755 research outputs found

    Audience synchronies in live concerts illustrate the embodiment of music experience

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    A study of 132 audience members of three classical public concerts (all three staged the same chamber music pieces by Ludwig van Beethoven, Brett Dean, and Johannes Brahms) had the goal of analyzing the physiological and motor responses of audiences. It was assumed that the music would induce synchronous physiology and movement in listeners (induction synchrony). In addition to hypothesizing that such synchronies would be present, we expected that they were linked to participants' aesthetic experiences, their affect and personality traits, which were assessed by questionnaires before and after the concerts. Clear evidence was found of physiological synchrony (heart rate, respiration rate, skin conductance response) as well as movement synchrony of the audiences, whereas breathing behavior was not synchronized. Thus the audiences of the three concerts resonated with the music, their music perception was embodied. There were links between the bodily synchrony and aesthetic experiences: synchrony, especially heart-rate synchrony, was higher when listeners felt moved emotionally and inspired by a piece, and were immersed in the music. Personality traits were also associated with the individual contributions to induction synchrony

    Implementing process methods in learning research:targeting emotional responses in collaborative learning

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    Abstract. Context and aim: While interacting with peers and teachers in a collaborative learning task, students experience socio-emotional challenges and display emotional responses. These responses have two major components: arousal and valence, which influence the learning process and its outcomes. The aim of the study was twofold: first, to explore how group members’ arousal levels vary across different phases of a collaborative learning task; and second, to investigate how case students’ emotional responses are distributed in the arousal-valence space across the phases of the collaborative task. Methods: Twelve 6th graders from a school of Finland participated in a collaborative task, in groups of three students. The task was to build an energy efficient house in three distinct phases: brainstorming, planning, and building. While performing the activity, students wore Empatica E4 wristbands to measure their electrodermal activity (EDA) and were video-recorded with 360° cameras. Arousal levels were calculated in peaks per min (ppm) and classified as low, middle, and high. Emotional valence was classified from video analysis into positive, neutral, and negative. Results: The ranges for arousal levels were established between 26 and 88 ppm. Only two students displayed the same arousal level across the three phases of the experiment. Three students displayed higher arousal at first and then fell in to lower levels. Four students had the opposite experience and three students did not display a pattern. As for the case students, the student leading a poorly collaborating group experienced oscillating levels of arousal, from middle to high, and displayed a mix of negative and positive valence most of the time. The student loafing around experienced all arousal levels and positive valence most of the time. Overall conclusions and relevance: The study allowed to establish measurement thresholds for arousal as a starting point for future studies in collaborative learning and the arousal-valence space provided a quantifiable picture to help teachers understand the importance of emotional responses in classroom during collaborative learning

    Cinematic Transmedia: A Physiological Look at Engagement with Marvel\u27s Cinematic Universe as Measured by Brainwaves and Electrodermal Activity

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    This study looks at engagement levels within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) at physiological and neurological levels, and with self-reported measures. One show or movie in each of three categories of Marvel media (a movie, television show, and streaming show) were shown to participants who then had their brainwaves and galvanic skin response recorded to determine whether or not they were engaged with the transmedia aspects of the MCU. Results showed that participants were consistently engaged with the transmedia throughout all three media types, with brainwaves varying only slightly between each content. The Marvel movie, “The Avengers” was most engaging to participants who had their brainwaves and galvanic skin response rates recorded, while participants in a control group consisting of only a survey agreed with the finding that movies in the MCU were the most enjoyable and were able to keep their interest the longest. There were significant findings between ratings of television shows and engagement with each of the three media types for participants in the control group

