10 research outputs found

    Design revolutions: IASDR 2019 Conference Proceedings. Volume 4: Learning, Technology, Thinking

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    In September 2019 Manchester School of Art at Manchester Metropolitan University was honoured to host the bi-annual conference of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) under the unifying theme of DESIGN REVOLUTIONS. This was the first time the conference had been held in the UK. Through key research themes across nine conference tracks – Change, Learning, Living, Making, People, Technology, Thinking, Value and Voices – the conference opened up compelling, meaningful and radical dialogue of the role of design in addressing societal and organisational challenges. This Volume 4 includes papers from Learning, Technology and Thinking tracks of the conference


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    UNDERSTANDING INFORMATION USE IN ONLINE CONSUMER HEALTH SUPPORT GROUPS: A LOOK INTO INTERACTIVE HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS The exponential growth of the Internet in the past two decades has been accompanied by an increased interest by Internet users in communicating among each other electronically about all sorts of topics, including health-related issues. This increased interest in peer-to-peer communication for health topics raised lots of questions about the potential harmful effects of these communications on those participants who might take some health-related action without consulting with a doctor first. This potential problem has motivated the researcher to investigate how people with certain health conditions use health information that they obtain from online support groups. Even though the understanding of how information is sought, retrieved, and ultimately used is a very important topic within information behavior research, information use is an area that has seen less study. For this reason, the researcher decided to investigate information use within online consumer health support groups using a content analytical approach. The study had two specific objectives: (a) to describe what some of the cognitive, affective, and behavioral actions that consumers indicate they had taken based on information shared within some of the online support groups to which they belong; and (b) to determine if the uses given to information follow any pattern among different chronic conditions being studied with relation to the type of questions asked, the type of reply messages, and the health-related content of the messages. Methodologically, the study used computer-mediated discourse analysis to guide collection of trace data that came from archives of selected online discussion boards related to the three chronic conditions chosen for the study. For data to be part of the study, the presence of interactions with indications of usefulness was necessary. Then, through content analysis, the data was coded using several classification schemas found in the literature, some of them in their original form, others adapted to fit this research purpose. These schemas looked into the types of questions asked, the functions of the reply messages, the type of medical content of the posted messages, and the type of use given to the information. Once all the data was processed, the researcher looked for patterns among the different variables and across the different gender-based chronic conditions. Results of the analysis show that the message characteristics of content type, function of reply messages, and question types, have a significant relationship with the types of conditions. Message characteristics also show a significant relationship with the cognitive, affective, and behavioral information uses. Discussions of the results as well as some alternatives for future research are presented. Enter Abstract here late

    Integrated adaptive skills program model (IASP)

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    Integrated Adaptive Skills Program Model (IASP) is designed to offer supportive services to disabled students seeking to integrate into a local after-school program. IASP Model focuses on teaching adaptive skills to disabled students that would prepare them to be fully included into an after-school program with their same age peers. The program offers support, training, and consultation to the students and staff involved in the program. A variety of research-methods and assessment screening tools are used to determine eligibility and program implementation. The IASP Model was piloted during the 2011-2012 school year, in California, United States, but due to limited local and state funds the program could not continue. Students with disabilities deserve to be involved in the community and should not be excluded based on funds. Teaching and educating others on how to integrate students with disabilities into programs will minimize and/or eliminate exclusion of participating in recreation programs within residing communities.https://scholar.dominican.edu/books/1179/thumbnail.jp

    Rethinking the risk matrix

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    So far risk has been mostly defined as the expected value of a loss, mathematically PL (being P the probability of an adverse event and L the loss incurred as a consequence of the adverse event). The so called risk matrix follows from such definition. This definition of risk is justified in a long term “managerial” perspective, in which it is conceivable to distribute the effects of an adverse event on a large number of subjects or a large number of recurrences. In other words, this definition is mostly justified on frequentist terms. Moreover, according to this definition, in two extreme situations (high-probability/low-consequence and low-probability/high-consequence), the estimated risk is low. This logic is against the principles of sustainability and continuous improvement, which should impose instead both a continuous search for lower probabilities of adverse events (higher and higher reliability) and a continuous search for lower impact of adverse events (in accordance with the fail-safe principle). In this work a different definition of risk is proposed, which stems from the idea of safeguard: (1Risk)=(1P)(1L). According to this definition, the risk levels can be considered low only when both the probability of the adverse event and the loss are small. Such perspective, in which the calculation of safeguard is privileged to the calculation of risk, would possibly avoid exposing the Society to catastrophic consequences, sometimes due to wrong or oversimplified use of probabilistic models. Therefore, it can be seen as the citizen’s perspective to the definition of risk

