7 research outputs found

    Implicit Language Model in LSTM for OCR

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    Neural networks have become the technique of choice for OCR, but many aspects of how and why they deliver superior performance are still unknown. One key difference between current neural network techniques using LSTMs and the previous state-of-the-art HMM systems is that HMM systems have a strong independence assumption. In comparison LSTMs have no explicit constraints on the amount of context that can be considered during decoding. In this paper we show that they learn an implicit LM and attempt to characterize the strength of the LM in terms of equivalent n-gram context. We show that this implicitly learned language model provides a 2.4\% CER improvement on our synthetic test set when compared against a test set of random characters (i.e. not naturally occurring sequences), and that the LSTM learns to use up to 5 characters of context (which is roughly 88 frames in our configuration). We believe that this is the first ever attempt at characterizing the strength of the implicit LM in LSTM based OCR systems

    Religious Individualisation

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    This volume brings together key findings of the research project ‘Religious Individualisation in Historical Perspective’ at the Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies. Combining a wide range of disciplinary approaches, methods and theories, the volume assembles over 50 contributions that explore and compare processes of religious individualisation in Asia, the Mediterranean, and Europe from antiquity to the recent past

    What oh tonight : the methodology factor and pre-1930s' Australian variety theatre (with special focus on the one act musical comedy, 1914-1920)

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    Die Personennamen und Titel der mittelmongolischen Dokumente : Eine lexikalische Untersuchung

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    The present research is an investigation into the corpus of personal names and titles that are found in sources from the Middle Mongolian period, that is the time from the 13th to the beginning of the 15th century. The entry for every name or title has been divided into three parts: occurence(s) of a given name in Middle Mongolian sources (primary sources), etymology, and occurence(s) in sources other than Middle Mongolian (secondary sources). Culturally and lingistically the corpus can be divided into six sub-groups: Mongolian, Turkic (Old, Middle and Modern), Arabo-Persian (Islamic), Indo-Iranian and Tibetan (Buddhist), as well as Chinese. Among these, the largest group is formed by Mongolian and Turkic, followed by Chinese (mostly titles), Indo-Iranian, Arabo-Persian and Tibetan. With regard to the primary and secondary occurences the research is based mainly on primary sources including text-publications and dictionaries. Every name or title is documented as completely as possible within a Central Asian framework. However, due to the divergency of the sources available as well as diachronical importance, each sub-group has been dealt with slightly differently, but consistently. The corpus of investigated names and titles gives a fairly correct picture of the multi-ethnical composition of the Mongolian world-empire. It also shows the foreign influences on Mongolian names and titles, being in this respect a mirror of the influences that are visible in other parts of the Middle Mongolian culture too. Furthermore, the investigated corpus reflects the transitory stage of the 13th to 15th century in Central Asian history, and includes thus material from the past (Indo-Iranian, Old and Middle Turkic), and material that points to the future (Arabo-Persian, Tibetan, Modern Turkic).Väitöskirjan lähdepohjana ovat keskimongolilaiset dokumentit eli kaikki mongolien suurvallan aikana 1300-1400 -luvuilla laaditut asiakirjat. Ne ovat monenlaisia ja peräisin laajalta alueelta Kiinasta Eurooppaan sisältäen aineistoa eri kirjoitusjärjestelmillä. Tärkeimmät niistä ovat Mongolien salainen historia, sino-uiguurilaiset ja hPagspa-inskriptiot sekä Ming-kauden alussa kiinalaisilla kirjoitusmerkeillä kirjoitetut dokumentit, joiden tarkoituksena oli opettaa kiinalaisille mongolin kieltä. Pieni osa koostuu matkailijoiden, mm. Marco Polon, Carpinin ja Rubrukin keskimongolin kuvauksista sekä arabialaisella kirjoituksella laadituista sanalistoista. Nekin ovat tärkeitä, koska niissä kuvataan silloista puhekieltä, joka eroaa hPagspa-kirjoituksella kirjoitetusta puhekielestä ja lähestyy puhuttua nykymongolia. Väitöskirjassani olen tutkinnut mongolien vanhaa henkilönnimijärjestelmää sananmuodostusopin ja semantiikan näkökulmasta sekä niiden suhdetta nimien kaltaisten arvonimien hierarkiaan. Sen lisäksi olen pyrkinyt analysoimaan nimet etymologisesti. Korpus koostuu noin 1500 nimestä ja arvonimestä. Materiaalissa esiintyvä nimistö voidaan jakaa kahteen ryhmään: mongolien itsensä käyttämät nimet sekä mongolien palveluksessa olleiden ulkomaalaisten nimet. Väitöskirjassani käsittelen molempia ryhmiä. Sen lisäksi korpus voidaan jakaa kielen ja kulttuurin puolesta kuuteen eri ryhmään, joita olen kutsunut nimillä mongolilainen, turkkilainen, arabo-persialainen, indo-iranilainen, tiibettiläinen ja kiinalainen ryhmä. Näiden joukossa turko-mongolilainen on suurin, seuraavaksi tulee kiinalainen ryhmä, ja sitten arabo-persialainen, tiibettiläinen, ja indo-iranilainen, joka on pienin ryhmä. Tutkittu korpus kuvastaa hyvin mongolien suurvallan valtakunnan monikansallista koostumusta, joka on nähtävissä myös muualla kielen ja kulttuurien alalla

