478 research outputs found

    From model-driven to data-driven : a review of hysteresis modeling in structural and mechanical systems

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    Hysteresis is a natural phenomenon that widely exists in structural and mechanical systems. The characteristics of structural hysteretic behaviors are complicated. Therefore, numerous methods have been developed to describe hysteresis. In this paper, a review of the available hysteretic modeling methods is carried out. Such methods are divided into: a) model-driven and b) datadriven methods. The model-driven method uses parameter identification to determine parameters. Three types of parametric models are introduced including polynomial models, differential based models, and operator based models. Four algorithms as least mean square error algorithm, Kalman filter algorithm, metaheuristic algorithms, and Bayesian estimation are presented to realize parameter identification. The data-driven method utilizes universal mathematical models to describe hysteretic behavior. Regression model, artificial neural network, least square support vector machine, and deep learning are introduced in turn as the classical data-driven methods. Model-data driven hybrid methods are also discussed to make up for the shortcomings of the two methods. Based on a multi-dimensional evaluation, the existing problems and open challenges of different hysteresis modeling methods are discussed. Some possible research directions about hysteresis description are given in the final section

    Adaptiver Suchansatz zur multidisziplinären Optimierung von Leichtbaustrukturen unter Verwendung hybrider Metaheuristik

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    Within the last few years environmental regulations, safety requirements and market competitions forced the automotive industry to open up a wide range of new technologies. Lightweight design is considered as one of the most innovative concepts to fulfil environmental, safety and many other objectives at competitive prices. Choosing the best design and production process in the development period is the most significant link in the automobile production chain. A wide range of design and process parameters needs to be evaluated to achieve numerous goals of production. These goals often stand in conflict with each other. In addition to the variation of the concepts and following the objectives, some limitations such as manufacturing restrictions, financial limits, and deadlines influence the choice of the best combination of variables. This study introduces a structural optimization tool for assemblies made of sheet metal, e.g. the automobile body, based on parametrization and evaluation of concepts in CAD and CAE. This methodology focuses on those concepts, which leads to the use of the right amount of light and strong material in the right place, instead of substituting the whole structure with the new material. An adaptive hybrid metaheuristic algorithm is designed to eliminate all factors that would lead to a local minimum instead of global optimum. Finding the global optimum is granted by using some explorative and exploitative search heuristics, which are intelligently organized by a central controller. Reliability, accuracy and the speed of the proposed algorithm are validated via a comparative study with similar algorithms for an academic optimization problem, which shows valuable results. Since structures might be subject to a wide range of load cases, e.g. static, cyclic, dynamic, temperature-dependent etc., these requirements need to be addressed by a multidisciplinary optimization algorithm. To handle the nonlinear response of objectives and to tackle the time-consuming FEM analyses in crash situations, a surrogate model is implemented in the optimization tool. The ability of such tool to present the optimum results in multi-objective problems is improved by using some user-selected fitness functions. Finally, an exemplary sub-assembly made of sheet metal parts from a car body is optimized to enhance both, static load case and crashworthiness.Die Automobilindustrie hat in den letzten Jahren unter dem Druck von Umweltvorschriften, Sicherheitsanforderungen und wettbewerbsfähigem Markt neue Wege auf dem Gebiet der Technologien eröffnet. Leichtbau gilt als eine der innovativsten und offenkundigsten Lösungen, um Umwelt- und Sicherheitsziele zu wettbewerbsfähigen Preisen zu erreichen. Die Wahl des besten Designs und Verfahrens für Produktionen in der Entwicklungsphase ist der wichtigste Ring der Automobilproduktionskette. Um unzählige Produktionsziele zu erreichen, müssen zahlreiche Design- und Prozessparameter bewertet werden. Die Anzahl und Variation der Lösungen und Ziele sowie einige Einschränkungen wie Fertigungsbeschränkungen, finanzielle Grenzen und Fristen beeinflussen die Auswahl einer guten Kombination von Variablen. In dieser Studie werden strukturelle Optimierungswerkzeuge für aus Blech gefertigte Baugruppen, z. Karosserie, basierend auf Parametrisierung und Bewertung von Lösungen in CAD bzw. CAE. Diese Methodik konzentriert sich auf die Lösungen, die dazu führen, dass die richtige Menge an leichtem / festem Material an der richtigen Stelle der Struktur verwendet wird, anstatt vollständig ersetzt zu werden. Eine adaptive Hybrid-Metaheuristik soll verhindern, dass alle Faktoren, die Bedrohungsoptimierungstools in einem lokalen Minimum konvergieren, anstelle eines globalen Optimums. Das Auffinden des globalen Optimums wird durch einige explorative und ausbeuterische Such Heuristiken gewährleistet. Die Zuverlässigkeit, Genauigkeit und Geschwindigkeit des vorgeschlagenen Algorithmus wird mit ähnlichen Algorithmen in akademischen Optimierungsproblemen validiert und führt zu respektablen Ergebnissen. Da Strukturen möglicherweise einem weiten Bereich von Lastfällen unterliegen, z. statische, zyklische, dynamische, Temperatur usw. Möglichkeit der multidisziplinären Optimierung wurde in Optimierungswerkzeugen bereitgestellt. Um die nichtlineare Reaktion von Zielen zu überwinden und um den hohen Zeitverbrauch von FEM-Analysen in Absturzereignissen zu bewältigen, könnte ein Ersatzmodell vom Benutzer verwendet werden. Die Fähigkeit von Optimierungswerkzeugen, optimale Ergebnisse bei Problemen mit mehreren Zielsetzungen zu präsentieren, wird durch die Verwendung einiger vom Benutzer ausgewählten Fitnessfunktionen verbessert. Eine Unterbaugruppe aus Blechteilen, die zur Automobilkarosserie gehören, ist optimiert, um beide zu verbessern; statischer Lastfall und Crashsicherheit

