1,012 research outputs found

    Can We `Feel' the Temperature of Knowledge? Modelling Scientific Popularity Dynamics via Thermodynamics

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    Just like everything in the nature, scientific topics flourish and perish. While existing literature well captures article's life-cycle via citation patterns, little is known about how scientific popularity and impact evolves for a specific topic. It would be most intuitive if we could `feel' topic's activity just as we perceive the weather by temperature. Here, we conceive knowledge temperature to quantify topic overall popularity and impact through citation network dynamics. Knowledge temperature includes 2 parts. One part depicts lasting impact by assessing knowledge accumulation with an analogy between topic evolution and isobaric expansion. The other part gauges temporal changes in knowledge structure, an embodiment of short-term popularity, through the rate of entropy change with internal energy, 2 thermodynamic variables approximated via node degree and edge number. Our analysis of representative topics with size ranging from 1000 to over 30000 articles reveals that the key to flourishing is topics' ability in accumulating useful information for future knowledge generation. Topics particularly experience temperature surges when their knowledge structure is altered by influential articles. The spike is especially obvious when there appears a single non-trivial novel research focus or merging in topic structure. Overall, knowledge temperature manifests topics' distinct evolutionary cycles

    The role of bot squads in the political propaganda on Twitter

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    Social Media are nowadays the privileged channel for information spreading and news checking. Unexpectedly for most of the users, automated accounts, also known as social bots, contribute more and more to this process of news spreading. Using Twitter as a benchmark, we consider the traffic exchanged, over one month of observation, on a specific topic, namely the migration flux from Northern Africa to Italy. We measure the significant traffic of tweets only, by implementing an entropy-based null model that discounts the activity of users and the virality of tweets. Results show that social bots play a central role in the exchange of significant content. Indeed, not only the strongest hubs have a number of bots among their followers higher than expected, but furthermore a group of them, that can be assigned to the same political tendency, share a common set of bots as followers. The retwitting activity of such automated accounts amplifies the presence on the platform of the hubs' messages.Comment: Under Submissio

    Toward enhancement of deep learning techniques using fuzzy logic: a survey

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    Deep learning has emerged recently as a type of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), it usually imitates the human way in gaining a particular knowledge type. Deep learning is considered an essential data science element, which comprises predictive modeling and statistics. Deep learning makes the processes of collecting, interpreting, and analyzing big data easier and faster. Deep neural networks are kind of ML models, where the non-linear processing units are layered for the purpose of extracting particular features from the inputs. Actually, the training process of similar networks is very expensive and it also depends on the used optimization method, hence optimal results may not be provided. The techniques of deep learning are also vulnerable to data noise. For these reasons, fuzzy systems are used to improve the performance of deep learning algorithms, especially in combination with neural networks. Fuzzy systems are used to improve the representation accuracy of deep learning models. This survey paper reviews some of the deep learning based fuzzy logic models and techniques that were presented and proposed in the previous studies, where fuzzy logic is used to improve deep learning performance. The approaches are divided into two categories based on how both of the samples are combined. Furthermore, the models' practicality in the actual world is revealed

    A text-mining based model to detect unethical biases in online reviews: a case-study of Amazon.com

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    The rapid growth of social media in the last decades led e-commerce into a new era of value co-creation between the seller and the consumer. Since there is no contact with the product, people have to rely on the description of the seller, knowing that sometimes it may be biased and not entirely truth. Therefore, reviewing systems emerged in order to provide more trustworthy sources of information, since customer opinions may be less biased. The problem was, once sellers realized the importance of reviews and their direct impact on sales, the need to control this key factor arose. One of the methods developed was to offer customers a certain product in exchange for an honest review. However, in the light of the results of some studies, these "honest" reviews were proved to be biased and skew the overall rating of the product. The purpose of this work is to find patterns in these incentivized reviews and create a model that may predict whether a new review is biased or not. To study this subject, besides the sentiment analysis performed on the data, some other characteristics were taken into account, such as the overall rating, helpfulness rate, review length and the timestamp when the review was written. Results show that some of the most significant characteristics when predicting an incentivized review are the length of a review, its helpfulness rate and the overall polarity score, calculated through VADER algorithm, as the most important sentiment-related factor.O rápido crescimento das redes sociais nas últimas décadas levaram o comércio electrónico a uma nova era de co-criação de valor entre o vendedor e o consumidor. Uma vez que não há contacto com o produto, os clientes têm de se basear na descrição do vendedor, mesmo sabendo que por vezes tal descrição pode ser tendenciosa e não totalmente verdadeira. Deste modo, surgiu um sistema de reviews com o propósito de disponibilizar um meio de informação de maior confiança, uma vez que se trata de partilha de informação entre clientes e por isso mais imparcial. No entanto, quando os vendedores se aperceberam da importância das "reviews" e o seu impacto direto nas vendas, surgiu a necessidade de controlar este fator chave. Uma das formas de o fazer foi através da oferta de determinados produtos em troca de "reviews" honestas. Contudo, à luz dos resultados de alguns estudos, foi demonstrado que estas "reviews" "honestas" são tendenciosas e enviesam a classificação geral do produto. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de encontrar padrões na forma como estas "reviews" incentivadas são escritas e criar um modelo para prever se uma determinada review seria enviesada. Para esta análise, além da análise de sentimentos realizada sobre os dados, outras características foram tidas em conta, tal como a classificação geral, a taxa de "helpfulness", o tamanho da "review" e a hora a que foi escrita. Os modelos gerados mostraram que as características mais importantes na previsão de parcialidade numa "review" são o tamanho e a taxa de utilidade e como característica sentimental mais relevante a pontuação geral da "review", calculada através do algoritmo VADER

