1,122 research outputs found

    Experiential Value, Satisfaction, and Social Virtual World Continuance: An Empirical Investigation in Second

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    Social virtual worlds (SVW) base their success on continued usage. However, there is a paucity of investigation on SVW continuance. Especially, hedonic value beyond purely utilitarian concerns should be taken into consideration in understanding SVW continuance. In this study, drawing on a satisfaction-based perspective and the notion of experiential value from the consumer behavior literature, we developed a research model regarding the role of experiential value (including both utilitarian and hedonic value) in predicting SVW users’ continuance intention through satisfaction. In order to empirically test the proposed model and hypotheses, data were collected using a questionnaire survey from real users of Second Life, one of the most popular and typical SVWs in the world, and analyzed via LISREL 8.70. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed

    What Drives Post Adoption Behavior in Virtual Traffic Community: The Role of Utilitarian and Hedonic Values

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    This study examines how satisfied experience enhance continuance intention of travel and navigation mobile application through the perceived value. It is proposed that user satisfaction stems from both utilitarian and hedonic value. Using a sample of 241 respondents and structural equation modeling, this study confirms that all aspect of perceived quality (information, system, service) enhances the perceived functionality of the app, while the sociability is the main determinant of the enjoyment perception. Both utilitarian and hedonic value are crucial in driving satisfaction, and eventually continuance intention of the apps. The findings are translated into practical implications and revenues for future research

    Investigating the continuance intention to play massively multi-player online games

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    Massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs) have been one of the fastest growing online entertainments and attracted a great sum of venture investment. Yet, little empirical research has been conducted to examine the interrelationship between gamers’ motivations and post-adoption behaviors. This study attempted to explain gamers’ continuance intention to play MMOGs by integrating motivations for playing MMOGs into the information systems (IS) continuance model. We conducted an online survey with 392 World of Warcraft gamers, and validated the model with structural equation modeling approach. With the majority of hypotheses being substantiated, our results revealed that the extended IS continuance model demonstrates satisfactory predictive power to gamers’ continuance intention to play MMOGs. Achievement and immersion motivations were testified to positively associate with enjoyment, and that enjoyment and satisfaction jointly predict the continuance intention to play MMOGs. The study rounded off with theoretical and practical implications

    Post-adoption model of mobile payment in Indonesia: Integration of UTAUT2 and the dedication-constraint perspective

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    Heading towards a cashless society, consumers have undergone a significant shift toward mobile payment services after COVID-19. The proliferation of various mobile payment applications has resulted in low consumer loyalty to mobile payment providers. Thus, continuance intention of mobile payments becomes crucial for mobile payment providers. The integration of UTAUT2 and the dedication-constraint-based mechanism are adopted to elaborate approach in retaining customers. The dedication mechanism is built by examining antecedents of satisfaction. Meanwhile, the constraint mechanism is driven by switching costs, preceded by habit and economic incentives. A total of 297 mobile payment users participated by filling out questionnaires in a field survey. The results show that the dedication mechanism dominates in creating satisfaction by increasing perceived usefulness, while the constraint mechanism is more influenced by habit than economic incentives. This research provides insights for mobile payment providers to enhance satisfaction by understanding consumers' needs in using mobile payments and to increase switching costs by fostering habit, thereby encouraging continuance intention of mobile payments in the future

    The factors that contribute to the continuous usage of broadband technologies among youth in rural areas: A case of northern region of Malaysia

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    Despite the benefits of broadband technology in education and healthcare services, its usage in the rural areas is still low and Malaysia is not excluded. This situation leads to raising the question of long-term usage of the technology. Presently, there are less empirical study on the continuous usage of broadband technology among the youths particularly school children in the rural areas of Malaysia. The objective of this study is to determine the contributing factors for continuous usage of broadband technology among youths in the rural areas. Therefore, a research model was proposed consisting of eight contributing factors for continuous usage of broadband technology. Moreover, the study used quantitative approach by distributing 450 questionnaires to respondents in the northern region of Malaysia. However, only 393 questionnaires were returned which represent 87.33% response rate. The data collected were analyzed using a Structural Equation Model to investigate the relationship between contributing factors. The results showed that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, compatibility, facilitating condition, service quality, user behavioural intention and user satisfaction are the significant contributing factors that must be in place to ensure the continuous usage of broadband among youth in the rural areas. Hence, this study contributes to the body of knowledge in Community Informatics by providing a framework for achieving long-term use of broadband technology among youths in the rural areas, through the integration of Information System Continuance Post Acceptance and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology models. The factors identified may contribute as input to the government policy formulations and service providers to ensure continuous demand for broadband from the evidence extracted from this study. Continuous usage of broadband technology in the rural areas would have positive contributions on the academic performance, literacy among youths, bridging the digital divide in broadband usage, increase home business and national productivity

