29 research outputs found

    MOOCs Gone Wild

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    MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) have been around since 2008, when 2,300 students took part in a course called “Connectivism and Connective Knowledge” organized by University of Manitoba, Canada. The year 2012 was widely recognized as “The year of the MOOC”, because several MOOC initiatives gained a world-wide popularity. Nowadays, many experts consider MOOCs a “revolution in education”. However, other experts think is too soon to make such a claim since MOOCs still have to prove they are here to stay. With the spread of MOOCs, different providers have appeared, such as Coursera, Udacity and edX. In addition, some popular LMS (Learning Management Systems), such as Moodle or Sakai, have also been used to provide MOOCs. Besides, a new breed of LMS has appeared in recent months with the aim of providing specific tools to create MOOCs: OpenMOOC and Google CourseBuilder being two of them. The growing interest of MOOCs has led to the emergence of different forms of use. In some cases, such as xMOOCs, the initial concept has been distorted. In other cases, such as SPOCs (Small Private Online Courses), it has become possible to use MOOCs in alternative contexts which they were originally created. The aim of this paper is to clarify the enormous confusion that currently exists around the MOOCs. On one hand, in this paper we present different MOOC taxonomies that currently exist. On the other hand, we present several barriers for deploying MOOCs promises: language, cost, internet access, and web accessibility.This work has been partially supported by the Prometeo Project by SENESCYT, Ecuadorian Government

    Massive open online courses (mooc) na formação contínua de professores: um estudo de caso

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    Os Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) consistem em cursos online abertos e, normalmente gratuitos, que permitem a inscrição de um elevado número de participantes. A adesão a esta modalidade de educação, normalmente informal, foi o principal repto para propor uma oficina de formação, totalmente online. Com esta formação pretendeu-se fornecer as competências necessárias para que professores se sentissem capacitados para criar e distribuir os seus próprios MOOC. No presente trabalho recorre-se à metodologia de estudo de caso e procura-se inicialmente apresentar, através de pesquisa bibliográfica, a revisão de literatura relativamente aos MOOC. Posteriormente, com base nos dados obtidos pela observação participante e inquérito por questionário, evidenciam-se os principais resultados da oficina de formação online “MOOC: uma tecnologia educativa de futuro

    Networked Learning 2020:Proceedings for the Twelfth International Conference on Networked Learning

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    Developing a collaborative MOOC learning environment utilizing video sharing with discussion summarization as added-value

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    With the fast-growing Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) community and the increase in the number of Learning Management Systems (LMSs) available online, the amount of shared information is massive. Current LMS - in particular MOOC providers - offer many advanced content delivery techniques: interactive video, active retrieval practices, and quizzes to enhance the pedagogical process. The main knowledge creation assets within MOOCs are encapsulated in other tools such as discussion forums, blogs, and wikis. Although these tools exist as separate entities within the platform, they still follow traditional techniques. We believe these tools need to be fully integrated to the main content and encourage spontaneous collaboration. From my experience with some MOOCs, the amount of collaboration and information-sharing is still overwhelming due to the massive number of participants and the limited range of collaborative tools. However, most of the shared information could be redundant or irrelevant. This information must be processed in order to provide the most concise knowledge. Therefore, we need to summarize this information from the discussions, blogs, and wikis and include the most relevant data in the course content. This thesis addresses this shortcoming by suggesting a new system with two primary components to accomplish this task. In the first component, we link the discussion tools to the main course content. Then, in the second component, we apply Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to present a summary of all shared content. We use techniques such as Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF), stemming algorithm, Vector Space Model (VSM), and Cosine Similarity to rank the sentences. We then tune the TF-IDF values and boost the sentence ranks using the main content by delegating the first component’s features. The next step involves choosing the most relevant sentence to build our summary. Finally, we evaluate our result using Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation (ROUGE) system, which compares our automated summary to human extracted summaries. These results demonstrate that we can achieve high improvement summar y compared to the baseline and other similar techniques

    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCS): Emerging Trends in Assessment and Accreditation

