2,242 research outputs found

    All-Optical Reinforcement Learning in Solitonic X-Junctions

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    L'etologia ha dimostrato che gruppi di animali o colonie possono eseguire calcoli complessi distribuendo semplici processi decisionali ai membri del gruppo. Ad esempio, le colonie di formiche possono ottimizzare le traiettorie verso il cibo eseguendo sia un rinforzo (o una cancellazione) delle tracce di feromone sia spostarsi da una traiettoria ad un'altra con feromone più forte. Questa procedura delle formiche possono essere implementati in un hardware fotonico per riprodurre l'elaborazione del segnale stigmergico. Presentiamo qui innovative giunzioni a X completamente integrate realizzate utilizzando guide d'onda solitoniche in grado di fornire entrambi i processi decisionali delle formiche. Le giunzioni a X proposte possono passare da comportamenti simmetrici (50/50) ad asimmetrici (80/20) utilizzando feedback ottici, cancellando i canali di uscita inutilizzati o rinforzando quelli usati.Ethology has shown that animal groups or colonies can perform complex calculation distributing simple decision-making processes to the group members. For example ant colonies can optimize the trajectories towards the food by performing both a reinforcement (or a cancellation) of the pheromone traces and a switch from one path to another with stronger pheromone. Such ant's processes can be implemented in a photonic hardware to reproduce stigmergic signal processing. We present innovative, completely integrated X-junctions realized using solitonic waveguides which can provide both ant's decision-making processes. The proposed X-junctions can switch from symmetric (50/50) to asymmetric behaviors (80/20) using optical feedbacks, vanishing unused output channels or reinforcing the used ones

    A high resolution investigation of vacuum ultraviolet wavelength standards

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    Imperial Users onl

    Study of optoelectronic switch for satellite-switched time-division multiple access

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    The use of optoelectronic switching for satellite switched time division multiple access will improve the isolation and reduce the crosstalk of an IF switch matrix. The results are presented of a study on optoelectronic switching. Tasks include literature search, system requirements study, candidate switching architecture analysis, and switch model optimization. The results show that the power divided and crossbar switching architectures are good candidates for an IF switch matrix

    Sistemas de comunicação por luz visível aplicados para assistência ao tráfego automóvel

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    Motivated by the topic of promoting traffic safety applications and information systems, this work aims to bring a study on VLC outdoor application scenarios. The developed topic is part of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) that aim at the delivery of traffic safety and information amongst other safety functions. VLC technology in traffic communication applications gains interest due to some advantages it presents. The use of LEDs in traffic signaling infrastructures and vehicle headlights started to be a growing standard. With the combination of illuminating proprieties and communication in the same device, VLC becomes a very attractive technology for the implementation of outdoor communication systems for traffic information and control. Outdoor VLC channels present variable ambient conditions, with the presence of different optical sources. One major problem in this communication channel is the presence of shot-noise, generated by optical background radiance from different light sources. This dissertation presents two different communication scenarios for traffic information systems, the first being directed at the infrastructure to car (I2C) link and the second one for car to car (C2C) communication. In order to simulate the communication link performance with variable ambient channel conditions, several models for optical propagation, emitter, receiver and noise sources were implemented in MATLAB. Models for different optical sources were also implemented, with field measurements on the illuminance incident on a photo detector and their impact on the noise generated. In the simulation’s performance of the VLC link, several baseband modulation schemes were considered, aiming at the assessment of link performance, based on the traditional digital modulation performance metrics.Motivado em promover o tópico de segurança rodoviária e sistemas de informação, este trabalho providência um estudo dedicado a sistemas de comunicação por luz visível (VLC) para aplicação em cenários de exterior. O tópico desenvolvido faz parte de sistemas de transporte inteligentes (ITS) cujo propósito é a disseminação de sistemas de segurança no tráfego e transferência de informação, para aplicações de segurança. A tecnologia VLC aplicada a sistemas de comunicação de tráfego rodoviário suscita elevado interesse devido a vantagens que esta apresenta. O uso de LED’s em semáforos e faróis de carros começa a ser bastante comum. Com a combinação de diferentes valências, como iluminação e transferência de dados no mesmo dispositivo, a tecnologia VLC torna-se muito atrativa para a implementação em sistema de comunicação exterior dedicados a sistemas de informação e controlo de tráfego. O canal de comunicação VLC exterior apresenta condições variáveis, devido ao fato de existirem condições ambientais diferentes. Um grave problema neste tipo de canal de comunicação é a presença de ruido Shot, que é normalmente gerado devido á radiância causada por diferentes fontes de luz de fundo. Nesta dissertação estão presentes dois tipos de cenários para sistemas de informação de tráfego, em que o primeiro dedica-se á comunicação semáforo-carro (I2C) e o segundo cenário para a comunicação entre carros (C2C). Para simular o desempenho do canal de comunicação com diferentes condições ambientais, foram implementados em MATLAB modelos para a propagação ótica, descrição do emissor, recetor e fontes de ruido. Também foram incluídos modelos para diferentes fontes óticas de radiação, com medições de campo da iluminância incidente num foto recetor e modulado o impacto na geração de ruido. Nas simulações de desempenho da comunicação por luz visível, foram considerados diferentes esquemas de modulação da informação com o intuito de avaliar o desempenho da ligação, a qual foi feita recorrendo a métricas clássicas de desempenho de modulações digitais.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Nanometric Surface Probing Through Ultra-Cold Atoms