    The gesture's narrative : contemporary music for percussion

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    Musical performance gestures are recognized by the majority of theoreticians as a critical factor of a musical performance. The aim of the musical performance may consist in not only communicating the musical signs that form a musical piece, but conveying the meaningful succession of gestures, facial expressions and body movements. This meaningful succession, or otherwise the “gesture´s narrative” is assumed to be quite important for the process of directing the audience towards the intended interpretation. Recording music allowed audiences to listen to music without having to go to a musical event for this purpose. On the one hand, this made the listening experience more intense, allowing to concentrate on the aural information exclusively, but, on the other hand, it also imposed restrictions on people’s perception, as the syncretic listening and seeing experience became separated into constituents. Gestures can be considered as operating features of a person’s perception-action system. It presupposes significance of a meaning that involves more than just a physical movement. Movements can be subdivided into specific patterns and conceptualized. Conceptualized gestures are kept in people’s minds as single units, and the subdivision operations are carried out both by performers and the audience. Musical communication through gestures is therefore not about movement only, it should be viewed as structured interactions. For this research, solo percussion contemporary music performance will be analyzed. Overall, percussive music performance is extremely wide, and is accompanied by bright visual images provided by musicians themselves. From this perspective, observation over percussionists’ playing manner and it´s audience provides the researcher an opportunity to understand a narrative ability of music through musicians’ gestures. The quantitative research design divided in three experiments was chosen for the purpose of this study, which can be referred to as the description of the objective reality by using numbers in order to construct meaningful models reflecting various relationships between objects or phenomena. These numerical entities are not the reality itself, but a way of representing it. Moreover, the chosen experimental design gives an opportunity to not only establish the existence of certain effects of one variable on the other one, but also study the magnitude of these effects, considering the major two research questions: Is it possible to detect a percussive gesture’s narrative ? How does the percussive gesture influences the perception of musical narrative?Os gestos que produzem o som são reconhecidos pela maioria dos teóricos como um factor determinante da performance musical e da sua percepção. A conexão entre os gestos, sons e percepção de determinado discurso musical foi já abordada por um amplo número de cientistas, ainda que não haja um claro consenso quanto à medida em que essa conexão é fundamental ou quanto às operações cognitivas subjacentes à percepção de uma peça musical. O objetivo da interpretação em música consistirá não apenas em comunicar os sinais musicais que formam uma obra, mas também em transmitir a sucessão significativa de gestos, expressões e movimentos do corpo. Esta sucessão significativa, ou de outra forma exposto, a “narrativa do gesto” é considerada muito importante para o processo de condução de um público para a interpretação pretendida. O avanço da tecnologia neste estádio de desenvolvimento da sociedade, criou excelentes oportunidades para permitir a separação de atividades auditivas e visuais da música. A gravação e posterior difusão musical, permitiu que o público consumisse música sem ter que, para essa finalidade, presenciar um evento musical. Por um lado, esse fenómeno tornou a experiência de escuta mais frequente e porventura mais focada, permitindo ao ouvinte concentrar-se na informação auditiva exclusivamente. Mas, por outro lado, também impôs restrições a uma experiência musical sincrética com o ouvir e ouvir e ver, a separaram-se em constituintes dentro do fenómeno musical. Os gestos podem ser considerados características de funcionamento do sistema de percepção/ acção de um ser humano. Pressupõe isso a atribuição de expressão a um significado que envolve mais do que apenas um movimento físico. Os movimentos podem ser subdivididos em padrões específicos e conceptualizados. Estes gestos conceptualizados são mantidos como unidades singulares, e as operações de subdivisão significantes são levadas a cabo tanto pelos performers como pelo seu público. A comunicação musical através de gestos, não deve, portanto, ser olhada apenas sobre os aspectos do movimento, mas sim como uma interação estruturada e musicalmente contextualizada. Os processos descritos acima resultam em grande parte do ambiente de envolvimento do individuo ouvinte e dependem fortemente da sua singularidade e contexto cultural. Nem todos os movimentos poderão ser chamados gestos performativos para além daqueles aqueles cuja acção é de natureza intencionalmente expressiva ou inerente à produção de som. Nesta pesquisa, a performance de música contemporânea para percussão solo será analisada. De uma maneira geral, o desempenho dos percussionistas é, do ponto de vista visual, extremamente rico na formação de gestos. Nessa perspectiva, a observação de uma audiência sujeita à sua presença, com e sem contacto visual com a sua acção, fornece uma oportunidade de aproximação ao estudo do gesto e da sua narrativa, do ponto de vista da percepção do discurso musical. Um desenho de pesquisa quantitativa dividida em três experiências, foi o caminho escolhido para o presente estudo. Produziu-se uma descrição da realidade objectiva usando números, de modo a construir modelos significativos que pudessem reflectir as várias relações entre objectos ou fenómenos . Estas entidades numéricas não serão assim uma realidade em si, mas uma maneira possível de a representar . O processo de experimentação, dividido em três partes, dá-nos a oportunidade para perceber não só a existência dos efeitos de uma variável sobre a outra (visual e auditiva), mas também permite uma reflexão sobre a magnitude desses efeitos, tentando assim responder ás questões que levam a esta investigação: É possivel detectar uma narrativa no gesto percussivo? Como é que o gesto percussivo influencia a percepção do discurso musical

