101 research outputs found

    Assessing the Feasibility of Single Trace Power Analysis of Frodo

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    Lattice-based schemes are among the most promising post-quantum schemes, yet the effect of both parameter and implementation choices on their side-channel resilience is still poorly understood. Aysu et al. (HOST\u2718) recently investigated single-trace attacks against the core lattice operation, namely multiplication between a public matrix and a small secret vector, in the context of a hardware implementation. We complement this work by considering single-trace attacks against software implementations of ring-less LWE-based constructions. Specifically, we target Frodo, one of the submissions to the standardisation process of NIST, when implemented on an (emulated) ARM Cortex M0 processor. We confirm Aysu et al.\u27s observation that a standard divide-and-conquer attack is insufficient and instead we resort to a sequential, extend-and-prune approach. In contrast to Aysu et al. we find that, in our setting where the power model is far from being as clear as theirs, both profiling and less aggressive pruning are needed to obtain reasonable key recovery rates for SNRs of practical relevance. Our work drives home the message that parameter selection for LWE schemes is a double-edged sword: the schemes that are deemed most secure against (black-box) lattice attacks can provide the least security when considering side-channels. Finally, we suggest some easy countermeasures that thwart standard extend-and-prune attacks

    Exploring Parallelism to Improve the Performance of FrodoKEM in Hardware

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    FrodoKEM is a lattice-based key encapsulation mechanism, currently a semi-finalist in NIST’s post-quantum standardisation effort. A condition for these candidates is to use NIST standards for sources of randomness (i.e. seed-expanding), and as such most candidates utilise SHAKE, an XOF defined in the SHA-3 standard. However, for many of the candidates, this module is a significant implementation bottleneck. Trivium is a lightweight, ISO standard stream cipher which performs well in hardware and has been used in previous hardware designs for lattice-based cryptography. This research proposes optimised designs for FrodoKEM, concentrating on high throughput by parallelising the matrix multiplication operations within the cryptographic scheme. This process is eased by the use of Trivium due to its higher throughput and lower area consumption. The parallelisations proposed also complement the addition of first-order masking to the decapsulation module. Overall, we significantly increase the throughput of FrodoKEM; for encapsulation we see a 16 × speed-up, achieving 825 operations per second, and for decapsulation we see a 14 × speed-up, achieving 763 operations per second, compared to the previous state of the art, whilst also maintaining a similar FPGA area footprint of less than 2000 slices.</p

    LWE with side information: Attacks and concrete security estimation

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    We propose a framework for cryptanalysis of lattice-based schemes, when side information—in the form of “hints”—about the secret and/or error is available. Our framework generalizes the so-called primal lattice reduction attack, and allows the progressive integration of hints before running a final lattice reduction step. Our techniques for integrating hints include sparsifying the lattice, projecting onto and intersecting with hyperplanes, and/or altering the distribution of the secret vector. Our main contribution is to propose a toolbox and a methodology to integrate such hints into lattice reduction attacks and to predict the performance of those lattice attacks with side information. While initially designed for side-channel information, our framework can also be used in other cases: exploiting decryption failures, or simply exploiting constraints imposed by certain schemes (LAC, Round5, NTRU). We implement a Sage 9.0 toolkit to actually mount such attacks with hints when computationally feasible, and to predict their performances on larger instances. We provide several end-to-end application examples, such as an improvement of a single trace attack on Frodo by Bos et al. (SAC 2018). In particular, our work can estimates security loss even given very little side information, leading to a smooth measurement/computation trade-off for side-channel attacks

    PQC-SEP: Power Side-channel Evaluation Platform for Post-Quantum Cryptography Algorithms

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    Research in post-quantum cryptography (PQC) aims to develop cryptographic algorithms that can withstand classical and quantum attacks. The recent advance in the PQC field has gradually switched from the theory to the implementation of cryptographic algorithms on hardware platforms. In addition, the PQC standardization process of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is currently in its third round. It specifies ease of protection against side-channel analysis (SCA) as an essential selection criterion. Following this trend, in this paper, we evaluate side-channel leakages of existing PQC implementations using PQC-SEP, a completely automated side-channel evaluation platform at both pre-and post-silicon levels. It automatically estimates the amount of side-channel leakage in the power profile of a PQC design at early design stages, i.e., RTL, gate level, and physical layout level. It also efficiently validates side-channel leakages at the post-silicon level against artificial intelligence (AI) based SCA models and traditional SCA models. Further, we delineate challenges and approaches for future research directions

