1,861 research outputs found

    Investigation into using the unicode standard for primitives of unified han characters

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    The Unicode standard identifies and provides representation of the vast majority of known characters used in today’s writing systems. Many of these characters belong to the unified Han series, which encapsulates characters from writing systems used in languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages. These pictographic characters are often made up of smaller primitives, either other characters or more simplified pictography. This paper presents research findings of how the Unicode standard currently represents the primitives used in 4134 of the most common Han characters.

    Visualization of Archimedian and Platonic polyhedra using a web environment in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

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    This paper shows the development of a web environment for the construction of Archimedes and Plato polyhedra in Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). In this environment we used the geometric transformations of translation and rotation with the structure of hierarchies of HTML pages, without the use of the coordinates of each polyhedra vertex. The developed environment can be used in classroom to visualize the polyhedra in Augmented Reality, with the possibility of manipulations of the graphical representations by students in the environment created in Virtual Reality. Other studies that can be developed with the polyhedra modeled are areas, volumes and the relation of Euler. Another important content that can be developed is truncation, because seven Archimedes polyhedra are obtained by using truncation of Plato\u27s polyhedrons. With this work, it becomes possible to develop didactic materials with a simple technology, free and with great contribution to improvement of the teaching of Geometry and other areas that use representation of 3D objects

    Penelitian Keefektivitasan Pembelajaran Kanji Bahasa Jepang Menggunakan Mobile Phone Berbasis Android dan Ios

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    The purpose of this research is to explore the effectiveness in learning Japanese Kanji by mobile phone, compared with learning by books. The research is conducted on two groups given same learning materials on different instructional media. The research methodology is literature study, data analysis, system design, and implementation. The test result shos that there is no significant difference in learning performance between the group using mobile phone and the group using book

    PhobiAR, an artefact of augmented reality to support the exposure therapy of specific phobias

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Informatics EngineeringPhobia is a type of anxiety disorder defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation. Currently, exposure therapy is the most practiced method to treat phobias, although it comes with limitations. We can reduce these limitations by combining Augmented Reality techniques with exposure therapy. Its benefits are a decrease in costs, versatility of the process, and full control of the procedure by the therapist. As shown in multiple research, Augmented Reality has obtained interesting results in the therapy of psychological disorders serving as a foundation for the development of this project. The recent technological advances in the field also allowed for easier access to Augmented Reality which is accessible to use even in old smartphones. The goal of this Master’s dissertation was to develop an artefact in conjunction with psychologists who treat phobic patients, to create a program to support the therapy of phobias with a gradual exposure system. Their help was essential to understand the most important features needed for the platform. The platform was deployed in the informatics department servers, which could be accessed by everyone that had internet connection. Multiple psychologists were invited to test the platform by following a user guide created and give their technical feedback in the end. The results gathered were positive, which proves the viability of this system as an extension to the current methods by providing comfort and efficiency.A fobia é um tipo de transtorno de ansiedade definido por um medo persistente e excessivo de um objeto ou situação. Atualmente, o terapia de exposição é o método mais praticado para tratar fobias, embora com limitações. Estas limitações são reduzidas combinando técnicas de Realidade Aumentada com a terapia de exposição. Os seus benefícios são uma redução de custos, versatilidade do processo e controle total do procedimento pelo terapeuta. Como foi demostrado em várias pesquisas, a Realidade Aumentada obteve resultados interessantes no tratamento de distúrbios psicológicos, servindo de base para o desenvolvimento deste projeto. Os recentes avanços tecnológicos no campo permitem também um acesso fácil à Realidade Aumentada, acessível para uso mesmo em smartphones antigos. Nosso objetivo é desenvolver um artefato em conjunto com psicólogos que tratam de pacientes fóbicos, para criar um programa para apoiar o tratamento de fobias com um sistema de exposição gradual. A ajuda deles foi essencial para entender os recursos que são mais importantes para a plataforma. A plataforma foi colocada nos servidores do departamento de informática e podia ser acedida por qualquer pessoa que tivesse conexão à internet. Vários psicólogos foram convidados a testar a plataforma seguindo um guião criado e dando seu feedback técnico no final. Os resultados recolhidos foram positivos, o que comprova a viabilidade deste sistema como uma extensão dos métodos atuais providenciando conforto e eficiência

    Simpuru: Gamifikasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Jepang dalam Aplikasi Berbasis Web

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    Berdasarkan hasil survei lembaga The Japan Foundation pada tahun 2018, Indonesia menduduki peringkat kedua sebagai negara dengan jumlah pelajar bahasa Jepang terbanyak. Meskipun demikian, ditemukan bahwa terdapat permasalahan dalam pembelajaran di Indonesia, yaitu pelajar tingkat pemula (level N5 dan N4) merasa takut untuk berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Jepang dan mengalami kebosanan. Pelajar juga kesulitan untuk menguasai Kanji dikarenakan jumlah huruf yang banyak serta tidak terbiasa dengan huruf tersebut. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi pelajar tersebut, maka dirancanglah Simpuru yang merupakan aplikasi pembelajaran bahasa Jepang berbasis web dengan menggunakan teknik gamifikasi. Integrasi gamifikasi ke dalam pembelajaran dapat membantu membuat pelajaran menjadi lebih menyenangkan, membantu mengukur seberapa jauh pelajar menguasai suatu materi dan menyesuaikan tingkat latihan dengan tingkat penguasaan materi pelajar. Aplikasi dikembangkan dengan menggunakan metode Extreme Programming. Dari perancangan menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi pembelajaran bahasa Jepang dimana pelajar dapat memilih untuk mempelajari bahasa Jepang dengan flashcards/video atau mengerjakan soal latihan. Pelajar akan mendapatkan points, badges/trophy dan avatar setelah berhasil menyelesaikan latihan. Pelajar juga dapat melihat peringkat dirinya maupun temannya di Leaderboards

    AR-Game Pembelajaran Sumber Energi dan Pemanfaatannya Bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar berbasis Android

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    On education curriculum primary school there are still primary school curriculum 2013.2013 curriculum used the thematic. learningThe theme being a fastener some of its material subjects that must be conveyed teacher.The teaching and learning process at the present time membutuhan a new method to given the lectures to the students so that learning become lebik interactive.Based on that, researchers make application game learning with augmented reality.In developing this game of learning through several phases among others designing games with the data flow diagrams, collect data, and testing applications.In the game of learning are to be found quiz, matter, and the 3d designs as of objects in a quiz and material. The application of augmented reality game learning the source and energy benefits raised from a lesson always frugality energy to class 4. The application of this edugame tested in SDIT muhammadiyah al-kautsar gumpang kartasura on class IV A. Based on the data from the results of testing , we can conclude that the application will be used to help students in learn in interesting and interactive