3 research outputs found

    Development of a model for the migration of legacy architectures

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    Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Erstellung eines holistischen Modells für Migrationen von Alt(last)systemen in der IT. Dafür ist es notwendig zuerst festzustellen was sogenannte Legacy Systeme überhaupt ausmacht und welche Probleme diese mit sich bringen. Danach werden bestehende Migrationsarten und -vorgehensweisen erörtert und aufgezeigt welche Architekturen und Trends momentan auf dem Markt vorhanden sind. Um die im letzten Abschnitt der Arbeit vorgeschlagene Migrationsstrategie zu unterstützen werden Methoden zur Risikokontrolle, zur Einbeziehung von Stakeholdern und zur wirtschaftlichen Begründbarkeit eingeführt. Schließlich werden der Referenzprozess ReMiP und TOGAF als Framework für Enterprise Architecture vorgestellt und eine Kombination der beiden vorgeschlagen und in einem Referenzmodell beschrieben. Die erwarteten Vorteile durch die in dieser Arbeit diskutierte kombinierte Anwendung werden von einem externen Experten aus dem Arbeitsfeld von IT Migrationen nach ihrer Anwendbarkeit beurteilt.This paper is proposing a holistic process model for the migration of legacy infrastructures. To achieve this objective it is therefore necessary to investigate and define what legacy architectures and their related problems are. After that the established migration approaches to address the legacy challenge and an overview of current and ongoing architectures and trends form a broad enough headstone to then go on discussing which methodologies and means are available to facilitate a smooth migration. These are spanning from the human factor via risk control to economic matters related to system transformation projects. Finally the migration reference process ReMiP and the enterprise architecture framework TOGAF are introduced and combined to consolidate the presented approaches. The closing chapters compare the expected benefits with the requirements of a practitioner, propose a reference migration model and finally summarise the proposed approach

    Towards Managing the Migration to Post-Quantum-Cryptography

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    As soon as cryptographically relevant quantum computers exist, they can break today's prevalent asymmetric cryptographic algorithms. Organizations (and the IT society) have to plan on migrating to quantum-resilient cryptographic measures, also known as post-quantum cryptography (PQC). However, this is a difficult task, and to the best of our knowledge, there is no generalized approach to manage such a complex migration for cryptography used in IT systems. PMMP helps organizations manage the migration to PQC and establish crypto-agility. Having finished the initial theoretical design phase, we are now looking to promote PMMP to encourage practitioners to join the effort and work with us to develop it further.Comment: 20 page

    The Iowa Official Register, 1909-1910

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    The Iowa Official Register, commonly known as the "Redbook," serves as a biographical and historical record of Iowa's leaders, government and people