22 research outputs found

    Consumers\u27 Perceptions of Voluntary and Involuntary Deconsumption: An Exploratory Sequential Scale Development Study

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    This exploratory sequential mixed methods study of scale development was conducted among baby boomers in the United States to render conceptual clarity to the concepts of voluntary and involuntary deconsumption, to explore deconsumption behavior under the tenets of the attribution theory of motivation, and to examine the components, structures, uses, and measurement properties of scales of voluntary and involuntary deconsumption. It was also an attempt to reiterate the importance of the baby boomer segment(s) for marketing practitioners based on growth, economic viability, and the power of influence, and to establish a deep understanding of the deconsumption processes, which could enable marketers to devise strategies to pre-emptively avoid, pro-actively influence, and/or reactively mitigate deconsumption outcomes. The critical incident in a relationship context (CIRC) technique was used in conjunction with grounded theory approach in the qualitative phase (study 1); and survey research, principal components analysis, and Rasch analysis were used in the quantitative phase (study 2). Behavioral process theories of the experience of voluntary and involuntary deconsumption were posited; and motivations and consequences of both types of deconsumption were discussed. The differences in the experience of deconsumption based on variables such as deconsumption type (voluntary and involuntary), gender (male and female), and baby boomer type (trailing- and leading-edge) were explained as well. Subscales of voluntary deconsumption included four components, i.e., elevated state of purpose, social agency and activism, non-materialism, and acceptance of life circumstances. Subscales of involuntary deconsumption included three components, i.e., victim mentality, materialism, and non-acceptance of life circumstances. Finally, the unidimensionality, appropriate scale use, invariance, and levels of validity and reliability of all the subscales of voluntary and involuntary deconsumption were tested, and reported as acceptable and appropriate. In conclusion, the implications of the results for theory, research methodology, and practice were discussed, and recommendations for future research inquiry were made

    In Gameplay : the invariant structures and varieties of the video game gameplay experience