    Pengaruh Informativeness, Image Appeal, dan Interactivity Terhadap Perceived Utilitarian Value Pada Iklan di Media Sosial UMKM Rendang Gadih Payakumbuh

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    Penggunaan iklan di media sosial memungkinkan pemasar untuk berkomunikasi secara langsung dengan konsumen mereka kapan saja dan di mana saja. Namun, tidak diketahui bagaimana cara terbaik untuk membangun iklan secara positif yang mampu mempengaruhi sikap dan perilaku konsumen. Pada penelitian ini penulis bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh informativeness, image appeal, dan interactivity yang ada di iklan media sosial Instagram Rendang Gadih terhadap perceived utilitarian value. perceived utilitarian value yang dirasakan konsumen ditandai dengan evaluasi secara umum apakah sebuah kebutuhan tertentu merangsang sebuah perilaku belanja dilakukan oleh konsumen. Analisis empiris didasarkan pada data yang dikumpulkan dari 100 responden pengguna media sosial Instagram yang telah melihat iklan Rendang Gadih. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuesioner.Untuk mempermudah pengolahan data maka dikelompokan variabel menjadi dua variabel utama. Pertama variabel dependen yaitu informativeness, image appeal, dan interactivity. Kedua variabel independen perceived utilitarian value. Metode analisis yang digunakan untuk menjawab hipotesis yaitu kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis R-Square dan uji T-statistic. Hasil pengujian hipotesis terlihat bahwa informativeness, image appeal dan intercativity berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perceived utilitarian value pada iklan yang muncul di media sosial Instagram Rendang Gadih. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan ketersediaan informasi yang detail tentang produk, keunggulan gambar dari iklan dan interaksi yang terjadi antara pemasar dan konsumen mampu mempengaruhi perceived utilitarian value yang dirasakan oleh konsumen. Keyword: Informativeness, Image Appeal, Interactivity, Perceived Utilitarian Valu

