51 research outputs found

    Phase-locked loop, delay-locked loop, and linear decorrelating detector for asynchronous multirate DS-CDMA system

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    The performance of phase synchronization and code tracking of a digital phase-locked loop (PLL) and delay-locked loop (DLL), respectively, is investigated in wideband asynchronous multirate DS-CDMA system. Dynamic Partial Correlation (DPC) method is proposed to evaluate the autocorrelation and its power spectrum density (PSD) of the cross-correlated terms in the presence of multirate multiple access interference (MMAI) under additive white gaussian noise (AWGN) and fading channel environments. The steady-state probability density function (PDF) and variance of the phase estimator error and code tracking jitter is evaluated by solving the first-order Fokker-Planck equation. Among many linear multiuser detectors which decouple the multiple access interference from each of the interfering users, one-shot window linear decorrelating detector (LDD) based on a one bit period to reduce the complexity of the LDD has attracted wide attention as an implementation scheme. Therefore, we propose Hybrid Selection Diversity/ Maximal Ratio Combining (Hybrid SD/MRC) one-shot window linear decorrelating detector (LDD) for asynchronous DS-CDMA systems. The selection diversity scheme at the input of the Hybrid SD/MRC LDD is based on choosing the branch with the maximum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of all filter outputs. The MR Combining scheme at the output of the Hybrid SD/MRC LDD adopts to maximize the output SNR and thus compensates for the enhanced output noise. The Hybrid SD/MRC one-shot LDD with PLL is introduced to track its phase error and to improve the demodulation performance. The probability density functions of the maximum SNR of the SD combiner, the near-far resistance (NFR) of one-shot LDD by Gaussian approximation, and the maximum SNR of the MR combiner for Hybrid SD/MRC LDD are evaluated, and the bit error probability is obtained from these pdfs. The performance of Hybrid SD/MRC one-shot LDD is assessed in a Rayleigh fading channel

    Multiuser detection employing recurrent neural networks for DS-CDMA systems.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2006.Over the last decade, access to personal wireless communication networks has evolved to a point of necessity. Attached to the phenomenal growth of the telecommunications industry in recent times is an escalating demand for higher data rates and efficient spectrum utilization. This demand is fuelling the advancement of third generation (3G), as well as future, wireless networks. Current 3G technologies are adding a dimension of mobility to services that have become an integral part of modem everyday life. Wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) is the standardized multiple access scheme for 3G Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS). As an air interface solution, CDMA has received considerable interest over the past two decades and a great deal of current research is concerned with improving the application of CDMA in 3G systems. A factoring component of CDMA is multiuser detection (MUD), which is aimed at enhancing system capacity and performance, by optimally demodulating multiple interfering signals that overlap in time and frequency. This is a major research problem in multipoint-to-point communications. Due to the complexity associated with optimal maximum likelihood detection, many different sub-optimal solutions have been proposed. This focus of this dissertation is the application of neural networks for MUD, in a direct sequence CDMA (DS-CDMA) system. Specifically, it explores how the Hopfield recurrent neural network (RNN) can be employed to give yet another suboptimal solution to the optimization problem of MUD. There is great scope for neural networks in fields encompassing communications. This is primarily attributed to their non-linearity, adaptivity and key function as data classifiers. In the context of optimum multiuser detection, neural networks have been successfully employed to solve similar combinatorial optimization problems. The concepts of CDMA and MUD are discussed. The use of a vector-valued transmission model for DS-CDMA is illustrated, and common linear sub-optimal MUD schemes, as well as the maximum likelihood criterion, are reviewed. The performance of these sub-optimal MUD schemes is demonstrated. The Hopfield neural network (HNN) for combinatorial optimization is discussed. Basic concepts and techniques related to the field of statistical mechanics are introduced and it is shown how they may be employed to analyze neural classification. Stochastic techniques are considered in the context of improving the performance of the HNN. A neural-based receiver, which employs a stochastic HNN and a simulated annealing technique, is proposed. Its performance is analyzed in a communication channel that is affected by additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) by way of simulation. The performance of the proposed scheme is compared to that of the single-user matched filter, linear decorrelating and minimum mean-square error detectors, as well as the classical HNN and the stochastic Hopfield network (SHN) detectors. Concluding, the feasibility of neural networks (in this case the HNN) for MUD in a DS-CDMA system is explored by quantifying the relative performance of the proposed model using simulation results and in view of implementation issues

