1,156 research outputs found

    High-level libraries for emotion recognition in music: A review

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    This article presents a review of high-level libraries that enable to recognize emotions in digital files of music. The main objective of the work is to study and compare different high-level content-analyzer libraries, showing their main functionalities, focused on the extraction of low and high level relevant features to classify musical pieces through an affective classification model. In addition, there has been a review of different works in which those libraries have been used to emotionally classify the musical pieces, through rhythmic and tonal features reconstruction, and the automatic annotation strategies applied, which generally incorporate machine learning techniques. For the comparative evaluation of the different high-level libraries, in addition to the common attributes in the chosen libraries, the most representative attributes in music emotion recognition field (MER) were selected. The comparative evaluation enables to identify the current development in MER regarding high-level libraries and to analyze the musical parameters that are related with emotions

    Rough Sets Applied to Mood of Music Recognition

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    Ubiquitous emotion-aware computing

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    Emotions are a crucial element for personal and ubiquitous computing. What to sense and how to sense it, however, remain a challenge. This study explores the rare combination of speech, electrocardiogram, and a revised Self-Assessment Mannequin to assess people’s emotions. 40 people watched 30 International Affective Picture System pictures in either an office or a living-room environment. Additionally, their personality traits neuroticism and extroversion and demographic information (i.e., gender, nationality, and level of education) were recorded. The resulting data were analyzed using both basic emotion categories and the valence--arousal model, which enabled a comparison between both representations. The combination of heart rate variability and three speech measures (i.e., variability of the fundamental frequency of pitch (F0), intensity, and energy) explained 90% (p < .001) of the participants’ experienced valence--arousal, with 88% for valence and 99% for arousal (ps < .001). The six basic emotions could also be discriminated (p < .001), although the explained variance was much lower: 18–20%. Environment (or context), the personality trait neuroticism, and gender proved to be useful when a nuanced assessment of people’s emotions was needed. Taken together, this study provides a significant leap toward robust, generic, and ubiquitous emotion-aware computing

    Soundscape Generation Using Web Audio Archives

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    Os grandes e crescentes acervos de áudio na web têm transformado a prática do design de som. Neste contexto, sampling -- uma ferramenta essencial do design de som -- mudou de gravações mecânicas para os domínios da cópia e reprodução no computador. A navegação eficaz nos grandes acervos e a recuperação de conteúdo tornaram-se um problema bem identificado em Music Information Retrieval, nomeadamente através da adoção de metodologias baseadas no conteúdo do áudio.Apesar da sua robustez e eficácia, as soluções tecnológicas atuais assentam principalmente em métodos (estatísticos) de processamento de sinal, cuja terminologia atinge um nível de adequação centrada no utilizador.Esta dissertação avança uma nova estratégia orientada semanticamente para navegação e recuperação de conteúdo de áudio, em particular, sons ambientais, a partir de grandes acervos de áudio na web. Por fim, pretendemos simplificar a extração de pedidos definidos pelo utilizador para promover uma geração fluida de paisagens sonoras. No nosso trabalho, os pedidos aos acervos de áudio na web são feitos por dimensões afetivas que se relacionam com estados emocionais (exemplo: baixa ativação e baixa valência) e descrições semânticas das fontes de áudio (exemplo: chuva). Para tal, mapeamos as anotações humanas das dimensões afetivas para descrições espectrais de áudio extraídas do conteúdo do sinal. A extração de novos sons dos acervos da web é feita estipulando um pedido que combina um ponto num plano afetivo bidimensional e tags semânticas. A aplicação protótipo, MScaper, implementa o método no ambiente Ableton Live. A avaliação da nossa pesquisa avaliou a confiabilidade perceptual dos descritores espectrais de áudio na captura de dimensões afetivas e a usabilidade da MScaper. Os resultados mostram que as características espectrais do áudio capturam significativamente as dimensões afetivas e que o MScaper foi entendido pelos os utilizadores experientes como tendo excelente usabilidade.The large and growing archives of audio content on the web have been transforming the sound design practice. In this context, sampling -- a fundamental sound design tool -- has shifted from mechanical recording to the realms of the copying and cutting on the computer. To effectively browse these large archives and retrieve content became a well-identified problem in Music Information Retrieval, namely through the adoption of audio content-based methodologies. Despite its robustness and effectiveness, current technological solutions rely mostly on (statistical) signal processing methods, whose terminology do attain a level of user-centered explanatory adequacy.This dissertation advances a novel semantically-oriented strategy for browsing and retrieving audio content, in particular, environmental sounds, from large web audio archives. Ultimately, we aim to streamline the retrieval of user-defined queries to foster a fluid generation of soundscapes. In our work, querying web audio archives is done by affective dimensions that relate to emotional states (e.g., low arousal and low valence) and semantic audio source descriptions (e.g., rain). To this end, we map human annotations of affective dimensions to spectral audio-content descriptions extracted from the signal content. Retrieving new sounds from web archives is then made by specifying a query which combines a point in a 2-dimensional affective plane and semantic tags. A prototype application, MScaper, implements the method in the Ableton Live environment. An evaluation of our research assesses the perceptual soundness of the spectral audio-content descriptors in capturing affective dimensions and the usability of MScaper. The results show that spectral audio features significantly capture affective dimensions and that MScaper has been perceived by expert-users as having excellent usability

    Brain Music : Sistema generativo para la creación de música simbólica a partir de respuestas neuronales afectivas

