127 research outputs found

    “Off the beaten map”: Navigating with digital maps on moorland

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    Resources made available through the digital map app change, but do not replace, the skills of “ordinary wayfinding.” Looking at the challenges of wayfinding with new mobile devices helps inform the development of digital mapping tools for navigating through difficult terrain. With this background in mind, in this paper we consider how the contemporary navigational resources of mobile devices with GPS, and the resources of countryside landscape features, are brought together in visiting a tourist site. We analyse video data from groups walking across unfamiliar moorland terrain, following a guide and map app which takes them on a tour of a remote Roman marching camp in the Brecon Beacons National Park, Wales. Following an ethnomethodological and conversation analytic approach, we examine three instances of navigational work for paired walkers as they traverse the moorland. The three fragments are of: an orientational struggle to establish where to go next; a routine check to select a path; and the discovery of a feature mentioned in the guide. Across the three episodes we explicate how our walkers make sense of the guide and map in relation to investigating the moorland surface. We examine how their ambulatory and undulatory practices on the moorland are tied to their wayfinding practices. While we analyse wayfinding talk, we also attend to the mobile practices of stopping and pausing as part of practical navigational reasoning

    Framework for locative audio composition

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references.The way we perceive everyday space-a room, a building, a city-is informed not just by our immediate sensory input: culture, history, and other contextual cues complete our experience. With the advent of sensor-rich, highly-connected objects, our ability to interpret and refine these contextual elements, and therefore our experience of space, grows ever sharper. Location-aware sound art has the potential to apply this new technology in groundbreaking ways, but at present such work is hampered by the lack of a widely-accessible composition platform. In this work, I survey prominent works in the locative-sound art field and propose a scale-independent software framework for composing sound in space. As a proof-of-concept and to encourage further dialogue, I use this framework to create a large-scale participatory project that will allow anyone to sound-design his or her neighborhood space.by Noah Feehan.S.M

    Analysing landmarks in nature and elements of geospatial images to support wayfinding

