3,011 research outputs found

    Analysis of GF (2m) Multiplication Algorithm: Classic Method v/s Karatsuba-Ofman Multiplication Method

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    In recent years, finite field multiplication in GF(2m) has been widely used in various applications such as error correcting codes and cryptography. One of the motivations for fast and area efficient hardware solution for implementing the arithmetic operation of binary multiplication , in finite field GF (2m), comes from the fact, that they are the most time-consuming and frequently called operations in cryptography and other applications. So, the optimization of their hardware design is critical for overall performance of a system. Since a finite field multiplier is a crucial unit for overall performance of cryptographic systems, novel multiplier architectures, whose performances can be chosen freely, is necessary. In this paper, two Galois field multiplication algorithms (used in cryptography applications) are considered to analyze their performance with respect to parameters viz. area, power, delay, and the consequent Area×Time (AT) and Power×Delay characteristics. The objective of the analysis is to find out the most efficient GF(2m) multiplier algorithm among those considered

    Area- Efficient VLSI Implementation of Serial-In Parallel-Out Multiplier Using Polynomial Representation in Finite Field GF(2m)

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    Finite field multiplier is mainly used in elliptic curve cryptography, error-correcting codes and signal processing. Finite field multiplier is regarded as the bottleneck arithmetic unit for such applications and it is the most complicated operation over finite field GF(2m) which requires a huge amount of logic resources. In this paper, a new modified serial-in parallel-out multiplication algorithm with interleaved modular reduction is suggested. The proposed method offers efficient area architecture as compared to proposed algorithms in the literature. The reduced finite field multiplier complexity is achieved by means of utilizing logic NAND gate in a particular architecture. The efficiency of the proposed architecture is evaluated based on criteria such as time (latency, critical path) and space (gate-latch number) complexity. A detailed comparative analysis indicates that, the proposed finite field multiplier based on logic NAND gate outperforms previously known resultsComment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Методи та засоби підвищення ефективності реалізації обчислювальних операцій у скінченних полях

