6 research outputs found


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    Physiological Arousal, Information Processing, Performance and Expertise in Expected and Unexpected Abnormal Flight Events: An Empirical Investigation.

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    Aviation accident reports indicate that preventable incidents are developing into tragedies with pilots responding incorrectly to well-trained events e.g. engine failures. Recent research suggests that startle (an autonomic response to an acute stimulus with a sudden onset), following unexpected abnormal flight events is impacting pilot performance, leading to accidents. The present study was designed to investigate whether a simulated unexpected abnormal flight event can lead to startle. Information processing and performance differences between expected and unexpected flight events were also measured. Furthermore, the influence of expertise on arousal, information processing and performance in these events was investigated. Two studies were conducted. The first study employed university students recruited through the University of Otago Psychology Database. The second study employed general aviation pilots recruited through social media advertising. Students and pilots flew a series of flights in a fixed-base flight simulator including four experimental flights which included an unexpected or an expected, engine failure or aerodynamic stall. During the flights, heart rate, eye-tracking, and flight data were recorded. Increased heart rate and larger pupil dilation during the unexpected engine failure indicated the presence of startle in pilots. During the unexpected engine failure pilots showed a disrupted information processing strategy that indicated attentional tunnelling. Whereas, during the unexpected stall the information processing patterns indicated lack of recognition. During the unexpected events performance was impaired when compared to the expected events. However, poor performance was not associated with higher levels of arousal. In a third comparative study, data from novice (university students), intermediate (student and private licenced) and expert (commercial licenced) pilots were compared to investigate the effects of expertise. Information processing, arousal, and performance did not differ significantly over the three levels of expertise. This research supports a recently formulated theory on startle and surprise and has implications for successful training

    La funci贸n visual en el tiro ol铆mpico: influencia en acomodaci贸n, visi贸n binocular y otras habilidades visuales

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    En Optometr铆a se realizan un n煤mero elevado de pruebas para analizar la visi贸n de una persona; hasta tal punto que en poblaci贸n normal encontramos un sinf铆n de defectos refractivos, as铆 como problemas de fusi贸n y visi贸n en relieve o episodios de visi贸n borrosa, acompa帽ados de una etimolog铆a adversa definida por una prevalencia epidemiol贸gica variable, sintomatolog铆a de dolor y signos peculiares. Cuando este an谩lisis se hace en una poblaci贸n de deportistas de cualquier modalidad, la informaci贸n est谩 limitada con respecto al estado visual que describimos. Si analizamos tiradores ol铆mpicos de precisi贸n (carabina y pistola de aire comprimido) no se encuentra esa informaci贸n con suficiente detalle ni rigor en la bibliograf铆a cient铆fica no existiendo esa documentaci贸n respecto al momento en que realizan su actividad deportiva durante las horas dedicadas al entrenamiento. En estas publicaciones de art铆culos sobre deporte, donde se hacen comparativas de todo tipo de deportistas con la poblaci贸n sedentaria, sus autores relatan, en sus conclusiones, t铆picamente una mayor habilidad visual del deportista sobre el paciente sedentario..