242 research outputs found

    Heavy traffic analysis of polling models by mean value analysis

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    Polling models with multi-phase gated service

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    In this paper we introduce and analyze a new class of service policies called multi-phase gated service. This policy is a generalization of the classical single-phase and two-phase gated policies and works as follows. Each customer that arrives at queue i will have to wait K_i cycles before it receives service. The aim of this policy is to provide an interleaving scheme to avoid monopolization of the system by heavily loaded queues, by choosing the proper values of interleaving levels Ki. In this paper, we analyze the effectiveness of the interleaving scheme on the queueing behavior of the system, and consider the problem of identifying the proper combination of interleaving levels (K_1,...,K_N) that minimizes a weighted sum of the mean waiting times at each of the N queues. Obviously, the proper choice of the interleaving levels is most critical when the system is heavily loaded. For this reason, we to obtain closed-form expressions for the asymptotic waiting-time distributions in heavy trafficc, and use these expressions to derive simple heuristics for approximating the optimal interleaving scheme. Numerical results with simulations demonstrate that the accuracy of these approximations is extremely high

    Performance analysis at the crossroad of queueing theory and road traffic

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    Performance analysis at the crossroad of queueing theory and road traffic

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    Controlling the order pool in make-to-order production systems

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    Voor ‘Make-To-Order’ (MTO, oftewel klantordergestuurde) productiesystemen is de tijd die orders moeten wachten op beschikbare productiecapaciteit cruciaal. Het beheersen van die wachttijd is van groot belang om zowel korte als betrouwbare doorlooptijden te realiseren. Daarom analyseerde en ontwierp Remco Germs regels voor orderacceptatie en ordervrijgave, om daarmee de wachttijden te beheersen. Orderacceptatie en -vrijgave zijn de twee belangrijkste mechanismen om de lengte van wachttijden te beïnvloeden en zodoende de productie te sturen. De logistieke prestatie hangt in grote mate af van specifieke kenmerken van MTO-systemen, zoals routing variabiliteit, beperkte productiecapaciteit, omsteltijden, strikte leveringsvoorwaarden en onzekerheid in het aankomstpatroon van orders. Om een beter begrip te krijgen van de afwegingen die MTO-bedrijven in dit opzicht moeten maken richt het proefschrift zich op de modellering van de belangrijkste kenmerken van MTO-systemen. De inzichten die dat oplevert worden vervolgens gebruikt om orderacceptatie- en ordervrijgaveregels te ontwikkelen die eenvoudig te begrijpen en daarom makkelijk in praktijksituaties te implementeren zijn. Deze relatief eenvoudige beslissingsregels kunnen al leiden tot significante verbeteringen in de logistieke prestaties van MTO-bedrijven. The thesis of Remco Germs analyses and develops order acceptance and order release policies to control queues in make-to-order (MTO) production systems. Controlling the time orders spend waiting in queues is crucial for realizing short and reliable delivery times, two performance measures which are of strategic importance for many MTO com-panies. Order acceptance and order release are the two most important production con-trol mechanisms to influence the length of these queues. Their performance depends on typical characteristics of MTO systems, such as random (batch) order arrival, routing variability, fixed capacities, setup times and (strict) due-dates. To better understand the underlying mechanisms of good order acceptance and order release policies the models in this thesis focus on the main characteristics of MTO systems. The insights obtained from these models are then used to develop order acceptance and order release policies that are easy to understand and thereby easy to implement in practice. The results show that these relatively simple policies may already lead to significant performance improvements for MTO companies.

    Healthcare queueing models.

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    Healthcare systems differ intrinsically from manufacturing systems. As such, they require a distinct modeling approach. In this article, we show how to construct a queueing model of a general class of healthcare systems. We develop new expressions to assess the impact of service outages and use the resulting model to approximate patient flow times and to evaluate a number of practical applications. We illustrate the devastating impact of service interruptions on patient flow times and show the potential gains obtained by pooling hospital resources. In addition, we present an optimization model to determine the optimal number of patients to be treated during a service session.Operations research; Health care evaluation mechanisms; Organizational efficiency; Management decision support systems; Time management; Queueing theory;

    Controlling the order pool in make-to-order production systems

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