10 research outputs found

    Streaming Complexity of Approximating Max 2CSP and Max Acyclic Subgraph

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    We study the complexity of estimating the optimum value of a Boolean 2CSP (arity two constraint satisfaction problem) in the single-pass streaming setting, where the algorithm is presented the constraints in an arbitrary order. We give a streaming algorithm to estimate the optimum within a factor approaching 2/5 using logarithmic space, with high probability. This beats the trivial factor 1/4 estimate obtained by simply outputting 1/4-th of the total number of constraints. The inspiration for our work is a lower bound of Kapralov, Khanna, and Sudan (SODA\u2715) who showed that a similar trivial estimate (of factor 1/2) is the best one can do for Max CUT. This lower bound implies that beating a factor 1/2 for Max DICUT (a special case of Max 2CSP), in particular, to distinguish between the case when the optimum is m/2 versus when it is at most (1/4+eps)m, where m is the total number of edges, requires polynomial space. We complement this hardness result by showing that for DICUT, one can distinguish between the case in which the optimum exceeds (1/2+eps)m and the case in which it is close to m/4. We also prove that estimating the size of the maximum acyclic subgraph of a directed graph, when its edges are presented in a single-pass stream, within a factor better than 7/8 requires polynomial space

    Adapting Local Sequential Algorithms to the Distributed Setting

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    It is a well known fact that sequential algorithms which exhibit a strong "local" nature can be adapted to the distributed setting given a legal graph coloring. The running time of the distributed algorithm will then be at least the number of colors. Surprisingly, this well known idea was never formally stated as a unified framework. In this paper we aim to define a robust family of local sequential algorithms which can be easily adapted to the distributed setting. We then develop new tools to further enhance these algorithms, achieving state of the art results for fundamental problems. We define a simple class of greedy-like algorithms which we call orderless-local algorithms. We show that given a legal c-coloring of the graph, every algorithm in this family can be converted into a distributed algorithm running in O(c) communication rounds in the CONGEST model. We show that this family is indeed robust as both the method of conditional expectations and the unconstrained submodular maximization algorithm of Buchbinder et al. [Niv Buchbinder et al., 2015] can be expressed as orderless-local algorithms for local utility functions - Utility functions which have a strong local nature to them. We use the above algorithms as a base for new distributed approximation algorithms for the weighted variants of some fundamental problems: Max k-Cut, Max-DiCut, Max 2-SAT and correlation clustering. We develop algorithms which have the same approximation guarantees as their sequential counterparts, up to a constant additive epsilon factor, while achieving an O(log^* n) running time for deterministic algorithms and O(epsilon^{-1}) running time for randomized ones. This improves exponentially upon the currently best known algorithms

    Computing better approximate pure Nash equilibria in cut games via semidefinite programming

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    Cut games are among the most fundamental strategic games in algorithmic game theory. It is well-known that computing an exact pure Nash equilibrium in these games is PLS-hard, so research has focused on computing approximate equilibria. We present a polynomial-time algorithm that computes 2.73712.7371-approximate pure Nash equilibria in cut games. This is the first improvement to the previously best-known bound of 33, due to the work of Bhalgat, Chakraborty, and Khanna from EC 2010. Our algorithm is based on a general recipe proposed by Caragiannis, Fanelli, Gravin, and Skopalik from FOCS 2011 and applied on several potential games since then. The first novelty of our work is the introduction of a phase that can identify subsets of players who can simultaneously improve their utilities considerably. This is done via semidefinite programming and randomized rounding. In particular, a negative objective value to the semidefinite program guarantees that no such considerable improvement is possible for a given set of players. Otherwise, randomized rounding of the SDP solution is used to identify a set of players who can simultaneously improve their strategies considerably and allows the algorithm to make progress. The way rounding is performed is another important novelty of our work. Here, we exploit an idea that dates back to a paper by Feige and Goemans from 1995, but we take it to an extreme that has not been analyzed before

    Comparing Apples and Oranges: Query Tradeoff in Submodular Maximization

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    Fast algorithms for submodular maximization problems have a vast potential use in applicative settings, such as machine learning, social networks, and economics. Though fast algorithms were known for some special cases, only recently Badanidiyuru and Vondr\'{a}k (2014) were the first to explicitly look for such algorithms in the general case of maximizing a monotone submodular function subject to a matroid independence constraint. The algorithm of Badanidiyuru and Vondr\'{a}k matches the best possible approximation guarantee, while trying to reduce the number of value oracle queries the algorithm performs. Our main result is a new algorithm for this general case which establishes a surprising tradeoff between two seemingly unrelated quantities: the number of value oracle queries and the number of matroid independence queries performed by the algorithm. Specifically, one can decrease the former by increasing the latter and vice versa, while maintaining the best possible approximation guarantee. Such a tradeoff is very useful since various applications might incur significantly different costs in querying the value and matroid independence oracles. Furthermore, in case the rank of the matroid is O(nc)O(n^c), where nn is the size of the ground set and cc is an absolute constant smaller than 11, the total number of oracle queries our algorithm uses can be made to have a smaller magnitude compared to that needed by Badanidiyuru and Vondr\'{a}k. We also provide even faster algorithms for the well studied special cases of a cardinality constraint and a partition matroid independence constraint, both of which capture many real-world applications and have been widely studied both theorically and in practice.Comment: 29 pages, accepted to SODA 201

    Constrained Submodular Maximization via New Bounds for DR-Submodular Functions

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    Submodular maximization under various constraints is a fundamental problem studied continuously, in both computer science and operations research, since the late 19701970's. A central technique in this field is to approximately optimize the multilinear extension of the submodular objective, and then round the solution. The use of this technique requires a solver able to approximately maximize multilinear extensions. Following a long line of work, Buchbinder and Feldman (2019) described such a solver guaranteeing 0.3850.385-approximation for down-closed constraints, while Oveis Gharan and Vondr\'ak (2011) showed that no solver can guarantee better than 0.4780.478-approximation. In this paper, we present a solver guaranteeing 0.4010.401-approximation, which significantly reduces the gap between the best known solver and the inapproximability result. The design and analysis of our solver are based on a novel bound that we prove for DR-submodular functions. This bound improves over a previous bound due to Feldman et al. (2011) that is used by essentially all state-of-the-art results for constrained maximization of general submodular/DR-submodular functions. Hence, we believe that our new bound is likely to find many additional applications in related problems, and to be a key component for further improvement.Comment: 48 page