7,304 research outputs found

    Les bibliothèques à l’heure du numérique : évolution des publics et des services

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    Plus de 180 participants ont assisté à ce rendez-vous où il était question – survol international à l’appui – de la création et de l’adaptation de nouveaux outils et services à des usagers qui n’avaient pas attendu qu’ils viennent de la bibliothèque pour s’en saisir. Une suite sera donnée à cette journée le 10 janvier 2011 et elle sera consacrée aux nouvelles compétences et aux nouveaux métiers

    Kindia (Pavetteae, Rubiaceae), a new cliff-dwelling genus with chemically profiled colleter exudate from Mt Gangan, Republic of Guinea

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    A new genus Kindia (Pavetteae, Rubiaceae) is described with a single species, Kindia gangan, based on collections made in 2016 during botanical exploration of Mt Gangan, Kindia, Republic of Guinea in West Africa. The Mt Gangan area is known for its many endemic species including the only native non-neotropical Bromeliaceae Pitcairnia feliciana. Kindia is the fourth endemic vascular plant genus to be described from Guinea. Based on chloroplast sequence data, the genus is part of Clade II of tribe Pavetteae. In this clade, it is sister to Leptactina sensu lato (including Coleactina and Dictyandra). K. gangan is distinguished from Leptactina s.l. by the combination of the following characters: its epilithic habit; several-flowered axillary inflorescences; distinct calyx tube as long as the lobes; a infundibular-campanulate corolla tube with narrow proximal section widening abruptly to the broad distal section; presence of a dense hair band near base of the corolla tube; anthers and style deeply included, reaching about mid-height of the corolla tube; anthers lacking connective appendages and with sub-basal insertion; pollen type 1; pollen presenter (style head) winged and glabrous (smooth and usually hairy in Leptactina); orange colleters producing a vivid red exudate, which encircle the hypanthium, and occur inside the calyx and stipules. Kindia is a subshrub that appears restricted to bare, vertical rock faces of sandstone. Fruit dispersal and pollination by bats is postulated. Here, it is assessed as Endangered EN D1 using the 2012 IUCN standard. High resolution LC-MS/MS analysis revealed over 40 triterpenoid compounds in the colleter exudate, including those assigned to the cycloartane class. Triterpenoids are of interest for their diverse chemical structures, varied biological activities, and potential therapeutic value

    \u3cem\u3eL’Appel des arènes:\u3c/em\u3e A Postcolonial Development of the \u3cem\u3eBuildungsroman\u3c/em\u3e

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    Despite the fact that many critics consider the Buildungsroman obsolete, the genre is still alive. Many African writers have revised the classical Buildungsroman in order to underscore the conflict of cultures and the complex subjectivities of their characters. By analyzing the discourse on identity in L’Appel des arènes, we understand how Aminata Sow Fall recreates the modalities of enunciation found in African traditional literature while structuringL’Appel des arènes with generic patterns from the Buildungsroman

    Pigs and cattle in Gaul: the role of Gallic societies in the evolution of husbandry practices

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    In this article we present a comparative study of pig and cattle morphologies, and stable isotope analysis relating to pig demographic management at Levroux Les Arènes (Indre, France), to evaluate changes in husbandry practices between the Iron Age and the Roman period in Gallic societies. Results indicate the establishment of new production and distribution structures, probably before the second century BC, along with the implementation of a specific size/weight selection for the specialized production of pork. Pig and cattle size evolves progressively from the end of the third century BC. These changes are likely to be the result of an internal evolution within Gallic societies, based on local herds, but possibly they are a response to a broader changing economic climate. Within the Western Roman Empire, each province, and Italy, follows its own evolutionary pattern, which also differs between pig and cattle, suggesting that each region adapted its husbandry strategies according to its agro-pastoral characteristics, capacities, or ambitions

    Halophilous vegetation of Olbia pond system (NE-Sardinia)

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    Authors report some results about a phytosociological study concerning the wetlands to the south of Olbia (Gallura, north-eastern Sardinia). Vegetation analysis allowed to detect 21 associations, among them two are new and denominated Halimionio portulacoidis-Limoniastretum monopetali ass. nova and Ephedro fragilis-Pistacietum lentisci ass. nova. Among them, the association Halimiono portulacoidis-Limoniastretum monopetali shows a particular phytogeographical interest, because it sets the Limoniastrum monopetalum vegetation in the only Sardinian station of this shrubby Plumbaginacea. From a syntaxonomic point of view, described syntaxa are included in 9 vegetation classes. Plant landscape of the area was reconstructed by the study of chain contacts among different communities, placed in space according to humidity and salinity gradients, determined by substratum texture and micromorphology. On the basis of phytocoenotic diversity stressed by this research, this study area is believed to be deserving of protection aiming at conserving and managing its populations and plant communities

