32,681 research outputs found

    ROTOЯ Review

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    The ROTOЯ partnership between Huddersfield Art Gallery and the University of Huddersfield was established in 2011. ROTOЯ I and II was a programme of eight exhibitions and accompanying events that commenced in 2012 and was completed in 2013. ROTOЯ continues into 2014 and the programme for 2015 and 2016 is already firmly underway. In brief, the aim of ROTOЯ is to improve the cultural vitality of Kirklees, expand audiences, and provide new ways for people to engage with and understand academic research in contemporary art and design. Why ROTOЯ , Why Now? As Vice Chancellors position their institutions’ identities and future trajectories in context to national and international league tables, Professor John Goddard1 proposes the notion of the ‘civic’ university as a ‘place embedded’ institution; one that is committed to ‘place making’ and which recognises its responsibility to engaging with the public. The civic university has deep institutional connections to different social, cultural and economic spheres within its locality and beyond. A fundamental question for both the university sector and cultural organisations alike, including local authority, is how the many different articulations of public engagement and cultural leadership which exist can be brought together to form one coherent, common language. It is critical that we reach out and engage the community so we can participate in local issues, impact upon society, help to forge well-being and maintain a robust cultural economy. Within the lexicon of public centered objectives sits the Arts Council England’s strategic goals, and those of the Arts and Humanities Research Council – in particular its current Cultural Value initiative. What these developments reveal is that art and design education and professional practice, its projected oeuvre as well as its relationship to cultural life and public funding, is now challenged with having to comprehensively audit its usefulness in financially austere times. It was in the wake of these concerns coming to light, and of the 2010 Government Spending Review that ROTOЯ was conceived. These issues and the discussions surrounding them are not completely new. Research into the social benefits of the arts, for both the individual and the community, was championed by the Community Arts Movement in the 1960s. During the 1980s and ‘90s, John Myerscough and Janet Wolff, amongst others, provided significant debate on the role and value of the arts in the public domain. What these discussions demonstrated was a growing concern that the cultural sector could not, and should not, be understood in terms of economic benefit alone. Thankfully, the value of the relationships between art, education, culture and society is now recognised as being far more complex than the reductive quantification of their market and GDP benefits. Writing in ‘Art School (Propositions for the 21st Century)’, Ernesto Pujol proposes:‘…it is absolutely crucial that art schools consider their institutional role in support of democracy. The history of creative expression is linked to the history of freedom. There is a link between the state of artistic expression and the state of democracy.’ When we were approached by Huddersfield Art Gallery to work collaboratively on an exhibition programme that could showcase academic staff research, one of our first concerns was to ask the question, how can we really contribute to cultural leadership within the town?’ The many soundbite examples of public engagement that we might underline within our annual reports or website news are one thing, but what really makes a difference to a town’s cultural identity, and what affects people in their daily lives? With these questions in mind we sought a distinctive programme within the muncipal gallery space, that would introduce academic research in art, design and architecture beyond the university in innovative ways

    Mapping the Dynamics of European Culture - Pressure and Opportunities from the European Enlargement

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    This paper develops an analytic framework for the ESPON 1.3.3 project “The Role and Spatial Effects of Cultural Heritage and Identity”, started in December 2004 by a network of 12 European Universities under the leadership of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. The conceptual framework of this project lies on the assumption that the cultural heritage of Europe is not just an ensemble of tangible assets to be defended through passive conservation, but rather an element of dynamism of the territory, affecting trajectories of regional development. Thus the proper identification and valorisation of the cultural heritage of Europe is to be considered an integral component of regional planning, with the potential to increase cohesion within an enlarged European Union. The establishment of an “European identity”, gaining from difference and variety, is also part of this vision. In this light, the ESPON 1.3.3 project sets out to highlight the spatial expressions and effects of heritage assets and identify the (existing or potential) elements of territorial coherence at the regional and local scale, mapping the geographical aspects that are actually strengthening regional identities and networks. This paper introduces a list of regional indicators of the European cultural heritage and identity, reflecting elements such as heritage availability, concentration and diversity, spatial patterns at the local and cross-regional level, local embeddedness of intangible heritage assets, pressures on- and potential for the development of heritage, and the governance structure of the heritage management institutions. Parameters are quantitative and qualitative observation allowing the “ordering” of the territory and thus the identification of regional typologies from the elaboration of different ordering criteria. Indicators will cover multiple dimensions regarding the supply, the demand and the spatial organisation of cultural heritage. Data cover the whole NUTS III regional delimitation. The issue of the territorial cohesion of cultural heritage assets is also addressed, considering the following multiple “dimensions” of the interconnection between different “objects” or carriers of meaning: hardware (the infrastructural system), software (images and actual uses), orgware (organizational networks) and shareware (partnerships that support the process of development). These elements are compiled in a framework or model used to analyse the territorial expressions of cultural heritage and identity.

