122 research outputs found

    Approximate Distance Oracles for Planar Graphs with Improved Query Time-Space Tradeoff

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    We consider approximate distance oracles for edge-weighted n-vertex undirected planar graphs. Given fixed epsilon > 0, we present a (1+epsilon)-approximate distance oracle with O(n(loglog n)^2) space and O((loglog n)^3) query time. This improves the previous best product of query time and space of the oracles of Thorup (FOCS 2001, J. ACM 2004) and Klein (SODA 2002) from O(n log n) to O(n(loglog n)^5).Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures of which 2 illustrate pseudo-code. This is the SODA 2016 version but with the definition of C_i in Phase I fixed and the analysis slightly modified accordingly. The main change is in the subsection bounding query time and stretch for Phase

    Exact Distance Oracles for Planar Graphs

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    We present new and improved data structures that answer exact node-to-node distance queries in planar graphs. Such data structures are also known as distance oracles. For any directed planar graph on n nodes with non-negative lengths we obtain the following: * Given a desired space allocation S[nlglgn,n2]S\in[n\lg\lg n,n^2], we show how to construct in O~(S)\tilde O(S) time a data structure of size O(S)O(S) that answers distance queries in O~(n/S)\tilde O(n/\sqrt S) time per query. As a consequence, we obtain an improvement over the fastest algorithm for k-many distances in planar graphs whenever k[n,n)k\in[\sqrt n,n). * We provide a linear-space exact distance oracle for planar graphs with query time O(n1/2+eps)O(n^{1/2+eps}) for any constant eps>0. This is the first such data structure with provable sublinear query time. * For edge lengths at least one, we provide an exact distance oracle of space O~(n)\tilde O(n) such that for any pair of nodes at distance D the query time is O~(minD,n)\tilde O(min {D,\sqrt n}). Comparable query performance had been observed experimentally but has never been explained theoretically. Our data structures are based on the following new tool: given a non-self-crossing cycle C with c=O(n)c = O(\sqrt n) nodes, we can preprocess G in O~(n)\tilde O(n) time to produce a data structure of size O(nlglgc)O(n \lg\lg c) that can answer the following queries in O~(c)\tilde O(c) time: for a query node u, output the distance from u to all the nodes of C. This data structure builds on and extends a related data structure of Klein (SODA'05), which reports distances to the boundary of a face, rather than a cycle. The best distance oracles for planar graphs until the current work are due to Cabello (SODA'06), Djidjev (WG'96), and Fakcharoenphol and Rao (FOCS'01). For σ(1,4/3)\sigma\in(1,4/3) and space S=nσS=n^\sigma, we essentially improve the query time from n2/Sn^2/S to n2/S\sqrt{n^2/S}.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 23rd ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, SODA 201

    Better Tradeoffs for Exact Distance Oracles in Planar Graphs

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    We present an O(n1.5)O(n^{1.5})-space distance oracle for directed planar graphs that answers distance queries in O(logn)O(\log n) time. Our oracle both significantly simplifies and significantly improves the recent oracle of Cohen-Addad, Dahlgaard and Wulff-Nilsen [FOCS 2017], which uses O(n5/3)O(n^{5/3})-space and answers queries in O(logn)O(\log n) time. We achieve this by designing an elegant and efficient point location data structure for Voronoi diagrams on planar graphs. We further show a smooth tradeoff between space and query-time. For any S[n,n2]S\in [n,n^2], we show an oracle of size SS that answers queries in O~(max{1,n1.5/S})\tilde O(\max\{1,n^{1.5}/S\}) time. This new tradeoff is currently the best (up to polylogarithmic factors) for the entire range of SS and improves by polynomial factors over all the previously known tradeoffs for the range S[n,n5/3]S \in [n,n^{5/3}]

