1,103 research outputs found

    Delivering light-weight online geographic information analysis using ArcIMS

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    As of July 9, 2002, more than 300 websites, which provide automated mapping and facilities management over the internet, are registered in the ESRI Internet Map Server (IMS) user registry [1]. But it won’t be an exaggeration to assume that this is only a tiny fraction of the actual number of IMS sold and used over the world. In fact, realising the potential scope and issues of this new form of geographic information delivery, the International Cartographic Association has formed a Commission dedicated to Maps and the Internet [2]. The IMS software has also kept pace with the growing demand and progress in technology. IMS has evolved from the simple HTML image maps to sophisticated servelet-driven mapping services. During this period, a very significant event happened with the arrival of ArcIMS. With the ArcIMS the use of IMS changed from merely an interactive visualisation and query of the spatial databases to a platform for sharing remote spatial databases. In other words, the ArcIMS made the scale of operation of IMS global. While the accessibility and usability of the IMS have certainly increased in the past 5- 6 years, the functionalities provided by IMS however remained fairly static. A widely felt but unreported criticism of IMS has been that the lack of a broader range of spatial analysis functions (except the usual buffering) in the off-the-shelf IMS installation. Therefore a couple of eyebrows always tend to rise if the word “Internet GIS” is used for IMS. Oddly enough, the ArcIMS 3.x and the older versions carry this limitation as well. Essentially, IMS suffer from the limitation for not being able to allow simultaneous update and dynamic manipulation of the thematic content of the online maps. For example, in the case of ArcIMS while there are provisions for complex scale-dependent rendering, it is not easily possible to manipulate (for example add layers or delete layers) the crucial axl file of a mapping service on the fly. The recent launch of ArcIMS 4 promises to bridge this gap by allowing an enhanced integration with the ArcGIS. The aim of this article is to propose a generic framework, which makes the link between an IMS and a standard GIS, to provide geographic analysis in online maps. We will take the example of such a framework developed for ArcIMS


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    Geographical Information System (GIS) are methods to visualize, manipulate, analyze, and display spatial data. GIS application software such as Arc View or Maplnfo allows the integration of such GIS maps with programming language software such as Visual Basic. As we all know, internet has been a major information distribution channel. If we could integrate both GIS map and serves it in a web browser medium, we could provide GIS applications online, the users could manipulate and handle each map with their own choice. In order to create the Internet map that allows GIS map, Arc IMS will be use. ArcIMS runs in a distributed environment and consists of both client and server components. The ArcIMS HTML Viewer and ArcIMS Java Viewers are client-side components. The ArcIMS Spatial Server, ArcIMS Application Server, ArcIMS Application Server Connectors, and ArcIMS Manager are server-side components. As a conclusion, Internet mapping benefits the user by clearly indication GIS data to them

    EcoGIS – GIS tools for ecosystem approaches to fisheries management

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    Executive Summary: The EcoGIS project was launched in September 2004 to investigate how Geographic Information Systems (GIS), marine data, and custom analysis tools can better enable fisheries scientists and managers to adopt Ecosystem Approaches to Fisheries Management (EAFM). EcoGIS is a collaborative effort between NOAA’s National Ocean Service (NOS) and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), and four regional Fishery Management Councils. The project has focused on four priority areas: Fishing Catch and Effort Analysis, Area Characterization, Bycatch Analysis, and Habitat Interactions. Of these four functional areas, the project team first focused on developing a working prototype for catch and effort analysis: the Fishery Mapper Tool. This ArcGIS extension creates time-and-area summarized maps of fishing catch and effort from logbook, observer, or fishery-independent survey data sets. Source data may come from Oracle, Microsoft Access, or other file formats. Feedback from beta-testers of the Fishery Mapper was used to debug the prototype, enhance performance, and add features. This report describes the four priority functional areas, the development of the Fishery Mapper tool, and several themes that emerged through the parallel evolution of the EcoGIS project, the concept and implementation of the broader field of Ecosystem Approaches to Management (EAM), data management practices, and other EAM toolsets. In addition, a set of six succinct recommendations are proposed on page 29. One major conclusion from this work is that there is no single “super-tool” to enable Ecosystem Approaches to Management; as such, tools should be developed for specific purposes with attention given to interoperability and automation. Future work should be coordinated with other GIS development projects in order to provide “value added” and minimize duplication of efforts. In addition to custom tools, the development of cross-cutting Regional Ecosystem Spatial Databases will enable access to quality data to support the analyses required by EAM. GIS tools will be useful in developing Integrated Ecosystem Assessments (IEAs) and providing pre- and post-processing capabilities for spatially-explicit ecosystem models. Continued funding will enable the EcoGIS project to develop GIS tools that are immediately applicable to today’s needs. These tools will enable simplified and efficient data query, the ability to visualize data over time, and ways to synthesize multidimensional data from diverse sources. These capabilities will provide new information for analyzing issues from an ecosystem perspective, which will ultimately result in better understanding of fisheries and better support for decision-making. (PDF file contains 45 pages.