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    Osajulkaisut: Publication 1: Kettunen P., Putto K., Gyselinck V., Krause C. M. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2014. Perception and recall of landmarks by day and night along a route in nature. In: Vondrakova A., Brus J., VoĆŸenilek V. (eds.) CARTOCON 2014. Modern trends in Cartography. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Springer, Cham, Switzerland. Publication 2: Kettunen P., Irvankoski K., Krause C. M. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2013. Landmarks in nature to support wayfinding: effects of seasons and experimental methods. Cognitive Processing 14(3): 245–253. DOI:10.1007/s10339-013-0538-4 Publication 3: Sarjakoski L. T., Kettunen P., Flink H.-M., Laakso M., Ronneberg M. and T. Sarjakoski, 2012. Analysis of Verbal Route Descriptions and Landmarks for Hiking. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 16(8): 1001–1011. DOI:10.1007/s00779-011-0460-7 Publication 4: Sarjakoski L. T., Kettunen P., Flink H.-M., Laakso M., Ronneberg M., Stigmar H. and T. Sarjakoski, 2013. Landmarks and a hiking ontology to support wayfinding in a national park during different seasons. In: Raubal M., Frank A. U. and D. M. Mark (eds.) Cognitive and Linguistic Aspects of Geographic Space. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 99–119. DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-34359-9_6 Publication 5: Kettunen P., Irvankoski K., Krause C. M., Sarjakoski T. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2012. Geospatial images in the acquisition of spatial knowledge for wayfinding. Journal of Spatial Information Science 5: 75–106. DOI:10.5311/JOSIS.2012.5.85 Publication 6: Kettunen P., Sarjakoski T., Sarjakoski L. T. and J. Oksanen, 2009. Cartographic Portrayal of Terrain in Oblique Parallel Projection. In: Proc. of the 24th International Cartographic Conference. Nov 15–21, Santiago, Chile. Publication 7: Putto K., Kettunen P., Torniainen J., Krause C. M. and L. T. Sarjakoski, 2014. Effects of cartographic elevation visualizations and mapreading tasks on eye movements. The Cartographic Journal 51(3): 225–236. DOI:10.1179/1743277414Y.0000000087This dissertation applies the research and methods of spatial cognition in order to contribute to the development of wayfinding support in geospatial applications. The design and development of geospatial applications, such as interactive maps and mobile navigation applications, has been typically founded on the expertise of surveying, cartography and geoinformatics. This has often led to relatively complex expert tools that many users find difficult to use. The research of spatial cognition can provide elementary understanding about human thinking in the use situations of these applications and supplement the knowledge gained using the usability research. Perception of landmarks along routes in nature was studied in season and time-of-day studies with participants who walked nature trails in summer, winter, day and night while thinking aloud about the surroundings. The recall of the route was measured afterwards using sketch-map drawing and photo recognition tasks. The think-aloud protocols were analysed using classification of propositions and natural language processing. The importance of landmarks for the human route perception in nature was confirmed. "Structures", "Passages" and "Waters" were the most perceived landmark groups. Season and time-of-day significantly affected landmark perception and, based on the results, the adaptivity of geospatial applications in the studied conditions can be improved. The transfer of the empirically acquired knowledge of the landmark perception to geoinformatics was illustrated with a formal landmark ontology for hiking in nature. The measures of landmark