3,472 research outputs found

    Simple identification tools in FishBase

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    Simple identification tools for fish species were included in the FishBase information system from its inception. Early tools made use of the relational model and characters like fin ray meristics. Soon pictures and drawings were added as a further help, similar to a field guide. Later came the computerization of existing dichotomous keys, again in combination with pictures and other information, and the ability to restrict possible species by country, area, or taxonomic group. Today, www.FishBase.org offers four different ways to identify species. This paper describes these tools with their advantages and disadvantages, and suggests various options for further development. It explores the possibility of a holistic and integrated computeraided strategy

    Level up learning: a national survey on teaching with digital games

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    Digital games have the potential to transform K-12 education as we know it. But what has been the real experience among teachers who use games in the classroom? In 2013, the Games and Learning Publishing Council conducted a national survey among nearly 700 K-8 teachers. The report reveals key findings from the survey, and looks at how often and why teachers use games in the classroom, as well as issues they encounter in their efforts to implement digital games into their practice

    Endogenous space in the Net era

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    Libre Software communities are among the most interesting and advanced socio-economic laboratories on the Net. In terms of directions of Regional Science research, this paper addresses a simple question: “Is the socio-economics of digital nets out of scope for Regional Science, or might the latter expand to a cybergeography of digitally enhanced territories ?” As for most simple questions, answers are neither so obvious nor easy. The authors start drafting one in a positive sense, focussing upon a file rouge running across the paper: endogenous spaces woven by socio-economic processes. The drafted answer declines on an Evolutionary Location Theory formulation, together with two computational modelling views. Keywords: Complex networks, Computational modelling, Economics of Internet, Endogenous spaces, Evolutionary location theory, Free or Libre Software, Path dependence, Positionality.

    Codes and Hypertext: the Intertextuality of International and Comparative Law

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    The field of information studies reveals gaps in the literature of international and comparative law as part of interdisciplinary and textual studies. To illustrate the kind of theoretical and text-based work that could be done, this essay provides an example of such a study. Religious law texts, civil law codes, treaties and constitutional texts may provide a means to reveal the nature of hypertext as the new format for commentary. Margins used to be used for commentary, and now this can be done with hypertext and links in footnotes. Scholarly communication in general is now intertextual, and texts derive value and meaning from being related to other texts. This paper draws upon examples chosen after observing relationships between text presentation and hypertext as well as detailing similar observations by scholars to date. However, this essay attempts to go beyond a descriptive level to argue that this intertextuality, and the hypertext nature of the web, bring together texts and traditions in a manner conducive to the study of legal systems and their points of convergence

    A Phenomenological approach to media art environments: The Immersive art experience and the Finnish art scene

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    This research focuses on immersive art, defined as a multimedia experience where visitors interact with artwork whilst immersed in a range of sensory experiences. In this dissertation, I investigate the immersive art experience from the perspective of art history, social theory, and media studies situated within a phenomenological theoretical framework. I present a comparative analysis of forms of immersive spatiality, including projected moving-image art, spatial environments, participatory installations, video art installations and interactive environments in the international art scene. One of my objectives is to emphasise the role of video art in the development of interactive and immersive art environments. The growing importance of spectators for giving meaning to the artwork allows immersivity to be analysed in relation to the notions of spectacle and spectatorship. I connect disciplines, practices and concepts by adopting principles from Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenological writings. Spatiality and motility are pivotal points in immersive experiences. Immersive art, as an embodied mutual experience, materialises the phenomenological concepts of spectatorship, corporeality, motility, porosity, chiasm, and encounter. I have selected a group of relevant Finnish artists from different generations to characterise the development of media art and, particularly, immersive media art in an international context. The group includes Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Lauri Astala, Laura Beloff, Hanna Haaslahti, Tuomas A. Laitinen, Erkka Nissinen, and Marjatta Oja. I examine the historical dissemination of phenomenology in Finland and a renewed interest in the 1990s which coincided with the spatialisation of video art and the emergence of immersivity. I also investigate the opening of Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art and its impact on Finnish culture, and the recent Amos Rex Museum, specifically built for immersive exhibitions. Regarding the unstable nature of media art, I analyse the changes in displaying art collections and exhibitions, the new commitments of art museums and the innovative directions taken by media conservators. My examination of immersive art, with its performativity and transience, reveals environmentally friendly and sustainable aspects.Fenomenologinen tulokulma mediataideympĂ€ristöihin. Immersiivinen taidekokemus ja Suomen taidekenttĂ€ TĂ€mĂ€ tutkimus kĂ€sittelee immersiivistĂ€ taidetta multimediaalisena kokemuksena. Immersiossa kĂ€vijĂ€t ovat erilaisten aistimellisten kokemusten ympĂ€röiminĂ€ vuorovaikutuksessa taiteen kanssa. Tutkin vĂ€itöskirjassani immersiivistĂ€ taidekokemusta fenomenologisessa teoriakehyksessĂ€ taidehistorian, yhteiskuntateorian ja mediatutkimuksen nĂ€kökulmasta. EsitĂ€n vertailevan analyysin immersiivisistĂ€ tilallisuuden muodoista, joihin sisĂ€llytĂ€n liikkuvan kuvan projisoinnit, tilateokset, osallistavat installaatiot, videoinstallaatiot ja interaktiiviset ympĂ€ristöt kansainvĂ€lisen taidekentĂ€n ilmiöinĂ€. YhtenĂ€ pyrkimyksenĂ€ni on painottaa videotaiteen merkitystĂ€ interaktiivisen ja immersiivisen taiteen kehityksessĂ€. Katsojien kasvava rooli taideteoksen merkityksen muodostuksessa tarjoaa perustan immersion analyysille nimenomaan spektaakkelin ja katsojuuden viitekehyksessĂ€. YhdistĂ€n eri tieteenaloja, kĂ€ytĂ€ntöjĂ€ ja kĂ€sitteitĂ€ toisiinsa Maurice Merleau-Pontyn fenomenologisten kirjoitusten avulla. Tilallisuus ja liike ovat immersiivisten kokemusten ytimessĂ€. Jaettuna ruumiillisena kokemuksena immersiivinen taide ilmentÀÀ materiaalisesti fenomenologisia katsojuuden, ruumiillisuuden, liikkeessĂ€ olemisen, huokoisuuden, kiasman ja kohtaamisen kĂ€sitteitĂ€. Olen valinnut joukon eri sukupolvia edustavia suomalaistaiteilijoita hahmot-taakseni mediataiteen ja erityisesti immersiivisen mediataiteen kansainvĂ€lisiĂ€ kehityskulkuja. Heihin lukeutuvat Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Lauri Astala, Laura Beloff, Hanna Haaslahti, Tuomas A. Laitinen, Erkka Nissinen ja Marjatta Oja. KĂ€sittelen fenomenologian saapumista Suomeen sekĂ€ siihen 1990-luvulla videotaiteen tilallistumisen ja immersion esiin nousun yhteydessĂ€ uudelleen virinnyttĂ€ mielenkiintoa. Tarkastelen myös Nykytaiteen museo Kiasman perustamista ja sen vaikutusta suomalaiseen kulttuuriin, samoin kuin vastikÀÀn avattua Amos Rex -taidemuseota, joka on rakennettu erityisesti immersiivisiĂ€ nĂ€yttelyitĂ€ silmĂ€llĂ€ pitĂ€en. Analysoin muutoksia taidekokoelmien ja nĂ€yttelyiden esillepanossa, taidemuseoiden uudenlaisia sitoumuksia ja mediataiteen kuratoinnin uutta luovia suuntia suhteessa mediataiteen nopeasti muuttuvaan luonteeseen. Painottamalla performatiivisuutta ja hetkellisyyttĂ€ nostan immersiivisen taiteen analyysissani nĂ€kyville sen ympĂ€ristöystĂ€vĂ€llisiĂ€ ja kestĂ€viĂ€ ulottuvuuksia

