50 research outputs found

    Vector support for multicore processors with major emphasis on configurable multiprocessors

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    It recently became increasingly difficult to build higher speed uniprocessor chips because of performance degradation and high power consumption. The quadratically increasing circuit complexity forbade the exploration of more instruction-level parallelism (JLP). To continue raising the performance, processor designers then focused on thread-level parallelism (TLP) to realize a new architecture design paradigm. Multicore processor design is the result of this trend. It has proven quite capable in performance increase and provides new opportunities in power management and system scalability. But current multicore processors do not provide powerful vector architecture support which could yield significant speedups for array operations while maintaining arealpower efficiency. This dissertation proposes and presents the realization of an FPGA-based prototype of a multicore architecture with a shared vector unit (MCwSV). FPGA stands for Filed-Programmable Gate Array. The idea is that rather than improving only scalar or TLP performance, some hardware budget could be used to realize a vector unit to greatly speedup applications abundant in data-level parallelism (DLP). To be realistic, limited by the parallelism in the application itself and by the compiler\u27s vectorizing abilities, most of the general-purpose programs can only be partially vectorized. Thus, for efficient resource usage, one vector unit should be shared by several scalar processors. This approach could also keep the overall budget within acceptable limits. We suggest that this type of vector-unit sharing be established in future multicore chips. The design, implementation and evaluation of an MCwSV system with two scalar processors and a shared vector unit are presented for FPGA prototyping. The MicroBlaze processor, which is a commercial IP (Intellectual Property) core from Xilinx, is used as the scalar processor; in the experiments the vector unit is connected to a pair of MicroBlaze processors through standard bus interfaces. The overall system is organized in a decoupled and multi-banked structure. This organization provides substantial system scalability and better vector performance. For a given area budget, benchmarks from several areas show that the MCwSV system can provide significant performance increase as compared to a multicore system without a vector unit. However, a MCwSV system with two MicroBlazes and a shared vector unit is not always an optimized system configuration for various applications with different percentages of vectorization. On the other hand, the MCwSV framework was designed for easy scalability to potentially incorporate various numbers of scalar/vector units and various function units. Also, the flexibility inherent to FPGAs can aid the task of matching target applications. These benefits can be taken into account to create optimized MCwSV systems for various applications. So the work eventually focused on building an architecture design framework incorporating performance and resource management for application-specific MCwSV (AS-MCwSV) systems. For embedded system design, resource usage, power consumption and execution latency are three metrics to be used in design tradeoffs. The product of these metrics is used here to choose the MCwSV system with the smallest value

    Soft-error resilient on-chip memory structures

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    Soft errors induced by energetic particle strikes in on-chip memory structures, such as L1 data/instruction caches and register files, have become an increasing challenge in designing new generation reliable microprocessors. Due to their transient/random nature, soft errors cannot be captured by traditional verification and testing process due to the irrelevancy to the correctness of the logic. This dissertation is thus focusing on the reliability characterization and cost-effective reliable design of on-chip memories against soft errors. Due to various performance, area/size, and energy constraints in various target systems, many existing unoptimized protection schemes on cache memories may eventually prove significantly inadequate and ineffective. This work develops new lifetime models for data and tag arrays residing in both the data and instruction caches. These models facilitate the characterization of cache vulnerability of the stored items at various lifetime phases. The design methodology is further exemplified by the proposed reliability schemes targeting at specific vulnerable phases. Benchmarking is carried out to showcase the effectiveness of these approaches. The tag array demands high reliability against soft errors while the data array is fully protected in on-chip caches, because of its crucial importance to the correctness of cache accesses. Exploiting the address locality of memory accesses, this work proposes a Tag Replication Buffer (TRB) to protect information integrity of the tag array in the data cache with low performance, energy and area overheads. To provide a comprehensive evaluation of the tag array reliability, this work also proposes a refined evaluation metric, detected-without-replica-TVF (DOR-TVF), which combines the TVF and access-with-replica (AWR) analysis. Based on the DOR-TVF analysis, a TRB scheme with early write-back (TRB-EWB) is proposed, which achieves a zero DOR-TVF at a negligible performance overhead. Recent research, as well as the proposed optimization schemes in this cache vulnerability study, have focused on the design of cost-effective reliable data caches in terms of performance, energy, and area overheads based on the assumption of fixed error rates. However, for systems in operating environments that vary with time or location, those schemes will be either insufficient or over-designed for the changing error rates. This work explores the design of a self-adaptive reliable data cache that dynamically adapts its employed reliability schemes to the changing operating environments in order to maintain a target reliability. The experimental evaluation shows that the self-adaptive data cache achieves similar reliability to a cache protected by the most reliable scheme, while simultaneously minimizing the performance and power overheads. Besides the data/instruction caches, protecting the register file and its data buses is crucial to reliable computing in high-performance microprocessors. Since the register file is in the critical path of the processor pipeline, any reliable design that increases either the pressure on the register file or the register file access latency is not desirable. This work proposes to exploit narrow-width register values, which represent the majority of generated values, for making the duplicates within the same register data item. A detailed architectural vulnerability factor (AVF) analysis shows that this in-register duplication (IRD) scheme significantly reduces the AVF in the register file compared to the conventional design. The experimental evaluation also shows that IRD provides superior read-with-duplicate (RWD) and error detection/recovery rates under heavy error injection as compared to previous reliability schemes, while only incurring a small power overhead. By integrating the proposed reliable designs in data/instruction caches and register files, the vulnerability of the entire microprocessor is dramatically reduced. The new lifetime model, the self-adaptive design and the narrow-width value duplication scheme proposed in this work can also provide guidance to architects toward highly efficient reliable system design

