2,183 research outputs found

    A Low-Cost Educational Remotely Controlled Solar Energy Laboratory

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    This paper proposes the hardware and software implementation of the system required to establish a low-cost educational remotely controlled solar energy laboratory. The system consists of two main parts, a Solar Energy System and a Remotely Controlled Laboratory. The Solar Energy System is a Photovoltaic system, which consists of multiple photovoltaic cells that convert solar radiation (sunlight) or normal lights into usable direct current (DC) electricity, and then it either charges a backup battery or uses an inverter circuit that changes direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC). The other part of the system is a Remotely Controlled Laboratory, aimed at enabling students to control solar energy experiments remotely

    Developtment Virtual Laboratory of Digital Electronics Using Mobile Virtual Reality

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    The virtual laboratory of digital electronics using mobile virtual reality technology to save to cost of making real laboratory. Mobile virtual reality can use by student to practice digital electronics skill in their home. This study to finds the skill improvement of student in competency digital electronics using virtual laboratory with mobile virtual reality based. Virtual laboratory can help student to feel the real practice of laboratory in everywhere and every time. The feature of virtual laboratory is: (1) enable to do practice digital electronics in every time and everywhere, (2) student can do experiment like in laboratory using android phone, (3) support with many of android phone series. This study uses a research and development method using waterfall model that have five stage to develop a software application. The results show that the virtual laboratory can help student to improve their skill of digital electronics because easy feature and real time of virtual laborator


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya kebutuhan pembekalan keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi melalui kegiatan praktikum fisika untuk konsep-konsep abstrak dan mikroskopis. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan model virtual higher order thinking skills laboratory (Virtual HOTS Lab) untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis (KBK) dan keterampilan pemecahan masalah secara kreatif (KPMK) mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode research and development dengan model ADDIE (analysis, design, develop, implementation, and evaluation). Subjek implementasi model Virtual HOTS Lab berjumlah 37 mahasiswa calon guru fisika pada salah satu LPTK di Bengkulu. Instrumen utama yang digunakan berupa lembar tes keterampilan berpikir kritis dan pemecahan masalah secara kreatif. Model Virtual HOTS Lab yang telah berhasil dikembangkan terdiri dari dua fase lab, yaitu fase pra-lab dan fase aktivitas lab. Fase pra-lab terdiri dari tahap persiapan, konteks masalah, pernyataan masalah, rumusan masalah, pertanyaan pra-prediksi, prediksi kelompok, dan penentuan ide. Sedangkan fase aktivitas lab terdiri dari tahap eksplorasi (fungsi alat, pertanyaan prosedur, langkah-langkah praktikum, tabel data, pengumpulan data, analisis data), eksplanasi, dan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh bahwa: (1) implementasi model Virtual HOTS Lab dalam praktikum efek fotolistrik, pembentukan laser, dan lampu lucutan gas dapat meningkatkan skor KBK dan KPMK mahasiswa dengan kategori N-gain tinggi, (2) implementasi model Virtual HOTS Lab berpengaruh kuat terhadap peningkatan KBK dan KPMK mahasiswa, dan (3) efektivitas implementasi model Virtual HOTS Lab dalam meningkatkan KBK dan KPMK mahasiswa secara berurutan berada pada kategori tinggi dan sedang. Disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan dan implementasi model Virtual HOTS Lab dapat meningkatkan KBK dan KPMK mahasiswa calon guru fisika.;---This research is motivated by the need for debriefing higher-order thinking skills through physics experiment activities for abstract and microscopic concepts. This study aims to develop a virtual higher order thinking laboratory model (Virtual HOTS Lab model) to improve students’critical thinking and creative problem solving skills (CTS and CPSS). This study uses research and development method with ADDIE (analysis, design, develop, implementation, and evaluation) model. The subjects involved in the implementation of the Virtual HOTS Lab model were 37 pre-service physics teachers at one of the universities in Bengkulu. The main instrument used are test of critical thinking and creative problem solving skills. The Virtual HOTS Lab model that has been successfully developed consists of two lab phases, namely the pre-lab phase and the lab activity phase. The pre-lab phase consists of the preparation stage, problems context, problem statement, problems formulation, pre-prediction question, group prediction, and idea determination. Mean while, the lab activity phase consists of the exploration stage (function of the equipment, procedure questions, practical steps, data tables, data collection, data analysis), explanations, and conclusions. Based on the results of data analysis it was found that: (1) the Virtual HOTS Lab model in the photoelectric effect experiment, laser formation, and gas discharge lamp can improve the score of the CTS and CPSS with the high N-gain category, (2) the Virtual HOTS Lab model has a strong influence on the increase in the CTS and CPSS of students, and (3) the effectiveness of the implementation of the Virtual HOTS Lab model in improving the CTS and CPSS of students is in the high and medium categories. It can be concluded that the development and implementation of the Virtual HOTS Lab model can improve the CTS and CPSS of pre-service physics teacher