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    In 2014, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are expected to witness a phenomenal growth in student registration compared to the previous years (Lee, Stewart, & Claugar-Pop, 2014). As MOOCs continue to grow in number, there has been an increasing focus on assessment and evaluation. Because of the huge enrollments in a MOOC, it is impossible for the instructor to grade homework and evaluate each student. The enormous data generated by learners in a MOOC can be used for developing and refining automated assessment techniques. As a result, “Smart Systems” are being designed to track and predict learner behavior while completing MOOC assessments. These automated assessments for MOOCs can automatically score and provide feedback to students multiple choice questions, mathematical problems and essays. Automated assessments help teachers with grading and also support students in the learning processes. Theseassessments are prompt, consistent, and support objectivity in assessment and evaluation (Ala-Mutka, 2005). This paper reviews the emerging trends in MOOC assessments and their application in supporting student learning and achievement. The paper concludes by describing how assessment techniques in MOOCs can help to maximize learning outcomes.AbstractIn 2014, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are expected towitness a phenomenal growth in student registration compared to the previous years. As MOOCs continue to grow in number, therehas been an increasing focus on assessment and evaluation. Because of the huge enrollments in a MOOC, it is impossible for the instructor to grade homework and evaluate each student. The enormous data generated by learners in a MOOC can be used for developing and refining automated assessment techniques. As a result, "Smart Systems" are being designed to track and predict learner behavior while completing MOOC assessments. These automated assessments for MOOCs can automatically score and provide feedback to students multiple choice questions, mathematical problems and essays. Automated assessments help teachers with grading and also support students in the learning processes. These assessments are prompt, consistent, and support objectivity in assessment and evaluation (Ala-Mutka, 2005). This paper reviews the emerging trends in MOOC assessments and their application in supporting student learning and achievement. The paper concludes by describing how assessment techniques in MOOCs can help to maximize learning outcomes

    Learning analytics visualizations of student-activity time distribution for the open Edx platform

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    MOOCs are one of the current trending topics in educational technology. They surged with the vision of a democratization in education worldwide by removing some access barriers. As every technology, MOOCs have promoters and detractors but truth is, they are an invaluable source of data related to student interaction with courses and their resources as has been available never before. This data is susceptible to shed light on the learning process in this online environment and potentially in uence in a positive way the learning outcomes. Students can be presented with visual, friendly information that enable them to re ect on their performance and gain awareness of their own learning style based on data beyond intuition. Teachers can be given the same metrics augmented with student aggregates for their courses. Thus, they can tune their pedagogical approach and resource quality for the better. In this context, Open edX is one of the most prominent MOOC platforms. However, its learning analytics support is low at present. This project extends the learning analytics support of the Open edX platform by adding new six visualizations related to time on video and problem modules, namely: 1) video time watched, 2) video and 3) problem time distributions, 4) video repetition pro le, 5) daily time on video and problem and 6) distribution of video events. The main technologies used have been Python, Django, MySQL, JavaScript, Google Charts and MongoDBLos MOOCs están de moda en lo que se refiere a tecnología educativa. Surgieron con la visión de remover algunas barreras de acceso en aras de la democratización de la educación en cada rincón del mundo. Como toda tecnología, tienen sus promotores y detractores, pero lo cierto es que constituyen una valiosa fuente de datos como no ha habido antes en lo que respecta a la interacción de los estudiantes con estos cursos y sus recursos. Estos datos pueden ayudarnos a entender el proceso de aprendizaje en estos entornos. Tienen además el potencial de in uir positivamente en los resultados del aprendizaje. Se puede presentar a los estudiantes una información visual fácil de entender, que les permita re exionar sobre su rendimiento y ganar conciencia de su estilo de aprendizaje a partir de los datos, más allá de lo que les pueda indicar la intuición. Las mismas métricas se pueden poner a disponibilidad de los profesores, en conjunto con valores agregados de la clase. De esta manera, los profesores pueden ajustar el enfoque pedagógico del curso y mejorar la calidad de los recursos. En este contexto, Open edX es una de las plataformas proveedoras de MOOCs más prominentes. Sin embargo, tiene todavía poco soporte para analitica del aprendizaje. Este proyecto extiende ese soporte al incorporar seis visualizaciones nuevas sobre tiempo en vídeos y problemas, especícamente: 1) tiempo visto de vídeos, distribución de tiempo en 2) vídeos y 3) problemas, 4) peril de repetición de vídeo, 5) tiempo diario en vídeos y problemas y 6) distribuci on de eventos de vídeo. Las principales tecnologías usadas son: Python, Django, MySQL, JavaScript, Google Charts y MongoDB.Ingeniería de Telecomunicació

