6 research outputs found

    Approaching a parallelized XML parser optimized for multi-coreprocessors

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    System and Application Performance Analysis Patterns Using Software Tracing

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    Software systems have become increasingly complex, which makes it difficult to detect the root causes of performance degradation. Software tracing has been used extensively to analyze the system at run-time to detect performance issues and uncover the causes. There exist several studies that use tracing and other dynamic analysis techniques for performance analysis. These studies focus on specific system characteristics such as latency, performance bugs, etc. In this thesis, we review the literature to build a catalogue of performance analysis patterns that can be detected using trace data. The goal is to help developers debug run-time and performance issues more efficiently. The patterns are formalized and implemented so that they can be readily referred to by developers while analyzing large execution traces. The thesis focuses on the traces of system calls generated by the Linux kernel. This is because no application is an island and that we cannot ignore the complex interactions that an application has with the operating system kernel if we are to detect potential performance issues


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    XML文曞のネットワヌク䞊での䞭間凊理のモデルずしおPASSPrefixAutomata SyStem-Node[1] が提案されおいるPASS-Node ではネットワヌクアプリケヌションにおいお埓来は送信先の蚈算機サヌバで行われおいたXML文曞ぞの文法チェック凊理の䞀郚たたは党おを各皮Web アプリケヌションにおける共通の前凊理ずしお送信先の蚈算機からネットワヌク䞭に配眮される䞭継ノヌドぞオフロヌドするこのような凊理のオフロヌドにより最悪の凊理時間の䜎枛ずサヌビスを利甚するナヌザに察しおスルヌプット等のサヌビスの向䞊が芋蟌めるオフロヌドにより送信先の蚈算機の凊理負荷が軜枛されその分より倚くのクラむアントからの芁求に応えられるようになるためであるさらに送信先の蚈算機ではサヌビスにずっおより本質的な凊理のみに専念するこずができるこのボトルネックの解消により最悪の凊理時間に぀いおは改善される䞀方䞭継ノヌドでの凊理時間ずオフロヌドによるオヌバヘッドが生じ最良の凊理時間は増加するそこで合わせお䞊列凊理手法を採甚するこずで最良凊理時間の䜎枛を図るしかしPASS-Node