    Mobile Payment Continuance Intention

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Information TechnologiesThe disruptive development of information and communication technologies over the last two decades has revolutionized the mobile phone industry, exponentially increased the number of mobile phone users, and encouraged companies to make various services available through a mobile phone. Mobile payment is one of the fastest growing services, enabling users to perform financial transactions over a mobile phone. The exponential growth of mobile payment has affected a number of sectors including finance and technology, thus reinforcing the need for a deep understanding of the impact of the continued use of mobile payment services. With this dissertation we contribute to a better understanding of the determinants of continuance intention to use mobile payment at the individual level. For this reason, were developed four studies, one literature review, and three empirical studies. In the first study (Chapter 2) we conducted a literature review of existing studies on individual continuance intention to use an information system. In Chapter 3 we assessed the continuance intention to use m-payment employing two theoretical models, the DeLone and McLean information system success model (D&M ISSM) and the expectation-confirmation model (ECM) in an African context. The impact of task technology fit (TTF) and overall trust on ECM to explain the continuance use of mpayment is analysed in Chapter 4. In the last study, Chapter 5, we assess the impact of culture on continuance intention to use m-payment, combining the ECM and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. This dissertation provides several contributions for research and practice, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and implications for service managers, service providers, users, and researchers. The literature review applies meta-analysis and weight analysis from 115 empirical studies from continuance intention to use an information system (IS). The findings reveal that the factors with strongest influence on continuance intention to use an IS are affective commitment, attitude, satisfaction, hedonic value, and flow. Moreover, sample size, individualism, uncertainty avoidance, and long-term orientation moderate the relationship of perceived usefulness on continuance intention. Power distance, masculinity, and indulgence moderate the relationship of satisfaction on continuance intention. From the first empirical study we examine the influence individual performance drivers on continuance intention to use m–payment in an African context. We find that the most important predictors of continuance intention to use m-payment are individual performance, use, and satisfaction. The second empirical study integrates TTF and overall trust theories and evaluates their relationships for continuance intention to use mobile payment. Findings show that use, individual performance, overall trust, and the moderation role of satisfaction are the most important constructs to explain continuance intention. The last empirical study assesses the impact of culture on m-payment continuance intention. The findings reveal that the relationships between confirmation on satisfaction and perceived usefulness, and perceived usefulness on continuance intention are moderated by uncertainty avoidance.O desenvolvimento disruptivo das tecnologias de informação e comunicação nas últimas duas décadas revolucionou a indústria da telefonia móvel, aumentando exponencialmente o número de utilizadores de telemóveis, encorajando desta forma as empresas a disponibilizar diferentes serviços através de um telemóvel. O serviço pagamento móvel é um dos serviços que se encontra em um rápido crescimento permitindo aos utilizadores efetuar transações financeiras através de um telemóvel. O crescimento exponencial do serviço de pagamento móvel tem afetado diferentes sectores, tais como finanças e tecnologia, reforçando a necessidade de uma compreensão profunda do impacto da utilização contínua dos serviços de pagamento móvel. Com o desenvolvimento desta dissertação, esperamos contribuir para uma melhor compreensão dos determinantes da intenção de continuar a usar o serviço de pagamento móvel a nível individual. De forma a concretizar este objetivo foram desenvolvidos um total de quatro estudos distintos. No primeiro estudo (Capítulo 2) realizámos uma revisão bibliográfica dos estudos existentes sobre a intenção de continuar a utilizar um sistema de informação. No capítulo três, avaliámos a intenção de continuar a utilizar o serviço de pagamento móvel, empregando dois modelos teóricos, o DeLone and McLean information system success model (D&M ISSM) e o expectation-confirmation model (ECM) num contexto africano. O impacto do task technology fit (TTF) e o overall trust no modelo ECM para explicar o uso contínuo do serviço de pagamento móvel foi analisado no capítulo quatro. No último estudo, capítulo cinco, avaliámos o impacto da cultura na intenção de continuação da utilização do serviço de pagamento móvel, combinando as dimensões culturais de Hofstede e o modelo ECM. Esta dissertação apresenta várias contribuições para a investigação e para a prática, contribuindo para o avanço do conhecimento, provocando implicações para gestores de serviços, prestadores de serviços, utilizadores e investigadores. O estudo da revisão bibliográfica aplicou meta-analysis e weight analysis a partir de 115 estudos empíricos de intenção continuar a utilizar um sistema de informação (SI). Os resultados revelam que os fatores com maior influência na intenção de continuação da utilização de um SI foram o compromisso afetivo, atitude, satisfação, valor hedónico, e flow. Além disso, o tamanho da amostra, individualismo, prevenção da incerteza, e orientação a longo prazo moderam a relação entre perceção da utilidade e intenção de continuar, distância do poder, masculinidade e indulgência moderam a relação entre satisfação e intenção de continuar. Para o primeiro estudo empírico, examinámos a influência dos fatores de desempenho individual na intenção de continuação da utilização do m-pagamento num contexto africano. Verificámos que os preditores mais importantes da intenção de continuar a utilizar o serviço de pagamento móvel são o desempenho individual, uso e a satisfação. O segundo estudo empírico integrou as teorias da TTF e da confiança geral e avaliou as suas relações para a intenção de continuação da utilização do pagamento móvel. Os resultados mostram que o uso, desempenho individual, confiança geral, o papel de moderação da satisfação são os fatores relevantes para explicar a intenção de continuar a utilizar o serviço de pagamento móvel. O último estudo empírico avalia o impacto da cultura sobre a intenção de continuação do pagamento móvel. Os resultados revelam que as relações entre confirmação, perceção de utilidade com satisfação, perceção de utilidade com intenção de continuar são moderadas pela prevenção da incerteza

    Still believing in virtual worlds: A decomposed approach

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    siirretty Doriast

    Enriching the Summer Palace’s cultural experience

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    Cultural Heritage occurs when visitors tell stories of exceptional experiences at historic sites - after their visit occurs. For the Summer Palace’s directors to create exceptional experiences, exhibition designers must understand how to tell stories that have great meaning to the Summer Palace’s national and international visitors. Our research targets this question – we propose developing innovative and unique storytelling methods through interactive exhibitions throughout the Summer Palace to suspend the visitor’s sense of reality; increasing their sense of flow, suggestion, and engagement. We suggest the Summer Palace for this research project due to its status as a UNESCO World Heritage Site seeking to increase its international reputation. If directors and exhibition designers understand how advanced technology, including immersive exhibitions and augmented reality, can meet educational, enjoyment, and emotional needs of the Summer Palace’s diverse visitors during festivals and tourist visits, we may increase existing visitor’s engagement, and capture new tourist groups - who previously ignored the Palace. We hope our work shall ultimately contribute to making the Summer Palace China’s foremost Cultural Heritage Site and festival epicentre


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    This study examined the relationship between online flow elements on hedonic and utilitarian online shopping experience and its influence on the satisfaction that later influenced the social commerce intention. The research sample using purposive sampling method of social media users who ever search information and purchase online through social media as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Path. The results of this study indicate that arousal, challenge and time distortion have positive effect on hedonic online shopping experience, whereas telepresence haven’t significant effect. Importance, interactivity and skill positively influence utilitarian online shopping experience, while the control has no effect. Utilitarian shopping experience influence satisfaction, whereas no significant effect on hedonic shopping experience. Satisfaction positively influence repurchase intention in social commerce
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