    The power of creativity and the power of the city - the functioning of labour markets and its role for urban location in the restructuring of German advertising

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    Urban socio-economic theory today strongly focuses on the role of labour markets in shaping the structure of the urban economy and society. Particularly the strong polarisation of the urban society is often explained through the polarised structure of post-industrial service labour markets. Yet this theoretical focus, visible in a whole flood of literature, tends to disarticulate with the small number of studies which empirically attempt to unravel the structure and functioning of particular labour markets in cities. The present paper aims at filling this gap by providing insights into the predominantly urban and especially post-industrial labour market of advertising. At the same time it attempts to highlight the nexus between its structure and functioning and the spatial structure of the economic activity by examining the role of labour markets for the spatial restructuring of the German advertising industry. After giving a brief critical overview of the role of labour markets in contemporary urban theory, the restructuring of German advertising is portrayed in a more descriptive way, presenting employment data from the last twenty years. In a second empirical step a more profound qualitative approach to the sector is taken focusing on the way how different agency types attempt and succeed to manage the frequently conflicting interests of both their clients and their labour force. The paper concludes by launching two key arguments: first, it will be decisive for understanding future urban economies to get insights in just these labour markets of 'classic' post-industrial activities and, second, to understand them one has to seriously consider the way how they interact with the social relations the labour market actors are embedded in.

    Measuring and Managing the Performance of Territories as a hybrid field of study and practice: a System Dynamics Approach

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    The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how system dynamics (SD) modeling can be used to enrich performance management in local government and to foster a common shared view of the relevant system\u2019s structure and behavior among stakeholders for territorial strategic planning. This is a quite hybrid field of analysis in performance measurement/management. In fact, in this context, performance is not primarily related to the single institutions in a regional area; it is rather associated to the territory where they operate. We begin by showing how framing dynamic complexity through SD modeling can support consensus building among different stakeholders in a territory. This shifts the attention beyond the traditional view of strategic planning, which is focused on each single jurisdiction. As shown by the case-study in the paper, a Dynamic Performance Management (DPM) approach, may help different institutions to overcome collaboration barriers. In fact, such approach supports players to detect how pursuing a sustainable development of a territory impacts in the long run on the growth sustainability of each institution operating in the territory itself. This implies that territorial public agencies, e.g. municipalities, may understand and communicate to their stakeholders that long-term performance cannot be only assessed in financial terms or bounded to output measures, but also in relation to the outcomes that public services will generate, i.e. in terms of their value transferred to the territory. Likewise, enterprises operating in a given territory can be enabled to detect how their own performance will be sustainable in the long run if they will generate not only financial capital (i.e. profits), but also social capital to the benefit of the other players belonging to the territory. Therefore, a key to implement a DPM approach for each of the players is to combine an institutional (single-player) with an inter-institutional (i.e. multi-players or territory) perspective with a view to enhancing performance and pursuing sustainable development. An inter-institutional perspective frames the territory (rather than a single institution) as the relevant system where to comprise and manage the cause and effect relationships between performance factors and strategic resources. As shown by the case-study in the paper, a DPM approach may help different institutions to overcome collaboration barriers. In fact, such approach supports players to detect the drivers of sustainable development for both the territory and the organizations belonging to it

    Absorbing new subjects: holography as an analog of photography

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    I discuss the early history of holography and explore how perceptions, applications, and forecasts of the subject were shaped by prior experience. I focus on the work of Dennis Gabor (1900–1979) in England,Yury N. Denisyuk (b. 1924) in the Soviet Union, and Emmett N. Leith (1927–2005) and Juris Upatnieks (b. 1936) in the United States. I show that the evolution of holography was simultaneously promoted and constrained by its identification as an analog of photography, an association that influenced its assessment by successive audiences of practitioners, entrepreneurs, and consumers. One consequence is that holography can be seen as an example of a modern technical subject that has been shaped by cultural influences more powerfully than generally appreciated. Conversely, the understanding of this new science and technology in terms of an older one helps to explain why the cultural effects of holography have been more muted than anticipated by forecasters between the 1960s and 1990s

    Using a Dynamic Performance Management approach to reinforce the benefits of territorial strategic planning