においおはXML文曞ぞのオフロヌド手法に぀いお数匏を甚いた理論的な定矩ず詊隓実装を甚いたオフロヌド機胜の確認のみしか行われおおらずXML 文曞ぞのネットワヌク䞊での䞭間凊理技術を実珟する䞊での課題が残されおいたそこで本論文ではPASS-Node で残されおいた課題を解決するこずに取り組むたずこのような䞊列アプリケヌションに必芁な機胜芁玠の掗い出しずシステム蚭蚈を行いXML文曞ぞの䞊列ストリヌミング凊理を行うアプリケヌションを実装したこのアプリケヌションはXML 文曞ぞの文法チェックの䞀郚たたは党おを䞭継ノヌドの配眮に応じおパむプラむン䞊列たたはデヌタ分割䞊列で任意の䞭継ノヌドに割り圓おるこずが可胜でありデヌタの送信先ずなるノヌドではXML 文曞党䜓にわたっお怜査枈みの結果を埗るこずができるこのアプリケヌションを実環境にお皌働させ本実装によるXML文曞ぞの䞊列ストリヌミング凊理のオフロヌドがうたく行われおいるこず及びPASS-Node の実珟可胜性を瀺したそしおこのアプリケヌションを甚いおXML文曞ぞの䞊列ストリヌミング凊理の基本的な特性の評䟡ずより実際的な環境を想定した堎合の評䟡ずしお実デヌタに基づくXML文曞ぞの凊理及び実環境ず仮想環境における凊理特性の比范を行ったさらに䞭間凊理に必須のデヌタ蓄積甚のバッファに着目しその改良を行った加えお本研究で埗られた知芋を元に最も効率的だず思われる構成でXML文曞ぞの䞊列ストリヌミング凊理を評䟡し凊理を行う䞭継ノヌドの数ず凊理時間凊理のオフロヌドの効果を議論した近幎ネットワヌクアプリケヌションの重芁性が増しおおりクラりド・コンピュヌティングなどの蚈算機資源を甚いたサヌビス提䟛や蚈算手法が広く甚いられるようになっおいるこのようなネットワヌクアプリケヌションのためにネットワヌクむンフラ自䜓が高床な凊理機胜を持぀高機胜ネットワヌクの必芁性が議論されるようになっおきおいる高機胜ネットワヌクではアプリケヌションに即した凊理が提䟛され䟋えばコンテンツの内容に関するフィルタリング凊理異なるWeb サヌビスの連携のためのデヌタ倉換・加工・集玄凊理デヌタ転送量を枛らす圧瞮・䌞匵凊理䞍正アクセスの怜知フロヌ制埡゚ラヌ怜知ず蚂正統蚈情報の収集ずいったものが考えられる通信のフィルタリングやデヌタの圧瞮はデヌタの送信元に近い䜍眮でその機胜を提䟛するこずが有効であるたた䞍正アクセスの怜知等必ず提䟛されなければならないセキュリティ察策機胜や耇数のWeb サヌビスの連携機胜等皮々のアプリケヌションに共通しお利甚可胜な機胜をネットワヌクそのものがたずめお提䟛するこずにより送信先の蚈算機においおは凊理の䞀郚をネットワヌクに移譲できるこれにより送信先の蚈算機では凊理負荷が軜枛され本来行いたい重芁な凊理のみに泚力できるようになるためコスト・機胜・性胜面で有甚であるさらにクラむアント偎においおはスルヌプット等のサヌビスの向䞊ずいった利点を埗るこずができるたたネットワヌクむンフラを保有する回線事業者にずっおは珟圚単なるむンフラに留たっおいるネットワヌクに付加䟡倀を持たせ凊理機胜提䟛による新たな利益を埗る機䌚が生たれるさらに本研究で評䟡の題材ずするXML文曞は汎甚性に優れおいるが内郚に構造を持぀デヌタ圢匏であるそのため適切なデヌタの分割が為されずデヌタの欠損が起こった堎合凊理を進めるこずができなくなるため本質的に単玔なデヌタ分割による䞊列凊理には䞍向きであるこのような䞊列凊理の難しいXML文曞を題材ずするこずで本研究で埗られた知芋をより䞊列凊理の易しい他のデヌタ圢匏ぞの凊理に察しおも適甚できデヌタを送信元の蚈算機クラむアントから送信先の蚈算機サヌバぞず送り送信先の蚈算機にお凊理を行うようなアプリケヌションぞの成果の応甚が期埅できる九州工業倧孊博士孊䜍論文 孊䜍蚘番号:情工博甲第284号 孊䜍授䞎幎月日:平成25幎12月26日第1ç«  はじめに|第2ç«  䞭継ノヌドで行うストリヌミング䞊列凊理|第3ç«  評䟡実隓環境構成|第4ç«  XML文曞ぞのストリヌミングデヌタ凊理の基本特性の評䟡|第5ç«  より実際的な環境を想定した特性の評䟡|第6ç«  凊理ノヌドにおけるバッファ性胜の改善|第7ç«  関連研究|第8ç«  単䜓の凊理ノヌドのみ/耇数の凊理ノヌドでのストリヌミング䞊列凊理の比范|第9ç«  おわりに九州工業倧孊平成25幎

    Next generation computational tools for extreme-scale simulation of dynamic fracture and fragmentation in three dimensions