    Optimal control problems solved via swarm intelligence

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    Questa tesi descrive come risolvere problemi di controllo ottimo tramite swarm in telligence. Grande enfasi viene posta circa la formulazione del problema di controllo ottimo, in particolare riguardo a punti fondamentali come l’identificazione delle incognite, la trascrizione numerica e la scelta del risolutore per la programmazione non lineare. L’algoritmo Particle Swarm Optimization viene preso in considerazione e la maggior parte dei problemi proposti sono risolti utilizzando una formulazione differential flatness. Quando viene usato l’approccio di dinamica inversa, il problema di ottimo relativo ai parametri di trascrizione è risolto assumendo che le traiettorie da identificare siano approssimate con curve B-splines. La tecnica Inverse-dynamics Particle Swarm Optimization, che viene impiegata nella maggior parte delle applicazioni numeriche di questa tesi, è una combinazione del Particle Swarm e della formulazione differential flatness. La tesi investiga anche altre opportunità di risolvere problemi di controllo ottimo tramite swarm intelligence, per esempio usando un approccio di dinamica diretta e imponendo a priori le condizioni necessarie di ottimalitá alla legge di controllo. Per tutti i problemi proposti, i risultati sono analizzati e confrontati con altri lavori in letteratura. Questa tesi mostra quindi the algoritmi metaeuristici possono essere usati per risolvere problemi di controllo ottimo, ma soluzioni ottime o quasi-ottime possono essere ottenute al variare della formulazione del problema.This thesis deals with solving optimal control problems via swarm intelligence. Great emphasis is given to the formulation of the optimal control problem regarding fundamental issues such as unknowns identification, numerical transcription and choice of the nonlinear programming solver. The Particle Swarm Optimization is taken into account, and most of the proposed problems are solved using a differential flatness formulation. When the inverse-dynamics approach is used, the transcribed parameter optimization problem is solved assuming that the unknown trajectories are approximated with B-spline curves. The Inverse-dynamics Particle Swarm Optimization technique, which is employed in the majority of the numerical applications in this work, is a combination of Particle Swarm and differential flatness formulation. This thesis also investigates other opportunities to solve optimal control problems with swarm intelligence, for instance using a direct dynamics approach and imposing a-priori the necessary optimality conditions to the control policy. For all the proposed problems, results are analyzed and compared with other works in the literature. This thesis shows that metaheuristic algorithms can be used to solve optimal control problems, but near-optimal or optimal solutions can be attained depending on the problem formulation

