66,352 research outputs found

    Artificial Intelligence in Electronic Commerce

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    Compared to past years the way how the world functions today is very different. This is achieved as a result of several important improvements in the field of technology and internet. These improvements have influenced every aspect of our lives starting from the way we learn, the way we work, the way we travel, the way we shop and a lot of other activities. One of the fields that were drastically changed is the field of business and commerce. The purpose of this paper is to give information about the role and impact of artificial intelligence in electronic business. The readers of the paper will get familiar and gain solid information about the field of artificial intelligence and its implementation in electronic commerce

    Assessing the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Fintech Business Models

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    Artificial intelligence technology is the foundation that has promoted the development of global business technology. The progress in the economic field in recent years has also led to the continuous development of e-commerce and the continuous improvement of artificial intelligence technology. The integration of the two in various fields and levels will become closer. E-commerce based on artificial intelligence technology makes e-commerce an inevitable trend towards a healthy development. This article discusses the impact of artificial intelligence payment methods on the electronic business model B2B, and sort out the application of AI in e-commerce

    Intelligent Decision Aids for Electronic Commerce

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    This paper explores the role of decision aids, especially intelligent decision aids, as a needed component of electronic commerce interfaces to facilitate making decision. A case for the utility of intelligent decision aids in electronic commerce environments as a valuable tool to facilitate the decision making process is made. Some common artificial intelligence (AI) based technologies and their use in supporting decision-making tasks are investigated. Some suggestions on how such aids may be incorporated in these environments are offered. Future research directions in the development of intelligent electronic commerce interfaces are presented

    El impulso japonés a un acercamiento global a la inteligencia artificial y el comercio electrónico

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    Japón es uno de los países más avanzados en el sector digital, además de un convencido defensor del multilateralismo y el libre comercio. Esto le ha llevado a ser uno de los líderes en las discusiones a nivel mundial sobre los principios que deben regir el desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial y del comercio electrónico. En lo referente a la inteligencia artificial, promueve que ésta sirva para resolver los problemas sociales y giré en torno a las necesidades del ser humano, para lo que ha desarrollado diferentes principios a nivel nacional, que luego ha promovido en foros como la OCDE o el G20. En relación al comercio electrónico, lidera las negociaciones en la OMC y además ha adoptado toda una serie de tratados bilaterales con la Unión Europea, el Reino Unido y Estados Unidos, además de otros multilaterales con Estados de Asia-Pacífico, como el CPTPP o el RCEP, cuyos capítulos dedicados al comercio electrónico son muy relevantes y van a marcar el futuro de la materia. Japan is one of the most advanced countries in the digital sector, as well as a staunch defender of multilateralism and free trade. This has led it to be one of the leaders in discussions worldwide about the principles that should govern the development of artificial intelligence and electronic commerce. Regarding artificial intelligence, Japan promotes that it serves to solve social problems and be human-centric, for which it has developed different principles at national level that it has later promoted in fora such as the OECD or the G20. Regarding electronic commerce, Japan leads the negotiations in the WTO. It has also adopted a series of bilateral treaties with the European Union, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, as well as other multilateral ones with Asia-Pacific States, such as the CPTPP or the RCEP, whose chapters on electronic commerce are very relevant and will mark the future of the matter.Keywords: Japan, artificial intelligence, cross-border data flows, e-commerce, World Trade Organization