    Proceedings of Braga 2014 Embracing Inclusive Approaches for Children and Youth with Special Education Needs Conference

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    This e-book, which is published under the title Braga 2014: Embracing Inclusive Approaches for Children and Youth with Special Education Needs contains a set of papers submitted by the authors in an international conference during July 2014 with the same name. Practitioners, researchers, policy makers, and NGOs from around the world joined their international colleagues to engage in lively and informed discussions about the current state of the art in meeting the needs of children and youth with special educational needs. Topic areas included research, practice, policy, advocacy, and the arts in special education. The conference was co–hosted by The Division of International Special Education and Services (DISES) and the University of Minho in cooperation with the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). As more and more countries around the world strive towards the goals of the Education for All initiative, education systems are turning to increasingly inclusive approaches in order to meet the needs of children and youth who have traditionally been excluded from mainstream education. Research and practice have shown abundant benefits, both academic and social, to all children and youth involved in inclusive education programs. However, simply placing children with special educational needs in mainstream classrooms without appropriate planning, commitment, and support does not guarantee positive outcomes. In this exciting and prestigious international event, participants will share and learn about evidenced–based practices with an emphasis on access, quality, and equity; creative, comprehensive inclusive education approaches; innovations in creating inclusive schools; and integrating research into practice to create stronger links with stakeholders. A special strand focusing on the Arts in Special Education provides a rich forum for special education professionals to build upon innovative practices that encourage creative thinking, draw upon diverse abilities expressed through the arts and develops the individual in ways that traditional academic instruction fails to do so. Finally, the organizers want to emphasize the commitment and systematic work of Paula Frapiccini Ferreira in preparing this e-book.This edition is funded by National Funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology for the Research Center on Education- PEst-OE/CED/UI1661/2014, CIE

    Technisch unterstützte Reduktion des Stotterns (TURS): Die sofortige und langfristige Wirkung von modifiziertem auditivem Feedback (MAF) auf das chronische Stottern

