608 research outputs found

    Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis Theory and Tools for the SDEWES Index

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    The goal of this work is to apply Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis tools, both theoretical and practical, to analyse, support and possibly enhance composite indexes, in particular those related to sustainability assessment. In this context, the Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems Index represents a paradigmatic example and an emerging reference point, thus it is specifically addressed throughout the work. On the theoretical side, the focus is on the property of “independence”, i.e., of evaluating an alternative independently of the others. It is argued that this property can be appealing for an index that is conceived to address, over time, an increasing number of inherently evolving systems. A viable and theoretically grounded approach for devising a version of the index fulfilling independence is proposed. On the practical side, the contribution concerns visual support tools. A well-known projective method is adapted to work with the index, and a new tool with comparable expressive capabilities is proposed. The new representation is more focused on the index, technically simpler, and less sensitive to changes in the input data. The features of the visual tools are illustrated exploiting currently available (partially aggregated) index data. In particular, the new tool is used to illustrate two issues addressed in the scientific literature on the index, namely, the use of scenario analysis as a predictive tool, and the decoupling of energy usage and carbon dioxide emissions

    A psychodynamic approach to short-term couples therapy in clinical social work : some aspects of the combined conjoint-concurrent technique

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    In this dissertation, the writer explores and supports the validity of clinical social wor·k practitioners applying planned therapeutic intervention procedures to couples who are in distress. Written in two parts, this paper is esentially a review of selected literature on the efficacy of social work psychotherapv with couples. Couple therapy, which deals with the two individuals per se and not merely with their interaction, enhances the treatment of both partners. Several intervention strategies are noted by the writer, all of which attempt to alter both individual dynamics and that of the couples relationship. The writer has chosen a "fusion model" comprising of the intra and inter-personal intervention strategies. The therapeutic format of choice proposed by the writer favours a time-limited psychodynamic approach which operates through the medium of a combined concurrent-conjoint technique

    International Market Segmentation: Reviews of the main components of conducting and measurement stages

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    International activities have become a crucial step for the survival and development of companies. Exporting the company's product or externalizing the company's activities in foreign countries generates considerable outcomes. It allows to increase sales numbers, minimize costs through economies of scale, manage risks, improve the competitive and negotiation power, and improve the product quality to respond to the needs and the preferences of international customers. However, to take advantage of international activities and develop relevant strategies at the international level, companies should overcome various issues and problems that may arise in the decision-making process. International segmentation identifies the similarities and differences between countries or international customers based on specific characteristics by classifying them into homogeneous groups. The classification result can help the company to determine the group of potential consumers to target, identify and select attractive and relevant markets, transfer the experience previously gained in one market to similar ones, and choose a successful method of serving international customers. International segmentation can also help marketers implement standard marketing products or programs for homogeneous consumer segments. So, marketers can target global customers in several foreign countries or set up an international marketing mix program. Indeed, international market segmentation is necessary for decision-making and solving various international research issues and has become a tool widely used by researchers and marketers. To conduct it, some steps should be followed. These steps are the same as in domestic market segmentation, with some differences. In fact, to segment, the international market, researchers and international marketers should consider and overcome significant issues, particularly in the data used or collected. This article presents a narrative review of the main reasons, components, and tools for conducting international market segmentation. The mainly topics covered are: reasons for international segmentation, segmentation bases used, databases used and data analysis techniques mostly performed.   Keywords: International segmentation, international marketing, global marketing, Segmentation bases, Data analysis techniques. JEL Classification: M31 Paper Type: Theoretical ResearchInternational activities have become a crucial step for the survival and development of companies. Exporting the company's product or externalizing the company's activities in foreign countries generates considerable outcomes. It allows to increase sales numbers, minimize costs through economies of scale, manage risks, improve the competitive and negotiation power, and improve the product quality to respond to the needs and the preferences of international customers. However, to take advantage of international activities and develop relevant strategies at the international level, companies should overcome various issues and problems that may arise in the decision-making process. International segmentation identifies the similarities and differences between countries or international customers based on specific characteristics by classifying them into homogeneous groups. The classification result can help the company to determine the group of potential consumers to target, identify and select attractive and relevant markets, transfer the experience previously gained in one market to similar ones, and choose a successful method of serving international customers. International segmentation can also help marketers implement standard marketing products or programs for homogeneous consumer segments. So, marketers can target global customers in several foreign countries or set up an international marketing mix program. Indeed, international market segmentation is necessary for decision-making and solving various international research issues and has become a tool widely used by researchers and marketers. To conduct it, some steps should be followed. These steps are the same as in domestic market segmentation, with some differences. In fact, to segment, the international market, researchers and international marketers should consider and overcome significant issues, particularly in the data used or collected. This article presents a narrative review of the main reasons, components, and tools for conducting international market segmentation. The mainly topics covered are: reasons for international segmentation, segmentation bases used, databases used and data analysis techniques mostly performed.   Keywords: International segmentation, international marketing, global marketing, Segmentation bases, Data analysis techniques. JEL Classification: M31 Paper Type: Theoretical Researc

