253 research outputs found

    Asymmetrical Hierarchical Networks with Attentive Interactions for Interpretable Review-Based Recommendation

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    Recently, recommender systems have been able to emit substantially improved recommendations by leveraging user-provided reviews. Existing methods typically merge all reviews of a given user or item into a long document, and then process user and item documents in the same manner. In practice, however, these two sets of reviews are notably different: users' reviews reflect a variety of items that they have bought and are hence very heterogeneous in their topics, while an item's reviews pertain only to that single item and are thus topically homogeneous. In this work, we develop a novel neural network model that properly accounts for this important difference by means of asymmetric attentive modules. The user module learns to attend to only those signals that are relevant with respect to the target item, whereas the item module learns to extract the most salient contents with regard to properties of the item. Our multi-hierarchical paradigm accounts for the fact that neither are all reviews equally useful, nor are all sentences within each review equally pertinent. Extensive experimental results on a variety of real datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method

    Review-Based Domain Disentanglement without Duplicate Users or Contexts for Cross-Domain Recommendation

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    A cross-domain recommendation has shown promising results in solving data-sparsity and cold-start problems. Despite such progress, existing methods focus on domain-shareable information (overlapped users or same contexts) for a knowledge transfer, and they fail to generalize well without such requirements. To deal with these problems, we suggest utilizing review texts that are general to most e-commerce systems. Our model (named SER) uses three text analysis modules, guided by a single domain discriminator for disentangled representation learning. Here, we suggest a novel optimization strategy that can enhance the quality of domain disentanglement, and also debilitates detrimental information of a source domain. Also, we extend the encoding network from a single to multiple domains, which has proven to be powerful for review-based recommender systems. Extensive experiments and ablation studies demonstrate that our method is efficient, robust, and scalable compared to the state-of-the-art single and cross-domain recommendation methods

    Explainability in Music Recommender Systems

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    The most common way to listen to recorded music nowadays is via streaming platforms which provide access to tens of millions of tracks. To assist users in effectively browsing these large catalogs, the integration of Music Recommender Systems (MRSs) has become essential. Current real-world MRSs are often quite complex and optimized for recommendation accuracy. They combine several building blocks based on collaborative filtering and content-based recommendation. This complexity can hinder the ability to explain recommendations to end users, which is particularly important for recommendations perceived as unexpected or inappropriate. While pure recommendation performance often correlates with user satisfaction, explainability has a positive impact on other factors such as trust and forgiveness, which are ultimately essential to maintain user loyalty. In this article, we discuss how explainability can be addressed in the context of MRSs. We provide perspectives on how explainability could improve music recommendation algorithms and enhance user experience. First, we review common dimensions and goals of recommenders' explainability and in general of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), and elaborate on the extent to which these apply -- or need to be adapted -- to the specific characteristics of music consumption and recommendation. Then, we show how explainability components can be integrated within a MRS and in what form explanations can be provided. Since the evaluation of explanation quality is decoupled from pure accuracy-based evaluation criteria, we also discuss requirements and strategies for evaluating explanations of music recommendations. Finally, we describe the current challenges for introducing explainability within a large-scale industrial music recommender system and provide research perspectives.Comment: To appear in AI Magazine, Special Topic on Recommender Systems 202

    A Comprehensive Survey on Deep Graph Representation Learning

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    Graph representation learning aims to effectively encode high-dimensional sparse graph-structured data into low-dimensional dense vectors, which is a fundamental task that has been widely studied in a range of fields, including machine learning and data mining. Classic graph embedding methods follow the basic idea that the embedding vectors of interconnected nodes in the graph can still maintain a relatively close distance, thereby preserving the structural information between the nodes in the graph. However, this is sub-optimal due to: (i) traditional methods have limited model capacity which limits the learning performance; (ii) existing techniques typically rely on unsupervised learning strategies and fail to couple with the latest learning paradigms; (iii) representation learning and downstream tasks are dependent on each other which should be jointly enhanced. With the remarkable success of deep learning, deep graph representation learning has shown great potential and advantages over shallow (traditional) methods, there exist a large number of deep graph representation learning techniques have been proposed in the past decade, especially graph neural networks. In this survey, we conduct a comprehensive survey on current deep graph representation learning algorithms by proposing a new taxonomy of existing state-of-the-art literature. Specifically, we systematically summarize the essential components of graph representation learning and categorize existing approaches by the ways of graph neural network architectures and the most recent advanced learning paradigms. Moreover, this survey also provides the practical and promising applications of deep graph representation learning. Last but not least, we state new perspectives and suggest challenging directions which deserve further investigations in the future

    Shilling Black-box Review-based Recommender Systems through Fake Review Generation