recall were found unexpectedly similar in all the studied conditions. The similarity was explained by the salience of landmarks in nature and the structure of route-like sketch maps but also by the participants' conceptions on what should be drawn on maps. "Passages" and "Structures" were the most-often drawn landmark groups on the sketch maps. Support of geospatial images for wayfinding was evaluated using a literature-based evaluation framework. Visualisation of elevation was experimented with by rendering a 3D map, a derivative of which was compared to 2D elevation visualisations in an eye-tracking study. Vertical elements and elevation were found to be central wayfinding elements in geo-images and the aerial oblique vantage point the most effective image parameter for transferring spatial knowledge. The rendered 3D map was evaluated as cognitively demanding to look at but, however, showed potential in representing the terrain relief. The dissertation also considers challenges in the application of the methods of spatial cognition research and identifies directions for future studies.TĂ€mĂ€ vĂ€itöskirja hyödyntÀÀ spatiaalisen kognition tutkimusta ja menetelmiĂ€ tavoitteena vaikuttaa geospatiaalisten sovellusten kehittĂ€miseen reitinkulun tukemisen osalta. Geospatiaalisten sovellusten, kuten vuorovaikutteisten karttojen ja mobiilien navigointisovellusten, suunnittelu ja kehittĂ€minen on tyypillisesti pohjautunut syvĂ€lliseen maanmittauksen, kartografian ja geoinformatiikan asiantuntijuuteen. TĂ€mĂ€ on usein johtanut monimutkaisiin sovelluksiin, jotka monet kokevat vaikeiksi kĂ€yttÀÀ. Spatiaalisen kognition tutkimus voi tarjota tietoa ihmisen spatiaalisesta ajattelusta sovellusten kĂ€yttötilanteissa ja tĂ€ydentÀÀ kĂ€ytettĂ€vyystutkimuksilla saavutettua tietĂ€mystĂ€. Maamerkkien havaitsemista luonnossa tutkittiin eri vuoden- ja vuorokaudenaikoina. Koehenkilöt kĂ€velivĂ€t luontoreitit kesĂ€llĂ€, talvella, pĂ€ivĂ€llĂ€ ja yöllĂ€ ajatellen ÀÀneen ympĂ€ristön maamerkeistĂ€. Maamerkkien muistamista tutkittiin karttaluonnoksin ja valokuvantunnistuksella. Ă„Ă€neenajattelu analysoitiin ilmaisujen luokittelulla ja luonnollisen kielen kĂ€sittelyllĂ€. Maamerkit todettiin tĂ€rkeiksi reitin hahmottamiselle luonnossa. "Rakennukset", "kulkuvĂ€ylĂ€t" ja "opasteet" olivat eniten havaitut maamerkkiryhmĂ€t. Vuodenajan ja vuorokaudenajan todettiin vaikuttavan maamerkkien hahmottamiseen. Tulosten perusteella voidaan parantaa geospatiaalisten sovellusten mukautuvuutta tutkituissa olosuhteissa. Saavutettua kokeellista tutkimustietoa voidaan hyödyntÀÀ geoinformatiikan sovelluksissa kĂ€yttĂ€en luotua formaalia maamerkkiontologiaa. Maamerkkien muistaminen oli vastoin odotuksia hyvin samankaltaista tutkittujen olosuhteiden kesken. Samankaltaisuus selittyi maamerkkien havaittavuudella luonnossa ja karttaluonnosten reittikeskeisyydellĂ€, mutta myös koehenkilöiden kĂ€sityksellĂ€ kohteista, jotka on tarpeen piirtÀÀ kartalle. "KulkuvĂ€ylĂ€t" ja "rakennukset" olivat karttaluonnosten piirretyimmĂ€t maamerkkiryhmĂ€t. Geospatiaalisten kuvien tukea reitinkululle tutkittiin kĂ€yttĂ€en kirjallisuuteen perustuvaa arviointikehystĂ€. Korkeuden esittĂ€mistĂ€ tutkittiin koostamalla kokeellinen 3D-kartta, josta johdettua karttaa verrattiin silmĂ€nliiketutkimuksessa kaksiulotteisiin korkeudenesitystapoihin. Tutkimukset vahvistivat geokuvien korkeusesityksen ja pystysuorien kohteiden tĂ€rkeyden reitinkulun tukemisessa. YlĂ€viisto katselukulma havaittiin yhdeksi tehokkaimmista kuvaparametreista spatiaalisen tiedon vĂ€littĂ€misessĂ€. Koostettu 3D-kartta osoittautui kognitiivisesti kuormittavaksi lukea, mutta ilmensi kehitysmahdollisuuksia maaston korkeuserojen esittĂ€misessĂ€. VĂ€itöskirja kĂ€sittelee myös haasteita spatiaalisen kognition tutkimusmenetelmien soveltamisessa ja esittÀÀ tulevaisuuden tutkimusaiheita