    A Design Guide for Open Online Courses

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    This guide is a comprehensive summary of how we went about creating Citizen Maths, an open online maths course and service. The guide shares our design principles and the techniques we used to put them into practice. Our aim is to provide – with the appropriate ‘translation’ – a resource that will be useful to to other teams who are developing online education initiatives

    MOOC inclusivo inovador

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    O projeto documentado neste relatório foi realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular Tese/Dissertação/Estágio (TMDEI), para conclusão do curso de Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, no ramo Sistemas Gráficos e Multimédia, no Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. O projeto tem como objetivo a criação de um modelo pedagógico de MOOC inclusivo e inovador, baseado no conceito de educação à distância e suportado pelo Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), considerando este método uma alternativa viável para o ensino, diferenciando-se dos métodos tradicionais, presenciais e dos demais métodos de ensino à distância em função da sua abrangência, estrutura e características gerais. A criação de um modelo pedagógico de MOOC e a integração com o sistema de tradução automático e em tempo real, permitirá criar recursos educativos digitais próprios para surdos, contribuindo desta forma para a sua integração na sociedade. Este modelo tem em conta uma arquitetura que contempla a interação com a comunidade cega. Esta interação desenvolvida em conjunto com a Ana de Sousa, tem como objetivo criar uma solução integradora e completa do sistema de apoio à comunicação com as comunidades surdas e cegas. Este projeto foi originalmente pensado pela Professora Paula Escudeiro e planeado pela mesma em parceria com o GILT/ISEP. Em síntese, foi requerida a criação de um modelo pedagógico de MOOC inclusivo, que permitisse a integração da comunidade surda e cega no ambiente pedagógico online com suporte na tecnologia. Este modelo pedagógico de características inovadoras permitiria a interpretação e tradução automática do texto para gesto e texto para voz, fomentando a inclusão e igualdade de oportunidades para estas comunidades.The project documented in this report was carried out under the thesis/Dissertation/Internship (TMDEI) curricular unit, to conclude the master's degree in Computer Engineering, in the graphic systems and multimedia sector, at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. The project aims to create a pedagogical model of inclusive and innovative MOOC, based on the concept of distance education and supported by the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), considering this method a viable alternative for teaching, Differentiating themselves from traditional, presential methods and other methods of distance learning according to their scope, structure and general characteristics. The creation of a pedagogical model of MOOC and the integration with the automatic and realtime translation system will create digital educational resources proper for the deaf, thus contributing to their integration in society. This model considers an architecture that contemplates the interaction with the blind Community. This interaction developed in conjunction with Ana de Sousa, aims to create an integrative and complete solution of the communication support system with deaf and blind communities. This project was originally thought by Professor Paula Escudeiro and planned by her in partnership with gilt/ISEP. In summary, the creation of a pedagogical model of inclusive MOOC was required to allow the integration of the deaf and blind community into the online pedagogical environment with support in technology. This pedagogical model of innovative features would allow the interpretation and automatic translation of the text for gesture and text for voice, fostering the inclusion and equal opportunities for these communities

    Promoção da saúde mental e prevenção do suicídio: formação de professores em ambiente MOOC

