372 research outputs found

    Algorithms for Geometric Covering and Piercing Problems

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    This thesis involves the study of a range of geometric covering and piercing problems, where the unifying thread is approximation using disks. While some of the problems addressed in this work are solved exactly with polynomial time algorithms, many problems are shown to be at least NP-hard. For the latter, approximation algorithms are the best that we can do in polynomial time assuming that P is not equal to NP. One of the best known problems involving unit disks is the Discrete Unit Disk Cover (DUDC) problem, in which the input consists of a set of points P and a set of unit disks in the plane D, and the objective is to compute a subset of the disks of minimum cardinality which covers all of the points. Another perspective on the problem is to consider the centre points (denoted Q) of the disks D as an approximating set of points for P. An optimal solution to DUDC provides a minimal cardinality subset Q*, a subset of Q, so that each point in P is within unit distance of a point in Q*. In order to approximate the general DUDC problem, we also examine several restricted variants. In the Line-Separable Discrete Unit Disk Cover (LSDUDC) problem, P and Q are separated by a line in the plane. We write that l^- is the half-plane defined by l containing P, and l^+ is the half-plane containing Q. LSDUDC may be solved exactly in O(m^2n) time using a greedy algorithm. We augment this result by describing a 2-approximate solution for the Assisted LSDUDC problem, where the union of all disks centred in l^+ covers all points in P, but we consider using disks centred in l^- as well to try to improve the solution. Next, we describe the Within-Strip Discrete Unit Disk Cover (WSDUDC) problem, where P and Q are confined to a strip of the plane of height h. We show that this problem is NP-complete, and we provide a range of approximation algorithms for the problem with trade-offs between the approximation factor and running time. We outline approximation algorithms for the general DUDC problem which make use of the algorithms for LSDUDC and WSDUDC. These results provide the fastest known approximation algorithms for DUDC. As with the WSDUDC results, we present a set of algorithms in which better approximation factors may be had at the expense of greater running time, ranging from a 15-approximate algorithm which runs in O(mn + m log m + n log n) time to a 18-approximate algorithm which runs in O(m^6n+n log n) time. The next problems that we study are Hausdorff Core problems. These problems accept an input polygon P, and we seek a convex polygon Q which is fully contained in P and minimizes the Hausdorff distance between P and Q. Interestingly, we show that this problem may be reduced to that of computing the minimum radius of disk, call it k_opt, so that a convex polygon Q contained in P intersects all disks of radius k_opt centred on the vertices of P. We begin by describing a polynomial time algorithm for the simple case where P has only a single reflex vertex. On general polygons, we provide a parameterized algorithm which performs a parametric search on the possible values of k_opt. The solution to the decision version of the problem, i.e. determining whether there exists a Hausdorff Core for P given k_opt, requires some novel insights. We also describe an FPTAS for the decision version of the Hausdorff Core problem. Finally, we study Generalized Minimum Spanning Tree (GMST) problems, where the input consists of imprecise vertices, and the objective is to select a single point from each imprecise vertex in order to optimize the weight of the MST over the points. In keeping with one of the themes of the thesis, we begin by using disks as the imprecise vertices. We show that the minimization and maximization versions of this problem are NP-hard, and we describe some parameterized and approximation algorithms. Finally, we look at the case where the imprecise vertices consist of just two vertices each, and we show that the minimization version of the problem (which we call 2-GMST) remains NP-hard, even in the plane. We also provide an algorithm to solve the 2-GMST problem exactly if the combinatorial structure of the optimal solution is known. We identify a number of open problems in this thesis that are worthy of further study. Among them: Is the Assisted LSDUDC problem NP-complete? Can the WSDUDC results be used to obtain an improved PTAS for DUDC? Are there classes of polygons for which the determination of the Hausdorff Core is easy? Is there a PTAS for the maximum weight GMST problem on (unit) disks? Is there a combinatorial approximation algorithm for the 2-GMST problem (particularly with an approximation factor under 4)

    Packing and Covering with Non-Piercing Regions

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    In this paper, we design the first polynomial time approximation schemes for the Set Cover and Dominating Set problems when the underlying sets are non-piercing regions (which include pseudodisks). We show that the local search algorithm that yields PTASs when the regions are disks [Aschner/Katz/Morgenstern/Yuditsky, WALCOM 2013; Gibson/Pirwani, 2005; Mustafa/Raman/Ray, 2015] can be extended to work for non-piercing regions. While such an extension is intuitive and natural, attempts to settle this question have failed even for pseudodisks. The techniques used for analysis when the regions are disks rely heavily on the underlying geometry, and do not extend to topologically defined settings such as pseudodisks. In order to prove our results, we introduce novel techniques that we believe will find applications in other problems. We then consider the Capacitated Region Packing problem. Here, the input consists of a set of points with capacities, and a set of regions. The objective is to pick a maximum cardinality subset of regions so that no point is covered by more regions than its capacity. We show that this problem admits a PTAS when the regions are k-admissible regions (pseudodisks are 2-admissible), and the capacities are bounded. Our result settles a conjecture of Har-Peled (see Conclusion of [Har-Peled, SoCG 2014]) in the affirmative. The conjecture was for a weaker version of the problem, namely when the regions are pseudodisks, the capacities are uniform, and the point set consists of all points in the plane. Finally, we consider the Capacitated Point Packing problem. In this setting, the regions have capacities, and our objective is to find a maximum cardinality subset of points such that no region has more points than its capacity. We show that this problem admits a PTAS when the capacity is unity, extending one of the results of Ene et al. [Ene/Har-Peled/Raichel, SoCG 2012]

    Topological Stability of Kinetic kk-Centers

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    We study the kk-center problem in a kinetic setting: given a set of continuously moving points PP in the plane, determine a set of kk (moving) disks that cover PP at every time step, such that the disks are as small as possible at any point in time. Whereas the optimal solution over time may exhibit discontinuous changes, many practical applications require the solution to be stable: the disks must move smoothly over time. Existing results on this problem require the disks to move with a bounded speed, but this model is very hard to work with. Hence, the results are limited and offer little theoretical insight. Instead, we study the topological stability of kk-centers. Topological stability was recently introduced and simply requires the solution to change continuously, but may do so arbitrarily fast. We prove upper and lower bounds on the ratio between the radii of an optimal but unstable solution and the radii of a topologically stable solution---the topological stability ratio---considering various metrics and various optimization criteria. For k=2k = 2 we provide tight bounds, and for small k>2k > 2 we can obtain nontrivial lower and upper bounds. Finally, we provide an algorithm to compute the topological stability ratio in polynomial time for constant kk
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