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    gráficas, tablasEsta tesis de maestría presenta una metodología de aprendizaje profundo multimodal innovadora que fusiona un modelo de clasificación de emociones con un generador musical, con el propósito de crear música a partir de señales de electroencefalografía, profundizando así en la interconexión entre emociones y música. Los resultados alcanzan tres objetivos específicos: Primero, ya que el rendimiento de los sistemas interfaz cerebro-computadora varía considerablemente entre diferentes sujetos, se introduce un enfoque basado en la transferencia de conocimiento entre sujetos para mejorar el rendimiento de individuos con dificultades en sistemas de interfaz cerebro-computadora basados en el paradigma de imaginación motora. Este enfoque combina datos de EEG etiquetados con datos estructurados, como cuestionarios psicológicos, mediante un método de "Kernel Matching CKA". Utilizamos una red neuronal profunda (Deep&Wide) para la clasificación de la imaginación motora. Los resultados destacan su potencial para mejorar las habilidades motoras en interfaces cerebro-computadora. Segundo, proponemos una técnica innovadora llamada "Labeled Correlation Alignment"(LCA) para sonificar respuestas neurales a estímulos representados en datos no estructurados, como música afectiva. Esto genera características musicales basadas en la actividad cerebral inducida por las emociones. LCA aborda la variabilidad entre sujetos y dentro de sujetos mediante el análisis de correlación, lo que permite la creación de envolventes acústicos y la distinción entre diferente información sonora. Esto convierte a LCA en una herramienta prometedora para interpretar la actividad neuronal y su reacción a estímulos auditivos. Finalmente, en otro capítulo, desarrollamos una metodología de aprendizaje profundo de extremo a extremo para generar contenido musical MIDI (datos simbólicos) a partir de señales de actividad cerebral inducidas por música con etiquetas afectivas. Esta metodología abarca el preprocesamiento de datos, el entrenamiento de modelos de extracción de características y un proceso de emparejamiento de características mediante Deep Centered Kernel Alignment, lo que permite la generación de música a partir de señales EEG. En conjunto, estos logros representan avances significativos en la comprensión de la relación entre emociones y música, así como en la aplicación de la inteligencia artificial en la generación musical a partir de señales cerebrales. Ofrecen nuevas perspectivas y herramientas para la creación musical y la investigación en neurociencia emocional. Para llevar a cabo nuestros experimentos, utilizamos bases de datos públicas como GigaScience, Affective Music Listening y Deap Dataset (Texto tomado de la fuente)This master’s thesis presents an innovative multimodal deep learning methodology that combines an emotion classification model with a music generator, aimed at creating music from electroencephalography (EEG) signals, thus delving into the interplay between emotions and music. The results achieve three specific objectives: First, since the performance of brain-computer interface systems varies significantly among different subjects, an approach based on knowledge transfer among subjects is introduced to enhance the performance of individuals facing challenges in motor imagery-based brain-computer interface systems. This approach combines labeled EEG data with structured information, such as psychological questionnaires, through a "Kernel Matching CKA"method. We employ a deep neural network (Deep&Wide) for motor imagery classification. The results underscore its potential to enhance motor skills in brain-computer interfaces. Second, we propose an innovative technique called "Labeled Correlation Alignment"(LCA) to sonify neural responses to stimuli represented in unstructured data, such as affective music. This generates musical features based on emotion-induced brain activity. LCA addresses variability among subjects and within subjects through correlation analysis, enabling the creation of acoustic envelopes and the distinction of different sound information. This makes LCA a promising tool for interpreting neural activity and its response to auditory stimuli. Finally, in another chapter, we develop an end-to-end deep learning methodology for generating MIDI music content (symbolic data) from EEG signals induced by affectively labeled music. This methodology encompasses data preprocessing, feature extraction model training, and a feature matching process using Deep Centered Kernel Alignment, enabling music generation from EEG signals. Together, these achievements represent significant advances in understanding the relationship between emotions and music, as well as in the application of artificial intelligence in musical generation from brain signals. They offer new perspectives and tools for musical creation and research in emotional neuroscience. To conduct our experiments, we utilized public databases such as GigaScience, Affective Music Listening and Deap DatasetMaestríaMagíster en Ingeniería - Automatización IndustrialInvestigación en Aprendizaje Profundo y señales BiológicasEléctrica, Electrónica, Automatización Y Telecomunicaciones.Sede Manizale

    Emotional classification of music using neural networks with the MediaEval dataset

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    The proven ability of music to transmit emotions provokes the increasing interest in the development of new algorithms for music emotion recognition (MER). In this work, we present an automatic system of emotional classification of music by implementing a neural network. This work is based on a previous implementation of a dimensional emotional prediction system in which a multilayer perceptron (MLP) was trained with the freely available MediaEval database. Although these previous results are good in terms of the metrics of the prediction values, they are not good enough to obtain a classification by quadrant based on the valence and arousal values predicted by the neural network, mainly due to the imbalance between classes in the dataset. To achieve better classification values, a pre-processing phase was implemented to stratify and balance the dataset. Three different classifiers have been compared: linear support vector machine (SVM), random forest, and MLP. The best results are obtained with the MLP. An averaged F-measure of 50% is obtained in a four-quadrant classification schema. Two binary classification approaches are also presented: one vs. rest (OvR) approach in four-quadrants and binary classifier in valence and arousal. The OvR approach has an average F-measure of 69%, and the second one obtained F-measure of 73% and 69% in valence and arousal respectively. Finally, a dynamic classification analysis with different time windows was performed using the temporal annotation data of the MediaEval database. The results obtained show that the classification F-measures in four quadrants are practically constant, regardless of the duration of the time window. Also, this work reflects some limitations related to the characteristics of the dataset, including size, class balance, quality of the annotations, and the sound features available