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    Abstract: Immediate effect study Purpose: The immediate effects of altered auditory feedback (AAF) and a placebo condition on clinical attributes of stuttering during scripted as well as spontaneous speech are investigated herein. The primary purpose is the extension of the evidence-base of the impact of AAF on the clinical characteristics of stuttering. Method: Two commercially available AAF devices were used to create the delayed auditory feedback (DAF) and frequency altered feedback (FAF) effects. The participants consisted of thirty German-speaking people who stutter (PWS), aged 18 to 68 (M = 36.5; SD = 15.2). Each subject produced four sets of oral readings, three sets of monologs and three sets of dialogs. The participants were exposed to different experimental conditions (No device, Placebo, active AAF using Device A, and active AAF using Device B) while producing the speech samples. The recordings were then electronically analyzed to detect changes in select features of stuttering; frequency, duration, speech rate, articulation rate and core behaviors. The occurrence of these variables was examined across all speech samples collected within the four experimental conditions. Results: A statistically significant difference in the frequency of stuttered syllables (%SS) was found while using both devices (p = .000). Although individual reactions varied widely, the most notable reductions in %SS occurred within the reading (M = 2.33, SD = 3.75) and monolog (M = 2.26, SD = 3.32) samples. Thus, active AAF settings had the least impact on speech fluency during conversational speech (M = 1.49, SD = 2.71). During the placebo condition (no active AAF parameters), the subject group also experienced a statistically significant decline in %SS (p = .028). Conclusion: This result indicates that the effects of AAF alone may not be the sole reason for fluency enhancements experienced when using a portable speech aid. Abstract: longitudinal trail Purpose: The effects of a portable altered auditory feedback (AAF) device on the severity of stuttering over a three-month period were investigated. The main goal was to examine the usage behavior and fluency-enhancements displayed during extended device utilization. Method: Qualitative data on implementation environments, utilization patterns and user satisfaction were collected weekly from a group of seven adults (M = 45.3; SD = 11.4) who stutter. For the analysis of quantitative changes in stuttering severity, speech samples were collected in person at the beginning and end of the trial period. Two phone conversations throughout the study provided additional conversational samples. Results: Individual responses were quite diverse within both quantitative and qualitative measures. Group analysis revealed that conversational speech was overall significantly more fluent when a device was used. The percentage of stuttered syllables was significantly lower z = -2.201, p = .028, r = -0.18 upon first using AAF (with device: Mdn = 1.53; without device: Mdn = 3.53) and during the personal conversation at the end of three months (with device: Mdn = 1.89; without device: Mdn = 3.97). However, during the two mid-trial phone conversations during which a device was used (T2 & T3), stuttering frequency remained largely unaltered T2: z = -.943, p = .345 (Mdn = 3.87); T3: z = -1.57, p = .116 (Mdn = 3.00). The analysis of weekly questionnaires and user diaries revealed that the device was most commonly used in familiar environments (63% at home). On average, the speech aid was utilized four to five times a week, with an overall satisfaction rate of 42%. Conclusion: Some meaningful conclusions for clinical work with clients wishing to use AAF can be drawn from these results. While AAF has its limits in reducing stuttering, ability to use a device may be optimized if usage is acquired in a guided clinical process.Hintergrund/Background: Das modifizierte auditive Feedback (MAF) in Form von tragbaren technischen Sprechhilfen ermöglicht es Stotternden seit zirka einem Jahrzehnt diese Technologie mobil in alltagsnahen Situationen einzusetzen. Auch, wenn eine Verbesserung der Sprechflüssigkeit durch die Anwendung von MAF in verschiedenen Studien belegt wurde, so ist es nach wie vor schwierig vorherzusagen, ob und inwieweit ein Betroffener in alltäglichen Sprechsituationen von einem solchen Gerät profitieren wird. Fragestellung/Ziele/Aims Die beiden in diesem Artikel vorgestellten Studien setzten sich daher zum Ziel, die spezifische Wirkung zwei verschiedener MAF Geräte genauer einzugrenzen. Zum einen werden die sofortigen Effekte dieser technischen Sprechhilfen auf klinische Indikatoren des Stotterschweregrades (z.B. Kernsymptome, Prozentsatz gestotterter Silben, Sprechgeschwindigkeit etc.) erforscht. Zum anderen hat sich diese Forschungsarbeit zum Ziel gesetzt die Langzeiteffekte einer Gerätenutzung im Alltag zu erfassen. Methodik/Methods Im Rahmen der Querschnittstudie wurde der Effekt verschiedener MAF Kombinationsgeräte auf den Redefluss von 30 Erwachsenen im Alter zwischen 18-68 Jahren (M = 36.5; SD = 15.2), die an chronischem Stottern leiden, erfasst. Von jedem Probanden wurden 10 Sprechbeispiele gesammelt (4x vorstrukturierte Sprache, 6x Spontansprache). Während der Datenerhebung wurden jeweils 3 Sprechsituationen ohne Einfluss eines MAF Gerätes aufgenommen. Ein Sprechbeispiel wurde unter Einfluss einer Placebokondition erhoben und 6 Sprechproben unter Einwirkung verschiedener Kombinationsgeräte. In der darauf folgenden Längsschnittstudie erhielten sechs der 30 Probanden die Möglichkeit eine technische Sprechhilfe für einen Zeitraum von drei Monaten im Alltag einzusetzen. Die Wirkung dieser kontinuierlichen Gerätenutzung bezüglich quantitativer und qualitativer Störungsgrößen wurde im Anschluss evaluiert. Ergebnisse/Results In der Datenauswertung zeigte sich eine statistisch signifikante Minderung des Prozentsatzes gestotterter Silben unter Verwendung beider Geräte (p = .000) in allen erhobenen Sprechbeispielen. Auch während der Placeboeinstellung zeigten die Probanden mit deutlicher Symptomatik (SSI-4, Riley 2009, Schweregrade mittelschwer-sehr schwer) eine statistisch signifikante Ausweitung des flüssigen Sprechanteils (p = .024). Die kontinuierliche Nutzung einer Sprechhilfe im Rahmen der 3-monatigen Längsschnittstudie zeigte ebenfalls, sowohl zu Beginn als auch zum Ende der Studienzeit, eine statistisch signifikante Reduktion der Stottersymptomatik. Der subjektive Eindruck der Studienteilnehmer bezüglich der Gerätenutzung war äußerst heterogen. Schlussfolgerungen/Diskussion Die Gruppeneffekte zeigen, dass eine technische Sprechhilfe sowohl unmittelbare als auch langfristige Verbesserungen des Redeflusses bewirken kann. Jedoch nahmen die Probanden die Nutzung der Geräte sehr unterschiedlich wahr. Ob der Einzelne von einem derartigen Gerät profitiert, muss individuell entschieden werden. Eine ausführliche Probenutzung in verschiedenen kommunikativen Umfeldern und Kontexten scheint eine sinnvolle Grundlage vor dem Erwerb eines Gerätes darzustellen

