866 research outputs found

    Uloga društvenih medija u mjerenju TV gledanosti

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    For many decades, traditional broadcast has been the main entertainment focal point in households. Like all media and entertainment industries, television has been altered by the internet and new technologies. The internet has made new forms of participatory communication possible and has increased the amount of interpersonal communication for individuals – audiences and users – providing opportunities to share, create and collaborate together. It offers manifold opportunities to communicate in all directions, as well as the opportunity to transmit and receive simultaneously all kinds of content and formats such as music, films, pictures and texts and enables the user to interact with links. The development of social media is more than a technical innovation: it sustains and influences all forms of social organisations. Besides (high speed) internet itself, wireless connectivity has created a comfortable environment for the usage of different devices. Smartphones, tablets and/or laptops are conquering households and invite (connected) usage while people watch TV; audiences divide their attention between a second and first screen, becoming a user and audience at the same time. It enables participation and social interaction within social media while watching TV. “Actions of the participatory audience appear in the value chain in several phases: when the audience is creating content, when they are editing or reediting the available content and when they are disseminating the content to other audience members” (Noguera Vivo et al., 2014, p. 181). This new participation of TV audiences in social media leads to an integration of TV consumption within the social media context. The “people formerly known as the audience are those who were on the receiving end of a media system that ran one way, in a broadcasting pattern, with high entry fees and a few firms competing to speak very loudly while the rest of the population listened in isolation from one another […]” (Rosen, 2006), the audience transformed into an active audience participating in the creation of (social) media content. The second screens enable virtual communication with friends about programs while watching and sharing what is liked and disliked, and television viewing coupled with audience interaction has gained popularity (Doughty, Rowland and Lawson, 2011). The audience can share, discuss, comment and vote about certain programs. Broadcasters and other suppliers offer applications accompanying TV consumption and solicit simultaneous usage. Audiences engage with the program and socialise with friends and communities around their favourite content. Television audience researchers discovered the internet as a source of audience data, and search for approaches to analyse online engagement of audiences. The main question of this work is to investigate if new data can be found and used in a systematic manner in addition to traditional television audience research methods. It was discovered that the relationship between television broadcasters and its social audience is the key to this approach. Traditional media such as TV broadcasters are still huge content providers and play a major role in the social media world, where content is shared and creates buzz and in addition users generate content themselves. Broadcasters are challenged to keep the relationship with and the attention of the viewer by building social interaction around the program. This is the prerequisite for the researcher to approach social media analysis in the context of television.Tradicionalno emitiranje je već desetljećima žarište zabave u kućanstvima. Kao i svi ostali mediji te industrije zabave, televizija je promijenjena zahvaljujući internetu i novim tehnologijama. Internet je omogućio nove forme komunikacije između sudionika te je povećao broj međuljutske komunikacije za pojedince – gledatelje i korisnike – tako što je omogućio prilike za zajedničkim dijeljenjem, stvaranjem i surađivanjem. Pruža mnoge prilike za komunikaciju u svim smjerovima, jednako kao i priliku za simultano slanje i primanje raznih vrsta sadržaja te formata kao što su muzika, filmovi, slike i tekstovi. Također omogućuje korisniku interakciju s web linkovima. Razvoj društvenih medija je više od tehnološke inovacije, ono podržava i utječe na sve oblike društvenih organizacija. Pored toga, sam internet (velike brzine) je uz bežično spajanje stvorio ugodnu okolinu za korištenje raznih uređaja. Pametni telefoni, tableti, i/ili laptopovi osvajaju kućanstva te pozivaju korisnika na online spajanje i korištenje interneta za vrijeme gledanja televizije pa tako gledatelji dijele svoju pozornost između dva ekrana, postajući na taj način istovremeni korisnici i gledatelji. Ovo omogućuje sudjelovanje te društvenu interakciju unutar društvenih medija tijekom gledanja televizije. “Djela uključenih gledatelja se pojavljuju u lancu vrijednosti u nekoliko faza: kada gledatelji stvaraju sadržaj, kada uređuju ili preuređuju dostupan sadržaj, te kada šire sadržaj drugim gledateljima. ” (Noguera Vivo et al., 2014, p. 181). Ovo novo sudjelovanje gledatelja na društvenim medijima vodi k integraciji gledanja televizije unutar konteksta društvenih medija. “Ljudi koji su prethodno prepoznati kao gledatelji su bili na primajućem kraju medijskog sustava koji se kretao u jednom smjeru, po strukturi emitiranja, uz visoke članarine te nekoliko tvrtki koje se natječu u tome da govore što glasnije dok ostatak populacije sluša u međusobnoj izolaciji […]” (Rosen, 2006), gledatelji su se pretvorili u aktivne gledatelje koji sudjeluju u stvaranju sadržaja (društvenih) medija. “Dodatni zasloni omogućavaju virtualnu komunikaciju s prijateljima o TV programima tijekom gledanja i dijeljenja sadržaja koji im se sviđa, odnosno ne sviđa, a i samo gledanje televizije s istovremenom interakcijom gledatelja postaje sve popularnije.” (Doughty, Rowland and Lawson, 2011). Gledatelji mogu dijeliti sadržaj, raspravljati, komentirati te glasati za određene TV programe. Televizijske kuće i ostali dobavljači nude aplikacije za praćenje korištenja usluge televizije te potiču njezino simultano korištenje. Gledatelji se uključuju u TV programe te raspravljaju s prijateljima i raznim zajednicama o njihovim najdražim sadržajima. Istražitelji koji prate gledanost televizije su prepoznali internet kao izvor podataka o gledateljima te istražuju pristupe za analizu online angažiranosti gledatelja. Potrebno je istražiti mogu li se pronaći novi podaci koji se mogu iskoristiti na sustavan način uz tradicionalne metode istraživanja gledanosti televizije. Otkriveno je da je ključ ovom pristupu sam odnos između televizijskih kuća i njihove publike, odnosno gledatelja. Tradicionalni mediji kao što su televizijske kuće se i dalje smatraju značajnim pružateljima sadržaja te igraju važnu ulogu u svijetu društvenih medija, gdje se dijele sadržaji koji stvaraju vijesti, i sadržaj pružaju sami korisnici. Izazov televizijskih kuća je da održavaju odnos s gledateljima te da imaju njihovu pozornost tako što će izgraditi društvenu interakciju oko TV programa. Ovo je preduvjet istražiteljima kako bi pristupili analizi društvenih medija u kontekstu televizije

