1,195 research outputs found

    Statistics of cross sections of Voronoi tessellations

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    In this paper we investigate relationships between the volumes of cells of three-dimensional Voronoi tessellations and the lengths and areas of sections obtained by intersecting the tessellation with a randomly oriented plane. Here, in order to obtain analytical results, Voronoi cells are approximated to spheres. First, the probability density function for the lengths of the radii of the sections is derived and it is shown that it is related to the Meijer GG-function; its properties are discussed and comparisons are made with the numerical results. Next the probability density function for the areas of cross sections is computed and compared with the results of numerical simulations.Comment: 10 pages and 6 figure

    VAGO method for the solution of elliptic second-order boundary value problems

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    Mathematical physics problems are often formulated using differential oprators of vector analysis - invariant operators of first order, namely, divergence, gradient and rotor operators. In approximate solution of such problems it is natural to employ similar operator formulations for grid problems, too. The VAGO (Vector Analysis Grid Operators) method is based on such a methodology. In this paper the vector analysis difference operators are constructed using the Delaunay triangulation and the Voronoi diagrams. Further the VAGO method is used to solve approximately boundary value problems for the general elliptic equation of second order. In the convection-diffusion-reaction equation the diffusion coefficient is a symmetric tensor of second order

    The oscillating behavior of the pair correlation function in galaxies

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    The pair correlation function (PCF) for galaxies presents typical oscillations in the range 20-200 Mpc/h which are named baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO). We first review and test the oscillations of the PCF when the 2D/3D vertexes of the Poissonian Voronoi Tessellation (PVT) are considered. We then model the behavior of the PCF at a small scale in the presence of an auto gravitating medium having a line/plane of symmetry in 2D/3D. The analysis of the PCF in an astrophysical context was split into two, adopting a non-Poissonian Voronoi Tessellation (NPVT). We first analyzed the case of a 2D cut which covers few voids and a 2D cut which covers approximately 50 voids. The obtained PCF in the case of many voids was then discussed in comparison to the bootstrap predictions for a PVT process and the observed PCF for an astronomical catalog. An approximated formula which connects the averaged radius of the cosmic voids to the first minimum of the PCF is given.Comment: 19 pages 14 figure

    An Analytical Representation of the 2d Generalized Balanced Power Diagram

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    Tessellations are an important tool to model the microstructure of cellular and polycrystalline materials. Classical tessellation models include the Voronoi diagram and Laguerre tessellation whose cells are polyhedra. Due to the convexity of their cells, those models may be too restrictive to describe data that includes possibly anisotropic grains with curved boundaries. Several generalizations exist. The cells of the generalized balanced power diagram are induced by elliptic distances leading to more diverse structures. So far, methods for computing the generalized balanced power diagram are restricted to discretized versions in the form of label images. In this work, we derive an analytic representation of the vertices and edges of the generalized balanced power diagram in 2d. Based on that, we propose a novel algorithm to compute the whole diagram

    Local Anisotropy of Fluids using Minkowski Tensors

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    Statistics of the free volume available to individual particles have previously been studied for simple and complex fluids, granular matter, amorphous solids, and structural glasses. Minkowski tensors provide a set of shape measures that are based on strong mathematical theorems and easily computed for polygonal and polyhedral bodies such as free volume cells (Voronoi cells). They characterize the local structure beyond the two-point correlation function and are suitable to define indices 0≤βνa,b≤10\leq \beta_\nu^{a,b}\leq 1 of local anisotropy. Here, we analyze the statistics of Minkowski tensors for configurations of simple liquid models, including the ideal gas (Poisson point process), the hard disks and hard spheres ensemble, and the Lennard-Jones fluid. We show that Minkowski tensors provide a robust characterization of local anisotropy, which ranges from βνa,b≈0.3\beta_\nu^{a,b}\approx 0.3 for vapor phases to βνa,b→1\beta_\nu^{a,b}\to 1 for ordered solids. We find that for fluids, local anisotropy decreases monotonously with increasing free volume and randomness of particle positions. Furthermore, the local anisotropy indices βνa,b\beta_\nu^{a,b} are sensitive to structural transitions in these simple fluids, as has been previously shown in granular systems for the transition from loose to jammed bead packs
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