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    A existência do primeiro Plano Nacional de Prevenção do Suicídio (2013-2017) é um indicador da pertinência do problema, cuja finalidade será aumentar a informação e educação para a saúde, em particular no contexto escolar. Tal prevenção deverá combinar estratégias envolvendo a comunidade e programas escolares de prevenção e referenciadas como boas práticas, sendo exemplo os programas de formação desenvolvidos em sistema MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). O presente estudo tem como objectivos: conhecer o contributo da Psicologia da Educação na formação de professores; identificar as temáticas e envolvimento dos professores no programa de educação para a saúde (PES); avaliar o conhecimento e necessidades de formação gatekeeper dos professores para melhor lidarem com os alunos que estão em risco; conhecer as experiências dos professores com situações de comportamentos da esfera suicidária ou doenças mentais; indicar recomendações para a formação de professores visando a promoção da saúde mental de crianças; e desenvolver um programa MOOC de intervenção para professores, sobre literacia em saúde mental e prevenção do suicídio. Foram realizados oito estudos que envolveram um total de 1144 professores profissionalmente ativos, de ambos os géneros (209 homens e 935 mulheres), com idades entre 24 e 69 anos, os quais responderam a um protocolo de questionários disponibilizados em formato online. Para análise de dados foi utilizado o Programa SPSS 22. Os resultados do primeiro estudo (metanálise reflexiva) retratou os problemas e dificuldades que envolvem o ensino da Psicologia da Educação no contexto da formação de professores apontando para a necessidade desta disciplina contribuir para a optimização da relação teoria versus prática. Os restantes estudos empíricos salientaram a necessidade de intervir na formação de professores em literacia para a saúde mental e prevenção do suicídio, assim como um maior conhecimento e envolvimento dos professores no PES (Programa de Educação para a Saúde) ainda que 89,9% dos inquiridos trabalhassem em escolas que implantaram PES. Os resultados da criação e do estudo das propriedades psicométricas dos instrumentos de avaliação – Questionário Escolas Gatekeeper (EGK), Questionário Literacia em Saúde Mental (QLSM) e Questionário de Literacia em Suicídio (QLS) - revelaram ser fiéis e adequados para o estudo. Foram evidenciadas situações de contacto dos professores com comportamentos suicidários (de alunos ou colegas). Foi desenvolvido um programa de intervenção MOOC, para professores, sobre literacia em saúde mental e prevenção do suicídio, divulgado num site, com marca registada. Os resultados são discutidos bem como sugeridas algumas implicações para a formação básica e continua dos professores na educação para a saúde, e sugeridas recomendações para as escolas no sentido de prevenir e lidar com comportamentos suicidários visando a promoção do sucesso e bem-estar de alunos e professores.The existence of the first National Suicide Prevention Plan (2013-2017) is an indicator of the relevance of the problem, the purpose of which will be to increase health information and education, particularly in the school context. Such prevention should combine strategies involving community and school prevention programs and referenced as good practices, for example training programs developed in MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) system. The present study has as objectives: to know the contribution of the Psychology of Education in the training of teachers; identify the themes and involvement of teachers in the health education program (PES); evaluate the knowledge and needs of teacher gatekeeper training to better deal with students who are at risk; to know the experiences of teachers with situations of suicidal behaviour or mental illness; indicate recommendations for the training of teachers to promote the mental health of children; and develop an MOOC intervention program for teachers, on mental health literacy and suicide prevention. Eight studies were developed, involving a total of 1144 professionally active teachers of both sexes (209 men and 935 women), aged between 24 and 69 years old, who answered a protocol of questionnaires made available online. The SPSS 22 Program was used for data analysis. The results of the first study (reflective meta-analysis) portrayed the problems and difficulties involved in the teaching of Educational Psychology in the context of teacher training, pointing to the necessity of this discipline to contribute to the optimization of the theory versus practice relationship. The remaining empirical studies emphasized the need to intervene in teacher training in mental health literacy and suicide prevention, as well as greater knowledge and involvement of teachers in PES (health education program), although 89.9% of respondents worked in schools that implemented PES. The results of the creation and study of the psychometric properties of the assessment instruments - Gatekeeper Schools Questionnaire (EGK), Mental Health Literacy Questionnaire (QLSM) and Suicide Literacy Questionnaire (QLS) - proved to be faithful and adequate for the study. There was evidenced situations of contact of teachers with suicidal behaviours (from both students and colleagues). A MOOC intervention program for teachers on mental health literacy and suicide prevention was developed and posted on a website with a registered trademark. The results are discussed as well as some implications are suggested for basic and continuing teacher education in health education, and recommendations are suggested for schools to prevent and deal with suicidal behaviour aimed at promoting the success and well-being of students and teachers.Programa Doutoral em Educaçã