    Register Multimapping: Reducing Register Bank Conflicts Through One-to-Many Logical-to-Physical Register Mapping

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems Laborator

    Banked microarchitectures for complexity-effective superscalar microprocessors

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 95-99).High performance superscalar microarchitectures exploit instruction-level parallelism (ILP) to improve processor performance by executing instructions out of program order and by speculating on branch instructions. Monolithic centralized structures with global communications, including issue windows and register files, are used to buffer in-flight instructions and to maintain machine state. These structures scale poorly to greater issue widths and deeper pipelines, as they must support simultaneous global accesses from all active instructions. The lack of scalability is exacerbated in future technologies, which have increasing global interconnect delay and a much greater emphasis on reducing both switching and leakage power. However, these fully orthogonal structures are over-engineered for typical use. Banked microarchitectures that consist of multiple interleaved banks of fewer ported cells can significantly reduce power, area, and latency of these structures.(cont.) Although banked structures exhibit a minor performance penalty, significant reductions in delay and power can potentially be used to increase clock rate and lead to more complexity-effective designs. There are two main contributions in this thesis. First, a speculative control scheme is proposed to simplify the complicated control logic that is involved in managing a less-ported banked register file for high-frequency superscalar processors. Second, the RingScalar architecture, a complexity-effective out-of-order superscalar microarchitecture, based on a ring topology of banked structures, is introduced and evaluated.by Jessica Hui-Chun Tseng.Ph.D

    Compiler-Directed Energy Savings in Superscalar Processors

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    Institute for Computing Systems ArchitectureSuperscalar processors contain large, complex structures to hold data and instructions as they wait to be executed. However, many of these structures consume large amounts of energy, making them hotspots requiring sophisticated cooling systems. With the trend towards larger, more complex processors, this will become more of a problem, having important implications for future technology. This thesis uses compiler-based optimisation schemes to target the issue queue and register file. These are two of the most energy consuming structures in the processor. The algorithms and hardware techniques developed in this work dynamically adapt the processor's resources to the changing program phases, turning off parts of each structure when they are unused to save dynamic and static energy. To optimise the issue queue, the compiler analysis tracks data dependences through each program procedure. It identifies the critical path through each program region and informs the hardware of the minimum number of queue entries required to prevent it slowing down. This reduces the occupancy of the queue and increases the opportunities to save energy. With just a 1.3% performance loss, 26% dynamic and 32% static energy savings are achieved. Registers can be idle for many cycles after they are last read, before they are released and put back on the free-list to be reused by another instruction. Alternatively, they can be turned off for energy savings. Early register releasing can be used to perform this operation sooner than usual, but hardware schemes must wait for the instruction redefining the relevant logical register to enter the pipeline. This thesis presents an exploration of compiler-directed early register releasing. The compiler can exactly identify the last use of each register and pass the information to the hardware, based on simple data-flow and liveness analysis. The best scheme achieves 15% dynamic and 19% static energy savings. Finally, the issue queue limiting and early register releasing schemes are combined for energy savings in both processor structures. Four different configurations are evaluated bringing 25% to 31% dynamic and 19% to 34% static issue queue energy savings and reductions of 18% to 25% dynamic and 20% to 21% static energy in the register file