    Luonnon maamerkkien ja geospatiaalisten kuvien analyysi reitinkulun tukemiseksi

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    This dissertation applies the research and methods of spatial cognition in order to contribute to the development of wayfinding support in geospatial applications. The design and development of geospatial applications, such as interactive maps and mobile navigation applications, has been typically founded on the expertise of surveying, cartography and geoinformatics. This has often led to relatively complex expert tools that many users find difficult to use. The research of spatial cognition can provide elementary understanding about human thinking in the use situations of these applications and supplement the knowledge gained using the usability research. Perception of landmarks along routes in nature was studied in season and time-of-day studies with participants who walked nature trails in summer, winter, day and night while thinking aloud about the surroundings. The recall of the route was measured afterwards using sketch-map drawing and photo recognition tasks. The think-aloud protocols were analysed using classification of propositions and natural language processing. The importance of landmarks for the human route perception in nature was confirmed. "Structures", "Passages" and "Waters" were the most perceived landmark groups. Season and time-of-day significantly affected landmark perception and, based on the results, the adaptivity of geospatial applications in the studied conditions can be improved. The transfer of the empirically acquired knowledge of the landmark perception to geoinformatics was illustrated with a formal landmark ontology for hiking in nature. The measures of landmark recall were found unexpectedly similar in all the studied conditions. The similarity was explained by the salience of landmarks in nature and the structure of route-like sketch maps but also by the participants' conceptions on what should be drawn on maps. "Passages" and "Structures" were the most-often drawn landmark groups on the sketch maps. Support of geospatial images for wayfinding was evaluated using a literature-based evaluation framework. Visualisation of elevation was experimented with by rendering a 3D map, a derivative of which was compared to 2D elevation visualisations in an eye-tracking study. Vertical elements and elevation were found to be central wayfinding elements in geo-images and the aerial oblique vantage point the most effective image parameter for transferring spatial knowledge. The rendered 3D map was evaluated as cognitively demanding to look at but, however, showed potential in representing the terrain relief. The dissertation also considers challenges in the application of the methods of spatial cognition research and identifies directions for future studies.TĂ€mĂ€ vĂ€itöskirja hyödyntÀÀ spatiaalisen kognition tutkimusta ja menetelmiĂ€ tavoitteena vaikuttaa geospatiaalisten sovellusten kehittĂ€miseen reitinkulun tukemisen osalta. Geospatiaalisten sovellusten, kuten vuorovaikutteisten karttojen ja mobiilien navigointisovellusten, suunnittelu ja kehittĂ€minen on tyypillisesti pohjautunut syvĂ€lliseen maanmittauksen, kartografian ja geoinformatiikan asiantuntijuuteen. TĂ€mĂ€ on usein johtanut monimutkaisiin sovelluksiin, jotka monet kokevat vaikeiksi kĂ€yttÀÀ. Spatiaalisen kognition tutkimus voi tarjota tietoa ihmisen spatiaalisesta ajattelusta sovellusten kĂ€yttötilanteissa ja tĂ€ydentÀÀ kĂ€ytettĂ€vyystutkimuksilla saavutettua tietĂ€mystĂ€. Maamerkkien havaitsemista luonnossa tutkittiin eri vuoden- ja vuorokaudenaikoina. Koehenkilöt kĂ€velivĂ€t luontoreitit kesĂ€llĂ€, talvella, pĂ€ivĂ€llĂ€ ja yöllĂ€ ajatellen ÀÀneen ympĂ€ristön maamerkeistĂ€. Maamerkkien muistamista tutkittiin karttaluonnoksin ja valokuvantunnistuksella. Ă„Ă€neenajattelu analysoitiin ilmaisujen luokittelulla ja luonnollisen kielen kĂ€sittelyllĂ€. Maamerkit todettiin tĂ€rkeiksi reitin hahmottamiselle luonnossa. "Rakennukset", "kulkuvĂ€ylĂ€t" ja "opasteet" olivat eniten havaitut maamerkkiryhmĂ€t. Vuodenajan ja vuorokaudenajan todettiin vaikuttavan maamerkkien hahmottamiseen. Tulosten perusteella voidaan parantaa geospatiaalisten sovellusten mukautuvuutta tutkituissa olosuhteissa. Saavutettua kokeellista tutkimustietoa voidaan hyödyntÀÀ geoinformatiikan sovelluksissa kĂ€yttĂ€en luotua formaalia maamerkkiontologiaa. Maamerkkien muistaminen oli vastoin odotuksia hyvin samankaltaista tutkittujen olosuhteiden kesken. Samankaltaisuus selittyi maamerkkien havaittavuudella luonnossa ja karttaluonnosten reittikeskeisyydellĂ€, mutta myös koehenkilöiden kĂ€sityksellĂ€ kohteista, jotka on tarpeen piirtÀÀ kartalle. "KulkuvĂ€ylĂ€t" ja "rakennukset" olivat karttaluonnosten piirretyimmĂ€t maamerkkiryhmĂ€t. Geospatiaalisten kuvien tukea reitinkululle tutkittiin kĂ€yttĂ€en kirjallisuuteen perustuvaa arviointikehystĂ€. Korkeuden esittĂ€mistĂ€ tutkittiin koostamalla kokeellinen 3D-kartta, josta johdettua karttaa verrattiin silmĂ€nliiketutkimuksessa kaksiulotteisiin korkeudenesitystapoihin. Tutkimukset vahvistivat geokuvien korkeusesityksen ja pystysuorien kohteiden tĂ€rkeyden reitinkulun tukemisessa. YlĂ€viisto katselukulma havaittiin yhdeksi tehokkaimmista kuvaparametreista spatiaalisen tiedon vĂ€littĂ€misessĂ€. Koostettu 3D-kartta osoittautui kognitiivisesti kuormittavaksi lukea, mutta ilmensi kehitysmahdollisuuksia maaston korkeuserojen esittĂ€misessĂ€. VĂ€itöskirja kĂ€sittelee myös haasteita spatiaalisen kognition tutkimusmenetelmien soveltamisessa ja esittÀÀ tulevaisuuden tutkimusaiheita