    El comercio electrónico y la inteligencia artificial

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the importance that the use of artificial intelligence offers for electronic commerce, as an alternative to enhance electronic sales. To achieve this objective, an eminently qualitative, descriptive research is carried out, with documentary design in which the use of artificial intelligence is analyzed as an alternative to enhance electronic sales within the transactional modality of electronic commerce. It is concluded that the adoption of this transactional modality is a transcendental option for social organizations to create attractive and useful experiences for customers, by means of relevant offers and promotions that are linked to the needs and interests of market demanders-participants, who continue to find in e-commerce an efficient alternative for making purchases in a post-pandemic process by Covid-19.La presente investigación tiene como propósito describir la importancia que ofrece para el comercio electrónico la usanza de la inteligencia artificial, como una alternativa para potenciar las ventas electrónicas. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se lleva a cabo una investigación eminentemente cualitativa, descriptiva, con diseño documental en la que se analiza la usanza de la inteligencia artificial, como una alternativa para potenciar las ventas electrónicas dentro de la modalidad transaccional del comercio electrónico. Se llega a la conclusión que la adopción de esta modalidad transaccional, es una opción transcendental para que las organizaciones sociales, puedan crear experiencias atrayentes y útiles a los clientes, por medio de ofertas y promociones relevantes que están vinculadas a las necesidades e intereses de los demandantes-participantes del mercado, que siguen encontrando en el comercio electrónico una alternativa eficiente para la realización de compras en un proceso de post-pandemia por Covid-19

    Conflict resolution in virtual locations

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    The growing use of telematic ways of communication and of the new developments of Artificial Intelligence, brought along new ways of doing business, now in an electronic format, and requiring a new legal approach. Thus, there is an obvious need for legal changes and adaptations, not only concerning a new approach of traditional legal institutes, but also concerning a need for new developments in procedural means. Transactions are now undertaken in fractions of seconds, through the telematic networks, requiring more efficient ways for solving conflicts; on the other hand, the fact that we must now consider commercial transactions totally undertaken within an electronic environment (“online transactions”) leads to an obligation of rethinking the ways of solving disputes, that will inevitably arise from electronic commerce. It is an important change already taking place, pointing out to various ways of alternative dispute resolution and, among all these ways, letting us already perceive different possibilities of using the new technologies in order to reach faster and more efficient ways (still also “fair”) of solving commercial disputes. It is a whole new evolution towards a growing use not only alternative dispute resolution, but also, towards the so-called on-line dispute resolution.The work described in this paper is included in TIARAC - Telematics and Artificial Intelligence in Alternative Conflict Resolution Project (PTDC/JUR/71354/2006), which is a research project supported by FCT (Science & Technology Foundation), Portugal

    Ontology acquisition and exchange of evolutionary product-brokering agents

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    Agent-based electronic commerce (e-commerce) has been booming with the development of the Internet and agent technologies. However, little effort has been devoted to exploring the learning and evolving capabilities of software agents. This paper addresses issues of evolving software agents in e-commerce applications. An agent structure with evolution features is proposed with a focus on internal hierarchical knowledge. We argue that knowledge base of agents should be the cornerstone for their evolution capabilities, and agents can enhance their knowledge bases by exchanging knowledge with other agents. In this paper, product ontology is chosen as an instance of knowledge base. We propose a new approach to facilitate ontology exchange among e-commerce agents. The ontology exchange model and its formalities are elaborated. Product-brokering agents have been designed and implemented, which accomplish the ontology exchange process from request to integration

    An advice system for consumer’s law disputes

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    The development of electronic commerce in the last years results in a new type of trade which the traditional legal systems are not ready to deal with. Moreover, the number of consumer claims increased mainly due to the increase in B2C relations and many of these are not getting a satisfactory response. Hav- ing this in mind, together with the slowness of the judicial system and the cost/beneficial relation in legal procedures, there is the need for new suited and effective approaches. In this paper we use Information Technologies and Artifi- cial Intelligence to point out to an alternative way of solving these conflicts on- line. The work described in this paper results in a consumer advice system aimed at fastening and making easier the conflict resolution process, both for consumers and for legal experts.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) "TIARAC - Telematics and Artificial Intelligence in Alternative Conflict Resolution Project" (PTDC/JUR/71354/2006

    An Intelligent Data Mining System to Detect Health Care Fraud

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    The chapter begins with an overview of the types of healthcare fraud. Next, there is a brief discussion of issues with the current fraud detection approaches. The chapter then develops information technology based approaches and illustrates how these technologies can improve current practice. Finally, there is a summary of the major findings and the implications for healthcare practice