362 research outputs found

    Graphical technique for identifying a monotonic variance stabilizing transformation for absolute gene intensity signals

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    BACKGROUND: The usefulness of log(2 )transformation for cDNA microarray data has led to its widespread application to Affymetrix data. For Affymetrix data, where absolute intensities are indicative of number of transcripts, there is a systematic relationship between variance and magnitude of measurements. Application of the log(2 )transformation expands the scale of genes with low intensities while compressing the scale of genes with higher intensities thus reversing the mean by variance relationship. The usefulness of these transformations needs to be examined. RESULTS: Using an Affymetrix GeneChip(® )dataset, problems associated with applying the log(2 )transformation to absolute intensity data are demonstrated. Use of the spread-versus-level plot to identify an appropriate variance stabilizing transformation is presented. For the data presented, the spread-versus-level plot identified a power transformation that successfully stabilized the variance of probe set summaries. CONCLUSION: The spread-versus-level plot is helpful to identify transformations for variance stabilization. This is robust against outliers and avoids assumption of models and maximizations

    Modeling gene expression measurement error: a quasi-likelihood approach

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    BACKGROUND: Using suitable error models for gene expression measurements is essential in the statistical analysis of microarray data. However, the true probabilistic model underlying gene expression intensity readings is generally not known. Instead, in currently used approaches some simple parametric model is assumed (usually a transformed normal distribution) or the empirical distribution is estimated. However, both these strategies may not be optimal for gene expression data, as the non-parametric approach ignores known structural information whereas the fully parametric models run the risk of misspecification. A further related problem is the choice of a suitable scale for the model (e.g. observed vs. log-scale). RESULTS: Here a simple semi-parametric model for gene expression measurement error is presented. In this approach inference is based an approximate likelihood function (the extended quasi-likelihood). Only partial knowledge about the unknown true distribution is required to construct this function. In case of gene expression this information is available in the form of the postulated (e.g. quadratic) variance structure of the data. As the quasi-likelihood behaves (almost) like a proper likelihood, it allows for the estimation of calibration and variance parameters, and it is also straightforward to obtain corresponding approximate confidence intervals. Unlike most other frameworks, it also allows analysis on any preferred scale, i.e. both on the original linear scale as well as on a transformed scale. It can also be employed in regression approaches to model systematic (e.g. array or dye) effects. CONCLUSIONS: The quasi-likelihood framework provides a simple and versatile approach to analyze gene expression data that does not make any strong distributional assumptions about the underlying error model. For several simulated as well as real data sets it provides a better fit to the data than competing models. In an example it also improved the power of tests to identify differential expression

    Empirical Bayes models for multiple probe type microarrays at the probe level

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>When analyzing microarray data a primary objective is often to find differentially expressed genes. With empirical Bayes and penalized t-tests the sample variances are adjusted towards a global estimate, producing more stable results compared to ordinary t-tests. However, for Affymetrix type data a clear dependency between variability and intensity-level generally exists, even for logged intensities, most clearly for data at the probe level but also for probe-set summarizes such as the MAS5 expression index. As a consequence, adjustment towards a global estimate results in an intensity-level dependent false positive rate.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We propose two new methods for finding differentially expressed genes, Probe level Locally moderated Weighted median-t (PLW) and Locally Moderated Weighted-t (LMW). Both methods use an empirical Bayes model taking the dependency between variability and intensity-level into account. A global covariance matrix is also used allowing for differing variances between arrays as well as array-to-array correlations. PLW is specially designed for Affymetrix type arrays (or other multiple-probe arrays). Instead of making inference on probe-set summaries, comparisons are made separately for each perfect-match probe and are then summarized into one score for the probe-set.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The proposed methods are compared to 14 existing methods using five spike-in data sets. For RMA and GCRMA processed data, PLW has the most accurate ranking of regulated genes in four out of the five data sets, and LMW consistently performs better than all examined moderated t-tests when used on RMA, GCRMA, and MAS5 expression indexes.</p

    Microarray background correction: maximum likelihood estimation for the normal–exponential convolution