    Informed orienteering : a study of navigating systemic positioning dilemmas within the field of anorexia

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    Systemic Psychotherapists, versed in working from a social constructionist and feminist perspective, can encounter positioning dilemmas when working within the high risk field of anorexia. A common discourse of anorexia is that it has a relationship to issues of control, feelings of subjugation and lack of agency. For professionals, when working within the dominant psycho-medical domain immediate physical risk can be reduced, but so can the client’s sense of agency. On the other hand, if the therapist works within a social constructionist domain agency can be increased, but so might physical risk. Using semi-structured interviews, qualitative data were collected, recorded and analysed from eight systemic family psychotherapists who were currently working with anorexia in a variety of clinical settings. Focus was given within the dialogically constructed interviews to the positions that the participants took within the discourse of anorexia, both theoretically and in action. Positioning dilemmas and issues of power dynamics were given particular focus. The data were analysed using constructivist grounded theory, with three main theoretical codes emerging inductively from the axial codes. The findings that emerged are arranged as a hermeneutic circle of influences upon the positions taken, and encompass history, context, view, position, action and response. The positions of expert, unsettled and not-knowing were identified. Finally the actions of comfort, support and challenge emerged from the data. The participants varied from each other and within their own positioning, with context of client age and chronicity seemingly having a strong influence on how social constructionist positions could be taken in the face of physical risk. The influence of their own and other professional and personal discourses also had bearing. In this study, the findings suggest that an informed orienteering approach (a term that I coined based on dialogic principles, Shotter’s concept of withness and orienteering and Mason’s thinking on working within safe uncertainty) can help systemic therapists position themselves within discourses about anorexia. My informed orienteering approach allows incorporation and attention to both the psycho-medical and social constructionist positions, whilst accounting for issues of power, particularly through feminist critique and the thinking of Foucault and Bourdieu. Implications for the field of family therapy are considered, as are recommendations for future research

    Running: anatomy of a middle-class obsession

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    This thesis explores recreational running as a social practice using the tools of Bourdeusian field analysis. Combining qualitative and quantitative methods, it maps and describes the social terrain of running, and explores the ways in which forms of running – and running per se – can be understood as symbolically potent performances of social position. The research methods include a large-scale survey of runners (n=2,637) and a series of in-depth interviews with runners (n=21). Running is also placed in its broader context as one of a wide range of forms of active leisure through a secondary analysis of data collected by Sport England. This study deploys Bourdieusian tools in a new way, using them to explode the ostensibly monolithic category of ‘running’ into its constituent parts, revealing a cosmos of socially distinctive (and even antagonistic) forms of running within it - a field of positions associated with distinctive cultural meanings and values. In mapping and analysing social and cultural differences within running, this study paints a new, more nuanced and complete picture of running culture as a dynamic, uneven and contested space through which social inequalities are reinforced and even justified. Key findings centre on the roles of class and gender in shaping running engagement through the mediation of access to capital and variations in habitus relating to tastes around the ‘healthy lifestyle’, body-shape and fitness ideals, ‘authenticity’ seeking, perceptions of competence, competition and ‘mental toughness’

    Informed orienteering : a study of navigating systemic positioning dilemmas within the field of anorexia