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    У дисертаційній роботі вирішено актуальну науково-прикладну задачу – підвищення продуктивності систем цифрової обробки даних та криптографічних перетворень, забезпечення завадостійкості зберігання і передачі даних за рахунок створення ефективних технічних засобів для виконання обчислень у скінченних полях шляхом структурно-логічної оптимізації архітектур апаратних засобів, що реалізують процеси виконання операцій у полях Галуа. Запропоновано метод виконання операцій над елементами поля GF(2m). Особливістю даного методу, на відміну від існуючих, є застосування табличного зберігання елементів поля у многочленному та степеневому їх поданні з можливістю розрідженого формування таблиці елементів поля, що зменшує витрати пам’яті для її зберігання. Розроблений метод забезпечує зростання швидкодії на 15% порівняно з існуючим методом. Запропоновано модифікацію методу піднесення до степеня елементів поля GF(p) з ковзним вікном, яка забезпечує приріст швидкодії на 7-9 %. Спроектовано на ПЛІС фірми Xilinx процесор Галуа, що орієнтований на виконання операцій у скінченних полях виду GF(p) та GF(2m). Запропоновано програмістську модель процесора Галуа, яка дозволяє розробляти програмне забезпечення довільної складності мовою Асемблера процесора Галуа.The thesis is devoted to the problem of increasing the efficiency of computations in finite fields. The proposed solution to this problem is to develop methods and means for performing operations on elements of finite fields GF(p) or GF(2m). The analysis of the current state of the development of methods of operations in finite fields is carried out and priority points are highlighted. It is best to classify them on the basis of the distinguished features. The classification of the methods of performing the most computational expensive operations (the calculation of the multiplicative inverse element and the exponentiation) in the finite fields was performed. It enables to conduct thorough research and form the directions of development for these methods. The method of high-speed implementation of additive and multiplicative operations on elements of GF(2m) and corresponding hardware structures for its implemen-tation are proposed. Additive operations include addition and subtraction. Multiplica-tive operations include multiplication, exponentiation, multiplicative inverse element calculation, and division. The research has shown that table storage of elements of the GF(2m) in their polynomial and power representation ensures the maximum speed and versatility of the arithmetic logic unit. With the use of long integer operands, the sparse formation of the table of field elements is proposed. It enables reducing the memory consumption for its storage in several times. The algorithms for converting power representa-tion into polynomial one and polynomial representation in power one with the use of a sparse table are constructed. The developed method provides a 15% increase in per-formance comparing with the existing method. Experimental researches were performed to determine the best sparse ratio of the elements table of the GF(2m). It has been discovered that for a value of m < 21, the best sparse ratio is equal to 8. For the exponentiation, it is desirable to increase the sparse ratio to 16. The algorithms for converting the power representation into polynomial one and polynomial representation into power one with the use of a sparse table are devel-oped. The modification of the method of exponentiation elements GF(p) with sliding window and the corresponding hardware structures for its implementation are pro-posed. The difference from the existing methods is that when forming a precomputation table, the exponents are prime numbers, and when analyzing the binary represen-tation of the exponent, blocks of bits forming a prime number are allocated. To achieve high performance, when constructing a precomputation table, it is recom-mended to use pre-calculated additive chains to minimize the number of multiplica-tion operations, which allows each of the following table items to be obtained in one or two modular multiplication operations. With the help of the developed computational model, it has been found out that the proposed modification of the exponentiation method of elements GF(p) with a sliding window provides an increase in speed by 7-9%. The modification of the ex-ponentiation method of elements GF(p) with a sliding window can be used in elliptic-curve cryptography to improve the time characteristics of the scalar multiplication on elliptic curve. The model of the computational process of execution of operations in finite fields is developed, which enables comparison of methods on the basis of given sets of input data and the execution of the optimal choice of parameters and forms of presentation of operands, which ensure an increase in speed for the implementation of computing operations on the FPGA. The research methodologies of new methods hardware implementation of calculations in Galois fields are developed on the basis of the proposed model. Simulation in the development environment of Xilinx ISE and using the Mentor Graphics Precision software showed that the developed hardware structures are characterized by minimal hardware complexity and high performance. A Verilog code generator for FPGA synthesis of a ROM element containing a sparse table of GF(2m) field elements in a polynomial and power representation is created which automatically generates a Verilog code for a given irreducible polyno-mial and a sparse ratio of the table. The architecture and the command system of the specialized Galois processor, focused on operations in finite fields, has been developed. The Galois processor can be used in a universal computing system as a coprocessor, complementing the com-mand system of the central processor unit, or as a special device based on the FPGA, which increases the efficiency of processing information in real time in comparison with the universal computing means. The architecture feature of the developed processor is that a user can change the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) to make the transition to the GF(p) or GF(2m) without changing the processor interface. The research of the developed Galois processor has been carried out, which showed that this processor provides an increase in the productivity of computing by 27% compared with the universal computing means. A program model of the Galois processor is constructed, which allows the user to create software of arbitrary complexity in Assembler of the Galois processor.В диссертационной работе решена актуальная научно-прикладная задача – повышение производительности систем цифровой обработки данных и крипто-графических преобразований, обеспечение помехоустойчивости хранения и передачи данных за счет создания эффективных технических средств для выполнения вычислений в конечных полях путем структурно-логической оптимизации архитектур аппаратных средств, реализующих процессы выполнения операций в полях Галуа. Предложен метод выполнения операций над элементами поля GF(2m). Особенностью данного метода, в отличие от существующих, является применение табличного хранения элементов поля в многочленном и степенном их представлении с возможностью разреженного формирования таблицы элементов поля, что уменьшает затраты памяти для ее хранения. Разработанный метод обеспечивает прирост производительности на 15% по сравнению с существующим методом. Предложена модификация метода возведения в степень элементов поля GF(p) со скользящим окном, обеспечивающая прирост быстродействия на 7-9%. Спроектирован на ПЛИС фирмы Xilinx процессор Галуа, ориентированный на выполнение операций в конечных полях вида GF(p) и GF(2m). Предложена программистская модель процессора Галуа, позволяющая разрабатывать программное обеспечение любой сложности на языке ассемблера процессора Галуа