    Blurred Borders: Trans-Boundary Impacts & Solutions in the San Diego-Tijuana Border Region

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    Over the years, the border has divided the people of San Diego County and Tijuana over language, culture, national security, public safety and a host of other cross-border issues ranging from human migration to the environment. For some, the 'us' versus 'them' mentality has become more pervasive following the tragedy of September 11, 2001, with a growing number of San Diegans focusing greater attention on terrorism and homeland security, as well as the need to re-think immigration policy in the United States as a means of fortifying the international border. This is validated by a recent KPBS/Competitive Edge research poll that found 46% of English-speaking San Diegans desiring that the U.S. impose tighter restrictions on the border. Yet the question remains: if San Diegans and Tijuana are so different, why is our shared port of entry the most busily crossed international border in the world with over 56 million crossings a year? The answer is simple. Opposites attract. The contrasts and complementarities between San Diego and Tijuana are so powerful that residents, as well as visiting tourists and business people, endure post-9/11 traffic and pedestrian delays to cross the border for work, school, cultural enrichment, maintaining family ties or sheer economic necessity

    Transforming learning and visitor participation as a basis for developing new business opportunities in an outlying municipality:- case study of HjĂžrring Municipality and BĂžrglum Monastery, Denmark

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    The organic food industry is undergoing tremendous expansion. Retail grocers and organic food suppliers are interested in promoting organic foods to customers in mainstream grocery stores. The purpose of this study was to determine if point of purchase (POP) signage in retail grocery stores affects customer perceptions of organic foods and organic food purchasing behavior (sales). An experimental study was designed in which control and two levels of POP signage were tested in two grocery store environments in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Ten stores were involved; six from an upscale chain and four from a discount/warehouse chain. A customer intercept interview method was used to determine the perceptions of approximately 400 customers in each store; and sales data were tracked for 14 selected organic food items. Results revealed that customers in upscale stores were more likely than discount/warehouse store customers to recognize signs designating organic foods. Younger people, women and those having larger household sizes recognized organic signage most often. In both chains, signage increased the proportion of customers who reported ever buying and planning to buy organic foods. Sales data suggest a positive effect of POP signage on volume of sales for some, but not all tracked foods. Signage significantly increased the sales of skim milk, butter, eggs, deli bread, fresh carrots, spaghetti and flaked cereal in the discount/warehouse stores. In the upscale stores, significant effects of POP signage were found for skim milk, spaghetti, peach nectar and fresh carrots when the sales figures were adjusted for the store's weekly sales volume. The mixed sales results underscore the dynamic interplay between the store environment, its customers, and POP technology.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, Marketing,

    Spartan Daily, January 24, 2007

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    Volume 128, Issue 1https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/10315/thumbnail.jp