    Kant in English: An Index

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    Kant in English: An Index / By Daniel Fidel Ferrer. ©Daniel Fidel Ferrer, 2017. Pages 1 to 2675. Includes bibliographical references. Index. 1. Ontology. 2. Metaphysics. 3. Philosophy, German. 4. Thought and thinking. 5. Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804. 6. Practice (Philosophy). 7. Philosophy and civilization. 8). Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 -- Wörterbuch. 9. Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 -- Concordances. 10. Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 -- 1889-1976 – Indexes. I. Ferrer, Daniel Fidel, 1952-. MOTTO As a famous motto calls us back to Kant, Otto Liebmann’s writes (Kant and His Epigones of 1865): “Also muss auf Kant zurückgegangen werden.” “Therefore, must return to Kant.” Table of Contents 1). Preface and Introduction. 2. Background on Kant’s Philosophy (hermeneutical historical situation). 3). Main Index (pages, 25 to 2676). Preface and Introduction Total words indexed: 58,928; for the 12 volumes that are in the MAIN INDEX are indexed: pages 1 to 7321. This monograph by Daniel Fidel Ferrer is 2676 pages in total. The following is a machine index of 12 volumes written by Immanuel Kant and translated from German into English. Everything is indexed including the text, title pages, preface, notes, editorials, glossary, indexes, biographical notes, and even some typos. No stop words or words removed from this index. There are some German words in the text, bibliographies, and in the glossaries (also included in Main Index). Titles in English of Kant’s writings for this index (pages 1 to 7321). Anthropology, History, and Education [Starts on page 1 Correspondence [Starts on page 313 Critique of Pure Reason [Starts page 971 Critique of the Power of Judgment [Starts on page 1771 Lectures on Logic [Starts on page 2247 Lectures on Metaphysics [Starts on page 2991 Notes and Fragments [Starts on page 3670 Opus Postumum [Starts on page 4374 Practical Philosophy [Starts on page 4741 Religion and Rational Theology [Starts on page 5446 Theoretical Philosophy after 1781 [Starts on page 5990 Theoretical Philosophy, 1755-1770 [Starts on page 6541 Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens or An Essay on the Constitution and the Mechanical Origin of the Entire Structure of the Universe Based on Newtonian Principles [Starts on page 7162 The whole single file which includes all of these books ends on page 7321. 12 volumes are pages 1 to 7321. These actual texts of these books by Kant are not include here because of copyright. This is only an index of these 7321 pages by Immanuel Kant. There are some German words in the text and in the glossaries, etc. Searching this Main Index. Please note the German words that start with umlauts are at the end of the index because of machine sorting of the words. Starting with the German word “ße” on page 2674 page of this book (see in Main Index). Use the FIND FUNCTION for all examples of the words or names you are searching. Examples from the Main Index mendacium, 5171, 5329, 5389 mendation, 220 mendax, 2702, 2800 mended, 360 Mendel, 416, 925, 965 Mendelian, 2212 Mendels, 345, 363, 417, 458, 560, 572, 588, 926, 928, 929 MENDELSSOHN, 925 Mendelssohn, 8, 9, 19, 98, 99, 100, 101