    Simulación de una cadena de comunicaciones DS-CDMA - Simulació d’una cadena de comunicacions DS-CDMA

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    Català: En aquest projecte s'ha analitzat e implementat un sistema basat amb DSSS-CDMA amb un receptor comú y diversos transmissors sobre una plataforma modular en Matlab, essent aquesta una eina de validació teòrica. S'ha primat aquesta per sobre d'una implementació en DSP principalment pel cost ecònomic de les plaques DSP. Així, s'ha decidit fer una implementació en Matlab amb les restriccions pròpies d'una placa DSP. El principal objectiu del projecte es la validació del sistema mitjançant la simulació a nivell de mostra sense restriccions de memòria. El proper pas seria la implementació en plaques DSP, peró això s'escapa del objectiu d'aquest projecte. És per això que s'ha dissenyat un sistema que pugi processar les dades amb pocs recursos mitjançant Matlab, tots marcats per una serie de variables. El transmissor es composa de diversos mòduls invariants que son el codificador, modulador, spreader, zero padder, pols conformador i el up converter que estan encadenats per generar la senyal a transmetre per cada un dels diversos usuaris. Totes aquestes senyals passen per un canal d'esvaniment lent amb soroll Gaussià blanc que modelitza un medi de comunicacions mòbil. Finalment el receptor rep totes les senyals y les processa en una serie de mòduls independents formats per un filtre pas baix, downconverter, filtre adaptat, sincronitzador, downsampler, equalitzador, despreader, demodulador y decodificador. En aquest treball es pot observar en la secció de Resultats les captures de la senyal a cada una de les diverses fases seguides d'una breu explicació. Finalment es tracten les conclusions i les properes vies d'investigació.Castellano: En este proyecto se ha analizado e implementado un sistema basado en DSSS-CDMA con un receptor común y varios transmisores sobre una plataforma modular en Matlab, siendo ésta una herramienta de validación teórica. Se ha primado esta sobre una implementación en DSP por el coste económico de las placas DSP. Así que se ha decidido hacer una implementación en Matlab con las constricciones propias de una placa DSP. El objetivo principal del proyecto es la validación del sistema mediante la simulación a nivel de muestra sin restricciones de memoria. El siguiente paso sería la implementación en placas DSP pero esto se escapa del objetivo de este proyecto. Para ello se ha diseñado un sistema que pueda procesar los datos con pocos recursos en Matlab, marcados por una serie de variables. El transmisor se compone de varios módulos invariantes que son el codificador, modulador, spreader, zero padder, pulse shaper y el up converter que encadenados generan la señal a transmitir de cada uno de los distintos usuarios. Todas estas señales pasan por un canal con desvanecimientos lentos y ruido aditivo gaussiano que modeliza un medio de comunicaciones móvil. Finalmente el receptor recibe todas las señales y las procesa en una serie de módulos independientes formados por un filtro paso bajo, downconverter, filtro adaptado, sincronizador, downsampler, equalizador, despreader, demodulador y decodificador. En este trabajo se puede observar en la sección Resultados las capturas de la señal en cada una de las distintas fases seguida de una breve explicación. Para finalmente llegar a la sección de Conclusiones y Futuras líneas de investigación.English: This project has analyzed and implemented a system based on DS-CDMA with a common receiver and multiple transmitters on a modular platform in Matlab, which is used for theoretical validation tool. This platform has been chosen over a DSP implementation due to the economic cost of DSP boards. So, it was decided to implement it using Matlab considering the inherent constraints in a DSP board. Project's main objective is to validate this system by having a simulation at a sample level which has no memory constraints. The next step would be to implement this in DSP boards; however this is beyond the scope of this project. A system has been designed that can process data with few resources in Matlab environment. The system developed is highly configurable using some input parameters. The transmitter consists of several modules that are invariant which are encoder, modulator, spreader, zero padder, pulse shaper and converter. These chained modules generate each user transmitted signal. Once these transmittersâ signals have been generated, they pass through a slowly fading channel with additive Gaussian noise which models a means of mobile communications. Ultimately the receiver gets all signals and processes them in a series of independent modules consisting of a low pass filter, downconverter, matched filter, synchronizer, downsampler, equalizer, despreader, demodulator and decoder. This work can be seen in the â Resultsâ section where there are screens of the signal in each of the phases followed by a brief justification