ltigen Materialien, taktiler Ausgabe auf 3D-Objektgeometrien und der FĂ€higkeit ihre Form und Materialeigenschaften zu Ă€ndern. Insgesamt trĂ€gt diese Dissertation zum Fortschritt der Bereiche der digitalen Fabrikation, des Rapid Prototyping und des Ubiquitous Computing in Richtung des grĂ¶ĂŸeren Ziels, der Exploration interaktiver Objekte mit reichhaltigen Materialien als eine neue Generation von physischen Interfaces, bei

    An active tangible user interface framework for teaching and learning artificial intelligence

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    Interactive and tangible computing platforms have garnered increased interest in the pursuit of embedding active learning pedagogies within curricula through educational technologies. Whilst Tangible User Interface (TUI) systems have successfully been developed to edutain children in various research, TUI architectures have seen limited deployment in more complex and abstract domains. In light of these limitations, this paper proposes an active TUI framework that addresses the challenges experienced in teaching and learning artificial intelligence (AI) within higher educational institutions. The proposal extends an aptly designed tabletop TUI architecture with the novel interactive paradigm of active tangible manipulatives to provide a more engaging and effective user interaction. The paper describes the deployment of the proposed TUI framework within an undergraduate laboratory session to aid in the teaching and learning of artificial neural networks. The experiment is assessed against currently adopted educational computer software and the obtained results highlight the potential of the proposed TUI framework to augment students’ gain in knowledge and understanding of abstracted threshold concepts in higher education

    Toward New Ecologies of Cyberphysical Representational Forms, Scales, and Modalities

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    Research on tangible user interfaces commonly focuses on tangible interfaces acting alone or in comparison with screen-based multi-touch or graphical interfaces. In contrast, hybrid approaches can be seen as the norm for established mainstream interaction paradigms. This dissertation describes interfaces that support complementary information mediations, representational forms, and scales toward an ecology of systems embodying hybrid interaction modalities. I investigate systems combining tangible and multi-touch, as well as systems combining tangible and virtual reality interaction. For each of them, I describe work focusing on design and fabrication aspects, as well as work focusing on reproducibility, engagement, legibility, and perception aspects

    Phrasing Bimanual Interaction for Visual Design

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    Architects and other visual thinkers create external representations of their ideas to support early-stage design. They compose visual imagery with sketching to form abstract diagrams as representations. When working with digital media, they apply various visual operations to transform representations, often engaging in complex sequences. This research investigates how to build interactive capabilities to support designers in putting together, that is phrasing, sequences of operations using both hands. In particular, we examine how phrasing interactions with pen and multi-touch input can support modal switching among different visual operations that in many commercial design tools require using menus and tool palettes—techniques originally designed for the mouse, not pen and touch. We develop an interactive bimanual pen+touch diagramming environment and study its use in landscape architecture design studio education. We observe interesting forms of interaction that emerge, and how our bimanual interaction techniques support visual design processes. Based on the needs of architects, we develop LayerFish, a new bimanual technique for layering overlapping content. We conduct a controlled experiment to evaluate its efficacy. We explore the use of wearables to identify which user, and distinguish what hand, is touching to support phrasing together direct-touch interactions on large displays. From design and development of the environment and both field and controlled studies, we derive a set methods, based upon human bimanual specialization theory, for phrasing modal operations through bimanual interactions without menus or tool palettes

    tCAD: a 3D modeling application on a depth enhanced tabletop computer

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    Tabletop computers featuring multi-touch input and object tracking are a common platform for research on Tangible User Interfaces (also known as Tangible Interaction). However, such systems are confined to sensing activity on the tabletop surface, disregarding the rich and relatively unexplored interaction canvas above the tabletop. This dissertation contributes with tCAD, a 3D modeling tool combining fiducial marker tracking, finger tracking and depth sensing in a single system. This dissertation presents the technical details of how these features were integrated, attesting to its viability through the design, development and early evaluation of the tCAD application. A key aspect of this work is a description of the interaction techniques enabled by merging tracked objects with direct user input on and above a table surface.Universidade da Madeir