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    Background correction is an important preprocessing step for microarray data that attempts to adjust the data for the ambient intensity surrounding each feature. The “normexp” method models the observed pixel intensities as the sum of 2 random variables, one normally distributed and the other exponentially distributed, representing background noise and signal, respectively. Using a saddle-point approximation, Ritchie and others (2007) found normexp to be the best background correction method for 2-color microarray data. This article develops the normexp method further by improving the estimation of the parameters. A complete mathematical development is given of the normexp model and the associated saddle-point approximation. Some subtle numerical programming issues are solved which caused the original normexp method to fail occasionally when applied to unusual data sets. A practical and reliable algorithm is developed for exact maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) using high-quality optimization software and using the saddle-point estimates as starting values. “MLE” is shown to outperform heuristic estimators proposed by other authors, both in terms of estimation accuracy and in terms of performance on real data. The saddle-point approximation is an adequate replacement in most practical situations. The performance of normexp for assessing differential expression is improved by adding a small offset to the corrected intensities

    Methodological study of affine transformations of gene expression data with proposed robust non-parametric multi-dimensional normalization method

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    BACKGROUND: Low-level processing and normalization of microarray data are most important steps in microarray analysis, which have profound impact on downstream analysis. Multiple methods have been suggested to date, but it is not clear which is the best. It is therefore important to further study the different normalization methods in detail and the nature of microarray data in general. RESULTS: A methodological study of affine models for gene expression data is carried out. Focus is on two-channel comparative studies, but the findings generalize also to single- and multi-channel data. The discussion applies to spotted as well as in-situ synthesized microarray data. Existing normalization methods such as curve-fit ("lowess") normalization, parallel and perpendicular translation normalization, and quantile normalization, but also dye-swap normalization are revisited in the light of the affine model and their strengths and weaknesses are investigated in this context. As a direct result from this study, we propose a robust non-parametric multi-dimensional affine normalization method, which can be applied to any number of microarrays with any number of channels either individually or all at once. A high-quality cDNA microarray data set with spike-in controls is used to demonstrate the power of the affine model and the proposed normalization method. CONCLUSION: We find that an affine model can explain non-linear intensity-dependent systematic effects in observed log-ratios. Affine normalization removes such artifacts for non-differentially expressed genes and assures that symmetry between negative and positive log-ratios is obtained, which is fundamental when identifying differentially expressed genes. In addition, affine normalization makes the empirical distributions in different channels more equal, which is the purpose of quantile normalization, and may also explain why dye-swap normalization works or fails. All methods are made available in the aroma package, which is a platform-independent package for R

    Probe set algorithms: is there a rational best bet?

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    Affymetrix microarrays have become a standard experimental platform for studies of mRNA expression profiling. Their success is due, in part, to the multiple oligonucleotide features (probes) against each transcript (probe set). This multiple testing allows for more robust background assessments and gene expression measures, and has permitted the development of many computational methods to translate image data into a single normalized "signal" for mRNA transcript abundance. There are now many probe set algorithms that have been developed, with a gradual movement away from chip-by-chip methods (MAS5), to project-based model-fitting methods (dCHIP, RMA, others). Data interpretation is often profoundly changed by choice of algorithm, with disoriented biologists questioning what the "accurate" interpretation of their experiment is. Here, we summarize the debate concerning probe set algorithms. We provide examples of how changes in mismatch weight, normalizations, and construction of expression ratios each dramatically change data interpretation. All interpretations can be considered as computationally appropriate, but with varying biological credibility. We also illustrate the performance of two new hybrid algorithms (PLIER, GC-RMA) relative to more traditional algorithms (dCHIP, MAS5, Probe Profiler PCA, RMA) using an interactive power analysis tool. PLIER appears superior to other algorithms in avoiding false positives with poorly performing probe sets. Based on our interpretation of the literature, and examples presented here, we suggest that the variability in performance of probe set algorithms is more dependent upon assumptions regarding "background", than on calculations of "signal". We argue that "background" is an enormously complex variable that can only be vaguely quantified, and thus the "best" probe set algorithm will vary from project to project

    An introduction to low-level analysis methods of DNA microarray data

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    This article gives an overview over the methods used in the low--level analysis of gene expression data generated using DNA microarrays. This type of experiment allows to determine relative levels of nucleic acid abundance in a set of tissues or cell populations for thousands of transcripts or loci simultaneously. Careful statistical design and analysis are essential to improve the efficiency and reliability of microarray experiments throughout the data acquisition and analysis process. This includes the design of probes, the experimental design, the image analysis of microarray scanned images, the normalization of fluorescence intensities, the assessment of the quality of microarray data and incorporation of quality information in subsequent analyses, the combination of information across arrays and across sets of experiments, the discovery and recognition of patterns in expression at the single gene and multiple gene levels, and the assessment of significance of these findings, considering the fact that there is a lot of noise and thus random features in the data. For all of these components, access to a flexible and efficient statistical computing environment is an essential aspect