1,049 research outputs found

    Approximate Pure Nash Equilibria in Weighted Congestion Games: Existence, Efficient Computation, and Structure

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    We consider structural and algorithmic questions related to the Nash dynamics of weighted congestion games. In weighted congestion games with linear latency functions, the existence of (pure Nash) equilibria is guaranteed by potential function arguments. Unfortunately, this proof of existence is inefficient and computing equilibria is such games is a {\sf PLS}-hard problem. The situation gets worse when superlinear latency functions come into play; in this case, the Nash dynamics of the game may contain cycles and equilibria may not even exist. Given these obstacles, we consider approximate equilibria as alternative solution concepts. Do such equilibria exist? And if so, can we compute them efficiently? We provide positive answers to both questions for weighted congestion games with polynomial latency functions by exploiting an "approximation" of such games by a new class of potential games that we call Ψ\Psi-games. This allows us to show that these games have d!d!-approximate equilibria, where dd is the maximum degree of the latency functions. Our main technical contribution is an efficient algorithm for computing O(1)-approximate equilibria when dd is a constant. For games with linear latency functions, the approximation guarantee is 3+52+O(γ)\frac{3+\sqrt{5}}{2}+O(\gamma) for arbitrarily small γ>0\gamma>0; for latency functions with maximum degree d2d\geq 2, it is d2d+o(d)d^{2d+o(d)}. The running time is polynomial in the number of bits in the representation of the game and 1/γ1/\gamma. As a byproduct of our techniques, we also show the following structural statement for weighted congestion games with polynomial latency functions of maximum degree d2d\geq 2: polynomially-long sequences of best-response moves from any initial state to a dO(d2)d^{O(d^2)}-approximate equilibrium exist and can be efficiently identified in such games as long as dd is constant.Comment: 31 page

    Approximate Pure Nash Equilibria in Weighted Congestion Games

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    We study the existence of approximate pure Nash equilibria in weighted congestion games and develop techniques to obtain approximate potential functions that prove the existence of alpha-approximate pure Nash equilibria and the convergence of alpha-improvement steps. Specifically, we show how to obtain upper bounds for approximation factor alpha for a given class of cost functions. For example for concave cost functions the factor is at most 3/2, for quadratic cost functions it is at most 4/3, and for polynomial cost functions of maximal degree d it is at at most d + 1. For games with two players we obtain tight bounds which are as small as for example 1.054 in the case of quadratic cost functions

    Computing Approximate Pure Nash Equilibria in Shapley Value Weighted Congestion Games

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    We study the computation of approximate pure Nash equilibria in Shapley value (SV) weighted congestion games, introduced in [19]. This class of games considers weighted congestion games in which Shapley values are used as an alternative (to proportional shares) for distributing the total cost of each resource among its users. We focus on the interesting subclass of such games with polynomial resource cost functions and present an algorithm that computes approximate pure Nash equilibria with a polynomial number of strategy updates. Since computing a single strategy update is hard, we apply sampling techniques which allow us to achieve polynomial running time. The algorithm builds on the algorithmic ideas of [7], however, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first algorithmic result on computation of approximate equilibria using other than proportional shares as player costs in this setting. We present a novel relation that approximates the Shapley value of a player by her proportional share and vice versa. As side results, we upper bound the approximate price of anarchy of such games and significantly improve the best known factor for computing approximate pure Nash equilibria in weighted congestion games of [7].Comment: The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71924-5_1

    Existence and Complexity of Approximate Equilibria in Weighted Congestion Games

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    We study the existence of approximate pure Nash equilibria (α\alpha-PNE) in weighted atomic congestion games with polynomial cost functions of maximum degree dd. Previously it was known that dd-approximate equilibria always exist, while nonexistence was established only for small constants, namely for 1.1531.153-PNE. We improve significantly upon this gap, proving that such games in general do not have Θ~(d)\tilde{\Theta}(\sqrt{d})-approximate PNE, which provides the first super-constant lower bound. Furthermore, we provide a black-box gap-introducing method of combining such nonexistence results with a specific circuit gadget, in order to derive NP-completeness of the decision version of the problem. In particular, deploying this technique we are able to show that deciding whether a weighted congestion game has an O~(d)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{d})-PNE is NP-complete. Previous hardness results were known only for the special case of exact equilibria and arbitrary cost functions. The circuit gadget is of independent interest and it allows us to also prove hardness for a variety of problems related to the complexity of PNE in congestion games. For example, we demonstrate that the question of existence of α\alpha-PNE in which a certain set of players plays a specific strategy profile is NP-hard for any α<3d/2\alpha < 3^{d/2}, even for unweighted congestion games. Finally, we study the existence of approximate equilibria in weighted congestion games with general (nondecreasing) costs, as a function of the number of players nn. We show that nn-PNE always exist, matched by an almost tight nonexistence bound of Θ~(n)\tilde\Theta(n) which we can again transform into an NP-completeness proof for the decision problem