    LWE with Side Information: Attacks and Concrete Security Estimation

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    We propose a framework for cryptanalysis of lattice-based schemes, when side information---in the form of ``hints\u27\u27--- about the secret and/or error is available. Our framework generalizes the so-called primal lattice reduction attack, and allows the progressive integration of hints before running a final lattice reduction step. Our techniques for integrating hints include sparsifying the lattice, projecting onto and intersecting with hyperplanes, and/or altering the distribution of the secret vector. Our main contribution is to propose a toolbox and a methodology to integrate such hints into lattice reduction attacks and to predict the performance of those lattice attacks with side information. While initially designed for side-channel information, our framework can also be used in other cases: exploiting decryption failures, or simply exploiting constraints imposed by certain schemes (LAC, Round5, NTRU). We implement a Sage 9.0 toolkit to actually mount such attacks with hints when computationally feasible, and to predict their performances on larger instances. We provide several end-to-end application examples, such as an improvement of a single trace attack on Frodo by Bos et al (SAC 2018). In particular, our work can estimates security loss even given very little side information, leading to a smooth measurement/computation trade-off for side-channel attacks

    Revisiting Security Estimation for LWE with Hints from a Geometric Perspective

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    The Distorted Bounded Distance Decoding Problem (DBDD) was introduced by Dachman-Soled et al. [Crypto ’20] as an intermediate problem between LWE and unique-SVP (uSVP). They presented an approach that reduces an LWE instance to a DBDD instance, integrates side information (or “hints”) into the DBDD instance, and finally reduces it to a uSVP instance, which can be solved via lattice reduction. They showed that this principled approach can lead to algorithms for side-channel attacks that perform better than ad-hoc algorithms that do not rely on lattice reduction. The current work focuses on new methods for integrating hints into a DBDD instance. We view hints from a geometric perspective, as opposed to the distributional perspective from the prior work. Our approach provides the rigorous promise that, as hints are integrated into the DBDD instance, the correct solution remains a lattice point contained in the specified ellipsoid. We instantiate our approach with two new types of hints: (1) Inequality hints, corresponding to the region of intersection of an ellipsoid and a halfspace; (2) Combined hints, corresponding to the region of intersection of two ellipsoids. Since the regions in (1) and (2) are not necessarily ellipsoids, we replace them with ellipsoidal approximations that circumscribe the region of intersection. Perfect hints are reconsidered as the region of intersection of an ellipsoid and a hyperplane, which is itself an ellipsoid. The compatibility of “approximate,” “modular,” and “short vector” hints from the prior work is examined. We apply our techniques to the decryption failure and side-channel attack settings. We show that “inequality hints” can be used to model decryption failures, and that our new approach yields a geometric analogue of the “failure boosting” technique of D’anvers et al. [ePrint, ’18]. We also show that “combined hints” can be used to fuse information from a decryption failure and a side-channel attack, and provide rigorous guarantees despite the data being non-Gaussian. We provide experimental data for both applications. The code that we have developed to implement the integration of hints and hardness estimates extends the Toolkit from prior work and has been released publicly

    Single-Trace Side-Channel Attacks on ω-Small Polynomial Sampling: With Applications to NTRU, NTRU Prime, and CRYSTALS-DILITHIUM

