17,237 research outputs found

    Asynchronous Variational Contact Mechanics

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    An asynchronous, variational method for simulating elastica in complex contact and impact scenarios is developed. Asynchronous Variational Integrators (AVIs) are extended to handle contact forces by associating different time steps to forces instead of to spatial elements. By discretizing a barrier potential by an infinite sum of nested quadratic potentials, these extended AVIs are used to resolve contact while obeying momentum- and energy-conservation laws. A series of two- and three-dimensional examples illustrate the robustness and good energy behavior of the method

    Slip and Adhesion in a Railway Wheelset Simulink Model Proposed for Detection Driving Conditions Via Neural Networks

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    Constantly enlarging operation of locomotives with a very high tractive power in modern railway transport has caused problems with optimal supplying torque from motor to wheel-sets. Losses emerging with inadequate torque values lead to wheel slipping connected with excessive wear and limited acceleration. In models simulating dynamics of torque transmission from the drive units to wheels, the most important are the submodel of the drive and the submodel of balance between traction forces and drive resistances. Some issues of this field studied within a PhD program and SGS (CTU Students Grant Competition) has been focused on increasing quality of these submodels. This contribution is aimed at an innovated part in the existing Simulink model utilizing new data sources and modeling techniques. This improvement supports application of operating point detection methods based on machine learning techniques. New control facilities provided with pulse-width modulated frequency control of the asynchronous motor will be used for automatic submission of optimal operating points. The idea of utilization of via simulation obtained data is an on-line training of polynomial neural unit as an approximation of current driving conditions.Neustále narůstající provoz lokomotiv s velmi vysokým trakčním výkonem v moderní železniční dopravě způsobuje problémy s přenosem optimálního hnacího momentu z motoru na dvojkolí. Ztráty vyplývající z nevhodných hodnot točivého momentu vedou k prokluzu kol spojeným s nadměrným opotřebením a omezeným zrychlením. V modelech simulujících dynamiku přenosu točivého momentu z pohonné jednotky na dvojkolí jsou nejdůležitější submodely pohonu a rovnováhy mezi trakčními silami a jízdními odpory. Výzkum prováděný v rámci doktorských studijních programů a SGS (Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT) se zaměřuje na zvyšování kvality těchto submodelů. Tento příspěvek je zaměřen na inovovanou část v existujícím Simulink modelu využívajícím nové zdroje dat a technik modelování. Nové možnosti regulace zajištěné pulzně-šířkovou frekvenční regulací asynchronního motoru budou použity pro automatické poskytnutí optimálních provozních bodů. Představa využití simulací získaných dat je on-line učení polynomické neuronové jednotky jako aproximace současných jízdních podmínek

    An Overview of Variational Integrators

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    The purpose of this paper is to survey some recent advances in variational integrators for both finite dimensional mechanical systems as well as continuum mechanics. These advances include the general development of discrete mechanics, applications to dissipative systems, collisions, spacetime integration algorithms, AVI’s (Asynchronous Variational Integrators), as well as reduction for discrete mechanical systems. To keep the article within the set limits, we will only treat each topic briefly and will not attempt to develop any particular topic in any depth. We hope, nonetheless, that this paper serves as a useful guide to the literature as well as to future directions and open problems in the subject

    Magnetic wire as stress controlled micro-rheometer for cytoplasm viscosity measurements

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    We review here different methods to measure the bulk viscosity of complex fluids using micron-sized magnetic wires. The wires are characterized by length of a few microns and diameter of a few hundreds of nanometers. We first draw analogies between cone-and-plate rheometry and wire-based microrheology. In particular we highlight that magnetic wires can be operated as stress-controlled rheometers for two types of testing, the creep-recovery and steady shear experiments. In the context of biophysical applications, the cytoplasm of different cell lines including fibroblasts, epithelial and tumor cells is studied. It reveals that the interior of living cells can be described as a viscoelastic liquid with a static viscosity comprised between 10 and 100 Pas. We extend the previous approaches and show that the proposed technique can also provide time resolved viscosity data, which for cells display strong temporal fluctuations. The present work demonstrates the high potential of the magnetic wires for quantitative rheometry in confined espaces.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 40 reference

    Correlating Cell Behavior with Tissue Topology in Embryonic Epithelia

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    Measurements on embryonic epithelial tissues in a diverse range of organisms have shown that the statistics of cell neighbor numbers are universal in tissues where cell proliferation is the primary cell activity. Highly simplified non-spatial models of proliferation are claimed to accurately reproduce these statistics. Using a systematic critical analysis, we show that non-spatial models are not capable of robustly describing the universal statistics observed in proliferating epithelia, indicating strong spatial correlations between cells. Furthermore we show that spatial simulations using the Subcellular Element Model are able to robustly reproduce the universal histogram. In addition these simulations are able to unify ostensibly divergent experimental data in the literature. We also analyze cell neighbor statistics in early stages of chick embryo development in which cell behaviors other than proliferation are important. We find from experimental observation that cell neighbor statistics in the primitive streak region, where cell motility and ingression are also important, show a much broader distribution. A non-spatial Markov process model provides excellent agreement with this broader histogram indicating that cells in the primitive streak may have significantly weaker spatial correlations. These findings show that cell neighbor statistics provide a potentially useful signature of collective cell behavior.Comment: PLoS one 201

    Variational Multisymplectic Formulations of Nonsmooth Continuum Mechanics

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    This paper develops the foundations of the multisymplectic formulation of nonsmooth continuum mechanics. It may be regarded as a PDE generalization of previous techniques that developed a variational approach to collision problems. These methods have already proved of value in computational mechanics, particularly in the development of asynchronous integrators and efficient collision methods. The present formulation also includes solid-fluid interactions and material interfaces and, in addition, lays the groundwork for a treatment of shocks