268 research outputs found

    On minimum tt-claw deletion in split graphs

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    For t3t\geq 3, K1,tK_{1, t} is called tt-claw. In minimum tt-claw deletion problem (\texttt{Min-tt-Claw-Del}), given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V, E), it is required to find a vertex set SS of minimum size such that G[VS]G[V\setminus S] is tt-claw free. In a split graph, the vertex set is partitioned into two sets such that one forms a clique and the other forms an independent set. Every tt-claw in a split graph has a center vertex in the clique partition. This observation motivates us to consider the minimum one-sided bipartite tt-claw deletion problem (\texttt{Min-tt-OSBCD}). Given a bipartite graph G=(AB,E)G=(A \cup B, E), in \texttt{Min-tt-OSBCD} it is asked to find a vertex set SS of minimum size such that G[VS]G[V \setminus S] has no tt-claw with the center vertex in AA. A primal-dual algorithm approximates \texttt{Min-tt-OSBCD} within a factor of tt. We prove that it is \UGC-hard to approximate with a factor better than tt. We also prove it is approximable within a factor of 2 for dense bipartite graphs. By using these results on \texttt{Min-tt-OSBCD}, we prove that \texttt{Min-tt-Claw-Del} is \UGC-hard to approximate within a factor better than tt, for split graphs. We also consider their complementary maximization problems and prove that they are \APX-complete.Comment: 11 pages and 1 figur

    Faster FPT Algorithms for Deletion to Pairs of Graph Classes

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    Parameterized Graph Modification Beyond the Natural Parameter

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    Parameterized Graph Modification Beyond the Natural Parameter

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    Parameterized Complexity of Deletion to Scattered Graph Classes

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    Graph-modification problems, where we add/delete a small number of vertices/edges to make the given graph to belong to a simpler graph class, is a well-studied optimization problem in all algorithmic paradigms including classical, approximation and parameterized complexity. Specifically, graph-deletion problems, where one needs to delete at most k vertices to place it in a given non-trivial hereditary (closed under induced subgraphs) graph class, captures several well-studied problems including Vertex Cover, Feedback Vertex Set, Odd Cycle Transveral, Cluster Vertex Deletion, and Perfect Deletion. Investigation into these problems in parameterized complexity has given rise to powerful tools and techniques. While a precise characterization of the graph classes for which the problem is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) is elusive, it has long been known that if the graph class is characterized by a finite set of forbidden graphs, then the problem is FPT. In this paper, we initiate a study of a natural variation of the problem of deletion to scattered graph classes where we need to delete at most k vertices so that in the resulting graph, each connected component belongs to one of a constant number of graph classes. A simple hitting set based approach is no longer feasible even if each of the graph classes is characterized by finite forbidden sets. As our main result, we show that this problem (in the case where each graph class has a finite forbidden set) is fixed-parameter tractable by a O^*(2^(k^O(1))) algorithm, using a combination of the well-known techniques in parameterized complexity - iterative compression and important separators. Our approach follows closely that of a related problem in the context of satisfiability [Ganian, Ramanujan, Szeider, TAlg 2017], where one wants to find a small backdoor set so that the resulting CSP (constraint satisfaction problem) instance belongs to one of several easy instances of satisfiability. While we follow the main idea from this work, there are some challenges for our problem which we needed to overcome. When there are two graph classes with finite forbidden sets to get to, and if one of the forbidden sets has a path, then we show that the problem has a (better) singly exponential algorithm and a polynomial sized kernel. We also design an efficient FPT algorithm for a special case when one of the graph classes has an infinite forbidden set. Specifically, we give a O^*(4^k) algorithm to determine whether k vertices can be deleted from a given graph so that in the resulting graph, each connected component is a tree (the sparsest connected graph) or a clique (the densest connected graph)

    Enumerating Maximal Induced Subgraphs

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    Given a graph G, the maximal induced subgraphs problem asks to enumerate all maximal induced subgraphs of G that belong to a certain hereditary graph class. While its optimization version, known as the minimum vertex deletion problem in literature, has been intensively studied, enumeration algorithms were only known for a few simple graph classes, e.g., independent sets, cliques, and forests, until very recently [Conte and Uno, STOC 2019]. There is also a connected variation of this problem, where one is concerned with only those induced subgraphs that are connected. We introduce two new approaches, which enable us to develop algorithms that solve both variations for a number of important graph classes. A general technique that has been proven very powerful in enumeration algorithms is to build a solution map, i.e., a multiple digraph on all the solutions of the problem, and the key of this approach is to make the solution map strongly connected, so that a simple traversal of the solution map solves the problem. First, we introduce retaliation-free paths to certify strong connectedness of the solution map we build. Second, generalizing the idea of Cohen, Kimelfeld, and Sagiv [JCSS 2008], we introduce an apparently very restricted version of the maximal (connected) induced subgraphs problem, and show that it is equivalent to the original problem in terms of solvability in incremental polynomial time. Moreover, we give reductions between the two variations, so that it suffices to solve one of the variations for each class we study. Our work also leads to direct and simpler proofs of several important known results

    Vertex Deletion into Bipartite Permutation Graphs

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    A permutation graph can be defined as an intersection graph of segments whose endpoints lie on two parallel lines ?? and ??, one on each. A bipartite permutation graph is a permutation graph which is bipartite. In this paper we study the parameterized complexity of the bipartite permutation vertex deletion problem, which asks, for a given n-vertex graph, whether we can remove at most k vertices to obtain a bipartite permutation graph. This problem is NP-complete by the classical result of Lewis and Yannakakis [John M. Lewis and Mihalis Yannakakis, 1980]. We analyze the structure of the so-called almost bipartite permutation graphs which may contain holes (large induced cycles) in contrast to bipartite permutation graphs. We exploit the structural properties of the shortest hole in a such graph. We use it to obtain an algorithm for the bipartite permutation vertex deletion problem with running time f(k)n^O(1), and also give a polynomial-time 9-approximation algorithm