    Examples of works to practice staccato technique in clarinet instrument

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    Klarnetin staccato tekniğini güçlendirme aşamaları eser çalışmalarıyla uygulanmıştır. Staccato geçişlerini hızlandıracak ritim ve nüans çalışmalarına yer verilmiştir. Çalışmanın en önemli amacı sadece staccato çalışması değil parmak-dilin eş zamanlı uyumunun hassasiyeti üzerinde de durulmasıdır. Staccato çalışmalarını daha verimli hale getirmek için eser çalışmasının içinde etüt çalışmasına da yer verilmiştir. Çalışmaların üzerinde titizlikle durulması staccato çalışmasının ilham verici etkisi ile müzikal kimliğe yeni bir boyut kazandırmıştır. Sekiz özgün eser çalışmasının her aşaması anlatılmıştır. Her aşamanın bir sonraki performans ve tekniği güçlendirmesi esas alınmıştır. Bu çalışmada staccato tekniğinin hangi alanlarda kullanıldığı, nasıl sonuçlar elde edildiği bilgisine yer verilmiştir. Notaların parmak ve dil uyumu ile nasıl şekilleneceği ve nasıl bir çalışma disiplini içinde gerçekleşeceği planlanmıştır. Kamış-nota-diyafram-parmak-dil-nüans ve disiplin kavramlarının staccato tekniğinde ayrılmaz bir bütün olduğu saptanmıştır. Araştırmada literatür taraması yapılarak staccato ile ilgili çalışmalar taranmıştır. Tarama sonucunda klarnet tekniğin de kullanılan staccato eser çalışmasının az olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Metot taramasında da etüt çalışmasının daha çok olduğu saptanmıştır. Böylelikle klarnetin staccato tekniğini hızlandırma ve güçlendirme çalışmaları sunulmuştur. Staccato etüt çalışmaları yapılırken, araya eser çalışmasının girmesi beyni rahatlattığı ve istekliliği daha arttırdığı gözlemlenmiştir. Staccato çalışmasını yaparken doğru bir kamış seçimi üzerinde de durulmuştur. Staccato tekniğini doğru çalışmak için doğru bir kamışın dil hızını arttırdığı saptanmıştır. Doğru bir kamış seçimi kamıştan rahat ses çıkmasına bağlıdır. Kamış, dil atma gücünü vermiyorsa daha doğru bir kamış seçiminin yapılması gerekliliği vurgulanmıştır. Staccato çalışmalarında baştan sona bir eseri yorumlamak zor olabilir. Bu açıdan çalışma, verilen müzikal nüanslara uymanın, dil atış performansını rahatlattığını ortaya koymuştur. Gelecek nesillere edinilen bilgi ve birikimlerin aktarılması ve geliştirici olması teşvik edilmiştir. Çıkacak eserlerin nasıl çözüleceği, staccato tekniğinin nasıl üstesinden gelinebileceği anlatılmıştır. Staccato tekniğinin daha kısa sürede çözüme kavuşturulması amaç edinilmiştir. Parmakların yerlerini öğrettiğimiz kadar belleğimize de çalışmaların kaydedilmesi önemlidir. Gösterilen azmin ve sabrın sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan yapıt başarıyı daha da yukarı seviyelere çıkaracaktır