    On the Impact of Singleton Strategies in Congestion Games

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    To what extent does the structure of the players\u27 strategy space influence the efficiency of decentralized solutions in congestion games? In this work, we investigate whether better performance is possible when restricting to load balancing games in which players can only choose among single resources. We consider three different solutions concepts, namely, approximate pure Nash equilibria, approximate one-round walks generated by selfish players aiming at minimizing their personal cost and approximate one-round walks generated by cooperative players aiming at minimizing the marginal increase in the sum of the players\u27 personal costs. The last two concepts can also be interpreted as solutions of simple greedy online algorithms for the related resource selection problem. Under fairly general latency functions on the resources, we show that, for all three types of solutions, better bounds cannot be achieved if players are either weighted or asymmetric. On the positive side, we prove that, under mild assumptions on the latency functions, improvements on the performance of approximate pure Nash equilibria are possible for load balancing games with weighted and symmetric players in the case of identical resources. We also design lower bounds on the performance of one-round walks in load balancing games with unweighted players and identical resources (in this case, solutions generated by selfish and cooperative players coincide)

    The Price of Stability of Weighted Congestion Games

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    We give exponential lower bounds on the Price of Stability (PoS) of weighted congestion games with polynomial cost functions. In particular, for any positive integer dd we construct rather simple games with cost functions of degree at most dd which have a PoS of at least Ω(Φd)d+1\varOmega(\Phi_d)^{d+1}, where Φdd/lnd\Phi_d\sim d/\ln d is the unique positive root of the equation xd+1=(x+1)dx^{d+1}=(x+1)^d. This almost closes the huge gap between Θ(d)\varTheta(d) and Φdd+1\Phi_d^{d+1}. Our bound extends also to network congestion games. We further show that the PoS remains exponential even for singleton games. More generally, we provide a lower bound of Ω((1+1/α)d/d)\varOmega((1+1/\alpha)^d/d) on the PoS of α\alpha-approximate Nash equilibria for singleton games. All our lower bounds hold for mixed and correlated equilibria as well. On the positive side, we give a general upper bound on the PoS of α\alpha-approximate Nash equilibria, which is sensitive to the range WW of the player weights and the approximation parameter α\alpha. We do this by explicitly constructing a novel approximate potential function, based on Faulhaber's formula, that generalizes Rosenthal's potential in a continuous, analytic way. From the general theorem, we deduce two interesting corollaries. First, we derive the existence of an approximate pure Nash equilibrium with PoS at most (d+3)/2(d+3)/2; the equilibrium's approximation parameter ranges from Θ(1)\varTheta(1) to d+1d+1 in a smooth way with respect to WW. Second, we show that for unweighted congestion games, the PoS of α\alpha-approximate Nash equilibria is at most (d+1)/α(d+1)/\alpha. Read More: https://epubs.siam.org/doi/10.1137/18M120788

    Social Context and Cost-Sharing in Congestion Games

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    Congestion games are one of the most prominent classes of games in non- cooperative game theory as they model a large collection of important applications in networks, such as selfish routing in traffic or telecommunications. For this reason, congestion games have been a driving force in recent research and my thesis lies on two major extensions of this class of games. The first extension considers congestion games embedded in a social network where players are not necessarily selfish and might care about others. We call this class social context congestion games and study how the social interactions among players affect it. In particular, we study existence of approximate pure Nash equilibria and our main result is the following. For any given set of cost functions, we provide a threshold value such that: for the class of social context congestion games with cost functions within the given set, sequences of improvement steps of players, are guaranteed to converge to an approximate pure Nash equilibrium if and only if the improvement step factor is larger than this threshold value. The second topic considers weighted congestion games under a fair cost sharing system which depends on the weight of each player, the (weighted) Shapley values. This class considers weighted congestion games where (weighted) Shapley values are used as an alternative (to proportional shares) for distributing the total cost of each resource among its users. We study the efficiency of this class of games in terms of the price of anarchy and the price of stability. Regard- ing the price of anarchy, we show general tight bounds, which apply to general equilibrium concepts. For the price of stability, we prove an upper bound for the special case of Shapley values. This bound holds for general sets of cost functions and is tight in special cases of interest, such as bounded degree polynomials. Also for bounded degree polynomials, we show that a slight deviation from the Shapley value has a huge impact on the price of stability. In fact, the price of stability becomes as bad as the price of anarchy. For this model, we also study computation of equilibria. We propose an algorithm to compute approximate pure Nash equilibria which executes a polynomial number of strategy updates. Due to the complex nature of Shapley values, computing a single strategy update is hard, however, applying sampling techniques allow us to achieve polynomial running time. We generalise the previous model allowing each player to control multiple flows. For this generalised model, we study existence and efficiency of equilibria. We exhibit a separation from the original model (each player controls only one flow) by proving that Shapley values are the only cost-sharing method that guarantees pure Nash equilibria existence in the generalised model. Also, we prove that the price of anarchy and price of stability become no larger than in the original model