1,092 research outputs found

    Game Marble Maze Berbasis Augmented Reality

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    Augmented Reality (AR) menggabungkan obyek grafis yang dihasilkan oleh komputer dengan obyek nyata, sehingga secara virtual terjadi kolaborasi diantara kedua jenis obyek tersebut. Tujuan utama dari AR adalah penggunaan komputer sebagai perangkat untuk memudahkan suatu pekerjaan dilakukan oleh manusia. Berdasarkan karakteristiknya, AR sangat berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai platform game komputer. Penelitian yang dilaporkan pada makalah ini mengangkat permasalahan mengenai pemanfaatan AR sebagai platform game komputer. Penelitian dilakukan dalam bentuk pengembangan game komputer marble maze menggunakan AR dengan menitikberatkan pada aspek interaksi. Kondisi pencahayaan lingkungan tempat bermain berpengaruh krusial. Untuk mendapatlan tampilan yang konsisten diperlukan pencahayaan yang memadai. Namun demikian game berbasis AR menjadi salah satu game yang menarik untuk dimainkan

    Dyslexia and password usage:accessibility in authentication design

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    Governments and businesses are moving online with alacrity, driven by potential cost savings, changing consumer and citizen expectations, and the momentum towards general digital provision. Services are legally required to be inclusive and accessible. Now consider that almost every online service, where people have to identify themselves, requires a password. Passwords seem to be accessible, until one considers specific disabilities, one of which can lead to many challenges: dyslexia being a case in point. Dyslexia is associated with word processing and retention difficulties, and passwords are essentially words, phrases or alphanumeric combinations. We report on a literature review conducted to identify extant research into the impact of dyslexia on password usage, as well as any ameliorations that have been proposed. We discovered a relatively neglected field. We conclude with recommendations for future research into the needs of a large population of dyslexics who seem to struggle with passwords, in a world where avoiding passwords has become almost impossible. The main contribution of this paper is to highlight the difficulties dyslexics face with passwords, and to suggest some avenues for future research in this area

    Hacia una teoría crítica de la inteligencia artificial en el ámbito de la enseñanza

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) has gradually been integrated into major aspects of schooling and academic learning following breakthroughs in algorithmic machine learning over the past decade. Interestingly, history shows us that as new technologies become perceived as ‘normal’ they fade into uncritical aspects of institutions. Considering that schools produce and reproduce social practices and normative behavior through both explicit and implicit codes, the introduction of AI to classrooms can reveal much about schooling. Nevertheless, artificial intelligence technology (specifically new machine learning applications) has yet to be properly framed as a lens with which to critically analyze and interpret school-based inequities. Recent education discourse focuses more on practical applications of technology than on the institutional inequalities that are revealed when analyzing artificial intelligence technology in the classroom. Accordingly, this paper advances the case for a critical artificial intelligence theory as a valuable lens through which to examine institutions, particularly schools. On the cusp of machine learning artificial intelligence becoming widespread in schools’ academic and hidden curricula, establishing a practical epistemology of artificial intelligence may be particularly useful for researchers and scholars who are interested in what artificial intelligence says about school institutions and beyond.A partir de los avances en el aprendizaje automático basado en algoritmos que han tenido lugar en la última década, la inteligencia artificial (IA) se ha integrado gradualmente en los principales aspectos de la escolarización y el aprendizaje académico. Curiosamente, la historia muestra cómo a medida que las nuevas tecnologías incrementan su presencia en la sociedad, se integran de forma naturalizada y acrítica en las instituciones. Teniendo en cuenta que las escuelas producen y reproducen prácticas sociales y comportamientos normativos mediante códigos explícitos e implícitos, la introducción de la IA en las aulas podría ser una importante fuente de información sobre las escuelas. Sin embargo, esta tecnología (específicamente sus nuevas aplicaciones en el campo del aprendizaje automático) todavía no se ha utilizado para mirar, analizar e interpretar críticamente las inequidades escolares. El discurso educativo actual está más centrado en las aplicaciones prácticas de la tecnología que en las desigualdades institucionales que muestra el análisis sobre cómo la tecnología digital se está insertando en las aulas. En consecuencia, este artículo defiende la necesidad de desarrollar una teoría crítica de la inteligencia artificial y sus posibilidades para estudiar las instituciones, particularmente las escuelas. En este momento cumbre de la inteligencia habitual y su fuerte presencia tanto en los planes de estudio académicos como en el ‘currículo oculto’, es fundamental establecer una epistemología práctica que permita a los investigadores y académicos estudiar las instituciones y sus implicaciones generales.A inteligência artificial tem sido gradualmente integrada nos principais aspectos da escolaridade e do aprendizado acadêmico após os avanços no aprendizado de máquinas algorítmicas (algorithmic machine learning) durante a última década. Curiosamente, a história nos mostra que à medida que as novas tecnologias se tornam percebidas como 'normais', elas se esvaem em aspectos acríticos das instituições. Considerando que as escolas produzem e reproduzem práticas sociais e comportamentos normativos através de códigos explícitos e implícitos, a introdução da IA (Inteligência Artificial) nas salas de aula pode revelar muito sobre educação. No entanto, a tecnologia de inteligência artificial (especificamente novas utilizações de aprendizagem de máquinas) ainda não foi devidamente configurada como uma lente para analisar e interpretar criticamente as iniquidades escolares. O recente discurso educacional se concentra mais nas aplicações práticas da tecnologia do que nas desigualdades institucionais que são reveladas ao analisar a tecnologia de inteligência artificial na sala de aula. Assim, este artigo defende uma teoria crítica da inteligência artificial como uma lente valiosa para examinar instituições, particularmente as escolas. Na ponta da aprendizagem da máquina de inteligência artificial difundida nos currículos acadêmicos e ocultos das escolas, estabelecer uma epistemologia prática da inteligência artificial pode ser particularmente útil para pesquisadores e estudiosos que estão interessados no que a inteligência artificial diz sobre as instituições escolares e além