    Sur le concept de « champ » : L’approche « more geometrico » d’un débat public, la prostitution en Belgique

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    Comment utiliser la théorie des « champs », d’application en physique, en psychologie et dans la sociologie de Pierre Bourdieu, pour aborder la question des débats publics ? Telle est la question à laquelle essaie de répondre cet article, en présentant à la fois les fondements épistémologiques, théoriques et méthodologiques d’une telle démarche. Nous verrons donc comment — et contre quoi — s’est construite cette notion de « champ » en physique et en psychologie ensuite. Nous poserons alors la question de l’intérêt de cette approche « à la manière géométrique », c’est-à-dire de ce mode de pensée relationnel, pour aborder sociologiquement le débat actuel sur la prostitution en Belgique. À ce niveau, il ne s’agira pas de présenter des résultats de recherche, mais bien les observations préliminaires qui permettent, selon nous, d’aborder un tel débat public « comme » un champ.How can the ‘fields’ theory, applied in physics, psychology and in the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu, be used to tackle the question of public debates ? Such is the question to which this paper seeks to respond by presenting the epistemological, theoretical and methodological bases of such an initiative. Thus, we shall see how — and against what — this notion of ‘field’ in physics and then in psychology is constructed. We shall then question the interest of this approach ‘in the geometric manner’, in other words this method of relational thought, to approach sociologically the present debate on prostitution in Belgium. In this regard, it will not be a question of presenting research findings, but rather preliminary observations which, in our view, enable such a debate to be treated ‘as’ a field.¿Cómo utilizar la teoría de los “campos”, de aplicación en la física, en psicología y en la sociología de Pierre Bourdieu, para abordar la cuestión de los debates públicos ? Tal es la cuestión a la cual intenta responder este artículo, presentando a la vez los fundamentos epistemológicos, teóricos y metodológicos de tal planteamiento. Veremos después cómo — y contra qué — se ha construido este concepto de “campo” en la física y en la psicología. Plantearemos entonces la cuestión del interés de este enfoque “a la manera geométrica”, es decir, de este modo de pensar relacional, para abordar sociológicamente el debate actual sobre la prostitución en Bélgica. A este nivel, no se tratará de presentar los resultados de la investigación, sino las observaciones preliminares que permiten, a nuestro modo de ver, abordar tal debate público “como” un campo

    Quel est le coût de l’intégration des mouvements féministes à la sphère altermondialiste?

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    L’intégration à la sphère très active des mouvements altermondialistes constitue-t-elle pour les mouvements féministes une opportunité? L’observation des débuts d’un réseau défini par ses militantes comme altermondialiste et féministe indique que la mise en place d’une initiative féministe dans le cadre de mobilisations comme le contre-sommet ou le Forum Social fait courir le risque à ses activistes soit de ne pas s’y intégrer, soit de voir le répertoire d’action féministe accueilli avec hostilité. Même dans les cas où une intégration des thèmes féministes dans les agendas des organisations altermondialistes se produit, elle court le risque de se voir vidée de sa substance critique et instrumentalisée.Is the Integration to the very active sphere of anti-globalization movements an opportunity for feminist movements? When one observes the beginning of a network defined by its activists as both anti-globalisation and feminist, one notices that staging a feminist initiative in counter-summits or Social Forums can be a risky project, for it may not be integrated to it or it may be welcomed with hostility. Even when the integration of the feminist themes is actually achieved in the anti-globalization movement agendas, it may be emptied of its potential for criticism and merely used.¿Es oportuna la integración de los movimientos feministas  a la muy activa esfera de los movimientos altermundialistas? La observación del inicio de una red definida por sus militantes como altermundialista y feminista indica que la instauración de una iniciativa feminista en el cuadro de movilizaciones como la anti-cumbre o el Foro Social comporta el riesgo, para las activistas, de no integrarse o de que el repertorio de la acción feminista sea recibido con hostilidad. Incluso en el caso de que se produzca una integración de temas feministas en las agendas de las organizaciones altermundialistas, se corre el riesgo de verse instrumentalizadas y evacuadas de toda substancia crítica

    Delicious, un outil de sauvegarde de signets

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    Les outils de sauvegarde de signets constituent des adjuvants précieux pour les professionnels, à la fois dans la gestion personnelle de leurs favoris, pour la mise en commun de ressources pertinentes au sein d’une équipe, mais également pour valoriser des ressources choisies, à destination des lecteurs. Leur maniement est simple et la formation à ces outils est rapide