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    This dissertation is a multidisciplinary study on video game gameplay as an autonomous form of vernacular experience. Plays and games are traditional research subjects in folkloristics, but commercial video games have not been studied yet. For this reason, methods and concepts of the folkloristic research tradition have remained unknown in contemporary games studies. This thesis combines folkloristics, game studies and phenomenological enactive cognitive science in its investigations into player–game interaction and the video game gameplay experience at large. In this dissertation, three representative survey samples (N=2,594, N=845, N=1,053) on “Rewarding gameplay experience” are analyzed using statistical analysis methods. The samples were collected in 2014–2017 from Finnish and Danish adult populations. This dissertation also analyzes data from 32 interviews, through which the survey respondents’ gameplay preferences, gaming memories, and motivations to play were further investigated. By combining statistical and qualitative data analyses, this work puts forward a mixed-methods research strategy and discusses how the findings relate to prior game research from several disciplines and schools of thought. Based on theoretical discussions, this dissertation argues that the video game gameplay experience as a cultural phenomenon consists of eight invariants in relation to which each individual gameplay experience can be interpreted: The player must demonstrate a lusory attitude (i), and a motivation to play (ii). The gameplay experience consists of explorative and coordinative practices (iii), which engender a change in the player’s self-experience (iv). This change renders the gameplay experience inherently emotional (v) and performative (vi) in relation to the gameworld (vii). The gameplay experience has the dramatic structure of a prototypical narrative (viii) although a game as an object cannot be regarded a narrative in itself. As a key result of factor analytical studies and qualitative interview analyses, a novel approach to understanding player–game interaction is put forward. An original gameplay preference research tool and a player typology are introduced. This work argues, that, although video games as commercial products would not be intuitive research subjects for folkloristics, video game gameplay, player–game interaction, and the traditions in experiencing and narrating gameplay do not differ drastically from those of traditional social games. In contrast to this, all forms of gameplay are argued to be manifestations of the same vernacular phenomenon. Indeed, folkloristic research could pay more attention to how culture is experienced, modified, varied and expressed, regardless of whether the research subject is a commercial product or not.Käsillä oleva väitöskirja on monitieteellinen tutkimus videopelien pelaamisesta itsenäisenä kansanomaisen kokemuksen muotona. Pelien ja leikkien tutkimus on perinteikäs tutkimusaihe folkloristiikassa, mutta kaupallisten videopelien tutkimusta ei ole juuri tehty. Tästä syystä folkloristiikan tutkimusmenetelmät ja -käsitteet ovat jääneet tuntemattomaksi nykyaikaisessa pelitutkimuksessa. Tutkimus yhdistää folkloristiikan ja pelitutkimuksen näkökulmien lisäksi enaktiivisen kognition fenomenologista teoriaa pelaaja–peli-vuorovaikutuksen tutkimukseen sekä pelikokemuksen analyysiin. Tutkimuksessa analysoidaan tilastotieteellisin menetelmin kolmea aikuisväestöä edustavaa ”Palkitseva pelikokemus” -kyselytutkimusaineistoa (N=2,594, N=845, N=1,053), jotka kerättiin Suomesta ja Tanskasta vuosina 2014–2017. Kyselytutkimusaineiston rinnalla analysoidaan 32 teemahaastattelun aineistoa. Haastatteluilla tuotettiin syvempää ymmärrystä kyselyyn vastanneiden henkilöiden pelimieltymyksistä, pelimuistoista ja pelimotivaatioista. Tilastoaineiston ja haastatteluaineiston analyysi tuodaan yhteen monimenetelmällisellä ja dialogisella tutkimusotteella, joka yhdistää havainnot usealla eri tutkimusalalla tehtyyn pelitutkimukseen. Teoreettisen analyysin tuloksena argumentoidaan, että videopelien pelikokemusta ilmiönä määrittää kahdeksan muuttumatonta ominaisuutta, joiden suhteen kunkin yksittäisen pelikokemuksen ainutlaatuisuutta voidaan tarkastella: Pelaajalla tulee olla leikkisä asenne (i) ja motivaatio pelaamiseen (ii). Pelaamisen kokemus rakentuu tutkivista ja suorittavista käyntänteistä (iii), jotka tuovat väliaikaisen muutoksen pelaavan henkilön minäkokemukseen (iv). Tämän muutoksen myötä pelaajuudesta muodostuu emotionaalinen (v) ja performatiivinen (vi) positio suhteessa pelimaailmaan (vii). Näin syntyvän omakohtaisen pelikokemuksen rakenne vastaa kertomuksen dramaattista perusrakennetta (viii), vaikka peliä itsessään ei voida pitää kertomuksena. Tutkimuksen empiirisenä tuloksena esitellään faktorianalyyttisiin tapaustutkimuksiin ja laadullisten aineistojen analyysiin perustuva uudenlainen näkökulma ja menetelmä pelaaja–peli-vuorovaikutuksen ja pelimieltymyksen tutkimukseen, sekä edelliseen perustuva pelaajatyyppiluokittelu. Samalla väitetään, että vaikka videopelit kaupallisina esineinä eivät olisi folkloristiikan tutkimuskohteita, videopelien pelaaminen, pelaaja–peli-vuorovaikutus ja pelien kokemisen tavat eivät eroa ratkaisevasti pihaleikeistä vaan ovat saman kansanomaisen ilmiön esiintymiä. Folkloristisen tutkimuksen soisikin kiinnittävän nykyistä painokkaampaa huomiota kulttuurin kokemisen, muokkaamisen ja ilmaisun tapoihin riippumatta siitä, onko tarkastelun kohteena kaupallinen tuote vai ei

    Cinema and commercial space tourism:The politics of escapism

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    Space tourism has been one of the most enduring tropes in the cinema from the early 1900s until the present day, yet there exists no systematic, comprehensive investigation situating these widely diversified depictions of space tourism within a broader historical context of technological innovation and associated social transformation. The contemporary social climate, whereby commercial space tourism is an emergent possibility, calls for the decolonisation of the term ‘tourism’ and its categorical associations, in order to assess how visions of space tourism within cinematic, science-fiction futures project the history of tourism and its detrimental environmental, commercial, and colonial implications. The written portion of the dissertation uses close-textual-analysis and discursive transcoding as the primary methodologies to identify and investigate five unique trends in the thematic representation of cinematic space tourism, each linked to a distinct ‘moment’ of widespread crisis and transformation. Ultimately, this will contribute to a broader understanding concerning how science-fiction explores social constructions of race, class, and gender. As a practice-based accompaniment to these critical discussions, I relay my findings in a space film which compiles knowledge drawn from film and literature scholarship, as well as from the analysis of the selected case studie