    Realidade Aumentada para aprimoramento de Laboratórios Remotos uma revisão sistemática da literatura

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    Os Laboratórios Remotos de Realidade Aumentada configuram-se pela união de duas tecnologias já conhecidas e utilizadas na educação a fim de criar novos arranjos de práticas laboratoriais. Nesse contexto, este trabalho apresenta um estudo de mapeamento sistemático, por meio de uma análise bibliométrica e descritiva, com objetivo de compreender como ocorre essa união, identificar as tendências atuais, bem como os desafios e possíveis áreas futuras de pesquisa

    Augmented Reality in Informal Learning Environments Design and Evaluation of Mobile Applications

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    Role of Digital Resources in Minimally Invasive Colorectal Surgery Training

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    Laparoscopic techniques have become the standard for many benign and malignant colorectal pathologies. Recently, the application of robotic-assisted technologies has been, and continues to be, explored. These new technologies require different skill sets and bring novel training challenges, and today's trainees must demonstrate competence in more techniques than ever. Compounding this is the reducing time spent operating in current training programs due to caps on working hours and service pressures. The need for adjunctive training strategies outside the operating room has prompted development of multimedia and digital resources to build the cognitive skills crucial in both nontechnical and technical aspects of surgery. Many are based on principles of cognitive task analysis, breaking down operations, and key decisions into nodal points to be mentally rehearsed. Resources built on this technique have shown improvements in both operative and nonoperative skills, suggesting these resources can advance trainees along the learning curve in minimally invasive surgical techniques. More work to fully elucidate the clinical benefits of such resources is required before their role as a substitute for lost operative training hours can be established. Despite this, alongside other developing technologies such as simulation, they are a promising addition to the armamentarium of the modern-day colorectal trainee

    Novel supports to the assessment of cognitive functions through the combined use of technologies and subjective and objective measurements