    Couple-based therapeutic interventions aimed at treating the individual and relational impact of childhood abuse

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    Childhood abuse can have a significant and lasting impact on an individual\u27s mental health and relationships, including their ability to trust, communicate, and form healthy attachments. While the greater literature focuses on individual interventions to address childhood trauma, there is limited research on the potential positive impact of a couple-based therapeutic approach on outcomes of individual mental health and relationship distress. This dissertation sought to summarize empirically researched couples-based psychotherapies designed to address the effects of childhood abuse and review evidence regarding therapeutic outcomes. The dissertation implemented the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) to ensure a high-quality systematic review. The systematic review includes empirical peer-reviewed quantitative research, researcher extraction of data from articles that met criteria, and narrative synthesis of results. Results highlighted that couples-based therapies show promise to reduce symptoms of depression and PTSD, while also effectively improving relationship quality. This dissertation provides a valuable contribution to clinical literature and expands treatment options to address the negative impact of childhood abuse

    Segmenting customers based on their unconscious needs.

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    This paper contributes to the literature by proposing a new methodological approach for understanding customers’ unconscious needs. This approach combines Unconscious Thought Theory (UTT) with Choice-Based Conjoint (CBC), for the first time, to identify needs that segment members are either unaware of, or unable/unwilling to articulate. This methodological approach identified an additional market segment, distinct from those identified by a traditional customer segmentation approach based on customer need articulation. Ergo, understanding unconscious needs may provide additional customer insight and aid marketeers in developing new propositions and gaining market share. This study, therefore, makes a methodological contribution to the literature. The study involves the segmentation of buyers of snack bars (i.e. cereal bars), based on subjective nutritional information importance (as revealed on packaging). Separate samples of buyers were recruited: one group as a control sample completing a traditional CBC exercise; a second group completing the same CBC exercise but asked to complete a UTT working memory distraction-task between each choice-task and responding to it. This allowed a comparison of the segmentations of two groups (one which incorporated unconscious thought theory and the other which did not). Latent Class Segmentation (LCS) analysis indicated that whilst both approaches generate four similar segments, the CBC/UTT approach revealed a fifth (hidden) segment, unidentified in the other sample. In addition, the nutritional preferences of four of the five segments produced via the CBC/UTT approach matched those demonstrated by the participants’ store card behavioural data in a manner unobserved for the traditional CBC approach. This research provides a framework for further exploration and identifies a number of issues, such as which types of working memory distraction-tasks are most effective, that could potentially improve the approach if replicated.Doctor of Business Administratio

    Does Pragmatism Have A Theory of Power?

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    Asking if pragmatism, and John Dewey in particular, has a theory of power poses the question about the intellectual resources that pragmatism has to offer the social sciences. Pragmatism stands accused of being naïve about power and presenting the specter of an overly soft program for doing social science. Yet, Dewey’s philosophical method provides a distinctive transactional theory of power and untapped resources for advancing social science. Dewey’s melioristic philosophical vision develops a theory of praxis that is a tacit theory of power. Explicating his concerns with experience, inquiry, and social life show how they converge into his theory of praxis and power. Developing this theory, next, enables distinctions to be outlined between Dewey’s transactional view of power and the mainstream interactional view seen in the work of Dahl, Lukes, and Mann. Furthermore, the theory of praxis establishes analytical categories for deconstructing the structure of transactional power, the patterns or modes of conjoint activity. Dewey’s pragmatist theory of power stands in marked contrast to interactional models and provides the analytical tools for the critical assessment of power

    Exploring the link between relationship quality and loyalty: Gaining Insights into Manufacturer-Supplier Relationships

