3,160 research outputs found

    Tools and Language Elements for Testing, Encapsulation and Controlling Abstraction in Large Scale C++ Projects

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    A disszertáció új kutatási eredményeket mutat be három alapvető szoftver fejlesztési területen: tesztelés, egységbezárás és absztrakció. Az első három tézis az ún. nem-tolakodó teszteléssel foglalkozik, amely egy olyan tesztelési technika amely során nem szükséges semmilyen strukturális módosítást végrehajtanunk a termék forráskódján. Megvitatjuk a már létező nem-tolakodó tesztelési módszereket és felsoroljuk ezek előnyeit és hátrányait. Bevezetünk egy új, nem-tolakodó tesztelési módszert amely függvény hívás közbeavatkozáson alapszik és számos egyértelmű előnnyel rendelkezik a korábbi megoldásokhoz képest. Ezzel az új technikával képesek vagyunk függvényeket teszt dublőrökkel helyettesíteni még akkor is ha azok inline függvények. Továbbá bemutatunk két új kísérleti eljárást amelyek lehetővé teszik, hogy akár típusokat is helyettesítsünk teszt dublőrökkel: az egyik metódus szintaxis fa transzformációkon alapszik, a másik pedig fordítási idejű reflectionön. Demonstráljuk, hogy gyakran előfordul, hogy szükséges privát tagokhoz hozzáférni a nem-tolakodó tesztek esetében. Bemutatunk két új módszert a privát tagok eléréséhez (és ily módon támogatjuk a nem-tolakodó és fehér doboz tesztek létrehozását): egy program könyvtárat amely explicit sablon példányosításon alapszik, illetve az osztályon kívüli barát (friend) nyelvi elemet. Az egységbezárással kapcsolatosan szemléltetjük, hogy bizonyos nyelvi konstrukciók minta C++ barát (friend) túlzottan erős hozzáférést nyújthat egy osztály belső elemeihez. Ez a túlzott hozzáférés hibák forrása lehet az adott szoftverben. Javaslatot teszünk egy új nyelvi elem létrehozására amely lehetővé teszi, hogy megszorítsuk ezt a hozzáférést csupán néhány jól specifikált taghoz, ily módon erősítendő az egységbezárást és adatrejtést. Az egységbezárás mellett az absztrakció a másik alapvető szereplő ha nagy méretű szoftverek fejlesztéséről van szó. Különösen,ha többszálú programokról beszélünk. Bemutatunk egy új magas szintű C++ absztrakciót mely a read-copy-update konkurrens programozási mintán alapszik és elfogadható teljesítményt nyújt amellett, hogy kellően generikus és biztonságos használni. Az itt bemutatott új módszerek mindegyikéhez tartozik prototípus implementáció (ez alól kivételt képez a reflection alapú nem-tolakodó tesztelés ötlete)

    WS-Pro: a Petri net based performance-driven service composition framework

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    As an emerging area gaining prevalence in the industry, Web Services was established to satisfy the needs for better flexibility and higher reliability in web applications. However, due to the lack of reliable frameworks and difficulties in constructing versatile service composition platform, web developers encountered major obstacles in large-scale deployment of web services. Meanwhile, performance has been one of the major concerns and a largely unexplored area in Web Services research. There is high demand for researchers to conceive and develop feasible solutions to design, monitor, and deploy web service systems that can adapt to failures, especially performance failures. Though many techniques have been proposed to solve this problem, none of them offers a comprehensive solution to overcome the difficulties that challenge practitioners. Central to the performance-engineering studies, performance analysis and performance adaptation are of paramount importance to the success of a software project. The industry learned through many hard lessons the significance of well-founded and well-executed performance engineering plans. An important fact is that it is too expensive to tackle performance evaluation, mostly through performance testing, after the software is developed. This is especially true in recent decades when software complexity has risen sharply. After the system is deployed, performance adaptation is essential to maintaining and improving software system reliability. Performance adaptation provides techniques to mitigate the consequence of performance failures and therefore is an important research issue. Performance adaptation is particularly meaningful for mission-critical software systems and software systems with inevitable frequent performance failures, such as Web Services. This dissertation focuses on Web Services framework and proposes a performance-driven service composition scheme, called WS-Pro, to support both performance analysis and performance adaptation. A formalism of transformation from WS-BPEL to Petri net is first defined to enable the analysis of system properties and facilitate quality prediction. A state-transition based proof is presented to show that the transformed Petri net model correctly simulates the behavior of the WS-BPEL process. The generated Petri net model was augmented using performance data supplied by both historical data and runtime data. Results of executing the Petri nets suggest that optimal composition plans can be achieved based on the proposed method. The performance of service composition procedure is an important research issue which has not been sufficiently treated by researchers. However, such an issue is critical for dynamic service composition, where re-planning must be done in a timely manner. In order to improve the performance of service composition procedure and enhance performance adaptation, this dissertation presents an algorithm to remove loops in the reachability graphs so that a large portion of the computation time of service composition can be moved to a pre-processing unit; hence the response time is shortened during runtime. We also extended the WS-Pro to the ubiquitous computing area to improve fault-tolerance

