22 research outputs found

    On the Complexity Dichotomy for the Satisfiability of Systems of Term Equations over Finite Algebras

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    For a fixed finite algebra ?, we consider the decision problem SysTerm(?): does a given system of term equations have a solution in ?? This is equivalent to a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) for a relational structure whose relations are the graphs of the basic operations of ?. From the complexity dichotomy for CSP over fixed finite templates due to Bulatov [Bulatov, 2017] and Zhuk [Zhuk, 2017], it follows that SysTerm(?) for a finite algebra ? is in P if ? has a not necessarily idempotent Taylor polymorphism and is NP-complete otherwise. More explicitly, we show that for a finite algebra ? in a congruence modular variety (e.g. for a quasigroup), SysTerm(?) is in P if the core of ? is abelian and is NP-complete otherwise. Given ? by the graphs of its basic operations, we show that this condition for tractability can be decided in quasi-polynomial time


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    A Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problem (VCSP) provides a common framework that can express a wide range of discrete optimization problems. A VCSP instance is given by a finite set of variables, a finite domain of labels, and an objective function to be minimized. This function is represented as a sum of terms where each term depends on a subset of the variables. To obtain different classes of optimization problems, one can restrict all terms to come from a fixed set Γ of cost functions, called a language. Recent breakthrough results have established a complete complexity classification of such classes with respect to language Γ: if all cost functions in Γ satisfy a certain algebraic condition then all Γ-instances can be solved in polynomial time, otherwise the problem is NP-hard. Unfortunately, testing this condition for a given language Γ is known to be NP-hard. We thus study exponential algorithms for this meta-problem. We show that the tractability condition of a finite-valued language Γ can be tested in O(3‾√3|D|⋅poly(size(Γ))) time, where D is the domain of Γ and poly(⋅) is some fixed polynomial. We also obtain a matching lower bound under the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH). More precisely, we prove that for any constant δ<1 there is no O(3‾√3δ|D|) algorithm, assuming that SETH holds

    Algebra and the Complexity of Digraph CSPs: a Survey

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    We present a brief survey of some of the key results on the interplay between algebraic and graph-theoretic methods in the study of the complexity of digraph-based constraint satisfaction problems

    Network Satisfaction Problems Solved by k-Consistency

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    We show that the problem of deciding for a given finite relation algebra A whether the network satisfaction problem for A can be solved by the k-consistency procedure, for some k ? ?, is undecidable. For the important class of finite relation algebras A with a normal representation, however, the decidability of this problem remains open. We show that if A is symmetric and has a flexible atom, then the question whether NSP(A) can be solved by k-consistency, for some k ? ?, is decidable (even in polynomial time in the number of atoms of A). This result follows from a more general sufficient condition for the correctness of the k-consistency procedure for finite symmetric relation algebras. In our proof we make use of a result of Alexandr Kazda about finite binary conservative structures

    Smooth Approximations and Relational Width Collapses

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    We prove that relational structures admitting specific polymorphisms (namely, canonical pseudo-WNU operations of all arities n ? 3) have low relational width. This implies a collapse of the bounded width hierarchy for numerous classes of infinite-domain CSPs studied in the literature. Moreover, we obtain a characterization of bounded width for first-order reducts of unary structures and a characterization of MMSNP sentences that are equivalent to a Datalog program, answering a question posed by Bienvenu et al.. In particular, the bounded width hierarchy collapses in those cases as well