201 research outputs found

    Routeing in military tourism: gamification as an implementation proposal

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    This dissertation approaches three main concepts, routeing applied to tourism, Military Tourism as a segment of Cultural Tourism and Gamification as a tool for tourist fruition, with the aim at establishing a link between them. Following a literature review from various authors in each of these areas, and after the establishment of a firm conceptual base, this project investigates the possible links between them. In this specific case the application of the benefits of gamification to promote the development of Military Tourism products and their organisation in military themed tourism routes. In conclusion this dissertation presents a guiding model explaining the use of different forms of game based technology to develop different Military Tourism products and how this tool can aid in the organisation in a Military Tourism Route

    Gracz-turysta. Przewodniki po grach i kształtowanie doświadczenia użytkownika

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    The article addresses the issue of the gamer-tourist. The author discusses it from the perspective of a specific reception attitude, consisting in transferring behaviours and expectations typical of virtual tourism to gameplay. The article also takes a closer look at the issue of guides targeted at gamers, specific paratexts that can shape the user experience by formatting the vision of gameplay.The article addresses the issue of the gamer-tourist. The author discusses it from the perspective of a specific reception attitude, consisting in transferring behaviours and expectations typical of virtual tourism to gameplay. The article also takes a closer look at the issue of guides targeted at gamers, specific paratexts that can shape the user experience by formatting the vision of gameplay

    Blockchain acceptance and adoption in the tourism industry

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    Tourism has always been characterized by extensive innovativeness (from theme parks and cultural&gourmet tours till a deeper service integration). Today, digital solutions represent an opportunity to expand and innovate the range of services offered. Focusing on blockchain as an emerging technological solution, the paper investigates how expert and practitioners perceive the potentialities and limitations of its adoption in tourism.To capture the attitudes expressed in the field, we analyze the ongoing discussions on a major social network: Twitter.Through a social network analysis of the flow of tweetsconducted overthree months, we map the current perceptions towards blockchain. Specifically, we contribute to the literature on technology acceptance and adoption by intercepting the current perceptions in the tourism industry.This paper shows how experts and practitioners are envisioning the possibilities that blockchain shape future services in the tourism sector. Our study is based on an extensive literature review and a social network analysis of a Twitter-database. This allows us to investigate the current sentiment towards blockchain, and also to envision future directions of a promising and yet under analyzed technology


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    Extended reality (XR) mobile guide applications offer unprecedented potential for immersive visitor experiences and in-depth knowledge retention to promote cultural learning at large-scale heritage sites, but, despite their significant development, the literature underexplores these applications for World Heritage sites, especially the serial properties that are spatially dispersed in various locations but configured as a single property. This paper describes a framework (blueprint) for the development of an XR mobile guide application focused on serial properties. By incorporating interactive XR and edutainment features, it explores a way to comprehensively reveal the interconnections between the heritage attributes of the subcomponent of the serial properties and their larger, cross-cultural context vis-à-vis the Outstanding Universal Values. To this end, at the Seowon, the UNESCO World Heritage site in Korea, we analyzed user interactions with a prototype of the XR application to identify user preferences and areas for improving the framework

    Co-creating a smart tourism local service system in rural areas: a case study from south

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementThe most recent trends show an increase in the urbanization of cities, and, consequently, inner territories become more depopulated, business activities get closed, services get reduced and the overall services become poor and not able to offer quality offers to visitors (Bolay, 2020). According to (United Nations, 2019), by 2050 more than three out of four people will be living in urban areas. Nowadays, many studies have addressed the evolution and features of Smart Cities (Van Dijk & Teuben, 2015) and tourism is also one of those spheres that got digitally transformed by Smart Cities (Khan, Woo, Nam, & Chathoth, 2017). One of the features of smart applications is the possibility to let the user be a driver of value in creating and sharing contents (Kontogianni & Alepis, 2020). However, the explosion of smart solutions enabled by the latest technological innovations has been mostly contextualized in urban environments while fewer solutions have been developed in less urbanized rural areas (Steyn & Johanson, 2010). The methodology used employs the merging of two of the core contemporary service research approaches: Service Science and Service-Dominant logic; the first offers an organizational framework to generate and integrate value co-creation in terms of a smart service systems (Polese, Botti, Grimaldi, Monta & Vesci, 2018). For the same purpose, but differently, the second proposes a different layout called service ecosystems (Vargo & Lusch, 2016). This combination of approaches overcomes individual model limitations by setting an integrated model that can be employed to hypercompetitive and experience-based sectors (Polese, Botti, Grimaldi, Monta & Vesci, 2018), and that was adopted by using a case study methodology, relying on semi-structured interviews