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    Cantilever systems for the next generation of biomechanical sensors

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    Proceedings of the 18th annual symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter, November 25-26, 2013, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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    Proceedings of the 18th annual symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter, November 25-26, 2013, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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    Strong field ionization of atoms and molecules studied by phase-of-the-phase spectroscopy

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    Coherent superposition of 800 nm laser field with its second-harmonic generates laser pulses with asymmetrical electric field distribution. Controlling a time-lag between the w-2w fields with sub-fs precision enables for electron trajectory tagging. Here, we propose two-color phase-of-the-phase spectroscopy (PoP) which applied to atoms provides relative-phase-tagged photoelectron spectra. We show that a relative phase contrast (RPC) and the-phase-of-the-phase (PP) obtained from Fourier transformed electron spectra gain information which are beyond conventional photoelectron spectroscopy

    Cantilever systems for the next generation of biomechanical sensors

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    Ieder interactief systeem gebruikt apparaten om informatie over de omgeving te verkrijgen. Ook de mens gebruikt apparaten om zijn omgeving te onderzoeken; tast- en gehoor-apparatuur voor mechanische impulsen, zicht- voor elektromagnetische en smaak- en reuk- voor chemische eigenschappen. Het gaat om thermometers, microfoons, ccd camera’s, enzovoort: allemaal sensoren die onze waarnemingsmogelijkheden vergroten, prestaties verbeteren en soms zelfs de mens vervangen in autonome systemen. In de laatste decennia is door de opkomst van nano- en biotechnologie de ontwikkeling van chemische sensoren, in het bijzonder biosensoren, in een stroomversnelling geraakt. Biosensoren worden gekenmerkt door de aanwezigheid van een biologische component (bv. een antilichaam, enzym of DNA molecuul) die een interactie aangaat met het te detecteren chemische element. Deze interactie wordt omgezet in een macroscopisch signaal welke vervolgens kan worden uitgelezen door een mens of machine. In ons dagelijks leven zijn biosensoren al terug te vinden in de vorm van zwangerschapstesten en glucosemeters, maar ook in minder opvallende toepassingen zoals voedsel- en waterveiligheid. Er zijn echter nog vele gebieden, in het bijzonder in de geneeskunde, waarin biosensoren een belangrijke rol kunnen spelen. In geval van ziekte (eenvoudige griep of allergie tot levensbedreigende kanker) produceert ons lichaam biologische markers, eiwitten, die inzicht kunnen geven in wat er zich in ons lichaam afspeelt. Daardoor kan er een betere inschatting worden gemaakt van de prognose en kan de therapie mogelijk specifiek op de patiënt worden afgestemd. Helaas is vaak niet bekend welke markers een rol spelen, en als dit wel bekend is, is de detectie veelal zeer kostbaar of zelfs niet mogelijk. In my thesis work I investigated alternative geometries of nanomechanical oscillators to be employed as biomolecular sensors. Simple mechanical oscillators, such as cantilevers and double clamped beams have been deeply investigated in the last decade and single molecule sensitivity was demonstrated. However, beside few marginal exceptions, the proof of principle demonstrations did not yet evolve into commercial devices. Alternative geometries can, in principle, improve the simple micromechanical systems studied so far, with more complex transfer functions suitable to operate also in demanding environments. The thesis work was divided in two major sections. In the first section twin cantilevers are discussed. Couples of cantilevers facing each other and separated by a nanometer gap may change their resonance response when one or more molecules are absorbed in the gap. Two different geometries have been fabricated and tested. One, with identical cantilevers, takes advantage of the shift in resonance frequency occurring upon molecular detection; the second with asymmetrical cantilevers, uses the shortest one to actuate the motion of the longer one through a molecular link. In the second part the structure of the twin cantilevers is the starting point for creating a spatially confined chemical reaction in the gap between two cantilevers facing each other. This original process is extremely precise and represents an important milestone towards the future realization of complex micro- and nanomechanical systems for biomolecular detection.
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