    Affordable kilo-instruction processors

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    Diversos motius expliquen l'estancament en el que es troba el desenvolupament del processador tradicional dissenyat per maximitzar el rendiment d'un únic fil d'execució. Per una banda, técniques agressives com la supersegmentacó del camí de dades o l'execució fora d'ordre tenen un impacte molt negatiu sobre el consum de potència i la complexitat del disseny. Altrament, l'increment en la freqüència del processador augmenta la discrepància entre la velocitat del processador i el temps d'accés a memòria principal. Tot i que les memòries cau redueixen considerablement el nombre d'accessos a memòria principal, aquests accessos introdueixen latencies prou grans per reduir considerablement el rendiment. Tècniques convencionals com l'execució fora d'ordre, útils per ocultar accessos a les memòries cau de 2on nivell, no estan pensades per ocultar latències tan grans. Caldrien cues amb mides de centenars d'instruccions i milers de registres per tal de no interrompre l'execució en el moment de produir-se un accés a memòria principal. Desafortunadament, la tecnologia disponible no és eficient per implementar aquestes estructures monolíticament, doncs resultaria un temps d'accés molt elevat, un consum de potència igualment elevat i un àrea no menyspreable. En aquesta tesi s'han estudiat tècniques que permeten l'implementació d'un processador amb capacitat per continuar processant instruccions en el cas de que es produeixin accessos a memòria principal. Les condicions per a que aquest processador sigui implementable són que estigui basat en estructures de mida convencional i que tingui una unitat de control senzilla. El repte es troba en conciliar un model de processador distribuït amb un control senzill. El problema del disseny del processador s'ha enfocat observant el comportament d'un processador de recursos infinits. S'ha observat que l'execució segueix uns patrons molt interessants, basats en la localitat d'execució. En aplicacions numèriques s'observa que més del 70% de les instruccions no depenen de accessos a memòria principal. Aixó és molt important doncs mostra que sempre hi ha una porció important d'instruccions executables poc després de la decodificació. Aixó permet proposar un nou tipus de processador amb dues unitats d'execució. La primera unitat (el "Cache Processor") processa a alta velocitat instruccions independents de memòria principal. La segona unitat ("Memory Processor") processa les instruccions dependents de accessos a memòria principal, pero de forma molt més relaxada, cosa que li permet mantenir milers de instruccions en vol. Aquesta proposta rep el nom de Decoupled KILO-Instruction Processor (D-KIP) i té forces avantatges: per un costat permet la construcció d'un kilo-instruction processor basat en estructures convencionals i per l'altre simplifica el disseny ja que minimitza les interaccions entre ambdos unitats d'execució.En aquesta tesi es proposen dos implementacions de processadors desacoblats: el D-KIP original, i el Flexible Heterogeneous MultiCore (FMC). Sobre aquestes propostes s'analitza el rendiment i es compara amb altres tècniques que incrementan el parallelisme de memoria, com el prefetching o l'execució "runahead". D'aquesta avaluació es desprén que el processador FMC té un rendiment similar al de un processador convencional amb una finestra de 1500 instruccions en vol. Posteriorment s'analitza l'integració del FMC en entorns multicore/multiprogrammats. La tesi es completa amb la proposta d'una cua de loads i stores (LSQ) per a aquest tipus de processador.Several motives explain the slowdown of high-performance single-thread processor development. On the one hand, aggressive techniques such as superpipelining or out-of-order execution have a considerable impact on power consumption and design complexity. On the other hand, the increment in processor frequencies has led to a large disparity between processor speed and memory access time. Although cache memories considerably reduce the number of accesses to main memory, the remaining accesses introduce latencies large enough to considerably decrease performance. Conventional techniques such as out-of-order execution, while effective in hiding L2 cache accesses, cannot hide latencies this large. Queues of hundreds of entries and thousands of registers would be necessary in order to prevent execution from stalling in the event of a L2 cache miss. Unfortunately, current technology cannot efficiently implement such structures monolithically, as access latencies would considerably increase, as would power consumption and area consumption.In this thesis we studied techniques that allow the processor to continue processing instructions in the event of main memory accesses. The conditions for such a processor to be implementable are that it should be based on structures of conventional size and that it should feature simple control logic. The challenge lies in being able to design a distributed processor with simple control. The design of this processor has been approached by analyzing the behavior of a processor with infinite resources. We have observed that execution follows a very interesting pattern based on execution locality. In numerical codes we observed that over 70% of all instructions do not depend on memory accesses. This is interesting since it shows that there is always a large portion of instructions that can be executed shortly after decode. This allows us to propose a new kind of processor with two execution units. The first unit, the Cache Processor, processes memory-independent instructions at high speed. The second unit, the Memory Processor, processes instructions that depend on main memory accesses, but using relaxed scheduling logic, which allows it to scale to thousands of in-flight instructions. This proposal, which receives the name of Decoupled KILO-Instruction Processor (D-KIP), has several advantages. On the one hand it allows the construction of a kilo-instruction processor based on conventional structures and, on the other hand, it simplifies the design as the interaction between both execution units is minimal. In this thesis two implementations for this kind of processor are presented: the original D-KIP and the Flexible Heterogeneous MultiCore (FMC). The performance of these proposals is analyzed and compared to other proposals that increase memory-level parallelism, such as prefetching or runahead execution. It is observed that the FMC processor performs at the same level of a conventional processor with a window of around 1500 instructions. Further, the integration of the FMC processor into a multicore/multiprogrammed environment is studied. This thesis concludes with the proposal of a two-level Load/Store Queue for this kind of processor