    Research Indaba* 18: Good Design emerges through Good Research

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    Our new School of Architecture and the Built Environment is home to a thriving and collaborative research culture. Students and staff have the opportunity to work together to create new knowledge with the potential to transform lives and societies. We embrace the interconnected and interdisciplinary nature of our global built environment through our teaching, learning and research activity. Research is at the centre of our teaching and learning agenda and through research-informed teaching we confront the key challenges that the industry faces, in terms of design, construction and occupation of our built environment. The School carries out high impact research for the benefit of society. Our vision is to be recognised internationally as a centre of research excellence and teaching innovation in Architecture, Construction Science and allied disciplines for enhancing the design and production of tomorrow’s built environment. We encourage collaborative and interdisciplinary research at all levels and beyond the boundaries and borders within which we are located. Consequently, engagement activity with our local community is an essential element of our strategy. At the same time, many of our research active staff are engaged in national and international leading research with key external stakeholders. Research and research-informed teaching are essential tools for nurturing our School’s environment and playing a leading role in cutting edge education where creating new knowledge is at the forefront of our agenda. The papers being presented at this indaba reflect this interdisciplinary research ethos

    Sistemas de gestão de destinos turísticos: contribuições para a sua adoção e implementação

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    The growing competition between tourist destinations, the progressively demanding tourist source markets, as well the complexity of the strategies to attract them, has led Destination Management Organisations (DMOs) to expand their attributions to assume themselves as central actors in the coordination of the stakeholders of respective destinations. Thus, some DMOs have implemented collaborative online networks, referred to as Destination Management Systems (DMSs), which connect all relevant tourist agents in a destination, facilitating communication and cooperation between them. These systems also provide online tourist portals for tourist destinations that offer more personalised travel planning experiences, including the possibility to purchase tourist products. However, only a residual number of tourist destinations has ever tried to adopt a DMS and a considerable portion of the them were unsuccessful. The challenges to the success of a DMS require a careful analysis of the factors that influence the willingness of the tourist agents of a destination to adopt them, as well as of the factors that determine the importance that these agents attribute to the functionalities of those same DMSs. However, research in this area is still limited. The main objectives of this thesis are to obtain an in-depth knowledge about the factors mentioned above, as well as on the characteristics and role of DMSs, in order to promote the implementation of these systems in tourist destinations. To achieve these objectives, a mixed methodology was adopted, starting with an extensive review of the literature on DMSs, exploratory interviews with the main companies providing DMS solutions and with DMOs that have successfully implemented these systems. At content analysis of those same DMSs was undertaken. This qualitative approach provided an in-depth knowledge regarding the characteristics of DMSs, the current business and management models of these systems, as well as their recent developments and future perspectives. Then, a quantitative approach was used to identify the factors that explain the willingness of destination-based stakeholders to adopt a DMS, as well as those influencing the importance attributed by these agents to the specific functionalities of DMSs. Thus, a questionnaire survey was applied to different types of tourist agents from a regional destination lacking a DMS: The Portuguese Centre region. The results of the quantitative investigation indicate that the predisposition to adopt a DMS is positively influenced by factors such as: (i) cooperation within the destination; (ii) pressure from the external environment (e.g. from competing destinations); (iii) perceived benefits and usefulness of the DMS; (iv) DMO's leadership and strategic vision; (v) resources and strategic vision of the tourist actors in the destination. On the other hand, two factors which are still absent from research on this topic were found to negatively influence the predisposition to adopt a DMS, namely: (i) alternative online platforms and (ii) the lack of a DMS in neighbouring regions or at the national level. The results also demonstrate that the importance attributed to the specific functionalities of a DMS by destination-based stakeholders is positively