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 211-221).The accurate modeling of dynamic fracture and fragmentation remains one of the most difficult challenges in computational mechanics research. As part of this thesis, a scalable algorithm for modeling dynamic fracture and fragmentation of solids in three dimensions is developed. The method is based on the combination of a discontinuous Galerkin (DG) formulation of the continuum problem and Cohesive Zone Models (CZM) of fracture. Prior to fracture, the flux and stabilization terms arising from the DG formulation at interelement boundaries are enforced via interface elements, much like in conventional approaches based on CZM. Upon the onset of fracture, the traction-separation law (TSL) governing the fracture process becomes operative without the need to propagate topological changes in the mesh as cracks and fragments develop. This enables the indistinctive treatment of crack propagation across processor boundaries and, thus, scalability in parallel computations. Upon crack closure, the reinstatement of the DG terms guarantees the proper description of compressive waves across closed crack surfaces. Another advantage of the method is that it preserves consistency and stability in the uncracked interfaces, thus avoiding issues with wave propagation typical of many CZM-based approaches. The new method is applied in this thesis to conduct the first systematic largescale 3D simulation study of projectile impact damage in brittle plates using CZMs. Utilizing full machine access to supercomputers from the DoD Supercomputing Resource Center (DSRC), we conduct a series of impact simulations at an unprecedented scale aimed at investigating the fundamental physics governing the fracture and fragmentation of brittle plates subjected to normal impact loads. Using the full-field description provided by the simulations, we identify the driving forces for different fracture mechanisms as a function of key problem parameters such as impact speed and plate geometry. In order to validate the computational approach, we also simulate several edge-on impact experiments and compare the simulated cracking patterns directly to experimental results. Another important contribution of this thesis is the first large-scale study of convergence of the fracture patterns predicted in 3D simulations, for which we complete full runs on up to 17,264 processors using meshes comprising up to 2.4 billion degrees of freedom. In addition to the simulation studies, we also develop a fracture mechanics-based model for characterizing radial cracking patterns in thin plates subjected to contact loads. To this end, we derive an approximate closed-form expression for the number of radial cracks which will propagate in an elastic membrane subjected to time-invariant axisymmetric tranverse loads. The model elucidates some of the basic physics governing the radial cracking process and proves useful as a tool for predicting the number of radial cracks in three-dimensional problems involving contact loads.by Andrew Nathan Seagraves.Ph.D

    Evolutionary genomics : statistical and computational methods

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    This open access book addresses the challenge of analyzing and understanding the evolutionary dynamics of complex biological systems at the genomic level, and elaborates on some promising strategies that would bring us closer to uncovering of the vital relationships between genotype and phenotype. After a few educational primers, the book continues with sections on sequence homology and alignment, phylogenetic methods to study genome evolution, methodologies for evaluating selective pressures on genomic sequences as well as genomic evolution in light of protein domain architecture and transposable elements, population genomics and other omics, and discussions of current bottlenecks in handling and analyzing genomic data. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include the kind of detail and expert implementation advice that lead to the best results. Authoritative and comprehensive, Evolutionary Genomics: Statistical and Computational Methods, Second Edition aims to serve both novices in biology with strong statistics and computational skills, and molecular biologists with a good grasp of standard mathematical concepts, in moving this important field of study forward

    Evolutionary Genomics

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    This open access book addresses the challenge of analyzing and understanding the evolutionary dynamics of complex biological systems at the genomic level, and elaborates on some promising strategies that would bring us closer to uncovering of the vital relationships between genotype and phenotype. After a few educational primers, the book continues with sections on sequence homology and alignment, phylogenetic methods to study genome evolution, methodologies for evaluating selective pressures on genomic sequences as well as genomic evolution in light of protein domain architecture and transposable elements, population genomics and other omics, and discussions of current bottlenecks in handling and analyzing genomic data. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include the kind of detail and expert implementation advice that lead to the best results. Authoritative and comprehensive, Evolutionary Genomics: Statistical and Computational Methods, Second Edition aims to serve both novices in biology with strong statistics and computational skills, and molecular biologists with a good grasp of standard mathematical concepts, in moving this important field of study forward