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    The purpose of this paper is to present how system dynamics (SD) can be used to enrich performance management in local government and to foster a common shared view of the relevant system’s structure and behavior among stakeholders for territorial strategic planning. We begin by framing how dynamic complexity through SD modeling can support consensus building among different stakeholders within a territory, which moves beyond the traditional view of strategic planning within the context of a single jurisdiction. A Dynamic Performance Management (DPM) approach, as shown by our case-study, may help such players to overcome possible barriers to collaboration because of its support to better detect how pursuing a sustainable development in the territory’s performance impacts on the sustainability of each single institution belonging to the territory. This implies that territorial public agencies, e.g. municipalities, may understand and communicate to their stakeholders that long term performance cannot be only assessed in financial terms or by referring to output measures only, but also in relation to the outcomes that public services will be able to generate as value transferred to the territory. Likewise, the enterprises operating in a given territory should be enabled to detect how their own performance can be sustainable in the long run if they will be able to generate not only financial capital, but also social capital to the benefit of the other players belonging to the territory. Therefore, a key to implement a DPM approach for each of the players is to combine an institutional (single-player) with an inter-institutional (i.e. multi-players or territory) perspective with a view to enhancing performance and pursuing sustainable development. An inter-institutional perspective frames the territory (rather than a single institution) as the relevant system where to comprise and manage the cause and effect relationships between performance factors and strategic resources

    Thinking Outside the Box: Strategies and Examples for in the Preservation and Development of Heritage

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    This paper present examples of positive economic and social impacts of cultural projects and mentions an interpretation of the positive interaction between development and culture. Several best practices are explored for each single topic and guidelines for future IDB projects are suggested. This paper complement the document: Thinking Outside the Box: Arguments for IADB's Involvement in the Preservation and Development of Heritage in which were discussed topics related to the role of culture in development and the social impact of culture.Culture & Arts, Heritage Conservation, Urban Development

    Do creative industries cluster? Mapping Creative Local Production Systems in Italy

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    An important debate on the role of creativity and culture as factors of local economic development is distinctly emerging. Despite the emphasis put on the theoretical definition of these concepts, it is necessary to strengthen comparative research for the identification and analysis of the kind of creativity embedded in the territory as well as its determinants. Creative local production systems are identified in Italy and Spain departing from local labour markets as territorial units, and focusing on two different kinds of creative industries: traditional cultural industries (publishing, music, architecture and engineering, performing arts) and technology-related creative industries (R&D, ICT, advertising). The results suggest the existence of different patterns of concentration of creative industries in both countries and the concentration of creative industries in thecreative industries, creative local systems, agglomeration economies

    The course of lectures on discipline “Intellectual property” (for the 5 year students of the specialty 8.03060101 “Management”)

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    Затверджено на засіданні кафедри менеджменту інноваційної діяльності та підприємнцтва. Протокол No 1 від 27 серпня 2015 р. Рекомендовано методичною комісією факультету управління і бізнесу у виробництві ТНТУ імені Івана Пулюя. Протокол No 6 від 26 лютого 2016 р.У методичних вказівках, у відповідності до робочої програми, сформовано лекційний матеріал з дисципліни “Інтелектуальна власність” для іноземних студентів спеціальності 8.03060101 “Менеджмент організацій та адміністрування”.Методичні вказівки призначені для допомоги іноземним студентам при вивченні курсу “Інтелектуальна власність”. У методичних вказівках містяться загальні теоретичні відомості, необхідні до вивчення даного курсу. Рекомендовано для іноземних студентів спеціальності 8.03060101 “Менеджмент організацій та адміністрування” з метою закріплення, поглиблення і узагальнення знань, одержаних студентами за час навчання та їх застосування до комплексного вирішення конкретного фахового завдання із дисципліни “Інтелектуальна власність”. Складено з урахуванням робочої програми вивчення курсу, методичних розробок інших вузів, а також матеріалів літературних джерел, наведених у рекомендованій літературі

    Shifting perspectives: holography and the emergence of technical communities

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    Holography, the technology of three-dimensional imaging, has repeatedly been reconceptualised by new communities. Conceived in 1947 as a means of improving electron microscopy, holography was revitalized in the early 1960s by engineer-scientists at classified laboratories. The invention promoted the transformation of a would-be discipline (optical engineering) and spawned limited artist-scientist collaborations. However, a separate artisanal community promoted a distinct countercultural form of holography via a revolutionary technology: the sandbox optical table. Their tools, sponsorship, products, literature and engagement with wider culture differentiated the communities, which instituted a limited ‘technological trade’. The subject strikingly illustrates the co-evolution of new technology along with highly dissimilar user groups, neither of which fostered the secure establishment of a profession or discipline. The case generalises the concept of 'research-technologists' and 'peripheral science', and extends the ideas of Langdon Winner by demonstrating how the political dimensions of a technology can be important but evanescent in the growth of technical communities