influenced (i) by its resources and strategic vision, (ii) by its knowledge on the DMO’s initiatives in the field of the Information and Communication and Technologies, (iii) the condition of affiliated member of a DMO; and (iv) by the tourist agent sub-sector, since it was found that tourism accommodation providers value collaborative functionalities of a DMS less than others. The thesis ends with conclusions and implications for the tourism sector, mainly for agents responsible for the development of tourist destinations.A crescente competição entre destinos turísticos, bem como a progressiva exigência da procura turística e da complexidade das estratégias para a atrair, levou as Organizações de Gestão de Destinos (OGD) a ampliarem as suas atribuições para se assumirem como atores centrais na coordenação dos stakeholders dos respetivos destinos. Assim, algumas OGDs implementaram redes colaborativas online, designadas de Sistemas de Gestão de Destinos (SGDs), que interligam todos os agentes turísticos relevantes de um destino, facilitando a comunicação e a cooperação entre eles. Estes sistemas também proporcionam à procura turística portais online de destinos turísticos que oferecem experiências de planeamento de viagens mais personalizadas, incluindo a possibilidade de comprar produtos turísticos. Porém, apenas um número residual de destinos turísticos tentou adotar um SGD e uma parcela considerável dos SGDs não tiveram sucesso. Os desafios para garantir o sucesso dos SGD exigem uma análise cuidada dos fatores que influenciam a predisposição dos agentes turísticos de um destino para os adotar, bem como dos fatores que determinam a importância que estes agentes atribuem às funcionalidades dos SGD. No entanto, a investigação neste âmbito é ainda limitada. A presente tese tem como principais objetivos obter um conhecimento aprofundado sobre os fatores anteriormente referidos, bem como sobre as características e papel dos SGD, no sentido de promover a implementação destes sistemas nos destinos. Para alcançar os objetivos estabelecidos, adotou-se uma metodologia mista, começando com uma extensiva revisão da literatura sobre SGD, entrevistas exploratórias às principais empresas fornecedoras de soluções de SGD e a OGD que implementaram estes sistemas com sucesso, bem como análises de conteúdo de SGD. Esta abordagem qualitativa permitiu um conhecimento mais aprofundado relativamente às características dos SGD, aos atuais modelos de negócios e de gestão destes sistemas, bem como aos seus recentes desenvolvimentos e perspetivas futuras. Seguidamente uma abordagem quantitativa foi utlizada para identificar os fatores que explicam a predisposição dos agentes turísticos de um destino para adotar um SGD, bem como os fatores que influenciam a importância atribuída por estes agentes às funcionalidades específicas dos SGD. Assim, um inquérito por questionário foi aplicado a diferentes tipos de agentes turísticos de um destino regional que não dispõe de um SGD: a região Centro de Portugal. Os resultados da investigação quantitativa indicam que a predisposição para adotar um SGD é influenciada positivamente por fatores como: (i) cooperação no destino; (ii) pressão do ambiente externo (ex. de destinos concorrentes); (iii) benefícios percebidos e utilidade do SGD; (iv) liderança e visão estratégica da OGD; (v) recursos e visão estratégica dos atores turísticos do destino. Por outro lado, dois fatores até agora ausentes da investigação influenciam negativamente a predisposição para adotar um SGD, nomeadamente: (i) as plataformas alternativas online e (ii) a falta de um SGD em regiões vizinhas ou a nível nacional. Os resultados demonstram ainda que a importância atribuída às funcionalidades específicas de um SGD pelos agentes turísticos de um destino é influenciada positivamente (i) pelos seus recursos e visão estratégica, (ii) pelo seu conhecimento sobre as iniciativas da OGD no âmbito das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, (iii) por ser membro afiliado da OGD; e (iv) pelo subsetor do agente turístico, observando-se que os fornecedores de alojamento turístico valorizam menos as funcionalidades de cariz colaborativo do que outro tipo de agentes. A tese termina com conclusões e implicações para o setor do turismo, principalmente para agentes responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento turístico.Programa Doutoral em Turism

    Mental Health - Atmospheres - Video Games: New Directions in Game Research II

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    Gaming has never been disconnected from reality. When we engage with ever more lavish virtual worlds, something happens to us. The game imposes itself on us and influences how we feel about it, the world, and ourselves. How do games accomplish this and to what end? The contributors explore the video game as an atmospheric medium of hitherto unimagined potential. Is the medium too powerful, too influential? A danger to our mental health or an ally through even the darkest of times? This volume compiles papers from the Young Academics Workshop at the Clash of Realities conferences of 2019 and 2020 to provide answers to these questions