    Factors Associated with Quit Attempts and Smoking Cessation in Brazil: Findings from the International Tobacco Control Brazil Survey

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    Background:In Brazil, the treatment of tobacco dependence is available at no cost. This study aimed to identify factors associated with attempting to quit and of successful smoking cessation in a population-based sample of Brazilian smokers.Methods:Data came from the first two waves of the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Brazil Survey, conducted in 2009 and 2012/2013 in three cities: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Porto Alegre. Prospective cohort data were collected from 488 adults (≥18 years) who smoked at Wave 1 who were resurveyed at Wave 2. Crude and adjusted relative risks (RR) for two outcomes (making a quit attempt between Wave 1 and Wave 2 and successfully quitting by Wave 2) were estimated. Multivariable multilevel logistic regression models were used, whereby variables were added to the models in a series of blocks.Results:Nearly two-thirds (65.6%) of smokers attempted to quit between waves, and 23.4% had quit at Wave 2. Intention to quit smoking at Wave 1 was the only variable associated with attempt to quit by Wave 2 (OR=2.85; 95%CI 1.64-4.94; p\u3c 0.001). Smokers of higher socioeconomic status (ORhigh versus low=1.80; 95%CI 1.05-3.10; p=0.03) and lower nicotine dependence (ORlow HSI versus high HSI=1.94; 95%CI 1.10-3.43; p=0.02) were more likely to successfully quit. The presence of another adult smoker at home was negatively related to successful quitting (OR=0.50; 95%CI 0.26-0.94; p= 0.03).Conclusions:These results are generally consistent with prior research and have potential to inform governmental interventions to promote tobacco cessation, particularly among disadvantaged groups

    Cascades of Violence

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    War and crime are cascade phenomena. War cascades across space and time to more war; crime to more crime; crime cascades to war; and war to crime. As a result, war and crime become complex phenomena. That does not mean we cannot understand how to prevent crime and war simultaneously. This book shows, for example, how a cascade analysis leads to an understanding of how refugee camps are nodes of both targeted attack and targeted recruitment into violence. Hence, humanitarian prevention also must target such nodes of risk. This book shows how nonviolence and nondomination can also be made to cascade, shunting cascades of violence into reverse. Complexity theory implies a conclusion that the pursuit of strategies for preventing crime and war is less important than understanding meta strategies. These are meta strategies for how to sequence and escalate many redundant prevention strategies. These themes were explored across seven South Asian societies during eight years of fieldwork

    Passions, Pedagogies, and 21st Century Technologies

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    Once again, Gail Hawisher and Cynthia Selfe offer a volume that will set the agenda in the field of computers and composition scholarship for a decade. The technology changes that scholars of composition studies face as the next century opens couldn\u27t be more dramatic or deserving of passionate study. While we have always used technologies (e.g., the pencil) to communicate with each other, the electronic technologies we now use have changed the world in ways that we have yet to identify or appreciate fully. Likewise, the study of language and literate exchange, even our understanding of terms like literacy, text, and visual, has changed beyond recognition, challenging even our capacity to articulate them.https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/1118/thumbnail.jp

    La banalización de la guerra en los videojuegos bélicos 

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    [ES]La presente tesis doctoral, partiendo de la psicología social y las teorías de la comunicación, pretende aportar su contribución en este ámbito académico relativamente minoritario y novedoso. Su objetivo fundamental es abordar el estudio de la representación de la guerra presente en los videojuegos de género bélico, con el fin de profundizar en la investigación sobre su papel en la construcción de actitudes, valores y creencias hacia esta clase de objetos sociales. Para lograr tal meta, el presente manuscrito se estructura en dos grandes apartados vertebrados en capítulos; el primero de ellos conforma una extensa revisión teórica y un análisis del estado del arte en el campo de los game studies. El segundo, recoge las diferentes investigaciones empíricas realizadas a partir de dichas reflexiones, en un intento de ofrecer a la comunidad científica conclusiones sólidas y relevantes sobre los efectos de los videojuegos bélicos en sus jugadores