    Unified Software Database for RPM Based Systems

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    V GNU/Linuxovém prostředí je nepřeberné množství možností, jak instalovat aplikace. V dnešní době existuje spousty nástrojů, které mají na starost různé části systému. Linuxové distribuce mají hlavního správce balíčků a populární programovací jazyky mají také vlastního správce balíčků. Všechny tyto nástroje si udržují informace o nainstalovaném softwaru, a proto si každý z nich spravuje vlastní databázi s redundantními metadaty o balíčcích. Záměrem této práce je analyzovat úložné prostory, identifikovat případy užití správců balíčků v distribuci Fedora a následně navrhnout a implementovat jednotnou cen- trální softwarovou databázi na systému.In GNU/Linux environment there are many ways of installing software. At this moment we have multiple tools for managing some specific parts of the system that overlap each other. Linux distributions have main package management system and the popular programming languages have also its own package manager. These all have to keep track of installed software. Thus every package manager maintains its own private database with redundant package metadata. The motivation of this thesis is to analyze storages and identify common use cases of package managers on Fedora distribution; design and implement one central Unified Software Database on the system where all information about packages could be stored.

    Undergraduate Student Catalog 2012-2013

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    The contents of this document highlight the central pillars of Qatar University’s mission, namely the provision of high-quality education and the pursuit of an active role in the development of Qatari society. The courses described here have been designed, reviewed and assessed to meet the highest educational standards, with a strong focus on the knowledge- and skill-bases needed for a graduate to be competitive in today’s labor market or in higher education pursuits

    Simulation Modelling of Distributed-Shared Memory Multiprocessors

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    Institute for Computing Systems ArchitectureDistributed shared memory (DSM) systems have been recognised as a compelling platform for parallel computing due to the programming advantages and scalability. DSM systems allow applications to access data in a logically shared address space by abstracting away the distinction of physical memory location. As the location of data is transparent, the sources of overhead caused by accessing the distant memories are difficult to analyse. This memory locality problem has been identified as crucial to DSM performance. Many researchers have investigated the problem using simulation as a tool for conducting experiments resulting in the progressive evolution of DSM systems. Nevertheless, both the diversity of architectural configurations and the rapid advance of DSM implementations impose constraints on simulation model designs in two issues: the limitation of the simulation framework on model extensibility and the lack of verification applicability during a simulation run causing the delay in verification process. This thesis studies simulation modelling techniques for memory locality analysis of various DSM systems implemented on top of a cluster of symmetric multiprocessors. The thesis presents a simulation technique to promote model extensibility and proposes a technique for verification applicability, called a Specification-based Parameter Model Interaction (SPMI). The proposed techniques have been implemented in a new interpretation-driven simulation called DSiMCLUSTER on top of a discrete event simulation (DES) engine known as HASE. Experiments have been conducted to determine which factors are most influential on the degree of locality and to determine the possibility to maximise the stability of performance. DSiMCLUSTER has been validated against a SunFire 15K server and has achieved similarity of cache miss results, an average of +-6% with the worst case less than 15% of difference. These results confirm that the techniques used in developing the DSiMCLUSTER can contribute ways to achieve both (a) a highly extensible simulation framework to keep up with the ongoing innovation of the DSM architecture, and (b) the verification applicability resulting in an efficient framework for memory analysis experiments on DSM architecture