185 research outputs found

    Speech Synthesis Based on Hidden Markov Models

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    Integrating Articulatory Features into HMM-based Parametric Speech Synthesis

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    This paper presents an investigation of ways to integrate articulatory features into Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based parametric speech synthesis, primarily with the aim of improving the performance of acoustic parameter generation. The joint distribution of acoustic and articulatory features is estimated during training and is then used for parameter generation at synthesis time in conjunction with a maximum-likelihood criterion. Different model structures are explored to allow the articulatory features to influence acoustic modeling: model clustering, state synchrony and cross-stream feature dependency. The results of objective evaluation show that the accuracy of acoustic parameter prediction can be improved when shared clustering and asynchronous-state model structures are adopted for combined acoustic and articulatory features. More significantly, our experiments demonstrate that modeling the dependency between these two feature streams can make speech synthesis more flexible. The characteristics of synthetic speech can be easily controlled by modifying generated articulatory features as part of the process of acoustic parameter generation

    HMM-Based Speech Synthesis Utilizing Glottal Inverse Filtering

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    Incremental Syllable-Context Phonetic Vocoding

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    Current very low bit rate speech coders are, due to complexity limitations, designed to work off-line. This paper investigates incremental speech coding that operates real-time and incrementally (i.e., encoded speech depends only on already-uttered speech without the need of future speech information). Since human speech communication is asynchronous (i.e., different information flows being simultaneously processed), we hypothesised that such an incremental speech coder should also operate asynchronously. To accomplish this task, we describe speech coding that reflects the human cortical temporal sampling that packages information into units of different temporal granularity, such as phonemes and syllables, in parallel. More specifically, a phonetic vocoder — cascaded speech recognition and synthesis systems — extended with syllable-based information transmission mechanisms is investigated. There are two main aspects evaluated in this work, the synchronous and asynchronous coding. Synchronous coding refers to the case when the phonetic vocoder and speech generation process depend on the syllable boundaries during encoding and decoding respectively. On the other hand, asynchronous coding refers to the case when the phonetic encoding and speech generation processes are done independently of the syllable boundaries. Our experiments confirmed that the asynchronous incremental speech coding performs better, in terms of intelligibility and overall speech quality, mainly due to better alignment of the segmental and prosodic information. The proposed vocoding operates at an uncompressed bit rate of 213 bits/sec and achieves an average communication delay of 243 ms

    Incremental Syllable-Context Phonetic Vocoding

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    Single-Microphone Speech Separation: The use of Speech Models

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    Analysis/Synthesis Comparison of Vocoders Utilized in Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis

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    Tässä työssä esitetään kirjallisuuskatsaus ja kokeellinen osio tilastollisessa parametrisessa puhesynteesissä käytetyistä vokoodereista. Kokeellisessa osassa kolmen valitun vokooderin (GlottHMM, STRAIGHT ja Harmonic/Stochastic Model) analyysi-synteesi -ominaisuuksia tarkastellaan usealla tavalla. Suoritetut kokeet olivat vokooderiparametrien tilastollisten jakaumien analysointi, puheen tunnetilan tilastollinen vaikutus vokooderiparametrien jakaumiin sekä subjektiivinen kuuntelukoe jolla mitattiin vokooderien suhteellista analyysi-synteesi -laatua. Tulokset osoittavat että STRAIGHT-vokooderi omaa eniten Gaussiset parametrijakaumat ja tasaisimman synteesilaadun. GlottHMM-vokooderin parametrit osoittivat suurinta herkkyyttä puheen tunnetilan funktiona ja vokooderi sai parhaan, mutta laadultaan vaihtelevan kuuntelukoetuloksen. HSM-vokooderin LSF-parametrien havaittiin olevan Gaussisempia kuin GlottHMM-vokooderin LSF parametrit, mutta vokooderin havaittiin kärsivän kohinaherkkyydestä, ja se sai huonoimman kuuntelukoetuloksen.This thesis presents a literature study followed by an experimental part on the state-of-the-art vocoders utilized in statistical parametric speech synthesis. In the experimental part, the analysis/synthesis properties of three selected vocoders (GlottHMM, STRAIGHT and Harmonic/Stochastic Model) are examined. The performed tests were the analysis of vocoder parameter distributions, statistical testing on the effect of emotions to the vocoder parameter distributions, and a subjective listening test evaluating the vocoders' relative analysis/synthesis quality. The results indicate that the STRAIGHT vocoder has the most Gaussian parameter distributions and most robust synthesis quality, whereas the GlottHMM vocoder has the most emotion sensitive parameters and best but unreliable synthesis quality. The HSM vocoder's LSF parameters were found to be more Gaussian than the GlottHMM vocoder's LSF parameters. HSM was found to be sensitive to noise, and it scored the lowest score on the subjective listening test