721 research outputs found

    Automatic recognition of Arabic alphabets sign language using deep learning

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    Technological advancements are helping people with special needs overcome many communications’ obstacles. Deep learning and computer vision models are innovative leaps nowadays in facilitating unprecedented tasks in human interactions. The Arabic language is always a rich research area. In this paper, different deep learning models were applied to test the accuracy and efficiency obtained in automatic Arabic sign language recognition. In this paper, we provide a novel framework for the automatic detection of Arabic sign language, based on transfer learning applied on popular deep learning models for image processing. Specifically, by training AlexNet, VGGNet and GoogleNet/Inception models, along with testing the efficiency of shallow learning approaches based on support vector machine (SVM) and nearest neighbors algorithms as baselines. As a result, we propose a novel approach for the automatic recognition of Arabic alphabets in sign language based on VGGNet architecture which outperformed the other trained models. The proposed model is set to present promising results in recognizing Arabic sign language with an accuracy score of 97%. The suggested models are tested against a recent fully-labeled dataset of Arabic sign language images. The dataset contains 54,049 images, which is considered the first large and comprehensive real dataset of Arabic sign language to the furthest we know

    An Online Numeral Recognition System Using Improved Structural Features – A Unified Method for Handwritten Arabic and Persian Numerals

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    With the advances in machine learning techniques, handwritten recognition systems also gained importance. Though digit recognition techniques have been established for online handwritten numerals, an optimized technique that is writer independent is still an open area of research. In this paper, we propose an enhanced unified method for the recognition of handwritten Arabic and Persian numerals using improved structural features. A total of 37 structural based features are extracted and Random Forest classifier is used to classify the numerals based on the extracted features. The results of the proposed approach are compared with other classifiers including Support Vector Machine (SVM), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN). Four different well-known Arabic and Persian databases are used to validate the proposed method. The obtained average 96.15% accuracy in recognition of handwritten digits shows that the proposed method is more efficient and produces better results as compared to other techniques

    Machine learning approaches to video activity recognition: from computer vision to signal processing

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    244 p.La investigación presentada se centra en técnicas de clasificación para dos tareas diferentes, aunque relacionadas, de tal forma que la segunda puede ser considerada parte de la primera: el reconocimiento de acciones humanas en vídeos y el reconocimiento de lengua de signos.En la primera parte, la hipótesis de partida es que la transformación de las señales de un vídeo mediante el algoritmo de Patrones Espaciales Comunes (CSP por sus siglas en inglés, comúnmente utilizado en sistemas de Electroencefalografía) puede dar lugar a nuevas características que serán útiles para la posterior clasificación de los vídeos mediante clasificadores supervisados. Se han realizado diferentes experimentos en varias bases de datos, incluyendo una creada durante esta investigación desde el punto de vista de un robot humanoide, con la intención de implementar el sistema de reconocimiento desarrollado para mejorar la interacción humano-robot.En la segunda parte, las técnicas desarrolladas anteriormente se han aplicado al reconocimiento de lengua de signos, pero además de ello se propone un método basado en la descomposición de los signos para realizar el reconocimiento de los mismos, añadiendo la posibilidad de una mejor explicabilidad. El objetivo final es desarrollar un tutor de lengua de signos capaz de guiar a los usuarios en el proceso de aprendizaje, dándoles a conocer los errores que cometen y el motivo de dichos errores

    Arabic Sign Language Recognition

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    Scalable Hardware Efficient Deep Spatio-Temporal Inference Networks

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    Deep machine learning (DML) is a promising field of research that has enjoyed much success in recent years. Two of the predominant deep learning architectures studied in the literature are Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Deep Belief Networks (DBNs). Both have been successfully applied to many standard benchmarks with a primary focus on machine vision and speech processing domains. Many real-world applications involve time-varying signals and, consequently, necessitate models that efficiently represent both temporal and spatial attributes. However, neither DBNs nor CNNs are designed to naturally capture temporal dependencies in observed data, often resulting in the inadequate transformation of spatio-temporal signals into wide spatial structures. It is argued that deep machine learning without proper temporal representation mechanisms is unable to extract meaningful information from many time-varying natural signals. Another clear emerging need is in growing deep learning architectures with the size of the problem at hand, suggesting that such architectures should map well to custom hardware platforms. The latter offer much better performance than that achievable using CPUs or even GPUs. Analog computation is a unique potential solution to the scalability challenge offering the benefits of low power consumption and smaller physical size when compared to digital implementations. However, these benefits come with the consequence of inaccurate computations and noise. This work presents an enhanced formulation of DeSTIN - a Deep Spatio-Temporal Inference Network (DeSTIN) that is inherently designed to capture both spatial and temporal dependencies in the data provided. The regular structure of DeSTIN, its computational requirements, and local connectivity render it hardware-efficient and highly scalable. Implementation of DeSTIN using analog computation is studied in detail, where the architectural robustness to various distortions in its signals is demonstrated. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time custom analog hardware has been developed for deep machine learning. Key enhancements to previous formulations of DeSTIN are discussed in detail and results on standard benchmarks are presented. This work helps pave the way for advancing deep learning to address some of the long-standing challenges in machine learning

    Analysis and extension of hierarchical temporal memory for multivariable time series

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, junio de 201

    New Algorithms for Deep Learning Machines

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