    Listen to my breath: Exploring expressive function of breathing sounds in imitation and emotional attunement

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    Diversi studi hanno dimostrato i reciproci rapporti di influenza tra respiro e variabili psicologiche ma scarsa attenzione è stata rivolta all’indagine delle funzioni espressive del suono del respiro. Studio 1 è stato finalizzato alla costruzione di un modello di analisi multi-livello per la descrizione acustica del respiro. Sono state effettuate audio e video registrazioni del respiro di 2 coppie di soggetti in performance individuali e congiunte. Sui 1903 respiri raccolti sono state condotte analisi video e audio che hanno portato alla costruzione di tre categorie di indici: respiratori, acustici e interattivi (relativi alla relazione tra i comportamenti respiratori di due partners in un’azione congiunta). Studio 2 ha investigato cosa poteva essere inferito dall’ascolto del suono respiro relativamente all’identità, allo stato emotivo e all’attività svolta da una persona. Inoltre, ha verificato se l’imitazione facilitasse l’identificazione rispetto al solo ascolto. Sono state raccolte registrazioni ecologiche del respiro di persone coinvolte in 6 attività e 4 emozioni. Un campione di 90 persone ha ascoltato le tracce e risposto ad un questionario relativo alle suddette variabili. Altre 90 persone prima di rispondere imitavano il respiro. Il campione ha efficacemente inferito informazioni relative alle variabili indagate, con risultati migliori nel task di imitazione. Studio 3 mirava a descrivere acusticamente 6 condizioni di respiro emotivo (rabbia, paura, tristezza, disgusto, tenerezza, gioia) e a investigare se “respirare insieme” influenzasse il processo di sintonizzazione. 20 coppie di donne hanno partecipato. Per ogni emozione, entro ogni coppia una partecipante leggeva una storia emotivamente connotata e respirava come se si trovasse in quella situazione. L’altra esprimeva la propria vicinanza respirando come lei. Al termine rispondevano a un questionario. I respiri sono stati audio registrati e analizzati. E’ stato possibile ricondurre ciascuna delle emozioni a un differente pattern respiratorio. Inoltre il task ha influenzato diverse dimensioni della sintonizzazione: la sincronizzazione, il decoding emotivo, l’esperienza emotiva e la percezione di somiglianza interpersonale.Several psycho-physiological studies have provided evidences about the reciprocal influence between respiration and psychological variables but few attentions have been brought to the investigation of the expressive function of breathing sounds. Study 1 aims to build a multilayer analysis model that enable an acoustic description of breathing sounds. Audio and video recordings of breathing of two pairs of participants engaged in individual and joint performance were conducted. 1903 were video and audio analyzed and 3 sets of indexes were derived: respiratory, acoustic and interactive (aimed to relate partner’s respiratory behaviour during joint performances). Study 2 investigates what could be inferred about a person’s identity, emotional state and activity from the sound of his/her breathing. Moreover, it aims to verify whether imitation of breathing patterns improve the identification of those features. Ecological recordings of breathing sounds of people engaged in 6 activities and 4 emotions. 90 participants listen to the tracks and answer a questionnaire about such variables. Other 90 mimicked the tracks before answering. Participants were able to infer valuable information about the aspects under investigation with better results in the imitation task. Study 3 aims to describe the acoustic features of 6 emotional breathing patterns (anger, fear, sadness, disgust, tenderness and joy) and to see whether breathing together could strengthen the attunement process. 20 pairs of women participated. For each emotion, within the pair one participant read a story emotionally connoted and breathes as if she actually was in that situation. Her partner had to convey her closeness breathing in the same way. Finally they filled in a questionnaire. Different respiratory patterns were related to each emotion. Moreover the task influenced several attunement dimensions: synchronization, emotional decoding, emotional experience and perception of interpersonal similarity

    Body movement and sound intensity in Western contemporary popular singing

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