    Servei intranet per a la consulta d'indicadors estadístics

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    El projecte presenta la creació d'un servei intranet per a la consulta d'indicadors estadístics en un entorn HTML viewer d'ArcIMS 9.2 (ESRI). La implementació s'ha portat a terme en l'ajuntament de Sant Boi de Llobregat. Les premisses principals són: obtenir una interfície amb dos mapes sincronitzats i el desenvolupament d'eines que permetin realitzar la cartografia temàtica dels indicadors. El servei intranet dissenyat representa una eina intuïtiva i fàcil d'utilitzar que permet tenir una visió ràpida de la distribució espacial dels indicadors estadístics. L' estructura del visor, amb dos mapes sincronitzats, permet optimitzar processos de comparació d'indicadors diferents o variacions temporal

    Information System for Environmental Technologies

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    Geographical Information Systems (GIS) play an important role in environmental management solutions, and they are being used with increasing frequency in environmental studies. The use of GIS technology in environmental studies provides a better way to manage, analyze, display and share the information. In this thesis, I automated a process for constructing GIS maps of odor complaints and inspections that have been used to study odor complaints in the vicinity of three landfills in Jefferson Parish. I provided an application that integrates daily environmental observation and monitoring data into a GIS and publishes the resulting maps through the Internet. The user\u27s interaction with the web-based maps does not require any GIS expertise. A Webapplication was also implemented for managing the list of the constructed maps. The maps are deleted or updated through the manager application, a friendly interface application that does not require users to have any GIS technology knowledge

    Web - Based GIS for Tourist Guide with SMS / MMS Technology

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    Web Based GIS is a system that combines two applications which are wireless communication and web site application. The main objectives ofthe system are to ease tourist in finding certain location in Malacca and to also to help them to access to the required location in a shortest period oftime. Other objectives are to develop a system that is accessible to the user in terms of location and computer technology that are used, to develop a system that can provide accurate location and information for tourist, to help administrator in order to monitor the system and to develop a user-friendly interface or system by applying HCI elements. Usually, people view map using paper map and this process is inefficient and will cost a lot oftime in finding the paper map. Besides, it is difficult for the tourist to find certain location in a state. It consumes a lot of times in looking the location that we want without having any idea where the location is. The scope ofthis project is only limited to Malacca. The system will focus on Bandar Malacca's map and information concerning the map. Other than that, there is a research about Web Based GIS and ArcIMS ( system requirements, the best viewers, publish data on website). Waterfall model has been chosen as the methodology in developing this system

    Proyecto Atlas : servidor de datos geoespaciales, descarga de información cartográfica

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    La present memòria descriu el projecte final: Atlas, servidor de dades geoespaciales, descàrrega d'informació cartogràfica, en l'es desenvolupa la metodologia necessària i s'expliquen els passos per a la creació d'un geoportal, un objectiu especifico del projecte és inserir i assolir el funcionament de l'eina que permet realitzar les descàrregues de la informació cartogràfica, que un usuari final desitgi obtenir des d'un ordinador personal, entre les solucions tecnologies emprades per a assolir la descàrrega de cartografia digital es pot esmentar les solucions del Grup Esri: ArcIMS i Data Delivery Extension (DDE) i per a visualitzar la informació cartogràfica es va utilitzar Openlayers.La presente memoria describe el proyecto final: Atlas, servidor de datos geoespaciales, descarga de información cartográfica, en el se desarrolla la metodología necesaria y se explican los pasos para la creación de un geoportal, un objetivo especifico del proyecto es insertar y lograr el funcionamiento de la herramienta que permite realizar las descargas de la información cartográfica, que un usuario final desee obtener desde un ordenador personal, entre las soluciones tecnologías empleadas para lograr la descarga de cartografía digital se puede mencionar las soluciones del Grupo Esri: ArcIMS y Data Delivery Extension (DDE) y para visualizar la información cartográfica se utilizó Openlayers

    COTS GIS Integration and its Soap-Based Web Services

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    In the modern geographic information systems, COTS software has been playing a major role. However, deploying heterogeneous GIS software has the tendency to form fragmented data sets and to cause inconsistency. To accomplish data consolidation, we must achieve interoperability between different GIS tools. In my thesis project, I developed Vector and Raster Data Adapters to implement the spatial data consolidation. I deployed ArcIMS to publish the spatial data and metadata onto Internet. Furthermore, the SOAP-Based GIS Web services are implemented to achieve the enterprise information system integration. The contribution of ours in this project is we have streamlined the COTS GIS server, the J2EE coordinator server, the web service provider components, and the COTS web publishing tools into a hybrid web service architecture, in which the enterprise information system integration, the web publishing, and the business-to business online services are uniformed