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    Review-Based Recommender Systems (RBRS) have attracted increasing research interest due to their ability to alleviate well-known cold-start problems. RBRS utilizes reviews to construct the user and items representations. However, in this paper, we argue that such a reliance on reviews may instead expose systems to the risk of being shilled. To explore this possibility, in this paper, we propose the first generation-based model for shilling attacks against RBRSs. Specifically, we learn a fake review generator through reinforcement learning, which maliciously promotes items by forcing prediction shifts after adding generated reviews to the system. By introducing the auxiliary rewards to increase text fluency and diversity with the aid of pre-trained language models and aspect predictors, the generated reviews can be effective for shilling with high fidelity. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework can successfully attack three different kinds of RBRSs on the Amazon corpus with three domains and Yelp corpus. Furthermore, human studies also show that the generated reviews are fluent and informative. Finally, equipped with Attack Review Generators (ARGs), RBRSs with adversarial training are much more robust to malicious reviews

    Recent Developments in Recommender Systems: A Survey

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    In this technical survey, we comprehensively summarize the latest advancements in the field of recommender systems. The objective of this study is to provide an overview of the current state-of-the-art in the field and highlight the latest trends in the development of recommender systems. The study starts with a comprehensive summary of the main taxonomy of recommender systems, including personalized and group recommender systems, and then delves into the category of knowledge-based recommender systems. In addition, the survey analyzes the robustness, data bias, and fairness issues in recommender systems, summarizing the evaluation metrics used to assess the performance of these systems. Finally, the study provides insights into the latest trends in the development of recommender systems and highlights the new directions for future research in the field

    Detection of Power Line Supporting Towers via Interpretable Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds

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    The inspection and maintenance of energy transmission networks are demanding and crucial tasks for any transmission system operator. They rely on a combination of on-theground staff and costly low-flying helicopters to visually inspect the power grid structure. Recently, LiDAR-based inspections have shown the potential to accelerate and increase inspection precision. These high-resolution sensors allow one to scan an environment and store it in a 3D point cloud format for further processing and analysis by maintenance specialists to prevent fires and damage to the electrical system. However, this task is especially demanding to handle on time when we consider the extensive area that the transmission network covers. Nonetheless, the transition to point cloud data allows us to take advantage of Deep Learning to automate these inspections, by detecting collisions between the grid and the revolving scene. Deep Learning is a recent and powerful tool that has been successfully applied to a myriad of real-life problems, such as image recognition and speech generation. With the introduction of affordable LiDAR sensors, the application of Deep Learning on 3D data emerged, with numerous methods being proposed every day to address difficult problems, from 3D object detection to 3D point cloud segmentation. Alas, state-of-the-art methods are remarkably complex, composed of millions of trainable parameters, and take several weeks, if not months, to train on specific hardware, which makes it difficult for traditional companies, like utilities, to employ them. Therefore, we explore a novel mathematical framework that allows us to define tailored operators that incorporate prior knowledge regarding our problem. These operators are then integrated into a learning agent, called SCENE-Net, that detects power line supporting towers in 3D point clouds. SCENE-Net allows for the interpretability of its results, which is not possible in conventional models, it shows an efficient training and inference time of 85 mn and 20 ms on a regular laptop. Our model is composed of 11 trainable geometrical parameters, like the height of a cylinder, and has a Precision gain of 24% against a comparable CNN with 2190 parameters.A inspeção e manutenção de redes de transmissão de energia são tarefas cruciais para operadores de rede. Recentemente, foram adotadas inspeções utilizando sensores LiDAR de forma a acelerar este processo e aumentar a sua precisão. Estes sensores são objetos de alta precisão que conseguem inspecionar ambientes e guarda-los no formato de nuvens de pontos 3D, para serem posteriormente analisadas por specialistas que procuram prevenir fogos florestais e danos à estruta eléctrica. No entanto, esta tarefa torna-se bastante difícil de concluir em tempo útil pois a rede de transmissão é bastasnte vasta. Por isso, podemos tirar partido da transição para dados LiDAR e utilizar aprendizagem profunda para automatizar as inspeções à rede. Aprendizagem profunda é um campo recente e em grande desenvolvimento, sendo aplicado a vários problemas do nosso quotidiano e facilmente atinge um desempenho superior ao do ser humano, como em reconhecimento de imagens, geração de voz, entre outros. Com o desenvolvimento de sensores LiDAR acessíveis, o uso de aprendizagem profunda em dados 3D rapidamente se desenvolveu, apresentando várias metodologias novas todos os dias que respondem a problemas complexos, como deteção de objetos 3D. No entanto, modelos do estado da arte são incrivelmente complexos e compostos por milhões de parâmetros e demoram várias semanas, senão meses, a treinar em GPU potentes, o que dificulta a sua utilização em empresas tradicionais, como a EDP. Portanto, nós exploramos uma nova teoria matemática que nos permite definir operadores específicos que incorporaram conhecimento sobre o nosso problema. Estes operadores são integrados num modelo de aprendizagem prounda, designado SCENE-Net, que deteta torres de suporte de linhas de transmissão em nuvens de pontos. SCENE-Net permite a interpretação dos seus resultados, aspeto que não é possível com modelos convencionais, demonstra um treino eficiente de 85 minutos e tempo de inferência de 20 milissegundos num computador tradicional. O nosso modelo contém apenas 11 parâmetros geométricos, como a altura de um cilindro, e demonstra um ganho de Precisão de 24% quando comparado com uma CNN com 2190 parâmetros