    Breadth analysis of Online Social Networks

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    This thesis is mainly motivated by the analysis, understanding, and prediction of human behaviour by means of the study of their digital fingeprints. Unlike a classical PhD thesis, where you choose a topic and go further on a deep analysis on a research topic, we carried out a breadth analysis on the research topic of complex networks, such as those that humans create themselves with their relationships and interactions. These kinds of digital communities where humans interact and create relationships are commonly called Online Social Networks. Then, (i) we have collected their interactions, as text messages they share among each other, in order to analyze the sentiment and topic of such messages. We have basically applied the state-of-the-art techniques for Natural Language Processing, widely developed and tested on English texts, in a collection of Spanish Tweets and we compare the results. Next, (ii) we focused on Topic Detection, creating our own classifier and applying it to the former Tweets dataset. The breakthroughs are two: our classifier relies on text-graphs from the input text and we achieved a figure of 70% accuracy, outperforming previous results. After that, (iii) we moved to analyze the network structure (or topology) and their data values to detect outliers. We hypothesize that in social networks there is a large mass of users that behaves similarly, while a reduced set of them behave in a different way. However, specially among this last group, we try to separate those with high activity, or low activity, or any other paramater/feature that make them belong to different kind of outliers. We aim to detect influential users in one of these outliers set. We propose a new unsupervised method, Massive Unsupervised Outlier Detection (MUOD), labeling the outliers detected os of shape, magnitude, amplitude or combination of those. We applied this method to a subset of roughly 400 million Google+ users, identifying and discriminating automatically sets of outlier users. Finally, (iv) we find interesting to address the monitorization of real complex networks. We created a framework to dynamically adapt the temporality of large-scale dynamic networks, reducing compute overhead by at least 76%, data volume by 60% and overall cloud costs by at least 54%, while always maintaining accuracy above 88%.PublicadoPrograma de Doctorado en Ingeniería Matemática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Rosa María Benito Zafrilla.- Secretario: Ángel Cuevas Rumín.- Vocal: José Ernesto Jiménez Merin

    Deep Neural Networks for Bot Detection

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    The problem of detecting bots, automated social media accounts governed by software but disguising as human users, has strong implications. For example, bots have been used to sway political elections by distorting online discourse, to manipulate the stock market, or to push anti-vaccine conspiracy theories that caused health epidemics. Most techniques proposed to date detect bots at the account level, by processing large amount of social media posts, and leveraging information from network structure, temporal dynamics, sentiment analysis, etc. In this paper, we propose a deep neural network based on contextual long short-term memory (LSTM) architecture that exploits both content and metadata to detect bots at the tweet level: contextual features are extracted from user metadata and fed as auxiliary input to LSTM deep nets processing the tweet text. Another contribution that we make is proposing a technique based on synthetic minority oversampling to generate a large labeled dataset, suitable for deep nets training, from a minimal amount of labeled data (roughly 3,000 examples of sophisticated Twitter bots). We demonstrate that, from just one single tweet, our architecture can achieve high classification accuracy (AUC > 96%) in separating bots from humans. We apply the same architecture to account-level bot detection, achieving nearly perfect classification accuracy (AUC > 99%). Our system outperforms previous state of the art while leveraging a small and interpretable set of features yet requiring minimal training data

    Trend Prediction Based on Multi-Modal Affective Analysis from Social Networking Posts

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    This paper propose a method to predict the stage of buzz-trend generation by analyzing the emotional information posted on social networking services for multimodal information, such as posted text and attached images, based on the content of the posts. The proposed method can analyze the diffusion scale from various angles, using only the information at the time of posting, when predicting in advance and the information of time error, when used for posterior analysis. Specifically, tweets and reply tweets were converted into vectors using the BERT general-purpose language model that was trained in advance, and the attached images were converted into feature vectors using a trained neural network model for image recognition. In addition, to analyze the emotional information of the posted content, we used a proprietary emotional analysis model to estimate emotions from tweets, reply tweets, and image features, which were then added to the input as emotional features. The results of the evaluation experiments showed that the proposed method, which added linguistic features (BERT vectors) and image features to tweets, achieved higher performance than the method using only a single feature. Although we could not observe the effectiveness of the emotional features, the more emotions a tweet and its reply match had, the more empathy action occurred and the larger the like and RT values tended to be, which could ultimately increase the likelihood of a tweet going viral