    A versatile Montgomery multiplier architecture with characteristic three support

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    We present a novel unified core design which is extended to realize Montgomery multiplication in the fields GF(2n), GF(3m), and GF(p). Our unified design supports RSA and elliptic curve schemes, as well as the identity-based encryption which requires a pairing computation on an elliptic curve. The architecture is pipelined and is highly scalable. The unified core utilizes the redundant signed digit representation to reduce the critical path delay. While the carry-save representation used in classical unified architectures is only good for addition and multiplication operations, the redundant signed digit representation also facilitates efficient computation of comparison and subtraction operations besides addition and multiplication. Thus, there is no need for a transformation between the redundant and the non-redundant representations of field elements, which would be required in the classical unified architectures to realize the subtraction and comparison operations. We also quantify the benefits of the unified architectures in terms of area and critical path delay. We provide detailed implementation results. The metric shows that the new unified architecture provides an improvement over a hypothetical non-unified architecture of at least 24.88%, while the improvement over a classical unified architecture is at least 32.07%

    Analysis of Parallel Montgomery Multiplication in CUDA

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    For a given level of security, elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) offers improved efficiency over classic public key implementations. Point multiplication is the most common operation in ECC and, consequently, any significant improvement in perfor- mance will likely require accelerating point multiplication. In ECC, the Montgomery algorithm is widely used for point multiplication. The primary purpose of this project is to implement and analyze a parallel implementation of the Montgomery algorithm as it is used in ECC. Specifically, the performance of CPU-based Montgomery multiplication and a GPU-based implementation in CUDA are compared

    An Efficient hardware implementation of the tate pairing in characteristic three

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    DL systems with bilinear structure recently became an important base for cryptographic protocols such as identity-based encryption (IBE). Since the main computational task is the evaluation of the bilinear pairings over elliptic curves, known to be prohibitively expensive, efficient implementations are required to render them applicable in real life scenarios. We present an efficient accelerator for computing the Tate Pairing in characteristic 3, using the Modified Duursma-Lee algorithm. Our accelerator shows that it is possible to improve the area-time product by 12 times on FPGA, compared to estimated values from one of the best known hardware architecture [6] implemented on the same type of FPGA. Also the computation time is improved upto 16 times compared to software applications reported in [17]. In addition, we present the result of an ASIC implementation of the algorithm, which is the first hitherto

    Efficient Unified Arithmetic for Hardware Cryptography

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    The basic arithmetic operations (i.e. addition, multiplication, and inversion) in finite fields, GF(q), where q = pk and p is a prime integer, have several applications in cryptography, such as RSA algorithm, Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm [1], the US federal Digital Signature Standard [2], elliptic curve cryptography [3, 4], and also recently identity based cryptography [5, 6]. Most popular finite fields that are heavily used in cryptographic applications due to elliptic curve based schemes are prime fields GF(p) and binary extension fields GF(2n). Recently, identity based cryptography based on pairing operations defined over elliptic curve points has stimulated a significant level of interest in the arithmetic of ternary extension fields, GF(3^n)

    Efficient unified Montgomery inversion with multibit shifting

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    Computation of multiplicative inverses in finite fields GF(p) and GF(2/sup n/) is the most time-consuming operation in elliptic curve cryptography, especially when affine co-ordinates are used. Since the existing algorithms based on the extended Euclidean algorithm do not permit a fast software implementation, projective co-ordinates, which eliminate almost all of the inversion operations from the curve arithmetic, are preferred. In the paper, the authors demonstrate that affine co-ordinate implementation provides a comparable speed to that of projective co-ordinates with careful hardware realisation of existing algorithms for calculating inverses in both fields without utilising special moduli or irreducible polynomials. They present two inversion algorithms for binary extension and prime fields, which are slightly modified versions of the Montgomery inversion algorithm. The similarity of the two algorithms allows the design of a single unified hardware architecture that performs the computation of inversion in both fields. They also propose a hardware structure where the field elements are represented using a multi-word format. This feature allows a scalable architecture able to operate in a broad range of precision, which has certain advantages in cryptographic applications. In addition, they include statistical comparison of four inversion algorithms in order to help choose the best one amongst them for implementation onto hardware