55 research outputs found

    Communicating across cultures in cyberspace

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    An introduction to learning technology in tertiary education in the UK.

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    Contents: 1. The Learning Technology Arena 2. The Learning Technology Community 3. Learning Technology Tools 4. Key issues and developments in the Learning Technology Field 5. Implementing Learning Technologies 6. Further Resource

    Constructing collective identities in the Internet age: a case study of Taiwanese-based internet forums

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    The thesis presents a case study of asynchronous Taiwanese-based internet forums, aimed at exploring new perspectives in the question of collective identity construction via intemet-forum participation. It develops a discursive-constructivist approach that incorporates the theories and models of Goffman, Butler, Laclau & Mouffe and Melucci, investigating the performative, antagonistic and negotiated dimensions of identities. Methodologically, it deploys a series of analytic tools from linguistics and micro sociology, as well as the methods of content analysis and online ethnography. Focusing on the questions of gay identities and national identities, the case study tracks down ten years of archives of the local gay forums and political forums, examining the ways in which collective identities take form through speech performance and social interactions in cyberspace. The case analysis of the gay forums finds that the internet gives rise to networked online gay communities, where individual gays’ subject-positions are performed. Meanwhile, the forums permit the reconstruction of the Other of the gay community, which ironically results in the creation of an internal Other among the community. Furthermore, the forums allow their grassroots participants to engage in the local gay movement, which eventually leads to change in the public identity of the movement. The case of national identity shows that antagonism between the two oppositional nationalisms in Taiwan penetrates identity practices in this domain; cyberspace is no exception. The local political forums become the space for marking, creating and stigmatising the Other. Nevertheless, they also provide the space for negotiated interactions concerning identity-oriented national projects, as well as facilitate dialogues between Chinese and Taiwanese online participants on the question of Taiwan’s future. To conclude, internet forums do not necessarily lead to the devolution of symbolic and political power of their participants. Mainstream discourses still deeply influence the discourses in cyberspace. Grassroots participation in debates concerning social projects may intervene in decision-making; however, this is dependent on the participants’ access to valid information and the decision makers’ attitudes towards the grassroots forums. Finally, while connecting people together, the internet is also disuniting people in spreading antagonisms and animosity

    Web-Based Communities as a Tool for Extension and Outreach

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    The Internet has become a common tool for facilitating business transactions, fostering communication, and aiding for-profit and non-profit companies and organizations to better compete. An additional benefit of the Internet is the ability to create sector-specific Web-based communities that can facilitate outreach and Extension efforts. Communities in general can be any group with a common interest or goal and can include a number of actions such as information sharing, real-time dialog, and transaction facilitation. In this article, we discuss a background of Web-based communities and forest-sector Web-based communities developed by Cooperative Extension faculty members at two U.S. universities

    Open Models

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    In Anlehnung an den Open Source Gedanken hat sich die Open Model Initiative zum Ziel gesetzt, eine Community zu schaffen, die sich mit der verteilten und kooperativen Entwicklung von Modellen, Konzepten und Tools für die Modellierung beschäftigt. Das Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit ist es, diejenigen Maßnahmen und Funktionalitäten zu identifizieren und implementieren, die für die Ausgestaltung einer Open Model Community notwendig sind. Dazu werden zu Beginn andere, bereits am Markt befindlicher Open Source bzw. Open Content Communities in Hinblick auf ihren Einsatz von Social Software (z.B. Blogs, Wikis, Foren, usw.) untersucht. Im Anschluss daran folgt eine Einführung in die theoretischen Grundlagen von Communities. In diesem Zusammenhang werden die Faktoren untersucht, die dazu führen, dass sich Benutzer überhaupt an einer Community beteiligen. Darüber hinaus wird die Wichtigkeit von Regeln für das reibungslose Miteinander der Mitglieder einer Community herausgestellt. Den Abschluss der Grundlagenbetrachtung bildet ein Überblick über gängige Social Software. Die bis dahin gewonnenen Erkenntnisse dienen dann als Grundlage für die Definition der Anforderungen an die Open Model Community, bevor schließlich deren Umsetzung mithilfe der Liferay Open Source Portalsoftware dokumentiert wird.Inspired by the idea of Open Source, the Open Model Initiative intends to create a community that deals with the distributed and collaborative development of models, concepts and tools for modeling. The aim of this thesis is to identify and implement the provisions and features necessary for such an Open Model Community. For this purpose, the thesis starts with an observation of already established Open Source / Open Content communities and documents, which kind of social software is being used by them (eg. blogs, wikis, forums, etc.). This chapter is followed by an introduction to the theoretical foundations of communities. In this context the major motivational aspects for a potential member’s engagement in a community are shown. Furthermore the need for rules to maintain order inside communities is expressed, before the chapter closes with an overview of common social software. After that, the requirements for the Open Model Community are defined on the basis of the insights gained so far. In the last chapter of this thesis the actual implementation of the previously defined features using the Liferay Open Source Portal is documented


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    Advances in information technologies enable firms to expand electronic commerce - the exchange of valuable information, goods and services across electronic media. This paper looks at how businesses are adopting and using technologies like the Internet and World Wide Web for electronic commerce. I propose that electronic commerce will dramatically reduce transactions costs requiring managers to re-develop their firm's strategy to focus on more fundamental sources of competitive advantage. I identify responses required to compete in a low transactions cost environment and provide illustrative examples of firms executing such a strategy.Information Systems Working Papers Serie


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    This paper examines how firms use the Internet and the emerging "global infostructure" to improve key processes and competitive capabilities. It proposes the widespread diffusion of the emerging "infostructure" will dramatically reduce transaction costs, leading to growth in electronic commerce and productivity while reducing the profit opportunities of inefficient firms. In this wired world characterized by low transaction costs and noisy environments, firms will have to re-focus their strategies to achieve market leadership and capture mind share for competitive advantage. To achieve market leadership firms must seek advantage from economies of scale, scope, or externalities. Alternatively they must differentiate themselves through unique merchandise and innovation or develop specialized customer relations. To capture mind share firms must develop integrated cross media marketing programs. These programs will push products through various online or related promotions or develop strong brand identities for products. Thus this paper identifies competitive issues in a wired world and outlines various foci for strategic responses to the above challenges.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    Facebook and extension of social ties: Implications on group norms and purchasing behavior

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    Facebook and extension of social ties: Implications on group norms and purchasing behavio