    The Medical Authority of AI: A Study of AI-enabled Consumer-facing Health Technology

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    Recently, consumer-facing health technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based symptom checkers (AISCs) have sprung up in everyday healthcare practice. AISCs solicit symptom information from users and provide medical suggestions and possible diagnoses, a responsibility that people usually entrust with real-person authorities such as physicians and expert patients. Thus, the advent of AISCs begs a question of whether and how they transform the notion of medical authority in everyday healthcare practice. To answer this question, we conducted an interview study with thirty AISC users. We found that users assess the medical authority of AISCs using various factors including automated decisions and interaction design patterns of AISC apps, associations with established medical authorities like hospitals, and comparisons with other health technologies. We reveal how AISCs are used in healthcare delivery, discuss how AI transforms conventional understandings of medical authority, and derive implications for designing AI-enabled health technology

    Dezinformacije kao geopolitički rizik za transatlantske institucije

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    Disinformation has become a geopolitical risk for transatlantic institutions and for the global democratic alliance. Russia and China as authoritarian powers have had a long-standing interest to undermine the institutions of the liberal international order, led by the United States, the European Union and the NATO alliance. That way, disinformation can undermine trust in the liberal democratic system, including free market economy, individual liberty and open society. This geopolitical risk poses a significant threat to fact-based and evidence-based policymaking in many areas, including economy and security. Comprehensive counter-intelligence policy solutions can detect and mitigate this risk by ensuring broader institutional and societal resilience through lifelong civic education.Dezinformacije su postale geopolitički rizik za transatlantske institucije i za globalno demokratsko savezništvo. Rusija i Kina kao autoritarne sile imaju dugotrajni interes za potkopavanje institucija liberalnog međunarodnog poretka, pod vodstvom Sjedinjenih Država, Europske unije I NATO saveza. Na taj način dezinformacije mogu potkopavati povjerenje u sustav liberalne demokracije, uključujući slobodno tržišno gospodarstvo, individualne slobode i otvoreno društvo. Navedeni geopolitički rizik predstavlja značajnu prijetnju za stvaranje javnih politika na temelju činjenica i dokaza u mnogim područjima, uključujući ekonomiju i sigurnost. Cjelovita rješenja protuobavještajne javne politike mogu detektirati i ublaživati navedeni rizik, osiguravajući širu institucionalnu i društvenu otpornost kroz cjeloživotno građansko obrazovanje

    Hey Google: How can we build critical media literacy?