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    Systemic Psychotherapists, versed in working from a social constructionist and feminist perspective, can encounter positioning dilemmas when working within the high risk field of anorexia. A common discourse of anorexia is that it has a relationship to issues of control, feelings of subjugation and lack of agency. For professionals, when working within the dominant psycho-medical domain immediate physical risk can be reduced, but so can the client’s sense of agency. On the other hand, if the therapist works within a social constructionist domain agency can be increased, but so might physical risk. Using semi-structured interviews, qualitative data were collected, recorded and analysed from eight systemic family psychotherapists who were currently working with anorexia in a variety of clinical settings. Focus was given within the dialogically constructed interviews to the positions that the participants took within the discourse of anorexia, both theoretically and in action. Positioning dilemmas and issues of power dynamics were given particular focus. The data were analysed using constructivist grounded theory, with three main theoretical codes emerging inductively from the axial codes. The findings that emerged are arranged as a hermeneutic circle of influences upon the positions taken, and encompass history, context, view, position, action and response. The positions of expert, unsettled and not-knowing were identified. Finally the actions of comfort, support and challenge emerged from the data. The participants varied from each other and within their own positioning, with context of client age and chronicity seemingly having a strong influence on how social constructionist positions could be taken in the face of physical risk. The influence of their own and other professional and personal discourses also had bearing. In this study, the findings suggest that an informed orienteering approach (a term that I coined based on dialogic principles, Shotter’s concept of withness and orienteering and Mason’s thinking on working within safe uncertainty) can help systemic therapists position themselves within discourses about anorexia. My informed orienteering approach allows incorporation and attention to both the psycho-medical and social constructionist positions, whilst accounting for issues of power, particularly through feminist critique and the thinking of Foucault and Bourdieu. Implications for the field of family therapy are considered, as are recommendations for future research

    The Piratical Ethos: Textual Activity and Intellectual Property in Digital Environments

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    The Piratical Ethos: Textual Activity and Intellectual Property in Digital Environments examines the definition, function, and application of intellectual property in contexts of electronically mediated social production. With a focus on immaterial production - or the forms of coordinated social activity employed to produce knowledge and information in the networked information economy - this project ultimately aims to demonstrate how current intellectual property paradigms must be rearticulated for an age of digital (re)production. By considering the themes of Piracy , Intellectual Property , and Distributed Social Production this dissertation provides an overview of the current state of peer production and intellectual property in the Humanities and Writing Studies. Next, this project develops and implements a communicational-mediational research methodology to theorize how both discursive and material data lend themselves to a more nuanced understanding of the ways that technologies of communication and coordination effect attitudes toward intellectual property. After establishing both a methodology and an interdisciplinary grounding for the themes of the work, this dissertation presents a grounded theoretic analysis of piratical discourse to reveal what I call the piratical ethos , or the guiding attitudes of individuals actively contesting intellectual property in piratical acts of distributed social production. Congruently, this work also investigates the material dynamics of piratical activity by analyzing the cultural-historical activity systems wherein piratical subjectivity emerges, emphasizing the agenic capacity of interfacial technologies at the scales of user and system. Exploring the attitudes of piratical subjects and the technological genres that mediate piratical activity, I contend that the conclusions drawn from The Piratical Ethos can assist Writing Studies researchers with developing novel methodologies to study the intersections of intellectual property and distributed social production in digital worlds