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    This paper proposes a new single-trace side-channel attack on lattice-based post-quantum protocols. We target the ω-small polynomial sampling of NTRU, NTRU Prime, and CRYSTALS-DILITHIUM algorithm implementations (which are NIST Round-3 finalists and alternative candidates), and we demonstrate the vulnerabilities of their sub-routines to a power-based side-channel attack. Specifically, we reveal that the sorting implementation in NTRU/NTRU Prime and the shuffling in CRYSTALS-DILITHIUM\u27s ω-small polynomial sampling process leaks information about the ‘-1’, \u270’, or ’+1\u27 assignments made to the coefficients. We further demonstrate that these assignments can be found within a single power measurement and that revealing them allows secret and session key recovery for NTRU/NTRU Prime, while reducing the challenge polynomial\u27s entropy for CRYSTALS-DILITHIUM. We execute our proposed attacks on an ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller running the reference software submissions from NIST Round-3 software packages. The results show that our attacks can extract coefficients with a success rate of 99.78% for NTRU and NTRU Prime, reducing the search space to 2^41 or below. For CRYSTALS-DILITHIUM, our attack recovers the coefficients’ signs with over 99.99% success, reducing rejected challenge polynomials’ entropy between 39 to 60 bits. Our work informs the proposers about the single-trace vulnerabilities of their software and urges them to develop single-trace resilient software for low-cost microcontrollers

    Helpfulness Guided Review Summarization

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    User-generated online reviews are an important information resource in people's everyday life. As the review volume grows explosively, the ability to automatically identify and summarize useful information from reviews becomes essential in providing analytic services in many review-based applications. While prior work on review summarization focused on different review perspectives (e.g. topics, opinions, sentiment, etc.), the helpfulness of reviews is an important informativeness indicator that has been less frequently explored. In this thesis, we investigate automatic review helpfulness prediction and exploit review helpfulness for review summarization in distinct review domains. We explore two paths for predicting review helpfulness in a general setting: one is by tailoring existing helpfulness prediction techniques to a new review domain; the other is by using a general representation of review content that reflects review helpfulness across domains. For the first one, we explore educational peer reviews and show how peer-review domain knowledge can be introduced to a helpfulness model developed for product reviews to improve prediction performance. For the second one, we characterize review language usage, content diversity and helpfulness-related topics with respect to different content sources using computational linguistic features. For review summarization, we propose to leverage user-provided helpfulness assessment during content selection in two ways: 1) using the review-level helpfulness ratings directly to filter out unhelpful reviews, 2) developing sentence-level helpfulness features via supervised topic modeling for sentence selection. As a demonstration, we implement our methods based on an extractive multi-document summarization framework and evaluate them in three user studies. Results show that our helpfulness-guided summarizers outperform the baseline in both human and automated evaluation for camera reviews and movie reviews. While for educational peer reviews, the preference for helpfulness depends on student writing performance and prior teaching experience

    Improved Robustness and Versatility of Lattice-Based Cryptography

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    Current public key cryptosystems that are based on the hardness of integer factorization and discrete logarithm are insecure in the presence of large-scale quantum computers. Much effort has been devoted to replacing the quantum-insecure cryptosystems with newly developed "post-quantum" cryptosystem candidates, conjectured to be secure against quantum attack. Lattice-based cryptography has been widely recognized as a prominent candidate for practical post-quantum security.This dissertation improves the robustness and versatility of lattice-based cryptography through the following three contributions: 1. Chapter 3 introduces a constant-round protocol for unauthenticated group key exchange (i.e., with security against a passive eavesdropper). Group key exchange protocols allow a set of N parties to agree on a shared, secret key by communicating over a public network. Our protocol is based on the hardness of a lattice problem, which hence yields (plausible) post-quantum security. 2. In Chapter 4, we propose a framework for cryptanalysis of lattice-based schemes when certain types of information about the secret are leaked. Our framework generalizes the primal lattice reduction attack. The generalization allows for integrating the leaked information progressively before running a final lattice reduction step. Our framework can estimate the amount of security loss caused by the leaked information, and perform lattice reduction attacks with leaked information when computationally feasible. 3. Chapter 5 introduces an approach towards a ring analogue of the Leftover Hash Lemma (LHL). The LHL is a mathematical tool often used in the analysis of various lattice-based cryptosystems, as well as their leakage-resilient counterparts. However, it does not hold in the ring setting, which is typical for efficient cryptosystems. Lyubashevsky et al. (Eurocrypt '13) proved a "regularity lemma," which is used in the ring setting instead of the LHL; however, this applies only for centered, spherical Gaussian inputs, while the LHL applies when the input is drawn from any high min-entropy distribution. Our approach generalizes the "regularity lemma" of Lyubashevsky et al. to certain conditional distributions. A number of Ring-Learning with Errors based cryptosystems can achieve certain leakage resilience properties using our results