    The Effect of Two Maintenance Procedures on an Equine Arena Surface in Relation to Motion of the Hoof and Metacarpophalangeal Joint

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    Maintenance procedures are reported to affect surface properties. The majority of work regarding surfaces in relation to performance and welfare is currently race track specific. The study aimed to investigate limb and hoof movement on a synthetic arena surface following two different commonly used preparations (harrowing and rolling). Nine horses were recorded using infrared cameras and retro-reflective markers, in walk, trot and canter, on two surface preparations in a cross-over design. Hoof range of motion (ROM) and displacement as well as metacarpophalangeal joint (MCPJ) extension and third metacarpal (MCIII) inclination were analysed using ANOVA. Surface hardness and traction were also measured. Speed was monitored using a marker on the sternum. No difference was found between maintenance treatments for speed, hoof ROM or hoof displacement. Results showed significantly greater (P<.05) MCPJ extension at mid-stance following harrowing and significantly (P<.05) greater MCIII adduction at impact following harrowing, when gait was grouped. Hardness and traction were statistically similar on both treatments. Alterations to the surface cushion that do not significantly alter hardness and traction appear to be sufficient to produce subtle changes in stride characteristics. The difference in MCIII adduction shows that foot placement in the frontal plane changed, but the support that the surface gave the hoof did not. Greater MCPJ extension on the harrowed surface was unexpected and post hoc analysis identified that the position of the sternum marker relative to the planted foot was further ahead at mid-stance. A greater percentage of bodyweight on the forelimbs would produce greater extension

    Energy scalability of OCN

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2007.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Page 198 blank.Includes bibliographical references (p. 191-197).On-chip interconnection networks (OCN) such as point-to-point networks and buses form the communication backbone in multiprocessor systems-on-a-chip, multicore processors, and tiled processors. OCNs consume significant portions of a chip's energy budget, so their energy analysis early in the design cycle becomes important for architectural design decisions. Although innumerable studies have examined OCN implementation and performance, there have been few energy analysis studies. This thesis develops an analytical framework for energy estimation in OCNs, for any given topology and arbitrary communication patterns, and presents OCN energy results based on both analytical communication models and real network traces from applications running on a tiled multicore processor. This thesis is the first work to address communication locality in analyzing multicore interconnect energy and to use real multicore interconnect traces extensively. The thesis compares the energy performance of point-to-point networks with buses for varying degrees of communication locality. The model accounts for wire length, switch energy, and network contention. This work is the first to examine network contention from the energy standpoint.(cont.) The thesis presents a detailed analysis of the energy costs of a switch and shows that the estimated values for channel energy, switch control logic energy, and switch queue buffer energy are 34.5pJ, 17pJ, and 12pJ, respectively. The results suggest that a one-dimensional point-to-point network results in approximately 66% energy savings over a bus for 16 or more processors, while a two-dimensional network saves over 82%, when the processors communicate with each other with equal likelihood. The savings increase with locality. Analysis of the effect of contention on OCNs for the Raw tiled microprocessor reports a maximum energy overhead of 23% due to resource contention in the interconnection network.by Theodoros K. Konstantakopoulos.Ph.D