1,407 research outputs found

    Developing a loss prediction-based asynchronous stochastic gradient descent algorithm for distributed training of deep neural networks

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    Training Deep Neural Network is a computation-intensive and time-consuming task. Asynchronous Stochastic Gradient Descent (ASGD) is an effective solution to accelerate the training process since it enables the network to be trained in a distributed fashion, but with a main issue of the delayed gradient update. A recent notable work called DC-ASGD improves the performance of ASGD by compensating the delay using a cheap approximation of the Hessian matrix. DC-ASGD works well with a short delay; however, the performance drops considerably with an increasing delay between the workers and the server. In real-life large-scale distributed training, such gradient delay experienced by the worker is usually high and volatile. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm called LC-ASGD to compensate for the delay, basing on Loss Prediction. It effectively extends the tolerable delay duration for the compensation mechanism. Specifically, LC-ASGD utilizes additional models that reside in the parameter server and predict the loss to compensate for the delay, basing on historical losses collected from each worker. The algorithm is evaluated on the popular networks and benchmark datasets. The experimental results show that our LC-ASGD significantly improves over existing methods, especially when the networks are trained with a large number of workers
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