    Transnationalizing Radio Research: New Approaches to an Old Medium

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    Transnationalizing Radio Research presents a theoretical and methodological guide for exploring radio's multiple »global ages«, from its earliest years through its recent digital transformations. It offers radio scholars theoretical tools and concrete case studies for moving beyond national research frames. It gives radio practitioners inspiration for production and archiving, and offers scholars from many disciplines new ways to incorporate radio's vital voices into work on transnational institutions, communities, histories and identities

    Gaywaves: Transcending Boundaries - the Rise and Demise of Britain's First Gay Radio Program

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    At the beginning of 1982 an array of conflicting forces were working to shape the landscape of Europe's metropolitan radio services, and to alternatively control, commodify or liberate its gay communities. This paper examines the drivers, which inspired Gaywaves, a nascent weekly gay community radio programme broadcasting to an inner London audience on pirate station Our Radio from May 1982 until March 1983

    State of digital news preservation

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    Research Team: Edward McCain (Principal Investigator, Digital Curator of Journalism, University of Missouri Libraries, Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute), Neil Mara (Reynolds Journalism Institute Fellow, Neil Mara News-Tech Consulting; former McClatchy News Systems Director and Journalist), Kara Van Malssen (Partner and Senior Consultant, AVP Consulting), Dorothy Carner (Head, Journalism Libraries/Adjunct Journalism Professor, University of Missouri Libraries/Missouri School of Journalism), Bernard Reilly (President Emeritus and Senior Advisor, Center for Research Libraries), Kerri Willette (Senior Consultant, AVP Consulting), Sandy Schiefer (Journalism Research and Digital Asset Librarian, University of Missouri Libraries), Joe Askins (Head, Instructional Services, Library Research and Information Services, University of Missouri Libraries), Sarah Buchanan (Assistant Professor, School of Information Science and Learning Technologies)"Are you concerned about the longevity of your news organization's content? Have you lost any content or critical metadata through the constant churn of shifting digital technologies? Can you pull up the original, full-resolution videos and photographs your newsrooms produced for that major breaking news story last year? Can you prove definitively that you own the copyright to the story that went with it? And are you wondering whether you can locate and access the evergreen content you need for that proposed new digital product you're considering on food or travel or sports? If any of these questions worry you, or you wonder about the future of the public record of our communities in the age of massive expansion of digital news channels and sources, there are problems that need to be understood and solved, and steps newsrooms can take to ensure availability, access and control of digital news content and assets. That's the purpose of this report, to provide the results of research into what's happening in today's news media when it comes to preserving irreplaceable digital news content. And to share the best ideas and practices news organizations can adopt to address the common problems that can so easily threaten the digital news content we are creating every day. In an effort to address these questions, a research group from the University of Missouri Libraries and the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute launched an 18-month-long project to assess the status of preservation of born-digital news content across the news industry. Supported by a generous grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, this report provides the results of that research, conducted through onsite and video conference interviews, including a wealth of information and analysis on a little-known, largely hidden problem that's been developing in the shadow of the news industry's financial crisis and the shift to digital production and publishing. This report includes a User's Guide to finding and understanding what's in each section, followed by a concise Background on how the switch to digital publishing, and the collapse of old business models helped fuel the upheavals that developed into today's preservation problems. A summary of the Methodology used in this research comes next, followed by the report's Findings, Recommendations, Conclusion and Appendices. ..."--Executive Summary."A report on a research project led by faculty and experts at Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute and the University of Missouri Libraries. This project was supported by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation."--Cover.Includes bibliographical references (pages 123-125)