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    The year 2020 spotlighted problematic media coverage of the global coronavirus pandemic. Conflicting narratives of the origin of the “China virus” (Campbell & Park, 2020), the silenced journalistic freedoms (Davidson, 2020), and the impact on communities of color (Williams, 2021) created mass confusion during the global pandemic. To help address our understanding of media, teaching civic online reasoning (Wineburg & McGrew, 2017) and critical media literacy are two potential points of emphasis. Building critical media literacy helps resist the echo chamber effect of social media and cable news, which results in polarization and difficult mediation between parties (Bexley & Tchailoro, 2013). In order for social justice to thrive within a community, building critical media literacy is a necessity. Since the 2000s, smart devices have taken over our lives and our homes. In addition to smartphones growing at a rapid pace from 1.02 billion users in 2012 to 3.8 billion users in 2021 (O’Dey, 2020), the use of smart assistants such as Google Assistant, Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Apple’s Siri have increased. The increased connectivity of these devices creates an opportunity to augment critical media literacy. When used intentionally, these smart devices can help us learn how to make critical decisions for our day to day lives. In this field project a chatbot will be designed based on the curriculum by the Stanford History Education Group (Wineburg & McGrew, 2019; Wineburg et al., 2020) on civic online reasoning. A chatbot is a programmed conversation with a computer standing in for a live human being. Chatbots can be accessed interactively and asynchronously by students through smart devices using voice or text

    Use of New Narratives for COVID-19 Reporting: From 360º Videos to Ephemeral TikTok Videos in Online Media.

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    The disruptive evolution of technology has impacted on all aspects of commu­nication. Consequently, various alterna­tives are being developed for storytelling, delivering messages, and connecting to people. The evolution of social media and mul­timedia technologies is evident. Since 2014, we have witnessed changes both in the concept of immersion over the 360º format and virtual reality. Such changes aim at much closer proximity between user and content, strengthen­ing possible empathic bonds. Even so, emerging audiences, especial­ly Generation Z, spend time in digital environments that do not support this type of content. As a consequence, their interactions and multimedia behavior focus on vertical, ephemeral content, rendering TikTok as an innovative alter­native with a significant growth trend. This study proposes a review of media outlets and journalists’ work report­ing on the COVID-19 pandemic using 360º multimedia narratives and Tik­Tok. Research shows evidence of the limited use of the immersive multime­dia format and the increase of produc­tions in the ephemeral vertical format of TikTok —whose audience reach has grown significantly. Keywords: COVID-19, 360 video, ephemeral video, journalism, Genera­tion Z.post-print1127 K

    The dawn of the human-machine era: a forecast of new and emerging language technologies

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    New language technologies are coming, thanks to the huge and competing private investment fuelling rapid progress; we can either understand and foresee their effects, or be taken by surprise and spend our time trying to catch up. This report scketches out some transformative new technologies that are likely to fundamentally change our use of language. Some of these may feel unrealistically futuristic or far-fetched, but a central purpose of this report - and the wider LITHME network - is to illustrate that these are mostly just the logical development and maturation of technologies currently in prototype. But will everyone benefit from all these shiny new gadgets? Throughout this report we emphasise a range of groups who will be disadvantaged and issues of inequality. Important issues of security and privacy will accompany new language technologies. A further caution is to re-emphasise the current limitations of AI. Looking ahead, we see many intriguing opportunities and new capabilities, but a range of other uncertainties and inequalities. New devices will enable new ways to talk, to translate, to remember, and to learn. But advances in technology will reproduce existing inequalities among those who cannot afford these devices, among the world's smaller languages, and especially for sign language. Debates over privacy and security will flare and crackle with every new immersive gadget. We will move together into this curious new world with a mix of excitement and apprehension - reacting, debating, sharing and disagreeing as we always do. Plug in, as the human-machine era dawn

    Awareness of Plagiarism among Student Teachers of Indian Teacher Educational Institutions

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    Today, the Internet is a rich source of study materials, and Google Scholar offers free access to a large number of scientific articles. There are excellent research publications available in many more databases. Students have the option of easily copying the material. Reusing, paraphrasing, patchwriting, and ghostwriting without citing the original documents are plagiarism. Plagiarism is increasing in academics, particularly in research. This study aims to study the awareness of plagiarism and to analyze the reasons for plagiarism. The study samples are the student teachers in India. For this study, we used a survey method, and the author prepared a questionnaire to collect data from the student teachers. Study respondents are the student teachers of the Regional Institute of Education Mysore; Purposive sampling was used to select samples. The total number of study respondents is 207. The findings of the study revealed that over 70 per cent of respondents mentioned reasons for plagiarism as lack of relevant literature studying, lack of preparation and time, difficulty checking every piece of work, do not know the manual citation style, lack of knowledge about bibliographic management software and also they stated that getting easily available materials on the internet is also a reason for plagiarism. The study recommends that teachers teach or conduct awareness programs on plagiarism, avoiding plagiarism, citation style, and software