    Dynamic Congestion and Tolls with Mobile Source Emission

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    This paper proposes a dynamic congestion pricing model that takes into account mobile source emissions. We consider a tollable vehicular network where the users selfishly minimize their own travel costs, including travel time, early/late arrival penalties and tolls. On top of that, we assume that part of the network can be tolled by a central authority, whose objective is to minimize both total travel costs of road users and total emission on a network-wide level. The model is formulated as a mathematical program with equilibrium constraints (MPEC) problem and then reformulated as a mathematical program with complementarity constraints (MPCC). The MPCC is solved using a quadratic penalty-based gradient projection algorithm. A numerical study on a toy network illustrates the effectiveness of the tolling strategy and reveals a Braess-type paradox in the context of traffic-derived emission.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables. Current version to appear in the Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, 2013, the Netherland

    A Comprehensive Survey on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Its Applications

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a heuristic global optimization method, proposed originally by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995. It is now one of the most commonly used optimization techniques. This survey presented a comprehensive investigation of PSO. On one hand, we provided advances with PSO, including its modifications (including quantum-behaved PSO, bare-bones PSO, chaotic PSO, and fuzzy PSO), population topology (as fully connected, von Neumann, ring, star, random, etc.), hybridization (with genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, Tabu search, artificial immune system, ant colony algorithm, artificial bee colony, differential evolution, harmonic search, and biogeography-based optimization), extensions (to multiobjective, constrained, discrete, and binary optimization), theoretical analysis (parameter selection and tuning, and convergence analysis), and parallel implementation (in multicore, multiprocessor, GPU, and cloud computing forms). On the other hand, we offered a survey on applications of PSO to the following eight fields: electrical and electronic engineering, automation control systems, communication theory, operations research, mechanical engineering, fuel and energy, medicine, chemistry, and biology. It is hoped that this survey would be beneficial for the researchers studying PSO algorithms

    Spacecraft Trajectory Optimization: A review of Models, Objectives, Approaches and Solutions

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    This article is a survey paper on solving spacecraft trajectory optimization problems. The solving process is decomposed into four key steps of mathematical modeling of the problem, defining the objective functions, development of an approach and obtaining the solution of the problem. Several subcategories for each step have been identified and described. Subsequently, important classifications and their characteristics have been discussed for solving the problems. Finally, a discussion on how to choose an element of each step for a given problem is provided.La Caixa, TIN2016-78365-

    Planning and Scheduling Optimization

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    Although planning and scheduling optimization have been explored in the literature for many years now, it still remains a hot topic in the current scientific research. The changing market trends, globalization, technical and technological progress, and sustainability considerations make it necessary to deal with new optimization challenges in modern manufacturing, engineering, and healthcare systems. This book provides an overview of the recent advances in different areas connected with operations research models and other applications of intelligent computing techniques used for planning and scheduling optimization. The wide range of theoretical and practical research findings reported in this book confirms that the planning and scheduling problem is a complex issue that is present in different industrial sectors and organizations and opens promising and dynamic perspectives of research and development

    Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population based stochastic optimization technique influenced by the social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling.PSO shares many similarities with evolutionary computation techniques such as Genetic Algorithms (GA). The system is initialized with a population of random solutions and searches for optima by updating generations. However, unlike GA, PSO has no evolution operators such as crossover and mutation. In PSO, the potential solutions, called particles, fly through the problem space by following the current optimum particles. This book represents the contributions of the top researchers in this field and will serve as a valuable tool for professionals in this interdisciplinary field