    Audiovisual preservation strategies, data models and value-chains

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    This is a report on preservation strategies, models and value-chains for digital file-based audiovisual content. The report includes: (a)current and emerging value-chains and business-models for audiovisual preservation;(b) a comparison of preservation strategies for audiovisual content including their strengths and weaknesses, and(c) a review of current preservation metadata models, and requirements for extension to support audiovisual files

    The Convergence of Traditional Media to the Digital Communicative Environment- The Reality and Gap

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    The article aimed to reveal the developments that affected the traditional media in response to the digital communication environment, to identify the aspects of employing digital communication, and to address the gap created by the new digital environment compared to the traditional media performance. The qualitative approach was used in addressing the problem of the paper, through the in-depth interviews tool with (8) executives and technicians of six Jordanian media outlets: Radio of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Rotana Radio, Jordan TV, Amman TV, Al-Rai newspaper, and Al-Ghad newspaper. The article concluded that the most prominent aspects of employing communication digitization in Jordanian media are the preservation of the archive digitally, the creation of a unique application, an earlier manifestation is the creation of a website, and then the opening of accounts on social networks. The results also showed that one of the most essential motivations of digital transformation is reaching ease to the audience with the highest quality, which mobile technology and its applications have enhanced. The form of media sharing of its content on digital platforms and social networks has varied, most notably live broadcasts, publishing news and programs, urgent news, short news stories, video clips, links, infographics, or interviews

    What's APPening to news? A mixed-method audience-centred study on mobile news consumption

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    News is increasingly being consumed on a multitude of media devices, including mobile devices. In recent years, mobile news consumption has permeated individuals’ news consumption repertoires. The main purpose of this study is twofold: (1) gain insight in how mobile news outlets infiltrated the broader news media repertoires of mobile device owners and (2) understand in what circumstances mobile news is consumed within these news media repertoires. The key is to understand how and why this widening agency in appropriating various places and social spaces in everyday life relates to general news media consumption (Peters, 2012). This two-phased study aims to illuminate how mobile device owners position their mobile news consumption in relation to other types of news media outlets. First, a guiding cluster analysis of a large-scale questionnaire (N = 1279) was preformed, indicating three types of news consumers. Second, in order to thicken the originally derived clusters, a mixed-method study was set up, combining objective data originating from mobile device logs with more subjective audience constructions through personal diaries and face-to-face interviews (N = 30). This study reveals the Janus-faced nature of mobile news. On the one hand, the majority of news consumers dominantly relies on traditional media outlets to stay informed, only to supplement with online mobile services in specific circumstances. Even then, there is at least a tendency to stick to trusted brand materials. On the other hand, these mobile news outlets/products do seem to increasingly infiltrate the daily lives of mobile audiences who were previously disengaged with news

    Canada\u27s Digital Economy Strategy: Toward an Openness Framework

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    This essay is an expanded version of my submission to the digital economy consultation. It opens with general issues such as digital policy leadership, cost issues, and emphasizes the need for a principle-based strategy that embraces the benefits associated with “open,” whether open access, open spectrum or open data. It then provides specific recommendations on a wide range of issues including tele- communications policy, privacy, and copyright