5 research outputs found

    General Undergraduate Catalog, 1995-1996-1997

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    Marshall University General Undergraduate Catalog for the 1995-1996-1997 academic years.https://mds.marshall.edu/catalog_1990-1999/1002/thumbnail.jp

    A strategy for the development of team leaders in the East Cape motor industry cluster : a competency based approach

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    The research undertaken in this study was to identify the strategy needed to be adopted by the East Cape Motor Industry Cluster (ECMIC) in order to develop the competencies of its Team Leaders. v Hamel and Prahalad (1994: 28) are of the opinion that the focus of a company must move from current market share, to the share of tomorrow’s opportunities that the company can reasonably expect to gain. The company must therefore consider what it can achieve with its existing set of competencies, and what new competencies need to be acquired in order to prosper in the future. The development of competencies is thus deemed to be critical to the South African economy as the various local automotive manufacturers enter the export field. The ECMIC has traditionally been considered the heart of the automotive industry in South Africa with three of the major manufacturers located in the Nelson Mandela and Buffalo City Metropoles. In order to support these manufacturers, a vast number of component manufacturers and service providers have been established to support the automotive manufacturers both in the ECMIC and in other areas of the country. Since the establishment of a democratic South Africa and the removal of sanctions, the automotive industry has started to establish itself globally. This study will undertake a literature study of the application of competencies in the workplace, teams and team leaders and how competencies are applied in the ECMIC. The results of an empirical study into core competencies in the ECMIC will be used to elucidate a set of competencies which will be used to develop a strategy utilising the competency approach in team leaders in the ECMIC

    Colonialisms, post-colonialisms and lusophonies: proceedings of the 4th International Congress in Cultural Studies

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    Colonialismos e pós-colonialismos são todos diferentes, mesmo quando referidos exclusivamente à situação lusófona. Neste contexto, mais do que procurar boas respostas, importa determinar quais as questões pertinentes aos nossos colonialismos e pós-colonialismos lusófonos. Com efeito, problematizar a própria questão é começar por descolonizar o pensamento. Em nosso entender, esta é uma das tarefas candentes no processo de re-imaginação da Lusofonia, que passa, atualmente, pela procura de um pensamento estratégico que inclua uma reflexão colonialista/pós-colonialista/descolonialista. Esta tarefa primeira, e mesmo propedêutica a qualquer construção gnoseológica, de descolonizar o pensamento hegemónico onde quer que ele se revele, não pode deixar de implicar as academias, centros de produção do saber e do conhecimento da realidade cultural, política e social. Neste sentido, descolonizar o pensamento sobre a Lusofonia passará por colocar em causa e instabilizar o que julgamos já saber e ser como ‘sujeitos lusófonos’, ‘países lusófonos’, ‘comunidades lusófonas’. Trata-se, assim, de instabilizar a uniformidade, mas também as diferenças instituídas, que frequentemente não são mais do que um novo género de cânone integrador e dissolvente da diferença. Por outro lado, não podemos deixar de praticar uma atitude vigilante, de cuidado e suspeição, em face do discurso sobre a diferença irredutível, que pode tornar-se (como no passado) na estéril celebração do exótico. Fazer com que a diferença instabilize o que oficialmente se encontra canonizado como ‘diferença dentro do cânone’, implica negociar e re-inscrever identidades sem inverter dualismos. Uma reflexão pós-colonial no contexto lusófono não pode evitar o exercício da crítica às antigas dicotomias periferia/centro; cosmopolitismo/ruralismo, civilizado/selvagem, negro/branco, norte/sul, num contexto cultural de mundialização, transformado por novos e revolucionários fenómenos de comunicação, que têm também globalizado a marginalidade. A tarefa de re-imaginar a Lusofonia implicará necessariamente a deslocação, inversão ou até implosão, do pensamento dual eurocêntrico, obrigando-nos a repensá-la dentro de uma mais vasta articulação entre local e global

    Portugal SB10: sustainable building affordable to all: low cost sustainable solutions

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    The conference Portugal SB10 - Sustainable Building Affordable to All is organized by University of Minho – UM, Technical University of Lisbon – IST and the Portuguese delegation of the International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment – iiSBE Portugal in Vilamoura, Algarve - Portugal, from the 17th till the 19th of March 2010. This conference is included in the “SB10” series of international conferences that are being organized all over the world. The event is supported by high prestige partners, such as the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment (iiSBE), Ordem dos Engenheiros (OE – Portuguese Engineers Professional Association) and Ordem dos Arquitectos (OA – Portuguese Architects Professional Association). Currently it is undeniable the importance of buildings on sustainable development due to their potential environmental impacts. It is also undeniable the role that the construction sector can play against climatic changes through the integration of high performance and low emission construction solutions, contributing to the reduction of the environmental impacts throughout the buildings life cycle. Several solutions are already available on the market that allow performance improvements, proving that it is actually possible to contribute to the formulation of new construction strategies, not only with improved technical and environmental quality, but also economically feasible, innovative and capable of promoting the sustainable development. The international conference Portugal SB10 is an excellent opportunity to discuss and reflect on good technical practices applicable not only to buildings but also to urban areas and communities. With the organization of this event, we expect to share knowledge, examples and strategies, to formulate proposals that include new principles and initiatives for the creation of a more sustainable environment and to stimulate sustainable construction policies that can lead to more responsible construction, affordable to all. The subjects discussed in this conference cover a wide range of important issues related with sustainable construction. The contributions given by the authors are the reflection of profound work and critical research that will give an important contribution towards sustainable development. The issues presented include: - Six invited keynote papers (Chapter 1); - Policies to low cost sustainable construction (Chapter 2); - Low cost sustainable building solutions (Chapter 3); - High performance sustainable building solutions (Chapter 4); - Monitoring and evaluation (Chapter 5); - Case-studies (Chapter 6). Sustainable Construction, affordable to all, undeniably responds to the actual strategies of responsible and sustainable development, strongly contributing to innovative partnerships and for local employment, becoming thus an engine of social cohesion and an important instrument of economic, environmental and social policy for present societies. Besides the keynote papers in Chapter 1, all the other papers selected for presentation and published in these proceedings, went through a systematic process of revision and were evaluated by at least, two reviewers. The Organizers want to thank all the authors who have contributed with papers for publication in the proceedings and to all reviewers, whose efforts and hard work secured the high quality of all contributions to this conference. The Organizers want also to thank the support given by InCI (Instituto da Construção e do Imobiliário) that sponsored and made possible the edition of these Proceedings. A special gratitude is also addressed to Eng. José Amarílio Barbosa that coordinated the Secretariat of the Conference, to Eng. Miguel Silva that prepared and made available the Conference Webpage and to Eng. Catarina Araújo, Eng. Daniel Pinheiro and Eng. Deolinda Chaves for their help in administrative matters. Finally, “Portugal SB10 - Sustainable Building Affordable to All” wants to address a special thank to CIB, UNEP, iiSBE, OE and OA and wish great success for all the other SB10 events that are taking place all over the world. The Proceedings Editors Organizers Luis Bragança – University of Minho Manuel Pinheiro – Technical University of Lisbon Organizing Committee Ricardo Mateus – University of Minho Rogério Amoêda – University of Minho Manuela Almeida – University of Minho Paulo Mendonça – University of Minho Ana Miguel Cunha – Qualitel António Baio Dias – CTCV Fátima Farinha – University of Algarve Helena Gervásio – University of Coimbra Jorge de Brito – Technical University of Lisbon Manuel Correia Guedes – Technical University of Lisbon Victor Ferreira – University of AveiroFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT); Instituto da Construção e do Imobiliário (InCI