    Kant in English: An Index

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    Kant in English: An Index / By Daniel Fidel Ferrer. ©Daniel Fidel Ferrer, 2017. Pages 1 to 2675. Includes bibliographical references. Index. 1. Ontology. 2. Metaphysics. 3. Philosophy, German. 4. Thought and thinking. 5. Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804. 6. Practice (Philosophy). 7. Philosophy and civilization. 8). Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 -- Wörterbuch. 9. Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 -- Concordances. 10. Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 -- 1889-1976 – Indexes. I. Ferrer, Daniel Fidel, 1952-. MOTTO As a famous motto calls us back to Kant, Otto Liebmann’s writes (Kant and His Epigones of 1865): “Also muss auf Kant zurückgegangen werden.” “Therefore, must return to Kant.” Table of Contents 1). Preface and Introduction. 2. Background on Kant’s Philosophy (hermeneutical historical situation). 3). Main Index (pages, 25 to 2676). Preface and Introduction Total words indexed: 58,928; for the 12 volumes that are in the MAIN INDEX are indexed: pages 1 to 7321. This monograph by Daniel Fidel Ferrer is 2676 pages in total. The following is a machine index of 12 volumes written by Immanuel Kant and translated from German into English. Everything is indexed including the text, title pages, preface, notes, editorials, glossary, indexes, biographical notes, and even some typos. No stop words or words removed from this index. There are some German words in the text, bibliographies, and in the glossaries (also included in Main Index). Titles in English of Kant’s writings for this index (pages 1 to 7321). Anthropology, History, and Education [Starts on page 1 Correspondence [Starts on page 313 Critique of Pure Reason [Starts page 971 Critique of the Power of Judgment [Starts on page 1771 Lectures on Logic [Starts on page 2247 Lectures on Metaphysics [Starts on page 2991 Notes and Fragments [Starts on page 3670 Opus Postumum [Starts on page 4374 Practical Philosophy [Starts on page 4741 Religion and Rational Theology [Starts on page 5446 Theoretical Philosophy after 1781 [Starts on page 5990 Theoretical Philosophy, 1755-1770 [Starts on page 6541 Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens or An Essay on the Constitution and the Mechanical Origin of the Entire Structure of the Universe Based on Newtonian Principles [Starts on page 7162 The whole single file which includes all of these books ends on page 7321. 12 volumes are pages 1 to 7321. These actual texts of these books by Kant are not include here because of copyright. This is only an index of these 7321 pages by Immanuel Kant. There are some German words in the text and in the glossaries, etc. Searching this Main Index. Please note the German words that start with umlauts are at the end of the index because of machine sorting of the words. Starting with the German word “ße” on page 2674 page of this book (see in Main Index). Use the FIND FUNCTION for all examples of the words or names you are searching. Examples from the Main Index mendacium, 5171, 5329, 5389 mendation, 220 mendax, 2702, 2800 mended, 360 Mendel, 416, 925, 965 Mendelian, 2212 Mendels, 345, 363, 417, 458, 560, 572, 588, 926, 928, 929 MENDELSSOHN, 925 Mendelssohn, 8, 9, 19, 98, 99, 100, 101