    City marketing and convention bureaus value propositions in the post-covid time

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    City marketing and convention bureaus value propositions in the post-covid timeThe role of convention bureaus across the world is to market destinations and cities.This paper explores destination marketing in the post pandemic time. It focusses on thevalues that convention bureaus, a key actor in the meetings industry, propose topotential visitors. The concept of value propositions (VPs) is commonly regarded as astrategic tool for organizations to communicate what and how they will provide benefitsto clients in their offerings of products or services (Payne, Frow and Eggert 2017, Payneet al. 2020). A value proposition is a central part of the business model. VPs can bethought of in terms of promises made to clients or to market segments in externalcommunication (Grönroos and Voima 2013). This calls for an appropriate packaging andpresentation of the values in the communication of organisations (Payne, et al. 2017).From a strategic perspective, VPs affects the process communicating and deliveringvalues (Lanning 2020). Previous research of VPs within in tourism studies include valueco-creation and co-destruction in tourism services (Assiouras et al. 2022), value andtourist brand loyalty (Bose et al. 2022), tourism stakeholder value-co creation (Carrasco-FarrĂ© et al. 2022), value propositions in digitalisation processes (Endres et al. 2020) valuepropositions for community building (Butler and Szromek 2019), power in tourismmarketing (Kannisto 2016) and values in experience design (Tussyadiah 2014). The topicappears however to be understudied from a communication perspective and also withrespect to how unexpected events, such as the pandemic, frame the processes ofcommunicating values. The aim of this paper is to advance the knowledge about valuepropositions socio-cultural dimensions by exploring how benefits for meetings bookersand visitors are discursively constructed. The study will answer three questions: how isvalue proposed in the marketing communication of convention bureaus, and whatprofessional meetings discourses are formed in the post covid time?Case, method and theoryTexts and images in the online marketing of 20 convention bureaus (CBs) was collectedbetween May 2022 and March 2023. Dispersed across five world continents, most CBsare located in large cities. A CBs main purpose is to increase the number of meetings ina destination. CBs collaborate with companies in its area to market their offerings, andthey are often a unit of a DMO of a city or a municipality's business department. Themeetings industry increased its activity in the beginning of 2022, when all restrictionswere gradually lifted, and therefore the data constitute an example of marketing thatwas planned and executed during a crisis. The material was imported and text-scannedin NVivo software. Codes were created inductively, by identifying presentations ofbenefits in chunks of texts and images that were manually coded as value propositions,screenshot by screenshot. Inspired by discourse theory (Wetherell et al. 2001), thesecond step of the analysis aimed for a more abstract level. The theory wasoperationalized by looking for reoccurring expressions used to propose value, terms,narratives, symbols, metaphors, and images, and by identifying things that are excluded,and ambiguities in the communication. A set of identified values emerged, as a map ofhow convention bureaus on a global level imagine the meetings demand. The analysis2discusses some vantage points that the CBs depart from. The analytical perspective thusprovides a broad societal interpretation of the themes.FindingsTwo main VP discourses emerged. First, the offering of “The meeting in a destination” isconstructed as place-bound meetings. Place is represented in images of historicalbuildings, spectacular nature, or references to place specific professional networks. Thecommunicated benefits emphasise physical interactions and location in relation to otherplaces. The place bound discourse constructs an essential need of being and engaging ininteractions and experience place, for successful meetings. The CBs engage in aplaceification of professional meetings.Second, the “Sustainable meetings” is a morally packaged offering, that is often basedon presenting benefits of ethical concern such as expressions of care for theenvironment or displays of certifications and expert lists of wise consumption choices.This offering thus constructs morally conscious and responsible choices at the center ofa good meeting. Sustainable consumption is constructed as a norm, in this ethicificationof the professional meetings offering. In sum, the representations relate to differentnorms like mobility and the ethical. The first emphasises experiences of place, whichpartly contradicts the offering of sustainability, The placeification contradicts theethicification of meetings, in so far that places require physical infrastructures andtravelling. The ethicification of meetings stress on the other hand travelling aspotentially harmful for the environment. The sustainability theme does not stress lesstravelling, it rather suggests alternative forms.Discussion and conclusionsThe communication can be interpreted as formations of new norms emerging in relationto change in society. The meeting industry has always emphasised the value of a specificlocation for meetings, an essential part of the tourism industry business models.Revenues depend on sold rooms, dinners, and personal service in that place.Experiences of place requires people to be there. This communication may thereforeseem like a given vantage point. However, digitalisation of society has acceleratedduring Covid-19 pandemic and it seems to have paved a way for customer segments thatdo not want to, or cannot not travel to a remote destination, for different reasons.Especially urgent during the pandemic and to some extent still valid, digital meetingformats are still used. The meeting industry have had to address the question ofmobility, where digital meetings formats could be part of a possible venue in asustainable direction. Carbon emissions from aviation is a significant contributor toclimate change while a lot of people around the world go to meetings by plane, on aregular basis. 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