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Las funciones cognitivas incluyen todos los procesos a través de los cuales un individuo percibe, registra, mantiene, manipula, usa y expresa información que está involucrada en cualquier actividad cotidiana. Las principales herramientas estandarizadas se pueden dividir en tres grupos principales: escalas cortas de pruebas de seguimiento cognitivo: cuestionarios, baterías neuropsicológicas generales y pruebas específicas. Estas herramientas están bien validadas y son confiables, pero, en la última década, varias investigaciones han demostrado que algunos pacientes pueden realizar bien estas pruebas neuropsicológicas, incluso cuando tienen dificultades significativas para adaptar sus comportamientos a las actividades de la vida diaria. De acuerdo con esto, más recientemente, un nuevo enfoque ha aumentado sustancialmente, lo que podría proporcionar una mayor validez ecológica en la evaluación de las capacidades cognitivas funcionales que el enfoque estandarizado: el uso de sistemas tecnológicos avanzados para la evaluación neuropsicológica (STAEN). STAEN se refiere a un conjunto de dispositivos y aplicaciones de software tales como pruebas computarizadas, juegos divertidos e interactivos de fantasía (JS) y / o sistemas de realidad virtual simulada (RV) y / o aumentada (RA) que van más allá de las pruebas de evaluación tradicionales y que Brindar la posibilidad de entregar estímulos controlados y dinámicos, en entornos ecológicamente válidos y seguros. Partiendo de estas premisas, el objetivo principal de la tesis era diseñar, desarrollar y validar un SG 2D no inmersivo versus un JS 3D inmersivo y una actividad de la vida diaria en un entorno 3D RV inmersivo versus un RA para la evaluación de funciones cognitivas, comparando la eficacia y efectividad de ellos. El primer estudio 2D incluyó 354 sujetos sanos y se encontraron correlaciones entre el juego y los métodos tradicionales, lo que sugiere que el juego podría ser una herramienta válida para evaluar las funciones cognitivas en adultos. El segundo estudio, comparó la versión 2D versus una versión 3D STAEN, involucró a 94 sujetos sanos y mostró que la versión 3D fue capaz de generar tiempos más bajos y respuestas correctas más altas que la 2D, lo que sugiere evidencia inicial de la eficacia de un sistema más inmersivo en comparación con un sistema no-inmersivo. Aunque este resultado destaca una posible limitación en el uso de diferentes sistemas tecnológicos debido a las diferencias en los dos métodos de interacción (el sistema 2D aplicó el mouse y el teclado; los controladores de dos manos virtuales 3D) y el registro de datos de latencia de hardware y software. Con respecto a la variabilidad individual en edad, género y educación, los hallazgos mostraron consistencia con la literatura de referencia. Específicamente, los más jóvenes mostraron un mayor rendimiento que los mayores; niveles educativos más altos reflejados en una mejor puntuación y sobre género, los resultados mostraron un panorama más compuesto. Además, para mejorar la validez ecológica de la evaluación, el último estudio de esta tesis comparó el rendimiento conductual y las respuestas fisiológicas, durante una tarea de cocina ecológica, entre un sistema virtual y un sistema aumentado en 50 sujetos sanos. La tarea de cocinar consistió en 4 niveles que aumentaron en dificultad. A medida que el nivel aumentó, aparecieron actividades adicionales. Los resultados de comportamiento mostraron que los tiempos son siempre más bajos en realidad virtual que en RA, aumentando constantemente de acuerdo con la dificultad de las tareas. Con respecto a las respuestas fisiológicas, los hallazgos mostraron que la condición RA produjo más excitación y activación individual que la realidad virtual. Para concluir, STAEN está demostrando ser herramientas confiables y efectivas para la evaluación de las funciones cognitivas en adultos, proporcionando más validez ec[CA] Les funcions cognitives inclouen tots els processos a través dels quals un individu percep, registra, manté, manipula, usa i expressa informació que està involucrada en qualsevol activitat quotidiana. Les principals ferramentes estandarditzades es poden dividir en tres grups principals: escales curtes de proves de seguiment cognitiu: qüestionaris, bateries neuropsicológiques generals i proves específiques. Estes ferramentes estan ben validades i són confiables, però, en l'última dècada, diverses investigacions han demostrat que alguns pacients poden realitzar bé estes proves neuropsicológiques, inclús quan tenen dificultats significatives per a adaptar els seus comportaments a les activitats de la vida diària. D'acord amb açò, més recentment, un nou enfocament ha augmentat substancialment, la qual cosa podria proporcionar una major validesa ecològica en l'avaluació de les capacitats cognitives funcionals que l'enfocament estandarditzat: l'ús de sistemes tecnològics avançats per a l'avaluació neuropsicológica (STAEN). STAEN es referix a un conjunt de dispositius i aplicacions de software com ara proves computaritzades, jocs divertits i interactius de fantasia (JS) i / o sistemes de realitat virtual simulada (RV) i / o augmentada (RA) que van més enllà de les proves d'avaluació tradicionals i que brinden la possibilitat de presentar estímuls controlats i dinàmics, en entorns ecològicament vàlids i segurs. Partint d'estes premisses, l'objectiu principal de la tesi era dissenyar, desenrotllar i validar un SG 2D no inmersiu versus un JS 3D inmersiu i una activitat de la vida diària en un entorn 3D RV inmersiu versus un RA per a l'avaluació de funcions cognitives, comparant l'eficàcia i efectivitat d'ells. El primer estudi 2D va incloure 354 subjectes sans i es van trobar correlacions entre el joc i els mètodes tradicionals, la qual cosa suggerix que el joc podria ser una ferramenta vàlida per a avaluar les funcions cognitives en adults. El segon estudi, va comparar la versió 2D versus una versió 3D STAEN, va involucrar a 94 subjectes sans i va mostrar que la versió 3D va ser capaç de generar temps més baixos i respostes correctes més altes que la 2D, la qual cosa suggerix evidència inicial de l'eficàcia d'un sistema més inmersiu en comparació amb un sistema no-inmersiu. Encara que este resultat destaca una possible limitació en l'ús de diferents sistemes tecnològics a causa de les diferències en els dos mètodes d'interacció (el sistema 2D va aplicar el ratolí i el teclat; els controladors de dos mans virtuals 3D) i el registre de dades de latència de hardware i software. Respecte a la variabilitat individual en edat, gènere i educació, les troballes van mostrar consistència amb la literatura de referència. Específicament, els més jóvens van mostrar un major rendiment que els majors; nivells educatius més alts reflectits en una millor puntuació i sobre gènere, els resultats van mostrar un panorama més compost. A més, per a millorar la validesa ecològica de l'avaluació, l'últim estudi d'esta tesi va comparar el rendiment conductual i les respostes fisiològiques, durant una tasca de cuina ecològica, entre un sistema virtual i un sistema augmentat en 50 subjectes sans. La tasca de cuinar va consistir en 4 nivells que van augmentar en dificultat. A mesura que el nivell va augmentar, van aparéixer activitats addicionals. Els resultats de comportament van mostrar que els temps són sempre més baixos en realitat virtual que en RA, augmentant constantment d'acord amb la dificultat de les tasques. Respecte a les respostes fisiològiques, les troballes van mostrar que la condició RA va produir més excitació i activació individual que la realitat virtual. Per a concloure, STAEN està demostrant ser ferramentes confiables i efectives per a l'avaluació de les funcions cognitives en adults, proporcionant més validesa ecològica i objectivitat que els mètodes tradicio[EN] Cognitive functions include all the processes through which an individual perceives, records, maintains, manipulates, uses and expresses information that are involved in any everyday activity. The main standardized tools can be divided in three main groups: short scales of cognitive tracking tests - questionnaires, general neuropsychological batteries, and specific tests. These tools are well-validated and reliable but, in the last decade, several research have shown that some patients can perform these neuropsychological tests well, even when they have significant difficulties in adapting their behaviours to daily life activities. According to this, more recently, a new approach has substantially increased, potentially providing a higher ecological validity in functional cognitive abilities assessment than standardized approach: the use of advanced technological systems for neuropsychological assessment (ATSNA). ATSNA refer to a set of devices and software applications such as computerized tests, fun and interactive fantasy serious games (SG), and/or simulated virtual (VR) and/or augmented (AR) reality systems that go beyond traditional assessment tests and that supply the possibility to deliver controlled and dynamic stimuli, in ecologically valid, and secure environments. Starting from these premises, the main objective of the thesis was to design, develop, and validate a non-immersive 2D SG versus an immersive 3D SG and a daily life activity in an immersive 3D VR environment versus an AR for the assessment of cognitive functions, comparing the efficacy and effectiveness of them. The first 2D study involved 354 healthy subjects and correlations were found between the game and traditional methods, suggesting that the game could be a valid tool for assessing cognitive functions in adults. The second study, compared 2D versus a 3D ATSNA version, it involved 94 healthy subjects and showed that 3D version was able to generate lower times and higher correct answers that the 2D, suggesting initial evidence of efficacy of a more immersive system compared to a non-immersive system. Although this result highlights a potential limitation on using different technological systems due to the differences on the two interaction methods (the 2D system applied mouse and keyboard; the 3D two virtual hands' controllers) and hardware and software latency data recording. Regarding individual variability on age, gender, and education, the findings showed consistency with the reference literature. Specifically, younger showed higher performance that older; higher educational levels reflected on a better score and about gender, results showed a more composite panorama. Furthermore, to enhance the ecological validity of assessment, the last study of this thesis compared the behavioural performance and physiological responses, during an ecological cooking task, between a virtual and an augmented system on 50 healthy subjects. The cooking task consisted of 4 levels that increased in difficulty. As the level increased, additional activities appeared. The behavioural results showed that times are always lower in VR than in AR, increasing constantly in accordance with the difficulty of the tasks. Regarding physiological responses, the findings showed that AR condition produced more individual excitement and activation than VR. To conclude, ATSNA are proving to be reliable and effective tools for the assessment of cognitive functions in adults, providing more ecological validity and objectivity than traditional methods of assessment.Chicchi Giglioli, IAM. (2020). Novel supports to the assessment of cognitive functions through the combined use of technologies and subjective and objective measurements [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/139075TESISCompendi