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    Manufacturers across industry sectors are gradually reducing their supplier base. Consequently, suppliers need an appropriate strategy to ensure preferred supplier status. It is argued, that `softer' - or more intangible - relationship factors potentially have the power to distinguish suppliers. But what are the intangible factors? How does a customer value them? Do they have an impact on the supplier selection process at all? Questions like these describe an area that has become a topic of considerable debate. Surprisingly, the relationship quality idea, although recognised as an important concept, has hardly received any empirical attention. Therefore, the research question of the present PhD project is stated as follows: In commercial customer-supplier relationships, what is relationship quality (RQ) from the customer's standpoint and how does it relate to the customer's loyalty? The researcher explored the question in three German industry sectors: 1) Engineering, 2) Electronics, and 3) Process. Studies concerned with softer aspects of business-to-business relationships as well as research dealing with supplier selection processes are typically based on preconceived views. Condensing the understanding of relationship quality to a narrow and ambiguous definition, however, would simplify a complex issue. This thesis represents the first study that has explored in-depth the relationship quality concept and its influence on the customer's loyalty. The research comprised three stages. The first stage was a telephone survey of German managers involved in supplier management. The aim was to explore key issues of supplier management such as determining the way suppliers are selected and capturing views on supplier relationships. The second stage was concerned with the exploration of the quality of supplier relationships in detail and the case study approach was the chosen research strategy. The researcher conducted plant visits that included analysis of company documents and in-depth interviews. These were guided by the repertory grid technique. It was found that manufacturers rely on three tangible measures alone when selecting suppliers - price, product quality, and delivery performance. Furthermore, manufacturers have a clear view as to what high-quality supplier relationships are made of. The third stage determined the link between the quality of relationships and the manufacturer's loyalty. The researcher employed an experimental research strategy in the form of a conjoint analysis. Participants evaluated suppliers based on the three tangible and a selection of intangible relationship quality criteria. The study uncovered to what extent the softer relationship quality factors come (unconsciously) into play in the process of selecting long-term supplier relationships

    The Kinetic Family Drawing as a Measure of Minuchin\u27s Structural Family Concepts Among Hispanic American Families With Substance-Abusing and Nonsubstance-Abusing Adolescents

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    Problem. There is a need for validation of new cultural-sensitive tests for assessing the Hispanic population in the United States that will take into account their cultural competence in the psychological evaluation practice. The purpose of this study was to explore the suitability of the Kinetic Family Drawings as a measure of Minuchin\u27s Structural Family Theory among Hispanic American families with substance-abusing and nonsubstance-abusing adolescents. Method. The Kinetic Family Drawing (KFD), the Structural Family Interaction Scale-Revised (SFIS-R), and the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scales (FACES II) were administered to 141 families, 74 with an adolescent with substance-abusing problems and 67 with nonsubstance-abusing adolescents. Both groups, the clinic and non-clinic, included a total of 260 people involved in the study. All subjects were Hispanic Americans living in Chicago, Illinois, and Southern Michigan. Fourteen hypotheses were tested, and data were analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis, canonical correlation analysis, t-test, and by discriminant analysis. Significance was set at .05. Results. The results of this study give support to the validity of the KFD in assessing some variables of Minuchin\u27s Structural Family Theory. Of 37 KFD variables designed for this study, 25 (67.5%) found some confirmation. However, other variables were not supported by the results. The KFD appears to be suitable in the assessment of some of the Family Hierarchy variables, Family Boundaries variables, and Family Adaptability variables. The qualitative results did not provide, however, support for KFD Family Subsystems variables related to maladaptive coalitions. The potential of the KFD to differentiate between families with different styles of interacting is affirmed by this study. The results indicated that the KFD is able to differentiate family patterns of interaction between substance-abusing and nonsubstance-abusing Hispanic families under certain conditions. These differences are related to Family Hierarchy, Family Boundaries, and Family Adaptability variables. No differences were indicated in the Family Subsystem variables. Conclusion. The results of the quantitative and qualitative analysis of this study provide support for the potential of the KFD to reflect the drawer\u27s view of himself/herself within the family, his/her view of family members\u27 functioning, his/her view of some family interpersonal conflicts, and his/her view about the differences between some successful and unsuccessful family interactive patterns in terms of Minuchin\u27s Structural Family Theory

    Effect of Group Therapy on Dyadic Adjustment Among Male Probationers and their Wives

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