1,921 research outputs found

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Matrix Factorization Models for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems

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    Matrix factorization models are the core of current commercial collaborative filtering Recommender Systems. This paper tested six representative matrix factorization models, using four collaborative filtering datasets. Experiments have tested a variety of accuracy and beyond accuracy quality measures, including prediction, recommendation of ordered and unordered lists, novelty, and diversity. Results show each convenient matrix factorization model attending to their simplicity, the required prediction quality, the necessary recommendation quality, the desired recommendation novelty and diversity, the need to explain recommendations, the adequacy of assigning semantic interpretations to hidden factors, the advisability of recommending to groups of users, and the need to obtain reliability values. To ensure the reproducibility of the experiments, an open framework has been used, and the implementation code is provided

    Neural Collaborative Filtering Classification Model to Obtain Prediction Reliabilities

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    Neural collaborative filtering is the state of art field in the recommender systems area; it provides some models that obtain accurate predictions and recommendations. These models are regression-based, and they just return rating predictions. This paper proposes the use of a classification-based approach, returning both rating predictions and their reliabilities. The extra information (prediction reliabilities) can be used in a variety of relevant collaborative filtering areas such as detection of shilling attacks, recommendations explanation or navigational tools to show users and items dependences. Additionally, recommendation reliabilities can be gracefully provided to users: “probably you will like this film”, “almost certainly you will like this song”, etc. This paper provides the proposed neural architecture; it also tests that the quality of its recommendation results is as good as the state of art baselines. Remarkably, individual rating predictions are improved by using the proposed architecture compared to baselines. Experiments have been performed making use of four popular public datasets, showing generalizable quality results. Overall, the proposed architecture improves individual rating predictions quality, maintains recommendation results and opens the doors to a set of relevant collaborative filtering fields

    Beyond accuracy in machine learning.

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    Machine Learning (ML) algorithms are widely used in our daily lives. The need to increase the accuracy of ML models has led to building increasingly powerful and complex algorithms known as black-box models which do not provide any explanations about the reasons behind their output. On the other hand, there are white-box ML models which are inherently interpretable while having lower accuracy compared to black-box models. To have a productive and practical algorithmic decision system, precise predictions may not be sufficient. The system may need to have transparency and be able to provide explanations, especially in applications with safety-critical contexts such as medicine, aerospace, robotics, and self-driving vehicles; or in socially-sensitive domains such as credit scoring and predictive policing. This is because having transparency can help explain why a certain decision was made and this, in turn, could be useful in discovering possible biases that lead to discrimination against any individual or group of people. Fairness and bias are other aspects that need to be considered in evaluating ML models. Therefore, depending on the application domain, accuracy, explainability, and fairness from bias may be necessary in building a practical and effective algorithmic decision system. However, in practice, it is challenging to have a model that optimizes all of these three aspects simultaneously. In this work, we study ML criteria that go beyond accuracy in two different problems: 1) in collaborative filtering recommendation, where we study explainability and bias in addition to accuracy; and 2) in robotic grasp failure prediction, where we study explainability in addition to prediction accuracy

    Attentive Aspect Modeling for Review-aware Recommendation

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    In recent years, many studies extract aspects from user reviews and integrate them with ratings for improving the recommendation performance. The common aspects mentioned in a user's reviews and a product's reviews indicate indirect connections between the user and product. However, these aspect-based methods suffer from two problems. First, the common aspects are usually very sparse, which is caused by the sparsity of user-product interactions and the diversity of individual users' vocabularies. Second, a user's interests on aspects could be different with respect to different products, which are usually assumed to be static in existing methods. In this paper, we propose an Attentive Aspect-based Recommendation Model (AARM) to tackle these challenges. For the first problem, to enrich the aspect connections between user and product, besides common aspects, AARM also models the interactions between synonymous and similar aspects. For the second problem, a neural attention network which simultaneously considers user, product and aspect information is constructed to capture a user's attention towards aspects when examining different products. Extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments show that AARM can effectively alleviate the two aforementioned problems and significantly outperforms several state-of-the-art recommendation methods on top-N recommendation task.Comment: Camera-ready manuscript for TOI

    User's Privacy in Recommendation Systems Applying Online Social Network Data, A Survey and Taxonomy

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    Recommender systems have become an integral part of many social networks and extract knowledge from a user's personal and sensitive data both explicitly, with the user's knowledge, and implicitly. This trend has created major privacy concerns as users are mostly unaware of what data and how much data is being used and how securely it is used. In this context, several works have been done to address privacy concerns for usage in online social network data and by recommender systems. This paper surveys the main privacy concerns, measurements and privacy-preserving techniques used in large-scale online social networks and recommender systems. It is based on historical works on security, privacy-preserving, statistical modeling, and datasets to provide an overview of the technical difficulties and problems associated with privacy preserving in online social networks.Comment: 26 pages, IET book chapter on big data recommender system

    DeepFair: Deep Learning for Improving Fairness in Recommender Systems

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    The lack of bias management in Recommender Systems leads to minority groups receiving unfair recommendations. Moreover, the trade-off between equity and precision makes it difficult to obtain recommendations that meet both criteria. Here we propose a Deep Learning based Collaborative Filtering algorithm that provides recommendations with an optimum balance between fairness and accuracy. Furthermore, in the recommendation stage, this balance does not require an initial knowledge of the users’ demographic information. The proposed architecture incorporates four abstraction levels: raw ratings and demographic information, minority indexes, accurate predictions, and fair recommendations. Last two levels use the classical Probabilistic Matrix Factorization (PMF) model to obtain users and items hidden factors, and a Multi-Layer Network (MLN) to combine those factors with a ‘fairness’ (ß) parameter. Several experiments have been conducted using two types of minority sets: gender and age. Experimental results show that it is possible to make fair recommendations without losing a significant proportion of accuracy