    Exact Distance Oracles for Planar Graphs with Failing Vertices

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    We consider exact distance oracles for directed weighted planar graphs in the presence of failing vertices. Given a source vertex uu, a target vertex vv and a set XX of kk failed vertices, such an oracle returns the length of a shortest uu-to-vv path that avoids all vertices in XX. We propose oracles that can handle any number kk of failures. More specifically, for a directed weighted planar graph with nn vertices, any constant kk, and for any q[1,n]q \in [1,\sqrt n], we propose an oracle of size O~(nk+3/2q2k+1)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\frac{n^{k+3/2}}{q^{2k+1}}) that answers queries in O~(q)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(q) time. In particular, we show an O~(n)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(n)-size, O~(n)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{n})-query-time oracle for any constant kk. This matches, up to polylogarithmic factors, the fastest failure-free distance oracles with nearly linear space. For single vertex failures (k=1k=1), our O~(n5/2q3)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\frac{n^{5/2}}{q^3})-size, O~(q)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(q)-query-time oracle improves over the previously best known tradeoff of Baswana et al. [SODA 2012] by polynomial factors for q=Ω(nt)q = \Omega(n^t), t(1/4,1/2]t \in (1/4,1/2]. For multiple failures, no planarity exploiting results were previously known

    Prioritized Metric Structures and Embedding

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    Metric data structures (distance oracles, distance labeling schemes, routing schemes) and low-distortion embeddings provide a powerful algorithmic methodology, which has been successfully applied for approximation algorithms \cite{llr}, online algorithms \cite{BBMN11}, distributed algorithms \cite{KKMPT12} and for computing sparsifiers \cite{ST04}. However, this methodology appears to have a limitation: the worst-case performance inherently depends on the cardinality of the metric, and one could not specify in advance which vertices/points should enjoy a better service (i.e., stretch/distortion, label size/dimension) than that given by the worst-case guarantee. In this paper we alleviate this limitation by devising a suit of {\em prioritized} metric data structures and embeddings. We show that given a priority ranking (x1,x2,,xn)(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n) of the graph vertices (respectively, metric points) one can devise a metric data structure (respectively, embedding) in which the stretch (resp., distortion) incurred by any pair containing a vertex xjx_j will depend on the rank jj of the vertex. We also show that other important parameters, such as the label size and (in some sense) the dimension, may depend only on jj. In some of our metric data structures (resp., embeddings) we achieve both prioritized stretch (resp., distortion) and label size (resp., dimension) {\em simultaneously}. The worst-case performance of our metric data structures and embeddings is typically asymptotically no worse than of their non-prioritized counterparts.Comment: To appear at STOC 201

    Efficient Dynamic Approximate Distance Oracles for Vertex-Labeled Planar Graphs

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    Let GG be a graph where each vertex is associated with a label. A Vertex-Labeled Approximate Distance Oracle is a data structure that, given a vertex vv and a label λ\lambda, returns a (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximation of the distance from vv to the closest vertex with label λ\lambda in GG. Such an oracle is dynamic if it also supports label changes. In this paper we present three different dynamic approximate vertex-labeled distance oracles for planar graphs, all with polylogarithmic query and update times, and nearly linear space requirements

    Linear-Space Approximate Distance Oracles for Planar, Bounded-Genus, and Minor-Free Graphs

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    A (1 + eps)-approximate distance oracle for a graph is a data structure that supports approximate point-to-point shortest-path-distance queries. The most relevant measures for a distance-oracle construction are: space, query time, and preprocessing time. There are strong distance-oracle constructions known for planar graphs (Thorup, JACM'04) and, subsequently, minor-excluded graphs (Abraham and Gavoille, PODC'06). However, these require Omega(eps^{-1} n lg n) space for n-node graphs. We argue that a very low space requirement is essential. Since modern computer architectures involve hierarchical memory (caches, primary memory, secondary memory), a high memory requirement in effect may greatly increase the actual running time. Moreover, we would like data structures that can be deployed on small mobile devices, such as handhelds, which have relatively small primary memory. In this paper, for planar graphs, bounded-genus graphs, and minor-excluded graphs we give distance-oracle constructions that require only O(n) space. The big O hides only a fixed constant, independent of \epsilon and independent of genus or size of an excluded minor. The preprocessing times for our distance oracle are also faster than those for the previously known constructions. For planar graphs, the preprocessing time is O(n lg^2 n). However, our constructions have slower query times. For planar graphs, the query time is O(eps^{-2} lg^2 n). For our linear-space results, we can in fact ensure, for any delta > 0, that the space required is only 1 + delta times the space required just to represent the graph itself