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    This research uses the theory of flow to examine the effect of 2D versus 3D virtual world environments on brand equity and use intention. The results suggest that a 3D virtual world environment has both positive (indirect) and negative (direct) effects on brand equity. The positive, indirect effect of the 3D virtual world environment occurs through feelings of telepresence and enjoyment, both of which contribute positively to brand equity and, in turn, induces a higher behavioral intention. The negative, direct effect can be explained using distraction-conflict theory, where attentional conflict is faced by users of a highly interactive and rich medium. This paper explains the flow experience and its effects on brand equity in 2D versus 3D virtual world environments, and provides insights to practitioners for designing 3D virtual world sites to enhance brand equity and behavioral intention

    Text Entry Performance and Situation Awareness of a Joint Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Display and Smartphone System

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    Optical see-through head-mounted displays (OST HMDs) are a popular output medium for mobile Augmented Reality (AR) applications. To date, they lack efficient text entry techniques. Smartphones are a major text entry medium in mobile contexts but attentional demands can contribute to accidents while typing on the go. Mobile multi-display ecologies, such as combined OST HMD-smartphone systems, promise performance and situation awareness benefits over single-device use. We study the joint performance of text entry on mobile phones with text output on optical see-through head-mounted displays. A series of five experiments with a total of 86 participants indicate that, as of today, the challenges in such a joint interactive system outweigh the potential benefits.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics On page(s): 1-17 Print ISSN: 1077-2626 Online ISSN: 1077-262


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    Este estudo busca investigar se o uso de Laboratórios Remotos Aumentados e Laboratórios Virtuais de Realidade Aumentada contribui para o ensino de circuitos elétricos aos alunos de ensino médio técnico em Eletromecânica. Por meio de uma pesquisa exploratória, de caráter explicativo, abordagem mista e utilizando um design quase-experimental, foi verificado a percepção dos estudantes em relação a motivação, engajamento, usabilidade e aprendizagem percebida. Além de verificar a progressão de saberes dos estudantes, por meio de uma avaliação diagnóstica e um avaliação conceitual. Os resultados apresentaram significativo progresso na compreensão do conteúdo explorado